Sunday, 1 December 2024

The journey away from God




Jonah 1 verses 1 to 5, 10 to 16

Last Friday the UK Parliament voted on Kim Leadbeater’s Assisted Dying Bill.  It passed the first stage with the voting of 330 to 275 in favour.  It made me think of the situation of taking life and suicide.  The tragedy of immense proportion.  800,000 people die every year because of suicide.  That is one in every 40 seconds.  For every death due to suicide there is some 20 attempted suicides.  A global crisis.  Northern Ireland has the highest rate – there were 223 suicides in 2023.  They occurred mostly in towns and cities – North Belfast, South Belfast, Fermanagh and South Tyrone had a greater proportion than anywhere else.  There were more males than females and they were usually within the 25/35 years of age.  Most people thankfully have a support network who are aware of symptoms and are able to keep things in perspective.  For some there is no escape from emotional darkness, no way of communicating that pain or the cause of it.  There are multiple reasons for suicide – many bipolar disorders, depression, bullying, mental illness, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, low self-esteem.  Loads of reasons for it.  For the thousands of cases there are many examples of those who feel there is no point in life.  There is one case of suicide in the bible that is surprising but true.  A preacher of the gospel who had a panic attack.  He runs away from family, ministry and is trying to run from God.  Suicide seems to be the only option.  We join him 2000 miles out at sea.  On the starboard side is Greece and Italy, Spain and France.  To the left is Egypt and Morocco on the coastline.  Depressed, angry and annoyed.  God was not working the way Jonah wanted him to.  He was not doing the things he thought appropriate.  He was angry.

The journey – verse 3.  He was away from the presence of the Lord.  For these sailors they were heading to Joppa, east to west.  Tarsus is present day Seville in Spain.  The sailors could tell of wind speeds and tidal currents, past crossings, exploits and humorous happenings.  Here though they didn’t realise it, they never planned it – they were travelling away from the presence of God.  It is so easy to drift, to lose your bearings, not to be aware of drifting further away.  This story of Jonah reminds us of the biggest cruise liner all humanity is born on.  Every child is born on board, all are lost.  We have drifted.  “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53 verse 6)  The symptoms of suicide, loneliness, dark thoughts, anger, depression, unworthiness, emptiness.  Symptoms of a world drifting away from God.  Symptoms of sinful nature.  We have lost connection with the creator God.  If you are not a Christian you are on this ship.  It is made up of every person on earth.  If you don’t have Christ you are drifting away from God.

The danger – verse 4.  In Jonah’s day there were no lifeboats, no satellite navigation.  He was not only travelling away from God.  Lots are in danger, frightened.  Is there a parallel, a comparison?  If suicidal you are in great danger, logic is impaired, there is no glimmer of hope, no light on the horizon.  Some would say “it is best for everyone if I wasn’t here.”  They forget about eternity.  They forget God is angry because of sin.  You are on a journey the same as Jonah and you are travelling away from God.  You will be further away next week than this week.  Drifting away from God’s presence.  Your life is precarious.  Eternity lies ahead.  Sin is falling short of God’s requirement.  Separation between you and God.  Satan wants you to stay separated until you end up in a lost eternity.  You should be frightened.  You should have a fear of facing death without the only Saviour.  Facing death without knowing Jesus Christ.

The condition – verse 5.  Jonah is oblivious to it all.  Some people are like that.  You could preach to them and they are not computing.  It is going in one ear and out the other.  They are fast asleep.  They don’t see the danger of being without Jesus.  They are asleep and not even afraid.  I pray that a lost eternity will terrify you.  Those hardened, seasoned sailors – when God speaks they become afraid.  They tremble.  In our society we need people who when God speaks they will tremble at the thought of facing an angry God.  Suicidal people have a fear, a dread, the fear of the impact of their actions, letting people down.  The method they have purposed – most commit suicide today by hanging.  When God speaks man should tremble.  We should fear because sin separates us from God.  Eternity is so long.  Hell is so real.  Maybe God is touching your life to get your attention.  What did these sailors do when God touched the waves?  They got religious.  They never thought of God for years and now all of a sudden because of fear they got on their knees and cried to their god whoever he was.  They maybe never thought of God and religion before now  Never feared.  Now got religion.  It didn’t stop the danger.  Next they got renewed.  They turned over a new leaf.  They threw all the excess baggage to make it lighter.  People will say they will turn over a new leaf – not curse or drink or gamble.  “I will change and lighten the load.”  People will try all kinds of things, throwing the stuff overboard but it didn’t stop the storm.  It didn’t stop the danger.

The salvation – verse 12.  Salvation for these sailors is through the death of one man.  Jonah has had enough.  His preaching struggle was at an end.  His fear was not with the great fish or the city of Nineveh but the dark struggles of heart and mind.  “Throw me overboard, take my life, it is better for you all if I was not here.”  The sailors wouldn’t obey him – verse 13.  They didn’t want to throw him overboard.  They didn’t want his suicide on their conscience.  They decided to row harder and get to land.  Some people say “I will do my best, try the hardest I can to get to heaven, try harder.”  They give more effort, more energy and the result is exhaustion.  The solution is found in verse 15.  Their salvation was through the death of one man.  The only solution.  To take Jonah and throw him overboard.  In Matthew 12 Jesus uses this story to speak of himself.  Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 days.  The truths of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection are seen through this story.  Jesus knew what this picture was about.  Going into death, going to Calvary. The willing perfect sacrifice.  He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  Through the death of one man a whole ship would be saved.  At Calvary Jesus took my life.  “I will shed my blood, be the ultimate sacrifice so you can go free."  When you see that trust in the Saviour.  The sea goes calm, it makes the danger disappear.  God loves you so much.  It was worth the sacrifice.  His one and only son.  The only salvation.  Maybe you know someone who is ill and suffering with suicidal thoughts.  Please be there for them, that they may know a safe, confident person.  Do not judge them unfairly.  You have never walked in their shoes.  They need to know someone who loves and values them.  Ultimately God loves and values them.  He not only forgives but satisfies and blesses and takes away all fear.  Suicide plagues our society.  We have looked at this real life example.  The answer was in one man, the death of that one man.  Immediately the sea was calm.  The Lord had a fish ready to swallow Jonah.  The sailors didn’t know the final story.  They didn’t know the rest of the book.  Our hope, our salvation is in the one who gave his life for us as a ransom for us.  Keep praying that this Assisted Bill will not go through.  People feel that such a Bill is about finishing life with dignity.  Remember this amazing case study of Jonah.  He ran away, drifted from God, how God intervened in his life through a storm.  God is getting your attention.  Salvation was found in the death of one man.  Our hope is found in Jesus Christ.


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