Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 25 November 2012
Isaiah 52 verses 1 – 12
The prophet Isaiah
makes a wonderful claim in verse 7 “How beautiful upon the mountains are the
feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth
good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God
Ephesians 6 verse
15 “and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Paul talks about feet that are made for
standing and conflict that you and I might be able to stand against the wiles
of the devil. The devil is real, active,
up and about at every opportunity. None
is able to stand against him in our own right.
In verse 15 Paul is looking at the feet of the Roman soldier and sees
the boots he is wearing. The boots were
laced right up to his knees and had spikes on the sole to keep their grip on
the ground. One of their tactics was to
put spikes into the ground. They were
made of bamboo shoots filled with poison.
As the enemy trampled on them they were very effective in taking out so
many. Maybe the devil could target you,
weaken you and weaken the rest of the army.
You and I have to take a firm stand in the gospel truth.
A stand in the sovereignty of the gospel. The devil will attack you and I on this very
ground. Maybe attack us through a relative,
a friend, a brother or sister in Christ.
None of the apostles went to Rome.
Paul could see a danger when he heard of a church starting there. Phoebe went to Rome and took the gospel with
her. Aquilla and Priscilla helped her
and they started a church there. In
their infancy Paul writes to the church.
He says “Paul a servant of Christ, called to be an apostle.” Paul was separated by God to be an apostle,
separated unto the gospel of God. Why
did he put that message in there? It is
the only reason we have the gospel. The
gospel means good news that have come to the world, to my heart and yours. The apostle Paul looking at the church didn’t
want them to miss out on this. We have
to be careful. We don’t miss out in this
one thing – saving grace we have been in is of God. God loved this world. He wasn’t willing that any should
perish. For those of us go out into
eternity we will perish for all eternity. This is the gospel of God. This little church didn’t have the
bible. They had nothing to keep them
going on. Paul wrote to them and it was
important that they understood that the message they believed was from
God. I emphasise this - below we live in
a society where a lot of men’s salvation is based on the church they
attend. Salvation is not a set of rules
and regulations. It is from the heart of
God for sinful man. The Jews and the
Pharisees condemned Paul for this new message.
They accused Paul from stepping over the mark, of taking men and women
from the law, setting aside the laws of Moses bringing in a new doctrine about
Jesus. Paul told them that is not the
case. Not only was he separated unto the
gospel of God which was a fulfilment of all that was taught in the Old
Testament. “He has promised afore by his
prophets in the holy scriptures”. Paul
wanted them to know one thing – that this message was of God. Psalm 73 verse 2 “But as for me, my feet were
almost gone, my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was envious of the foolish,
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”
The Psalmist’s eyes were on those living a life that was wrong. They may have been going through motions but their
eyes were not on God. Paul says in
Galatians 1 verse 11 “But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was
preached of me is not after man.”
Something has to happen in your life.
Got to make way to Calvary, look on Christ and accept him as Lord and
Saviour. That is the only way to enter
into heavens glory. Galatians 1 verse 12
“For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the
revelation of Jesus Christ.” Salvation
is of God.
The subject of the gospel. Romans 1 verse 3 “Concerning his Son Jesus
Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh.” The gospel we have is concerning Jesus Christ
“which he had promised afore by his prophets in holy scriptures.” It was God’s divine plan to redeem a lost
world. It was through Jesus Christ. For many today it is a gospel of good works
instead of the main subject of Jesus Christ himself. The subject of the gospel of saving grace is
God. The apostle Paul looked away to
Christ in glory. He lifted his eyes off
the troubles he was in and said he loved me.
The apostle Paul couldn’t get over that fact. He loved me and he gave himself for me. As he looked on me as a poor lost sinner he realised
there was no hope for us. Not only does
he love us but gave himself for us. You can’t
buy your way into heaven today. The only
way we can get to heaven is that we know Jesus Christ living in our hearts. Not historically. Do you know the Lord living in your heart and
life today? Jesus Christ is come into
the world to seek and to save that which is lost. When we take the word of God in and begin to
read the book of Leviticus we can see it as a boring piece of literature ever
read but don’t forget the subject of your salvation. Leviticus takes us through all the
offerings. When you read about the sin
offering it is the offering of the Old Testament lamb taken and sacrificed for
you and I. The peace offering is speaking
of the same lamb who made peace for Israel.
Jesus died for us to make peace with God for you and I. The burnt offering went up day after day and speaks
of praise and worship. God was satisfied
with Jesus’ death.
The simplicity of the gospel. This is where we must stand firm. Paul wrote to the church of Corinth. He was worried they might give way to false
teachers who were eloquent in their tongues and could persuade people. Paul stopped the Corinthian church people
following after them. Paul took them
back to where he was called to preach the gospel “for Christ sent me not to
baptise but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of
Christ should be made of none effect.”
Paul was afraid these men would take them away from the simplicity of
the gospel message. “And I brethren when
I came to, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you
the testimony of God.” Paul had one
thing in mind - to make the gospel simple and plain.
The sufficiency of the gospel. This gospel brings salvation to everyone that
believes. We need to be standing firm in
the gospel message. The sufficiency of
it will save your soul and make you right for heaven and home.
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