Sunday, 6 August 2023

The importance of the word of God





The incident we want to look at is the book of the law found whilst the repair of the house of the Lord was under way.  It happened in the reign of Josiah a young man.  When he came to the throne he was only 8 years of age.  He was taken and placed on the throne of Judah and Jerusalem.  There were different stages in his life you can see that in the early verses of this chapter.  In verse 1 he was 8 years of age when he began to reign and he reigned for 31 years.  Verse 2 “he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.”  It is a good thing to do that today because one day we must stand and give a final account of the life lived in the body.  Verse 3 “in the eighth year of his reign … he began to seek after God.”  Only 8 when he came to the throne and at 16 he set his sights on God.  Have we set our sights on God to seek after him with our heart?  “There is none righteous, there is none that seeketh after God.”  There has to be a day when we seek after God.  God so loved you that he gave his own son, his son was given as a ransom for the world, for your sin and mine.  Verse 3 “in the twelfth year of his reign he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves and the carved images and the molten images.”  He began to make inroads, to bring the nation back to God. Commanded the people to come to God’s house to prayer.  In verse 14 we see that whilst carrying out the repairs to the house of God they found the word of God.  The house of God had been run down for 50/60 years.  It was neglected.  This man sets out to repair and build it again.  He wanted the people to get back into the worship of God. This godly young man realises he has the word of God in his hand.  Let us look at the significance of this find and the lessons we can learn from it.


This book that was found was the book of the law.  It had been ignored.  It set out the demands of God.  That is how important this book was.  This is a book setting out the just demands of a loving God who wants you and I to live for him.  Manasseh was Josiah’s grandfather.  He was a wicked man when he came to the throne.  He undid everything his father had done.  He brought the nation into false worship.  The nation began to crumble and fail as a result.  When he ignored this book that is what happened.  If we adhere to this book today we will continue to have great fellowship in our lives.  If it is read and studied and adhered to our home and family lives would be different.  We dare not ignore it or neglect it.  Manasseh was an evil king.  The book was ignored and set aside.  They did not want God, they wanted to do their own thing.  When he departed his son Amon came to the throne and he was another wicked king.  He only lived for some 2 years after coming to the throne.  Josiah then came to the throne and he had a different mindset.  He wanted to bring the nation back to God.  He set about reforming the people.  Paul wrote in Romans 1 verse 18 “for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”  There are those behind the sacred desk holding the word of God down because it will have a great effect on peoples lives.  Jesus taught of the man who had the privilege of hearing the word of God.  Jesus taught parables that touched lives.  Parables are earthly stories with heavenly meanings.  One man was taught from the word of God but he turned his back on it.  He lived his life as he wanted to, walking and not practising what he heard.  Jesus called him foolish.  A man who ignored the warnings in the word of God.  He was like a man who went out to build his house, instead of getting a good foundation, he built it on the sand.  It all looked ok while it was good and calm, only when storms came, when the rains fell and the winds blew the house came down.  He is like the man who hears my word but goes out to practise what he wants.  If it is not built on the word of God, it doesn’t matter how religious you are, if you do the best you can, you need to be born again of the Spirit of God.  The rich man Nicodemus came to Jesus at night.  Jesus looked into his heart and said “you are well off, except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  He was lost in sin, his religion did him no good. Do we ignore the word of God today?  Maybe you are saying “this is not me, I do the best I can, I am as good as the next person.”  The bible says “there is none righteous, there is none that seeketh after God.”  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  Peter said “there is no other name given amongst men whereby we must be saved.”  Being saved is not a word used only in this church but it is written in God’s word.  If you are not saved today you cannot be saved any other way.  Is the bible ignored, set aside?  Is it read or studied?


A book that was important.  This book was given by the prophet Moses on top of the mountain.  God spoke with him and gave him the dictates of God.  As Hilkiah found it he realised it was very important.  No other book stands in the same significance today.  As he unrolled the scroll he realised it was from God.  It was very precious.  He began to read the pages.  Paul to the church in Rome was asked “what is the point of being a Jew, of being circumcised?”  “For unto you was presented first of all the oracles of God (the word of God).”  It is an important book.  Hilkiah realised that this book was so important that others needed to hear it.  He called in Shaphan and asked him to read it.  He wanted to share it with others.  This book is not an ornament but something to be preached from.  Hilkiah wanted the king to know about this book and he asked Shaphan to take it into the palace.  It is to be preached to everyone – from the richest to the poorest, from the person of great importance to the pauper.  In 2 Timothy 4 verse 2 Paul encouraged Timothy to “preach the word, be in season and out.”  Paul warned that there would be a day when the people will turn away from this book and turn to fables.  Are we not living in days when people don’t want to hear the word of God but would rather listen to the dictates of the world?  When you open up this word of God you will see what God desires.  This book shows what God expects of you and I.  Verse 21 “Go inquire of the Lord for me and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah concerning the words of the book that is found for great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord, to do after all that is written in this book.”  David in his first psalm talked about a man who loved the word of God – “he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season.”  He was not going to be moved easily.  Jesus was walking in the wilderness, a barren lonely place when the devil came to him.  In a time of weariness and hunger the devil approached him and said “turn these stones into bread.”  In other words why not have a good feast, satisfy your stomach.  Jesus replied “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”  The importance of it. 


The instructions it gives us – how to reach heaven and home.  This book tells us of 2 places.  Paul to Timothy spoke of the last days – 2 Timothy 3 verse 14 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  It is an instruction book of how to get into a relationship with Jesus, God’s son.  How will we ever see heaven’s glory and God for himself?  The bible tells us we are sinful and separated from God but he doesn’t stop there – if we are willing to repent of our sin and take of the atoning work of Christ on Calvary then we can know salvation for ourselves today.


This book had an impact – verse 19.  The king rent his clothes.  It was a sign of repentance and sorrow that brought about conviction.  When the word was read he realised the people were not living according to this book.  He knew he was not fit to sit in the presence of God.  We are told in the scriptures that in the last days men will have a form of godliness.  There will be a religiosity, or Christianity but no reality.  Remember Lydia in Acts 16.  She was sitting in the meeting listening to Paul as he opened up the word of God.  God reached down and opened up her heart.  She received the word of God that day.  It saved her soul, made her fit for heaven and home.  Or think of the Bereans who listened to the word of God. Such was the impact that they went home and searched the scriptures for themselves to see if what had been said was true.  It is important today to hear what God has said to us.  Time is running out in this world – where will you spend eternity?

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