Monday, 14 August 2023

What manner of persons ought we to be



SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 pm

2 PETER 3 VERSES 1 – 18


Have you ever thought that one day heaven will be your home?  When God will take every child of his home, when there will be no more tears, no more separation, no more sickness or sorrow?  There will be nothing to break the heart of man or woman because the things of today will be passed away.  The greatest event the world is ever likely to see is the coming again of the Lord.  As we watch our television screens and social media and think of the fires, floods, pestilences going on around the world, when we see these things are we not mindful of what scripture says?  Jesus came the first time as a baby, born in Bethlehem, grew up and was rejected by men – all of this was fulfilled exactly as scripture said.  Surely if we look at scripture we can see the references to his Second Coming too – if he came the first time as the scriptures said surely he will come the second time too.  He will come the second time without sin.  When he came the first time he came to put away sin.  When he died on Calvary he was an offering for sin.  This time he is coming without sin.  He came to be the sin bearer the first time but the second time he will come as the king of kings.  His second coming will be in 2 stages.  Firstly, the trumpet will sound, those who have died in the Lord will rise first to meet him in the air and those which are alive in the world will also be caught up to join him.  When he comes every eye will see him.  He will come to stand on the Mount of Olives in the second stage.  Has that any bearing on you or I tonight?  Verse 11 of our chapter tonight asks “what manner of persons ought ye to be?”  Has this any relevance to me tonight Peter challenges us - lets take a look again at Jesus’ Second Coming.


Firstly, what manner of person ought he to be – he ought to be saved.  That is the most important thing of all.  You could have all of this worlds goods yet not have Jesus Christ.  You could still be left behind when Jesus comes again.  You need to be saved.  I want to challenge you – are you saved tonight?  Are you born again of the Spirit of God?  Have you been to Calvary?  Have you acknowledged you are a sinner, on your way to a lost hell for all eternity?  Are you coming to him tonight?  That is the most important thing.  “What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”  It is possible for that today.  We are living in a day when it is counted old fashioned to believe that you need to be saved.  Many people believe that because God is a God of love he will let everyone into heaven but he is also a God of justice.  God sent the best he had – his only son, not to condemn the world but to save men and women.  God is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance.  Are you saved tonight?  Do you know the Lord as Saviour?  Will you rise to meet Christ if he came tonight?  When Jesus comes what will he find on the earth?  Those saved will rise to meet him in the air.  What will be left behind?  He will find religion on earth.  Many have that but not salvation.  Salvation is only through the forgiveness of sins and the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is a subject that affects you and I. When Jesus comes and takes the saved home religion will still be left on this earth.  If Jesus was to come this week there will still be services in churches all over this world.  Preachers will preach but they have not been saved.  I wonder will you be amongst the congregation?  It was said of Martin Luter in his preaching he stirred the congregation, he preached as if Christ was crucified today, that he rose from the dead and he was coming tomorrow.  Jesus Christ has delayed his coming because you are not saved.  He knows that and he is not willing that you should perish.  Paul writing to Timothy encourages him to pray for all men, for kings and those in authority to be saved.


Secondly, he ought to be a sober person.  I am not talking about being sober in terms of having no alcohol in his system but a lifestyle that is alive, watching for the coming of the Lord.  Are you looking for Christ’s coming again?  Not caught up with affairs of this world.  Yes we have employment, work to do but always looking for the coming again of the Lord.  There is no real warning of this happening.  We can see the signs yes but he will come as a thief.  If a thief rang me to tell me he would be at my house tonight I would be sitting waiting for him.  The thief makes no forward planning.  He comes at the least expected time.  There will be no warning for it.  We are to be waiting for that particular day.  The Thessalonian church went about their normal lives.  They had so much going for them until Paul came and preached the gospel to them.  These Thessalonian believers turned from their riotous living and served the Lord.  They turned from their idols to serve the living God and watch for his coming again.  When you come to Christ it should be a genuine repentance and a waiting for Christ to come from heaven.  Matthew 25 tells the story of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins.  They were waiting for the groom to come.  They had their lamps filled will oil and burning but 5 didn’t take enough care to have sufficient oil.  They rose at midnight in a panic.  5 went out to meet their bridegroom but the other 5 came knocking and pleading to be let in but it was too late.  The believers of God are taken away and you will be left behind pleading – too late.  One day the shout will sound.  For many it will be too late.  We have to be sober, watchful, making sure we are saved and ready.  “Be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh.”  Paul longed for the day when Christ would come again.  “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4 verse 8)


Thirdly, be sincere.  “in all holy conversation” – the lifestyle you conduct here on earth, in your family, in your work, in the shopping centre, on the street.  In all my transactions with fellow man so that he might be stirred up.  In Acts 22 Paul spoke of a man called Ananias.  Ananias was told to go and meet him and lay his hand on him, to tell him what the Lord wanted him to do.  Ananias we are told was a sincere man, “a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there”.  Paul in Thessalonica worked and witnessed among them – “how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe.”  Are you thinking of the Lord’s coming again?  Are you sincere about it?  When the angels came to destroy Sodom, Lot went into his sons-in-law telling them they had to flee from the wrath of God on their city.  These men laughed at him – why – because they had never heard him talk like this before. (Genesis 19 verse 14)  He wasn’t sincere.  Are you happy sitting in the seat of the ungodly as sitting in the prayer meeting?


Fourthly, separated.  “in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God.”  They had turned from that which they previously worshipped and came to the Lord.  Paul said of his testimony, he was “separated”.  In these days God expects that of us.  He is expecting me to be a saved man, that I should be sober, sincere in all my activities and separated unto the gospel of Christ.  Will you be ready when he comes again?  He is coming to call home every child of God, every person that has trusted in his saving grace, called on his wonderful name.  What about you?  Are you sure tonight?

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