Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I am the resurrection and the life

My notes from a sermon on 8 May 2011

John 11 verses 17 – 44

In this chapter of John’s gospel we find in verse 25 one of the great “I am” statements of the Lord Jesus Christ – “I am the resurrection and the life”. The scene here is of course the death of Lazarus, the very good friend of the Lord Jesus Christ. The site of course is his burial place. Those around are Mary and Martha. Verses 1 to 3 show that they had sent for Jesus. We read also that Jesus waited for 4 days before he set out on his journey – verse 17. Now Lazarus is dead and in his grave. His soul is enjoying the splendours of heaven. Let’s look at this statement in light of what it meant to Mary and Martha in that day and what it means to us today. They acknowledge Lazarus is dead yet Jesus says “I am the resurrection and the life.” There are 4 simple thoughts around this statement. These are fundamental words and the words on which our faith stands on. By these either our faith with crumble or stand.

A crowning future. John on the Isle of Patmos was told “I am he that liveth, that was dead and behold am alive for evermore.” (Revelation 1 verse 18) John was there because of his witness and testimony for Christ. He was taken out of society and placed on the Isle of Patmos and there given a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are those who tell us Jesus didn’t die on the cross. He only fainted, was taken down from the cross and laid in the tomb. His spirit revived and somehow he escaped from the tomb. Jesus however declared to John “I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore.” He is alive today. He has taken up the role of intercessor for you and I before His Father. You and I will live for evermore – that is what this Bible teaches. You and I will die physically speaking but we have a soul that will live for ever and ever. That soul will exist in one of 2 places. Heaven is prepared for those who know and love the Lord - one day Jesus will come back to take us to such a place. There are many theologians who do not believe in hell as a place of eternal punishment. They believe it is a place of separation from God but that is all it is. The Bible tells us it is however a place of eternal punishment. Jesus also spoke of having the keys of death. Keys speak of authority. Lazarus was a sick man. Mary and Martha were so concerned about Lazarus. They treated him, comforted him but it was getting to the stage where it was very serious. They sent for Jesus. They had no qualms about it. Jesus would heal him they thought. The Bible says he tarried for another 2 days. Jesus didn’t come. I wonder how many of us are in that situation? How many of us have prayed for something and nothing happened? That is how Mary and Martha felt. Why was he not coming? Because he had something more important for the home of Mary and Martha and in that district than simply coming and raising this man to life again. Jesus told them Lazarus would live again. Of course they believed he would live in the last days. Do you believe that you will live again? Jesus was the resurrection. He was the one who had the authority to bring a man back to life again. We believe Jesus came into this world, died on the cross for my sins, he rose again but miss out on the fact that we have to turn to him to forgive us our sins. In Acts chapter 2 Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost sais “you with your evil hands you took him judged him, rejected him, put him on the cross of Calvary, there he suffered and died” but he went on “this was in the divine will of God.” (verse 24) God raised Jesus up from the dead. The Lord Jesus took the key of death and he opened up the door. He raised again his only son. What a day that was. Paul said in the prison house there is a crown waiting for me. (2 Timothy 4 verse 8) Job suffered so much yet said “I know that my redeemer liveth”. (John 19 verse 25) Paul said “he has become the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15 verse 20) Peter in Acts 2 verse 27 said of David the Psalmist “thou shalt not leave my soul in hell”.

A consoling future. This is where Jesus steps in. He finds them broken hearted. Friends were gathered around them to comfort them. What a picture for those mourning or suffering, in distress. That we should gather around them to bring comfort and reconciliation in the midst of heaviness. The Lord comes at that moment in time. You may be in heaviness, pain and suffering now but Jesus will come. Jesus will bring ease in that situation. Martha runs out to meet the Lord and says “if thou hadst been here my brother would not have died.” In other words “where were you whenever we really needed you? All you had to do was speak and my brother would have lived.” How many of us have thought like that? Have stood in that situation and said “Lord why have you allowed this to happen to me?” and there is no answer. Martha was lost and was open about it. We have all been there but you know there is an important statement we need to look at – verse 4 “this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God that the son of God might be gloried thereby.” It was all for a certain thing and one thing only – to glorify God. They didn’t realise it at the time, they were so caught up in the situation they were in and couldn’t see any purpose in their brothers death. It was to glorify Jesus. If you are a child of God, whatever situation you find yourself in he has a greater plan for you. There is a consoling factor – God has everything under control. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God has it all under control, committing our soul unto the one who holds the keys of death and he never leaves us in that place. Jesus takes us through into the presence of His Father in heaven. Paul had to bring that consolation to the Thessalonian believers who thought they had missed out on the resurrection (chapter 4) “I would not have you ignorant brothers concerning them that sleep even so them that also that sleep in Jesus will he also bring them” In other words “don’t worry about them they are in God’s care.” One day there will be a great reunion above the clouds when we will meet our families again.

A challenge to her faith – verse 26. Jesus took the message of resurrection and explained it as best he could. He finishes with the words “Believest thou this?” Jesus took time to explain the sequence of events. He made it clear that it is appointed onto man once to die and after this the judgment. Through the cross and resurrection is our way into the glories of heaven.

A confirming feature – verse 27. Martha said “I believe”. Can you confirm you are saved by God’s grace? That there was a day when you trusted Christ as Saviour? Can you say “I believe.” Is that your testimony today? It is a fundamental truth of the gospel of Christ.

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