VERSES 18 – 25, LUKE 1 VERSES 1 – 20 AND ISAIAH 9 VERSES 1 – 7
A television interviewer was walking in the
streets of Tokyo at Christmas. There Christmas is a commercial success just as
here in Britain. He stopped someone and
asked “what is the meaning of Christmas?”
The lady replied “I don’t know, is that the day Jesus died?”
There is some truth in her answer. We celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ,
yet we know he was born to go to a cross to die. Verse 6 is one of the best-known prophecies
of scriptures. We looked at the Prince
of Peace this morning. How people can
find peace through the blood of the cross.
Israel was in a terrible darkness.
Isaiah was telling of the future invasion of the Assyrians. Isaiah 8 verse 22 shows that there was great
darkness on the land. Verse 1 mentions
both the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali and he talks of light
affliction on them. But there will be
greater affliction – a great darkness would result in a great light
dawning. What greater message could we
give to a world that is lost in sin, to a world walking in darkness, in a
generation in which we are living in? A
generation that does not seek God, is living as they please? In a world where anything goes, that has
thrust God out of the pulpits, the hospitals, the government, the schools, the
universities? This light would shine in
Galilee. God came to these people with a
special blessing and the promise of a Saviour that would deliver people from
their sin. Maybe you are walking in a
time of darkness at the moment. The
light has come – Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” Here we are with this prophecy in verse 6 –
do you see the significance of why Christ was born? Why he was born as a baby? Why did the Son of God enter into the human
race and die on a cross at Calvary? “For
to us a child is born, to us a son is given.”
Do you ever wonder why we give gifts at Christmas? Really it does not matter if you were a pagan
or an atheist tonight, living an immoral life tonight, pleasing people. At one time I would have been standing with
my family getting drunk at Christmas and waking up the next day with a hangover
but we all still gave gifts. “A son is
given”. If we could understand that God
gave his son, the one he loved. We think
of the relationship between the Father and the Son. We identify them as 2 persons, part of the
godhead. God has given us a Son. He not only gave his son but a son was
born. Mary gave birth to a son. She didn’t give a son but brought forth a
son. God from eternity past gave us a
son. The wise men gave gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh at the birth of Jesus.
Matthew 2 verse 11. We are coming
into deity. They knew he was not just an
ordinary child. This is the Son of
God. He was made flesh to dwell among
us. They worshipped him – the God who
had entered into humanity. God who had
left the splendours of heaven in the person of his son was pleased to choose a
young virgin woman who would give birth to a son. That God would reconcile with human
flesh. Gold is kingship, a king who
would sit upon his earthly father David’s throne. Frankincense spoke of Jesus’ divinity. He was identified as the Son of God. Myrrh represented his death. It was used in times past to embalm
bodies. A king, the Son of God,
preparing for his death – for you and me.
That he would bring us into union with God. Take away our sin, make us fit for
heaven. Jesus said to his disciples “I
and the Father are one.” We are brought
into union with God himself through the baby, the child born, the Lord Jesus
Christ. The child speaks of
humanity. The son speaks of
divinity. A child is born and a son is
given. When you open your presents on
Christmas day you are opening that present because a son is given from
God. God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but
have everlasting life. He is the
everlasting Lord. This is the son born
to Mary. He entered into humanity. We are reminded by John “the world was made
flesh and dwelt amongst us.”
The gift was planned. Jesus’ birth was planned from eternity
past. It was no accident. He existed eternally as the Son of God and he
became the son of men. 1 Peter 1 verse
20. He was born to live a life that
would one day lead to the cross. There
he would die for your sins and my sins.
Our sins separated us from God.
God gave us his son that he would die on the cross. Isaiah 7 verse 14 “the virgin shall conceive
and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.” This prophecy was given thousands of years
before Jesus was born. Micah 5 verse 2
“but thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of
Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in
Israel: whose goings forth have been of old, from everlasting.” Caesar Augustus sent forth a census that
every man had to return to the place of their birth. See the eternality of Christ. There is no doubt about it – very few really
know the meaning of Christmas. Also very
few have accepted the gift of Christmas.
I have never heard of anyone receiving a gift and not opening it. A gift is not something you can pay for. You cannot pay the price for sin. It is a gift from God. He gave his Son to die for your sin, to bring
you into the family of God.
It was a purposeful gift. To redeem lost mankind to God. Man has broken God’s law. The law cannot save him. It is amazing how many are trying to please
God. That is why God gave his son. That is why we celebrate Christmas. Many think they will do their own thing and
one day stand in heaven and hear God say “you did alright so come on in.” Galatians 3 verse 24 “Wherefore the law was
our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” To do what you could not do – Christ has
pleased God. Galatians 4 verses 4 to 7
“But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a
woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we
might receive the adoption of sons And
because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your
hearts, crying, Abba, Father Wherefore
thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God
through Christ.” If was all prophesied
beforehand. God used a young virgin
girl. He gave us his son to fulfil the
law broken by us to bring us back to God.
There is nothing you can do to please God apart from faith in God.
The gift was also perfect. The child had to be born without sin. I don’t know if you have ever received a perfect
gift, purposed just for you. Well this
gift was just for you. Christmas is so
lonely for many people. They are
heartbroken. There is a gift you and I
can receive – the perfect gift. When he
became human Christ represented God’s image to the church. The glory of God was revealed to us through
Christ. He is the child born. The divine nature and human nature was
brought into union. The nature of God is
our nature. When we come to Christ we
take on a new nature. We no longer live
in the power of sin and the grave but in the power of Christ. Christ died for our sin but was raised the
third day. He was the perfect gift, the
spotless lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
The gift is precious. The Messiah had to be born. If God had not entered flesh he could not be
our Saviour. The child speaks of
helplessness, one that is dependent upon the parent. Jesus was made of no reputation so he could
be identified with man. Jesus was in the
manger as a baby yet wise men came to worship him. The shepherds also came to worship him. He took on himself the limitations of a
baby. He was dependent upon his mother. 1 Peter 1 verse 18. When the Children of Israel came into the temple
with a lamb it had to be without spot or blemish. Jesus is the perfect lamb of God given for
you and I.
The gift was also powerful. The son had to be given. There was no other way to redeem
mankind. That is why there was no other
way. Man had no power in himself, in his
flesh to stand before a holy God because God hates sin. That is why sin is powerful. “The mystery of the humanity of Christ that
he took on himself in our flesh is beyond all human understanding.” Martin
Luther. God planned it – for his divine
nature to be brought into union in his Son.
He took the form of a servant. He
became a child. The son that was given
involved the child that was born in order to redeem us from our sins.
It is a gift that is personal. He is not only the child born but the child
that is given. It is a gift for you and
I. When you are born into this world you
are born in sin. Your sin has separated you
from God. You sin will take you to a
lost eternity but God has sent his son in the fullness of time to take away the
punishment of your sin. Jesus said “I am
the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” You cannot go through any other religion but
only through Jesus Christ. He is the
answer for your sin. God speaks to you
tonight and he offers this gift of eternal life. He has paid the price for your sin. If you died without Christ you will take upon
yourself that punishment the bible speaks of.
There is a place called hell. If
you end up there that is because you refused this gift that was planned, that
was purposeful, that was perfect, that was precious, that was powerful, that
could be personalised, you will refuse the Son of God. The Son that was given. He hasn’t come to rob you of life but rather
give your life. He is a great Saviour, a
loving Saviour. You can search for peace
in different avenues but never find it – why – because God is the only way to
find peace in your life and soul. By
coming to the Prince of Peace, to the one who died for you, the one who endured
the agony of the cross. The one who was
whipped and beaten, who received the crown of thorns. Who was spat upon and given vinegar to
drink. Who was mocked and isolated. Even on that cross he could cry out to his
Father “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do.”
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