My notes from a sermon on 1 May 2011
Mark 16 verses 1 – 11
Reference to the women folk who came on that first Lord’s day morning to anoint the body of Christ
When Christ on Calvary said “it is finished” he had finished the work of God’s salvation for each and every one of us. We now see a cross that bears no body. He is no longer on the cross. We can gaze across the Garden and see into the tomb but we find it empty. The stone has been rolled back and there is no body in there. We therefore look into the splendours of heaven because now Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. He ever liveth now to make intercession for us. One day the Lord will leave his Father’s side and will come to the air with a shout. He will call every child home who has trusted in him as their Saviour and Lord.
The women carried out a mission in secret. We find here the work of God carried on by these faithful women. They had sat around the cross when he was there, then they had gone home and started to make up the ointments to anoint Jesus’ body. Luke 23 verse 51. They had sat at the cross, watched that awful scene and listened as the Pharisees looked on Jesus with hatred and bitterness. They watched Jesus give up the ghost and they then returned to their homes and began to manufacture things to anoint the body of Christ. Imagine that home for a moment as they prepared those ointments, what smell there would have been in that home. It was evidence that Jesus was adored in this home. What a testimony to bear in any of our homes today who profess Christ – do they see the evidence of Christ in us? Would others see and realise it? These were forward thinking women. When they came to the tomb there was one thing on their minds – who will roll away the stone? That stone that was to keep others out or people from breaking in to steal the body. I am sure they had wondered as they watched Jesus on the cross who would take the body down. They knew they hadn’t the strength to do it. God has all sorts out there for his purpose. They noticed 2 men approaching the cross – Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus. They were Jesus’ secret disciples. They kept it very quiet. God had 2 of his people right there when he needed them. Maybe there is something in your mind today, maybe God is asking you to do something today and you are saying “I can never do that but I can do something else but that is not very much.” Maybe there is something in your life that you are fearful of but God has it all worked out. What an encouragement it must have been to these women folk. Maybe you have been in the shadows long enough. Maybe God is asking you to step out and take full responsibility. Maybe you have never been saved, given your heart and life to Christ and God is asking you to take that step today. Maybe as a child of God there is a ministry that God wants you to do for him. Maybe God is saying there is a task I want you to do. He only asks you to do what you can do. Remember the woman with the alabaster box – Mark 14 verse 3. She came into Jesus’ presence and broke open that box. It contained precious ointment and she poured it over Jesus’ body. His disciples spoke up and asked why this was done, it was a waste but Jesus said “she hath done what she could.” (Mark 14 verse 8) Jesus knew this was all she was able to do. The Shunamite woman in the Old Testament watched as the prophet of God passed by her house continually (2 Kings 4 verse 8). She took compassion on him. She had the ability to prepare a little room for him and offered him hospitality. All she did was encourage him and offer him a place to stay when he was tired from the journey. Maybe God is asking you to be the encouragement in his hand today. Remember Moses when he came to the Red Sea. He had a great multitude with him and the Egyptians behind him. He asked God what he should do and God told him to “stand still and see the salvation of God.” (Exodus 14 verse 13)
Motives that were seen clear. These women were coming early, normally it would have been the middle of the day. They were waiting for the dawn to break and they wanted to get to the sepulchre. They wanted to get to where the Lord was. They were coming to worship the Lord. Coming to pay homage. When they came to the tomb what did the angels say? “Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth.” They were here to pay homage to him, no other motive in mind. They were not there to be seen or heard only because they had a love for Christ. They were seeking sincerely for the Lord Jesus. Sometimes you get into a routine of doing things. That is a dangerous thing. We can come to the Lord’s house on a Sunday morning and Sunday evening just for the sake of it. As we come into God’s house our motive should not be to just hear a great preacher or sing great hymns but rather seeking the Lord, the one who came and gave his life for you and me. That we might come to pay homage to him above anyone else. They came to seek him. Can that be said of you and I – that we have come simply to seek God? In Acts 9 verse 36 we read of a woman called Dorcas. It says she was “a disciple” and then it says she was “full of good works and deeds”. Sometimes we put it the other way around – it is not saying she was full of good works and therefore was a disciple. No it says she was a disciple and full of good works. The Bible then says she was sick and died. Peter was sent to pray for her. Peter saw first the widows of that area, the poor and needy. They were weeping and crying and in their hands were the garments Dorcas had made for them. The fruits of her labours. Proverbs 31 verse 10 describes a virtuous woman and Dorcas was the very fulfilment of that. These women were coming to serve the master. Are there those around us who could testify of this? Poor widows and yet Dorcas was able to meet their need. Are we seeing those around us weak, downcast, are we reaching out to them today? Dorcas was the fulfilment of Proverbs 31 verse 20 – “she stretched out her hand to the poor”, “she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Is that how we are today? As a child of God what have you brought today to serve your master? These woman at Jesus’ grave brought ointments and perfumes. They were willing to dispose of them on the body of Christ. What talents and gifts are we giving to Christ today?
A miracle shown. The woman saw the clothes and napkin Jesus’ body had been wrapped in. What marvellous grace is displayed to these women. The very fact that they were coming with ointments tells us that they did not believe Jesus would be resurrected. Jesus turned and revealed himself to them. Sometimes we think of our unbelief and doubt. God uses us in spite of our failures and what we have to give him.
A wonderful message to share. “Go quickly and tell the other disciples that I go into Galilee, I am no longer here I am risen.” What a wonderful message. There was only one who could deliver the message. Only one who gazed on the empty cross, had proved the empty tomb and witnessed the Lord speaking to them. If we are a child of God may our eyes be attentive to the fact that Jesus is no longer in the tomb and may our ears be attentive to hear his voice telling us to go out and tell others. Christ is coming back again one day. He wants you to come to him – will you open up your life and give it to him today?
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