Sunday, 13 August 2023

What we can do for the work of God and what we can do in the work of God



SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 am

ACTS 11 VERSES 19 – 26


In this portion of scripture, we see Barnabas, the Son of Consolation and how valuable he was to the work of God.  The work of God in Antioch needed someone, and he was sent to help.  It was all about the work that began in Antioch.  Barnabas had to go down and test the word, to see if what was happening there was from God or not.  The church in Jerusalem sent him there to investigate what was going on.  Barnabas when he arrived “was glad”.  We need to test the spirits today, to see if things are from God or not (1 John 4 verse 1).  The enemy is very active today.  We cannot go on face value.  I want to look today at what we can do for and what we can do in the work of God.  Persecution began in and around Jerusalem.  We are seeing the aftermath of Stephen’s death.  A young man used of God in Acts 6.  When there was a rumour in the fellowship, he was brought in to quell it.  Stephen was eventually put to death.  When he was dying his clothes were held by Saul of Tarsus.  What an impression it made on his life – to see a man stoned to death.  Sometimes it takes all sorts to bring us to faith in God.  Perhaps through illness in the family or a death.  Stephen was stoned to death, but he had no words of condemnation for those involved in this action.  Instead he saw his master standing in heaven waiting his arrival.  The disciples had to flee from Jerusalem – Acts 8.  They were going everywhere preaching the gospel.  In verse 19 of this chapter, we read “now they” – no names, no singling out.  They were being persecuted and when they fled, they preached the gospel.  In verse 20 we read “some of them” – again no names.  I want to look today at the thought of these people and their service for God in Antioch.

These were men of vision for the work.  How important that is.  If we are saved by the grace of God, have come to the realisation of our sin and come short of the glory of God, when we hear of Christ dying on the cross of Calvary, shedding his blood for us, that should make a change in our lives.  That means when we become a child of God we become those with a vision.  Antioch was a city that needed to hear of the Lord.  It was a city full of hopeless people, a city of commerce and culture with many leading men and women but they needed the Lord Jesus.  These men had a vision of God working.  The people did not just come and look but they realised here was a city that needed God.  Remember Paul when he came to Athens.  He saw men and women without Christ, they were given over to idols.  His heart was stirred in him as a result (Acts 17).  That is what we need – a vision.  A band of men and women who saw the need.  It was the need of the poor and the rich who lived in Antioch.  There was no difference at all because there were those in Antioch who had no religion at all.  Here were a band of men who realised here was a city that needed the Lord.  That is what we need today.  We cannot live on the vision of a past day.  Paul had a vision for Rome – “I am ready to preach the gospel.”  There were many intellectual people in that city but they were sinners too “I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation.” (Romans 1 verse 16)  Think of the vision of Hudson Taylor for the people of China or David Livingstone for Africa.  Have we a vision today?  Have we a desire to see what God can do through us?  We are only channels but God can use us to challenge men and women today.  Can we see them going out into a lost eternity?  These men had a vision and we need such a vision today.  We have the answer for people today – Christ.

They were also men of vocation.  They were called of God. We need to get before God today and ask “is there something I can do for you Lord?”  These men were available for God.  They had trusted God yes but they also surrendered their lives to Christ.  Remember the fishermen sitting mending their nets one day – they left them where they were because they had a higher calling (Matthew 4 verse 20).  They were now going to be fishers of men.  You are saved to be used by God today.  It is not just a task for the few or the leaders of the local fellowship.  There is a work for everyone, not just the pastor.  In Acts 8 we see as here that they went forth and saw the need to tell men and women.  Philip had the vision to go to Samaria, he began to teach men and women of Christ.  These men in Antioch had to flee their homes, families and jobs but they had a vocation – to reach men and women for Christ.  Acts 13 the people were working in the church daily when the Holy Ghost came down and told them to separate Barnabas and Saul (verse 2).  A surrender of their lives.  Romans 12 “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Are we seeking after that?  Willingly sacrificing our talents?  Have we surrendered them to the Lord?  Do we know the vocation of the Lord on our lives?  Are we sure of it?  Are we surrendering our lives, our worship, our finances to God?  David Livingston said “I am prepared to go anywhere provided it is forward.”  There were those who wrote to him on one occasion saying “we want to send our recruits, those who want to help you, is there a good road for them to travel?”  David Livingstone wrote back “if men want a good road to travel to me, I want them to come to me whether it is a road or not.”

These men ventured.  They stepped out.  We can have a vision and a vocation but we need to step out.  Jonah had the vision all right.  He knew what would happen if he went to Nineveh.  They were great enemies of Israel.  If someone went to preach a message of repentance to them they would turn and he didn’t want that.  He got up and fled from the presence of God.  We can have a vision and a vocation yet fight against it.  This was a big step for Jonah, not to take the gospel message to this city.  Paul said he was ready to preach the gospel in Rome, he would not allow the culture to deter him (Romans 1 verse 15).  He was going to venture out.  Maybe God is calling you today.  You might think it is impossible – how could I ever do anything for God?  You know it is not just a matter of coming Sunday by Sunday, there has to be a surrender.  Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up.  He heard the voice “who shall I send and who will go?”  Isaiah responded “here am I Lord send me.” (Isaiah 6 verse 8)  Maybe the Lord is calling you for a work he has.  Is there something you can do, is there a task God would have you to do today?

These were men who voiced the word – “preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only.” (verse 19)  "How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10 verse 14)  If you don’t tell that neighbour of yours of the love of God how will they hear?  There is a message we need to present.  That is what the people need to hear.  That Jesus suffered, bled and died and rose again.  That people could have their sins forgiven if they trust in God.  “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16 verse 15)  The word has to be voiced.

These men were men who had a visit from God.  “they spoke unto the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus and the hand of the Lord was with them.” (verse 20) In the Old Testament “the hand of the Lord” meant the wrath of God.  In the New Testament it is the blessing of God.  We need that blessing today.  We cannot do it ourselves.  That is the answer even today as it was in those Antioch days.  For the hand of God to step into our work again.  He did it in times past.  We need it again today.   We have many gimmicks today.  On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the gospel and 3000 were saved.  The Holy Spirit came and brought great conviction.  Remember when Peter was called to go to Cornelius.  God send a message to him to go and see Cornelius.  Cornelius was concerned about those in his family, in his neighbourhood.  He had a concern for their souls too.  Peter found much people had already gathered.  If we don’t have that concern today will you pray and ask the Lord for it?  Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house and he didn’t bring anything with him. He went into his house and preached the Lord as Saviour.  How the love of God sent his son to be the Saviour of the world.  How his death on the cross would be the means of salvation, how he was raised on the third day and is now seated at the fathers right hand where one day he will come again.  When he said these words the Holy Spirit fell on the whole congregation that was gathered there.  That is what we need today. For the Holy Spirit to come and move in a mighty way.  Will you allow him to move in your heart today?  Are you prepared to say “Lord here am I, send me” like Isaiah in the Old Testament?

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