Wednesday, 26 December 2012

What would Jesus say to men and women if he was here on earth today?

Notes from a sermon heard on 25 November 2012

Luke 9 verses 18 – 27

If Jesus was here on earth today what would he have to say to men and to women?”

If Jesus was standing here in our midst I wonder what he might have to say to you and I.  Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today and will be for ever.”  As you ponder through the pages of the word of God the most important thing at its heart was that of direction.  In the Old Testament scriptures when God inspired Moses to stand before the nation of Israel as he was near the end of his days.  He addressed that crowd of people with the words “I have set before you the way of life and death, a way of blessing and of cursing.”  Jesus told his disciples “follow me” as they tended their nets in the boat.  Matthew sitting at the tax collectors desk one day met Jesus who told him “follow me”.  Direction was important for Jesus Christ.  We are only going to pass through this life once.  There are only 2 places to face in eternity – need to be careful in which destiny our soul is heading.  “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9 verse 23.  What direction are you going in tonight?  Have you trusted Christ as Saviour?

A serious consideration.  Jesus is asking something specific – “if any man will follow me.”  He is asking for people to follow him.  We find the characteristics of the person who will follow him “let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”  Which way are you travelling?  There is no point in ignoring it.  The reality is we are not all following Jesus.  The devil will make us think we are alright, on our way to heaven and home.  Have you ever given it any consideration?  The moment you were conceived you were a sinner.  Every one of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Heaven’s door is closed upon our faces.  The prophet Isaiah said sin was like a wall separating us from God.  The first prayer the Lord hears is the sinners prayer.  Confession before God of heaven, acknowledge sin against God.  Remember the Pharisee who went up to God’s house.  He thought he was best in the world and looked down at the publican beside him.  He thanked God that he wasn’t like this publican.  The publican couldn’t even lift his head to heaven, he smote his breast and asked the Lord to be merciful to him a sinner.  Have you acknowledged your sin?  This is the thing we need to give close consideration to.  Consider the state you are in and where we are going too.  Isn’t it wonderful to consider the one called Jesus?  If you are looking for another way into heaven there is none.  John the Baptist came upon the scene, preaching the word of god as great multitudes gathered in Jerusalem.  They were there for the feast of the Passover.  John the Baptist thought it was a great time to catch the people’s imagination.  The people’s minds were on the lamb slain and blood spread on the door posts of the house of the children of Israel living in Egypt.  When God saw the blood he would pass over that house.  The people were now coming centuries later to remember that lamb slain on that night.  As Jesus stepped out from the crowd John said “behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.”  Only one that can take you into heaven and home, break the power of sin in your heart and take you into the splendours of heaven and glory.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Have you ever come to him?  Considered him, realised you have come short of the glory of God?  Has there ever been a time when you have invited Christ into your heart and life?  Jesus told the story of the man who went out into the field.  There was something different about this field.  It could make him richer than anything he could imagine.  He took a look at himself and he sold all he had so he could come and secure this field.  You can secure Jesus Christ in this meeting, give up everything that is holding you back and come to the Lord Jesus Christ.  The man realised he could never have that field while he held on to his possessions.  You have to give up your sin to come to Christ too.

A call for strong conviction.  Notice when this challenge come – verse 18.  He asked them saying “whom say the people that I am.”  Who did the people say that I am?  Took a strong conviction because after this the Lord says “him that will follow me let him take up his cross daily and follow me.”  The answer to that question could well determine your eternal destiny.  Out in the world the answer is coming back as Peter gave the answer.  Peter said the people tell us what they think.  He is John the Baptist, some say Elias.  All the names went further then the Lord brought Peter to a definite point in his life – “but who do you say that I am?”  That world is no friend of Jesus Christ.  You would get the same answer today.  He is the perfect being, a created being.  When he died on the cross dieing just as a mere man but what about you tonight?  Who was dieing on the cross of Calvary for you?  If you have it as anyone else than God’s own son you are on your way to a lost eternity.  The man or woman who wants to follow Christ has to get it clearly in his mind.  It takes a firm conviction to get saved.  Not just a question of putting your hand up but it takes a great conviction to come to the Lord Jesus and be saved.

A call for a sincere commitment.  If you want to get saved it will take a commitment to Christ.  The cross has lost some of its significance in this first century days.  It was a symbol of disgrace, shame, disorder, abuse.  Tonight as you take up your cross you are taking up the cross of shame.  Remember the young man who lives out amongst the tombs.  He was possessed of a legion of devils.  No one would go near him.  He was vicious, violent.  There were those who were concerned about him.  The devil would stir him up so that he would snap those fetters.  Nothing would hold him.  One day Jesus came past those tombs.  He gave him a peace he never had.  He broke the power of the devil in his life.  He could now go down into his own home.  Something he couldn’t do for many years.  Jesus clothed him and gave him respectability and a peace in his mind and heart.  When Jesus turned to go away the man said “I will follow you.”  Jesus said “no go back into your village and tell them what Christ has done for you.  He had a sincere commitment to follow him.  Do you have that same desire to follow Christ, obey his word?  Is every direction of him tonight?  He bore our sins on his body on the tree.  He waits for you to bow your heart and you don’t have to make a public show.  You can simply say “I am a sinner and I want to be saved, take away my sin.”

A sure companion.  “let him follow me”  He will go before your every step.  When life is finished and you close your eyes for the final time then God will take you to heaven.  If you are depending on a church, a minister, a respectability it will take you to this side of the grave.  When you come to face the last enemy, death itself, the Bible classes as death then your religion, church minister will not help you.  You will have a sure companion through life and through death and into the presence of God himself for all eternity.  What direction are you going tonight?  Are you saved tonight, sure of it, on way to heaven and home?

25/11/12 pm LIMC

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