Tuesday, 26 July 2011

On the way back home

My notes from a sermon on 10 April 2011

Genesis 33 VERSES 1 – 16

Jacob is on his way back home. For many years he could only think about this event, about meeting his brother. In the previous chapter we seen him making plans for this day. He got his wives and family across the brook then he spent that night wrestling with God until the breaking of day. Now we find him stepping out across the brook. The light is beginning to dawn on his life. It is a new day for him. He is going out in the leading of his God. It is not something to be taken lightly. Jacob faced a very difficult uncertain event in his life. Jacob knew one thing – God was leading and directing him, everything was in God’s hands. The night before he had received assurance. The Bible says “what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8 verse 36) What would that man gain if in the process of gaining so much lost his own soul? There is nothing we could give in exchange for our souls today. It is the most precious thing we possess. Is it in the hand of God today? Is it secure with him today? Was there a day when you realised you had come short of God’s glory, when you came to Calvary’s cross, accepted him as Saviour and Lord, placed your life in his hands? That is where Jacob was. Jacob faced many great situations every day in his life. Just because we are saved by God’s grace we shall have no problems. If your life is totally in God’s hands there will still be problems. If your life is totally in God’s hands there will still be problems and difficulties. Jacob faced one here. We meet things from the past some times. Sometimes we draw a veil and think it is all there in the past, not seen but it cannot be forgotten. Hezekiah, a king in the Bible was lying on his bed dying when he saw his enemy at his city gates, ready to take his city. We don’t know what we are facing but we can stand on God’s grace today. Jacob had to face something that happened 20 years previously. He did not leave home in good terms, he left a trail of hurt behind him. Now he would have to face up to it all over again. I am sure there was not a day that went past when he awoke from his sleep and didn’t think of the day he left home. Remember how he conned his brother? Esau came home one day from the fields. Jacob realised he would be hungry so he got a fire going, made a stew and offered some of it to Esau when he arrived. In return for the bowl of stew Esau had to give up his birthright. Jacob got him at a low ebb and Esau handed over his birthright. Later Jacob and Esau’s father when he lay dying wanted to bestow his blessing on Esau. He was blind but he wanted Esau to bring him some venison and he would give him the blessing. Jacob hears all that is going on and decides to tell his father a pack of lies just to get the blessing for himself. Jacob’s lies and deception caused a division in this family. Jacob was responsible for it. Genesis 27 verse 41. Now 20 years later Jacob had to face up to the hurts of that situation. Jacob couldn’t be blessed anywhere until he returned to Canaan and faced up to the past. Sometimes we have to do the same – face the problem that came before. Jacob knew this had to be sorted out. He must face it. Genesis 31 verse 3 God told Jacob to return to his home and he would be with him. No matter what faces us today we can face it with God’s help.

What Jacob feared – verse 1. Esau came with 400 men. Jacob has no army with him, only has his wives and children. Imagine the fear in Jacob’s mind at this moment in time. If we are ever to face up to what is in our past there will be a certain fear in our souls. There is a not knowing what to expect. There was only one ground he could face this situation on – a firm belief in God of heaven. That is the only ground we can face our fears with today. Verses 1 to 3. Jacob divides up his family. He was making sure of their safety because the fear did something to his heart. It put him in the place of mistrust. We need to be careful to stand firm in the Lord. To not take our eyes off the Lord. Think of Peter stepping out of the little boat. We often criticise him for taking his eyes off the Lord but which one of us would have stepped out of that boat? Which one of us will step out of the command of God today? He wants you to prove his grace, to stand on him alone. That little fear brought him mistrust. Jacob began to organise his families. He made sure they were behind the herds. Remember Moses – he was born at a time when Pharoah was putting to death all the male children. Here was a child born into that home. They hid him for 3 months out of the Pharoah henchmen until they could hide him no more. Hebrews 11 records that his parents were included in the accolade of faith. They were not afraid of the kings commands. They had realised their son was destined for something greater in the hands of God. They did not fear. General Patton in World War 2 was decorated for his bravery. He was described as someone who had displayed bravery never seen before, he demonstrated courage unlike anyone else. Years later in his own autobiography General Patton said “I never once heard the sound of gunfire that I did not tremble in my boots, I never faced an enemy where my heart did not sink, I never took counsel from my fears.” The fears where there but he didn’t listen to them. Fear holds many back from getting saved. The fear of not being able to keep it, that people will talk. Fear holds many back from stepping out for God’s service. There is no shame in being afraid but let’s not let it dictate to us.

Jacob faced a tremendous force before him but what did he forget? Perhaps he forgot about God’s leading the night he laid under the stars when God said “I will lead you, I will keep you, bring you back into this land.” He was only human because the next morning he boasted “surely God was in this place.” He had forgotten about that experience. Genesis 33 verse 3 “I will be with thee.” Forgetting about being told by God to get out of the land he was in and get back into his own land – Genesis 31. Laban his uncle who followed him 2 or 3 days experienced God coming to him and telling him “be careful what you say to my child Jacob.” Isn’t it wonderful that God would take such care of you and I, knowing everything about those who are coming against us. Nothing can happen to us except God gives permission. Jacob forgot about the night before when he wrestled with God. When he prevailed with God, became a mighty man of God. Sometimes if we are honest we do our own thing. Somehow the blessing of the past goes into insignificance when faced with another dilemma.

What Jacob found. Verse 3. Jacob bowed himself 7 times before Esau – he was coming in submission. As he did so Esau ran to meet him, he put his arms around him and kissed him. God had gone before Jacob and softened Esau’s heart. We often find God goes before us and smoothes the way. God takes our fears and tears, he uses us in his own way. Don’t wait for God to take the obstacle but step out and as you do so God will step before you and will smooth the way for you.

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