Notes from a sermon on 27 February 2011
Revelation 3 verses 7 – 13
Revelation 3 verses 7 – 13
Verse 8 “I know thy works, behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it.”
This verse is referring to a door of service but also we need to think of the door of salvation that God opens to this world. To everyone of us who are born in sin, taken on the fallen nature of man there is nothing we could do to redeem ourselves in the eyes of God but he sent his only son into this world that he might die on the cross of Calvary. In so doing he opened the door of heaven to us.
This verse is referring to a door of service but also we need to think of the door of salvation that God opens to this world. To everyone of us who are born in sin, taken on the fallen nature of man there is nothing we could do to redeem ourselves in the eyes of God but he sent his only son into this world that he might die on the cross of Calvary. In so doing he opened the door of heaven to us.
Opens the door of salvation for the heedless. As the Lord was writing to this church there is no thought of rebuke or criticism. This is a church that was working and going through with God but there was a door open to them if only they would step through it they would find greater service available to them. God encourages them to do that. God opens a door to the heedless. The way to destruction and damnation is a wide way. Jesus talks of 2 ways – a broad road that leads to destruction. There are many who find it and are going down that road. Is that the same road you are on? Every opportunity of salvation has been opened to you but you have neglected it. You were born on that broad road and there is only one way to get off it - by stopping at the cross of Calvary, leaving your sins there, taking from the Lord eternal life for your soul. How can you enter in that door? He himself has opened that door. There is a broad way that leads to destruction. Many are going and travelling on that road heedless to what God has done for them. God says there is another way that leads to heaven, eternal glory in the presence of God for all eternity. A narrow road which is straight, few there are that find it. Have you found that door? The Lord hasn't prevented you from entering in that door. Can only be found by a repenting of your sins, confessing your sins, bowing your head, heart and life to Christ. Only then can you find the door that leads to everlasting life. Jesus said “how often I would have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not.”(Matthew 23 verse 37) Heedless. You haven't even given God's salvation a second thought. There are many who are heedless to what sin in their life is doing. Agrippa was heedless. Paul standing before him preaching and explaining the word of God. Agrippa told him “go, leave me for this time if there is a more convenient season for me I will call for you.” (Acts 26) The gospel invitation he sets before us.
God sets an open door for the helpless. “For thou hast a little strength” Could do nothing more themselves. Peter said in Acts “neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4 verse 12) You can read the bible as much as you like, pray as much as you like, donate as much as you like but these will never save you. There has to be a time when you turn from your sins, trust Christ for your salvation. Have you got peace with God? Is there peace in your heart? Maybe the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sin? Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3 “marvel not that I say unto you you must be saved” We are helpless in our quest for peace with God. We have come short of the standard God has set. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Thank God Jesus brings us up to that mark for he was the just dying for the unjust. He died for those who had transgressed the law. Jesus died to bring us up to the mark. Isaiah 64 verse 6 “we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” God has given his very best, his son to save your soul. Remember the women who went to the tomb on that first day of the week. As they made their way to that garden tomb they were asking “who would take away the stone” because they realised this was a barrier between them and Jesus body. Something they couldn't move in their own right. As they made their way up they saw the stone had already been rolled away. You don't have to worry about opening the door of heaven yourself. God has done it all and all you have to do is accept him as Saviour. He wants you to come and trust him tonight as Saviour and Lord. No man can shut it but only God can open it to you.
A door for the hopeless. Jesus is opening the door for his church to reach out to others. Christ has given us a hope. When I was born I was born without hope. As the challenge comes to you “are you saved” is the first thought only a hope? Some day hope to be in heaven but have done nothing about it. Hope in sins forgiven, that everything has been taken away and one day will be in heaven with Christ. If you haven't hope of heaven, assurance that Christ has forgiven your sin make sure you come to Christ. Not one of us know when God will close his hand on the breath we have in our bodies. God has set before us an open door to be saved. Will you come to Christ or will you be lost for eternity? Or are you heedless to what God wants you to do.
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