Sunday, 8 December 2024

The Message of Christmas





When we think of Christmas our minds are drawn to different things – presents that need to be bought, who we need to buy presents for, which shops we need to buy the presents from.  We think of Christmas cards that need to be written.  We need to think of the food to be bought if we are hosting dinner.  We need to think of the people we interact with, perhaps from the past.  As we enter into the season of goodwill, as we hear the songs in the shops we are willing to set our differences aside to make peace with people that we haven’t spoken to for a while.  Sometimes it is referred to as a winter festival rather than Christmas.  It is thought of as a time of giving and receiving presents more than the gift of a Saviour.  That thought does not come into people’s minds, they are too busy to think about the reason for the season.  The name of Christmas has changed, it has now become Xmas.  Sometimes people say there is too much talk of Jesus at this time of the year.  Those who have no interest in church for 11 months of the year for the sake of tradition will attend Carol Services.  There is nothing more traditional than the school nativity play.  Maybe you know someone taking part in one this year.  For the most part the nativity play tries to retell the story of the birth of Jesus.  The essence of the story is found in the play.  A scriptural account of the nativity story.  We don’t read about it as an event in history but rather it was the plan of God himself.  God had everything brought together to make it come to pass. 


The first thing we read of is the place where Jesus was born – Bethlehem.  It maybe happened in the wrong place and at the wrong time?  The set of circumstances meant this was an emergency place found.  Surely the expectant couple could not find any where else?  Why di they end up there?  Why take such a journey at a time when Mary was heavily pregnant.  Luke 2 verses 1 to 7 tells us the reason why they had to go there.  An unavoidable reason – every person had to go to their own tows to be taxed.  It came from the highest government authority.  The book of Micah records clearly where the birth place would be – Micah 5 verse 2.  We can see clearly the town of Bethlehem is mentioned.  There were 2 Bethlehem’s mentioned in the bible – one associated with the tribe of Zebulun – Joshua 19 verse 15.  Another was associated with the tribe of Judah.  This was near to the place where Rachel, the wife of Jacob died – Genesis 35.  The place was identified even back there.  Micah clarifies which one would be the birthplace. Also we are told Jesus was to be a descendant of King David.  He was born here – 1 Samuel 16.  God’s son came from this line.  Jesus is born in the town of Bethlehem, the place were David was anointed king.  That is why he ended up in Bethlehem at that time.


The nativity story will also have Mary and Joseph, they are an integral part of the story.  His earthly parents would play a key role.  He came from the family of David.  When we think of families we think of the father’s line.  Genealogies show us various names that pass through the male name.  Matthew 1 gives a clear bloodline for Joseph, a clear lineage looking back to David and beyond.  We expect this because he was promised from the lineage of David.  People say it is not truthful because he was born of the Spirit not the husband of Mary. God the Hoy Spirit was his father.  Can we really say he came from the line of David?  Joseph was the husband of Mary, his son was from the Holy Ghost.  Luke 1 verses 26 to 35 she was told she would be with child.  Joseph had no involvement in this situation.  He was not the father of the child.  Joseph was of the mind to end the relationship because the baby was not his – Matthew 1 verse 19.  We know that Jesus was to come from the line of David.  How does this fit in with the prophecy.  Some biblical scholars believe that Luke 3 is Mary’s genealogy which also leads back to King David.  Jesus was a descendant of King David.  It all links together.  Born in a certain time of a certain line, it all dovetails together.


In our nativity story we think of the fact that there was no room to be found in the town.  Where was Jesus to be found.  Many picture Jesus born in a stable surrounded by animals and placed in a manger because there was no room in the inn – Luke 2 verse 7.  The Greek word for inn – think of our English translation, it is hotel, a room for the night.  The better translation would be a guest room, a spare room kept for visitors to stay for the night.  Luke 22 verse 11 “and ye shall unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?”  The Greek words translate inn as a guestchamber, a large room.  Regardless of the type of room it was still unavailable to Mary and Joseph.  Nowhere to stay because the place was full as a result of the census.  Jesus was born in the animal quarters.  The king of glory came into this world and his birthplace was hardly fitting for the Saviour of the world.  “He left the splendour of heaven, knowing his destiny, was the lonely hill of Golgotha, there to lay down his life for me.”  One of the lowliest of places he could be found – that is how he humbled himself.


The shepherds played an integral part in the story of Jesus’ birth.  Luke 2 verse 8 to 16.  Why were the shepherds brought in?  Why did they end up being the ones who told the story?  The shepherds spent almost all of their time with sheep in the fields. They were protecting the sheep from wild animals.   They guided them to fresh grazing so that none were stolen.  Why did they appear to these shepherds?  The lambs were to be used as sacrifices in the temple.  Micah 4 verse 2 “And thou O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.”  The tower of the flock was known as Migdal Eder and it stood outside Bethlehem.  The shepherds of the flock would care for the sheep.  The lambs that were born were inspected and passed for use in the temple.  They knew the sacrificial system.  They knew that perfect sacrifices were needed.  Luke 2 verse 12 they knew that this sign would mean something to them.  The angels would draw out this fact – swaddling cloths.  That meant the baby was wrapped tightly, restricting its movement and therefore sleep better.  The shepherds also wrapped the new born lambs in the same way.  These lambs had to be perfect for the sacrifice so they were wrapped to keep them perfect.  They were pointing to the perfect lamb who would be the Saviour of the world.  Luke 2 verse 20.  They knew a Saviour had been born and they were rejoicing in the fact.  They made it known, wanted to spread the good news to everyone around.  That is the essence of our faith – to share the Christmas message, to go into the places were we meet people and share the true story of Christ being born.  Christmas is really about the birth of Christ.  That is the story and we should be encouraged to share it with the world.


The wise men played an integral part in the story too.  We read in Matthew 2 verses 1 to 11 that they came from the east bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  These gifts represented kingship, holiness and suffering.  We do not know how many wise men there were but just told they were Magi, kings from afar.  They made a great study of the stars.  They fell down and worshipped the baby.  They showed respect to him as a higher authority than they.  They were guided to the place by a star that came to rest over Bethlehem.  Then they were directed not to return to Herod and went home a different way.  They knew the scriptures and worshipped Christ and obeyed God by returning a different route.  They were able to discover where the Saviour would be born.  How well do we know scriptures?  Do we worship God as we ought?  Do we obey God as we ought?  As the story progresses Herod ordered all boys under the age of 2 to be killed.  Throughout time Satan has tried to destroy the Saviour.  Every time Satan devises a plan God opens up another way for things to come.  We see how Satan has tried to thwart God’s salvation throughout scripture.  God will always triumph over Satan and we see that on every occasion throughout God’s word. 


What does the Nativity teach us today?  How does it help us in our walk with God?  Just a story acted out every year.  Can we see the careful planning of a holy God in every circumstance?  Tim Keller in Hidden Christmas said “God had planned for Calvary before he created earth.  He foreshadowed the great person Jesus who would be born throughout the course of history.  Christ had a purpose for coming at Christmas.”  He was part of a bigger meaning – John 3 verse 16 “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  That is the reason why Jesus came to earth – so that people would not perish but have everlasting life.  God is the only power to fix this broken world, the only one who can deal with the problem of sin, the only one who could come in the world to solve the problem of sin.  He lived a perfect life so he could be the perfect sinless sacrifice.  The reason Christmas exists is to remember the Saviour’s birth.  He needed to come into this sin cursed earth.  “Christmas contains many spiritual truths but it is hard to grasp the others until we grasp this one first – the world is a dark place and we will never find our way or see reality until Jesus is our light.” Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller.  Have you made Jesus the light of your life?  Have you let God’s light shine into your life?  You can enjoy the festivities, the presents, the food but the true meaning is having Jesus in our life today and every day.  Matthew 4 verse 16.  Open up your life from the darkness into God’s light.  He is the light of the world.  He was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago but have you trusted in his salvation offered to you today?  Luke 2 verse 10 and 11 “And the angel said unto them, Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”

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