Monday, 28 August 2023

A sincere question and a simple answer



SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2023 pm

ACTS 16 VERSE 25 – 34



We have in this passage a man coming to the feet of Paul and Silas and asking the question “What must I do to be saved?”  Have you ever come to that question?  Have you asked it in sincerity?  The answer is very simple – “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.”  The apostle Paul had spent some time in Philippi, the capital city of Thyatira.  It was a city of commerce.  Paul had a vision of a man beckoning him to come over to Macedonia and help them.  They came first to Troas and then Philippi.  His visit began firstly with a time of praise – a women came out to the prayer meeting and was saved.  It was a time when the gospel was preached.  Then there was a damsel in the market place with a demon.  Paul demands the demon to come out of her and because of that she was no longer of any value to the men who gained from her work.  Paul and Silas ended up in a prison house because of the situation.  It brought them to the jailer who came to faith.  The greatest question with the most glorious outcome.  There is a step between us and death tonight.  In this story we see a glorious outcome.


The question revealed this man’s extremity.  This man came to himself, came to the place in his life of utter confusion.  Paul and Silas had preached the gospel in Philippi, the gospel of saving grace.  As a result they were put under the custody of this jailer.  He was told to beat them then put them in stocks.  As the jailer leaves them to try and sleep he hears Paul and Silas singing to God.  They were praising God not crying or criticising those who had put them in that prison.  Then suddenly there is an earthquake and the foundations of the prison begin to shake.  All the doors of the prison were flung open.  The jailer thinks everyone has escaped and he would be blamed.  His punishment would be severe.  He comes to the point where he decided to take his own life.  A call came to him “do thyself no harm for we are all here.”  He goes to where Paul and Silas where and asked them “what must I do to be saved?”  Looking into the face of these 2 men he realised that they had something he didn’t have.  Have you got God’s salvation tonight?  This man could go no further.  He looked out into eternity and felt his need, the extremity of eternity.  All the time he has been listening to Paul and Silas as they praised God.  Verse 17.  The little girl had said “these men are the servants of the most high God which shew unto us the way of salvation.”  Perhaps this was the demon in her but God used it for his glory.  In the Old Testament scriptures Joseph was disliked by his brothers and sold into slavery.  He told them later “you meant it for evil but God meant it for good.”  This little damsel is being used by the magistrates of the city to tell people’s fortunes and bring in money for the city.  Maybe the devil was speaking through her.  People had heard her message, maybe even that jailer had.  It was like a dagger to his soul.  Maybe you have heard a similar message tonight.  The word of God has come back to you like a dagger but you put it off.  There is a question you can ask tonight – the greatest of all questions.  It maybe will not make you rich or popular or intelligent but it will bring you face to face with the living Saviour.  He is willing to stop and come to you if you ask that question tonight.  Maybe this man was prepared to go through with whatever it meant.


A question that showed something essential.  This man realised that he must do something.  He didn’t have what these 2 men had in their lives.  There was a time when they bowed their knees and trusted Christ as Saviour.  Have you done that?  Was there a moment in your life when you came and bowed before the Lord?  When you saw him on the cross of Calvary, realised your sin was laid on him and he was dying for you not to condemn you but to save you?  You have to come and trust him tonight, accept he died for you and he can take your sin away.  This man realised there was something he had to do.  Balaam was asked by King Balak to come and curse the people because he felt threatened by them.  Balaam said “how can I curse that which God has blessed, let me die the death of the righteous.”  But he didn’t want to live a righteous life.  Jesus spoke of a broad way whose road is very wide and there are many people on it.  This way leads to destruction.  Did I choose to get on this way?  No you were born in this way.  We were all born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  We are on the broad way that leads to hell.  There is also a narrow way and there are few on it.  Have you found that narrow gate yet?  It leads to heaven and home.  It means leaving your sin behind, trusting the Lord as Saviour.  Jesus told us to strive to enter in to that narrow way.  Unless you seek with all your heart you will never find God.  You will not drift into God’s salvation.  It is a decision you have to make.  You cannot wake up some morning and be saved.  It is a decision and it is one you have to make.


A question that became a personal experience.  This man realised there was something he must do.  “What must I do to be saved?”  It didn’t matter what anyone else would do.  No one can make that decision, go through with this transaction.  Only you can come to Christ.  Don’t leave your spiritual situation to anyone else.  Trust the Lord for yourself.  This man was asking the greatest question he could ever ask.  This was about his soul.  It will not matter what anyone else does with Christ.  Pilate asked “what must I do with this man called the Christ?”  You have to do something with Christ.  You will either say “no I don’t want to be saved, I don’t want Christ or else you will come and trust him as Saviour and Lord.”  You must decide for yourself.  Will you come and trust the Lord tonight?  A question that secured eternity for this man.  A question that required the simplest of explanations.  Jesus died on Calvary just for you.  Come to him tonight, invite him into your heart and trust him for yourself.  You will be saved from this day onwards.

Sunday, 27 August 2023

Fight On!



SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2023 am



Nehemiah is one of the greatest books of instruction and encouragement in the bible.  In verse 6 we read “So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof; for the people had a mind to work.”  This man Nehemiah had a great position in Shushan the palace, 1000 miles from Jerusalem.  His heart was in the work that was going on in Jerusalem.  A reminder that we need to be wholehearted in the work of God.  Word had come to Nehemiah that the wall in Jerusalem was torn down, the gates had been burned and the people were in disarray.  Nehemiah was so disappointed.  He had his soft spot for this work.  In verse 6 we read that they were half-way through the work.  Half-way is a dangerous place to be in.  In the athletic world the half-way stage is a difficult point – you have come so far and yet there is so far still to go.  You are looking forward to the finishing line but it seems a long way off.  In our Christian experience it is a dangerous place to be in as well – the rush of first love has passed then we fall into all sorts of difficult situations.  Discouragements come from the devil himself.  It is sometimes difficult to leave things behind. We can be knocked down and wanting to stop.


Verse 1 the attention the enemy gives to the work.

Verses 8 and 9 the attack that comes – criticism, ridicule and threat of violence

Verse 4 the approach Nehemiah decides on – take it to the Lord

Verse 13 the arrangement Nehemiah chooses – practically he prepares the people for battle

Verse 14 the action that was triggered


Nehemiah now begins to arrange the defence against this attack.  The resolve he calls for.  When he came to Jerusalem the wall was broken down, the gates were burned and the people were in disarray.  The news had come to him in Shushan and his face displayed his disappointment.  The king asked him why he was so sad.  It was an offence to be in the king’s presence with a sad face.  It carried the possibility of imprisonment or even death.  God had put sympathy in the king’s heart.  God works with those who are coming against us.  Nehemiah explains that he has received word from Jerusalem and the king asks if he could do anything to help.  If we are living in a right relationship with God even the enemy can be for us!  Nehemiah had left Shushan to go down and build the wall in Jerusalem.  How hard could it be?  The enemy heard about his coming and realised that to come that distance, to leave his important job in the king’s palace – well he must be some man.  Chapter 2 verse 10 “it grieved them exceedingly”.  One man who cared for the people of God.  They were angry.  If you are saved by the grace of God the devil hates you, hates everything that you stand for.  If you go back home to your wife or husband who doesn’t love the Lord, or go into the workplace tomorrow where people don’t like your testimony or are serving in this fellowship the devil will do everything in his power to bring you down.  The end is not yet.  Nehemiah realises he cannot build the walls himself so the people got together and decided to build them in the Lord’s strength.  Chapter 6 verse 3 “I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down.”  He wouldn’t come down to the enemies level.  The enemies criticised them – they said the people were not able to build the wall with what rubbish that was available, that a little fox could run against the wall and it would tumble.  We need the same resolve that Nehemiah had.  Remember it is the Lord’s work and not man’s work.  Nehemiah told them not to fear the enemy but look to the Lord.


The reflection that is essential – “and I looked”. Where did he look?  To the Lord.  He heard all the ridicule and the people crying but “he looked and he rose up and said … remember the Lord.”  This is the man in sight of the trouble.  Even to imagine the scene is hard.  The enemy was talking down the work all the time but this was God’s work.  Whenever you get into God’s work you will get criticism and objection.  In verses 11 and 12 the fear of this enemy was instilled into the people.  Chapter 4 verse 10 the people themselves were thinking they were not able to do the work.  Whenever you get into a situation remember the Lord.  Remember when the Children of Israel wanted to leave Egypt, every time Pharaoh said no but God said yes.  In the wilderness they cried for food and God brought them food.  When the enemy came against them at the Red Sea they thought there was no way they could get to the other side but God opened up the sea so they could walk through it.  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith and we need to remember that.  When it seems that too much comes against you turn to God’s word and his promises.   Remember Elisha’s servant – he looked up and could see the enemy on the hills surrounding them but Elisha told him that there was far more for them that against them.


The reaction to the challenge.  Nehemiah told the people to “fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.”  The battle lines are drawn.  We dare not allow our loved ones to be taken.  Don’t give up on them.  Remember when God was going to destroy Sodom, Abraham his servant wanted his family to be delivered safely. He got before God and pleaded for them.  Mary and Martha fought the sickness in their home – they sent for Jesus to come.  Jairus also called for Jesus to come and heal his daughter who was at the point of death.  Many of our loved ones are in the same position today and they need our prayers.  Paul reminded Timothy that he had found a grandmother and mother who had been faithful in praying for him and teaching him the things of God.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6 verse 12)  Fight for them.  Pray and plead, ask the Lord to save them.


The results that came – verse 15.  The walls were built in record time – 52 days (Nehemiah 6 verse 15).  The work was accomplished.  The Lord was glorified.

Monday, 21 August 2023

God's presence



EXODUS 33 VERES 12 – 23

Verse 15 “If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.”  Moses was praying for a people that had rebelled against God.  He pleaded with God to go with them.  “Not by might nor by power but my spirit.” (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  The priority of Moses’ prayer was God’s presence.

Notice firstly God’s presence is priceless.  Moses had just returned from Mount Sinai.  He had been there for 40 days and 40 nights communing with God.  He had been alone with God.  He had heard his voice.  But he had to come down into the camp of Israel.  What did he find?  A people rebelling against God.  The people had persuaded Aaron to make them a god, a golden calf.  They had been brought out of bondage in Egypt by Moses into the wilderness.  The Promised Land was now in sight but now they wanted to turn back.  Remember when Peter, James and John were taken by the Lord up into the mountain and the Lord was transfigured before them.  Jesus’ very presence shone before them, brighter than the midday sun.  It must have been a special time for them.  They were communing with God, but they had to come down the mountain into the midst of the people.  They found that an argument was going on.  A man had brought his son who was demon possessed but the disciples couldn’t help him.  We cannot live on the mountain all the time.  The time when we hear God’s voice in our quiet times, but you cannot stay there.  In the fellowship we can have great times of blessing, people working together and there is great blessing.  But sometimes there are hard and difficult times.  The priority of Moses’ prayer was the presence of God.  We cannot dwell on the mountain top.  We need to return to the valley.  Moses realised that the presence of God was the most important thing.  We need to keep praying for that in our private and public times.  Moses was told to move on, to take the land where God’s people could live.  Moses wanted God’s presence more than anything else.  We need that today.  The presence of God brought peace – a perfect peace – a peace that passeth all understanding.  It is in those difficult times, in knowing his presence there is a great calm in our souls.  We should always strive for that.  Maybe there is an uncertainty in your life because the reality of God is not there.  “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26 verse 3)  To trust in the Lord means there will be a peace in our hearts.  Jesus came into the world with one purpose – to die.  He died for you and I, to take away our sin.  When he takes away our sin, he gives us a peace.  Our sins are forgiven, cast into the depths of the ocean, never to be remembered again.  When all is turmoil around us, we have peace that passeth all understanding.  Remember when Jesus and the disciples were in the boat.  The disciples struggled in the storm.  They ran to Jesus and said, “Lord we perish.”  We need the presence of the Lord to bring peace in our lives.  To Jesus’ disciples before he left this scene of time he said “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”  Later Jesus said “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  Moses pleaded for this peace.  Joseph in Genesis had brothers who did not like him.  They sold him into slavery in Egypt. He was bought by Potiphar who noticed something in Joseph’s life that was different.  Genesis 39 verse 2 “and the Lord was with Joseph and his master saw that the Lord was with him, and the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand.”  Potiphar saw the Lord was with him.  That makes a difference between the man or woman of the world.  Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, falsely imprisoned.  Chapter 39 verse 23 “the keeper of the prison looked not to any thing that was under his hand because the Lord was with him and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper.”  Joseph at 17 years of age had the peace of God because the presence of God was with him.  Remember Paul and Silas in a prison cell.  They had been beaten and at midnight they began to sing praises unto God.  Then an earthquake took place, and the jailer ran into them asking “what must I do to be saved?”  He knew there was something different about them.  Have we that peace today?  Let’s pray for the presence of God in our families and homes and fellowship.

The presence of God brings protection.  “As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.” (Psalm 125 verse 2)  When you put your trust in the Lord so too is the Lord around you.  Moses knew the entry into the land of promise would not be plain sailing.  When they stepped into the land of Canaan the fight was not over, it was only just beginning.  Nehemiah heard in the palace in Shushan that the walls of Jerusalem were torn down.  When he went down to Jerusalem his enemies were furious.  They knew he was a man coming to help the people of God.  The enemy came in with all sorts of temptations – violence, fear of man, deception.  They tried to stop the work of God.  Psalm 91 “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuse and my fortress, my God, in him will I trust.”  When we become Christians it is only the beginning.  We have an enemy that is mighty.  The devil will not stop his war against you.  He will try everything in his power to bring you down.  Moses knew what it would be like in Canaan and he needed the presence of God to go with him.  Barak asked Balaam to curse the people but when he saw the crowd stretching out before him he said “how can I curse a people God has blessed?”

God’s presence brings pleasure.  Moses knew the delights in Canaan.  They would only be secured with God’s presence.  Today people say they would love to be saved but they believe their life would be destroyed.  “I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10 verse 10)  “Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16 verse 11)  In the palace Moses had the prominence but he didn’t have the pleasure.  Hebrews 11 verse 25 “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”  Both the rich young ruler and the prodigal son found no pleasure in the world.

God’s presence that secures the pledge.  Chapter 33 verse 1 “Depart and go up hence thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, saying, Unto seed will I give it.”  Isaiah 43 verse 2 “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”  Psalm 23 “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me … Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”



Monday, 14 August 2023

What manner of persons ought we to be



SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 pm

2 PETER 3 VERSES 1 – 18


Have you ever thought that one day heaven will be your home?  When God will take every child of his home, when there will be no more tears, no more separation, no more sickness or sorrow?  There will be nothing to break the heart of man or woman because the things of today will be passed away.  The greatest event the world is ever likely to see is the coming again of the Lord.  As we watch our television screens and social media and think of the fires, floods, pestilences going on around the world, when we see these things are we not mindful of what scripture says?  Jesus came the first time as a baby, born in Bethlehem, grew up and was rejected by men – all of this was fulfilled exactly as scripture said.  Surely if we look at scripture we can see the references to his Second Coming too – if he came the first time as the scriptures said surely he will come the second time too.  He will come the second time without sin.  When he came the first time he came to put away sin.  When he died on Calvary he was an offering for sin.  This time he is coming without sin.  He came to be the sin bearer the first time but the second time he will come as the king of kings.  His second coming will be in 2 stages.  Firstly, the trumpet will sound, those who have died in the Lord will rise first to meet him in the air and those which are alive in the world will also be caught up to join him.  When he comes every eye will see him.  He will come to stand on the Mount of Olives in the second stage.  Has that any bearing on you or I tonight?  Verse 11 of our chapter tonight asks “what manner of persons ought ye to be?”  Has this any relevance to me tonight Peter challenges us - lets take a look again at Jesus’ Second Coming.


Firstly, what manner of person ought he to be – he ought to be saved.  That is the most important thing of all.  You could have all of this worlds goods yet not have Jesus Christ.  You could still be left behind when Jesus comes again.  You need to be saved.  I want to challenge you – are you saved tonight?  Are you born again of the Spirit of God?  Have you been to Calvary?  Have you acknowledged you are a sinner, on your way to a lost hell for all eternity?  Are you coming to him tonight?  That is the most important thing.  “What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”  It is possible for that today.  We are living in a day when it is counted old fashioned to believe that you need to be saved.  Many people believe that because God is a God of love he will let everyone into heaven but he is also a God of justice.  God sent the best he had – his only son, not to condemn the world but to save men and women.  God is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance.  Are you saved tonight?  Do you know the Lord as Saviour?  Will you rise to meet Christ if he came tonight?  When Jesus comes what will he find on the earth?  Those saved will rise to meet him in the air.  What will be left behind?  He will find religion on earth.  Many have that but not salvation.  Salvation is only through the forgiveness of sins and the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is a subject that affects you and I. When Jesus comes and takes the saved home religion will still be left on this earth.  If Jesus was to come this week there will still be services in churches all over this world.  Preachers will preach but they have not been saved.  I wonder will you be amongst the congregation?  It was said of Martin Luter in his preaching he stirred the congregation, he preached as if Christ was crucified today, that he rose from the dead and he was coming tomorrow.  Jesus Christ has delayed his coming because you are not saved.  He knows that and he is not willing that you should perish.  Paul writing to Timothy encourages him to pray for all men, for kings and those in authority to be saved.


Secondly, he ought to be a sober person.  I am not talking about being sober in terms of having no alcohol in his system but a lifestyle that is alive, watching for the coming of the Lord.  Are you looking for Christ’s coming again?  Not caught up with affairs of this world.  Yes we have employment, work to do but always looking for the coming again of the Lord.  There is no real warning of this happening.  We can see the signs yes but he will come as a thief.  If a thief rang me to tell me he would be at my house tonight I would be sitting waiting for him.  The thief makes no forward planning.  He comes at the least expected time.  There will be no warning for it.  We are to be waiting for that particular day.  The Thessalonian church went about their normal lives.  They had so much going for them until Paul came and preached the gospel to them.  These Thessalonian believers turned from their riotous living and served the Lord.  They turned from their idols to serve the living God and watch for his coming again.  When you come to Christ it should be a genuine repentance and a waiting for Christ to come from heaven.  Matthew 25 tells the story of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins.  They were waiting for the groom to come.  They had their lamps filled will oil and burning but 5 didn’t take enough care to have sufficient oil.  They rose at midnight in a panic.  5 went out to meet their bridegroom but the other 5 came knocking and pleading to be let in but it was too late.  The believers of God are taken away and you will be left behind pleading – too late.  One day the shout will sound.  For many it will be too late.  We have to be sober, watchful, making sure we are saved and ready.  “Be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh.”  Paul longed for the day when Christ would come again.  “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4 verse 8)


Thirdly, be sincere.  “in all holy conversation” – the lifestyle you conduct here on earth, in your family, in your work, in the shopping centre, on the street.  In all my transactions with fellow man so that he might be stirred up.  In Acts 22 Paul spoke of a man called Ananias.  Ananias was told to go and meet him and lay his hand on him, to tell him what the Lord wanted him to do.  Ananias we are told was a sincere man, “a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there”.  Paul in Thessalonica worked and witnessed among them – “how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe.”  Are you thinking of the Lord’s coming again?  Are you sincere about it?  When the angels came to destroy Sodom, Lot went into his sons-in-law telling them they had to flee from the wrath of God on their city.  These men laughed at him – why – because they had never heard him talk like this before. (Genesis 19 verse 14)  He wasn’t sincere.  Are you happy sitting in the seat of the ungodly as sitting in the prayer meeting?


Fourthly, separated.  “in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God.”  They had turned from that which they previously worshipped and came to the Lord.  Paul said of his testimony, he was “separated”.  In these days God expects that of us.  He is expecting me to be a saved man, that I should be sober, sincere in all my activities and separated unto the gospel of Christ.  Will you be ready when he comes again?  He is coming to call home every child of God, every person that has trusted in his saving grace, called on his wonderful name.  What about you?  Are you sure tonight?

Sunday, 13 August 2023

What we can do for the work of God and what we can do in the work of God



SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2023 am

ACTS 11 VERSES 19 – 26


In this portion of scripture, we see Barnabas, the Son of Consolation and how valuable he was to the work of God.  The work of God in Antioch needed someone, and he was sent to help.  It was all about the work that began in Antioch.  Barnabas had to go down and test the word, to see if what was happening there was from God or not.  The church in Jerusalem sent him there to investigate what was going on.  Barnabas when he arrived “was glad”.  We need to test the spirits today, to see if things are from God or not (1 John 4 verse 1).  The enemy is very active today.  We cannot go on face value.  I want to look today at what we can do for and what we can do in the work of God.  Persecution began in and around Jerusalem.  We are seeing the aftermath of Stephen’s death.  A young man used of God in Acts 6.  When there was a rumour in the fellowship, he was brought in to quell it.  Stephen was eventually put to death.  When he was dying his clothes were held by Saul of Tarsus.  What an impression it made on his life – to see a man stoned to death.  Sometimes it takes all sorts to bring us to faith in God.  Perhaps through illness in the family or a death.  Stephen was stoned to death, but he had no words of condemnation for those involved in this action.  Instead he saw his master standing in heaven waiting his arrival.  The disciples had to flee from Jerusalem – Acts 8.  They were going everywhere preaching the gospel.  In verse 19 of this chapter, we read “now they” – no names, no singling out.  They were being persecuted and when they fled, they preached the gospel.  In verse 20 we read “some of them” – again no names.  I want to look today at the thought of these people and their service for God in Antioch.

These were men of vision for the work.  How important that is.  If we are saved by the grace of God, have come to the realisation of our sin and come short of the glory of God, when we hear of Christ dying on the cross of Calvary, shedding his blood for us, that should make a change in our lives.  That means when we become a child of God we become those with a vision.  Antioch was a city that needed to hear of the Lord.  It was a city full of hopeless people, a city of commerce and culture with many leading men and women but they needed the Lord Jesus.  These men had a vision of God working.  The people did not just come and look but they realised here was a city that needed God.  Remember Paul when he came to Athens.  He saw men and women without Christ, they were given over to idols.  His heart was stirred in him as a result (Acts 17).  That is what we need – a vision.  A band of men and women who saw the need.  It was the need of the poor and the rich who lived in Antioch.  There was no difference at all because there were those in Antioch who had no religion at all.  Here were a band of men who realised here was a city that needed the Lord.  That is what we need today.  We cannot live on the vision of a past day.  Paul had a vision for Rome – “I am ready to preach the gospel.”  There were many intellectual people in that city but they were sinners too “I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation.” (Romans 1 verse 16)  Think of the vision of Hudson Taylor for the people of China or David Livingstone for Africa.  Have we a vision today?  Have we a desire to see what God can do through us?  We are only channels but God can use us to challenge men and women today.  Can we see them going out into a lost eternity?  These men had a vision and we need such a vision today.  We have the answer for people today – Christ.

They were also men of vocation.  They were called of God. We need to get before God today and ask “is there something I can do for you Lord?”  These men were available for God.  They had trusted God yes but they also surrendered their lives to Christ.  Remember the fishermen sitting mending their nets one day – they left them where they were because they had a higher calling (Matthew 4 verse 20).  They were now going to be fishers of men.  You are saved to be used by God today.  It is not just a task for the few or the leaders of the local fellowship.  There is a work for everyone, not just the pastor.  In Acts 8 we see as here that they went forth and saw the need to tell men and women.  Philip had the vision to go to Samaria, he began to teach men and women of Christ.  These men in Antioch had to flee their homes, families and jobs but they had a vocation – to reach men and women for Christ.  Acts 13 the people were working in the church daily when the Holy Ghost came down and told them to separate Barnabas and Saul (verse 2).  A surrender of their lives.  Romans 12 “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Are we seeking after that?  Willingly sacrificing our talents?  Have we surrendered them to the Lord?  Do we know the vocation of the Lord on our lives?  Are we sure of it?  Are we surrendering our lives, our worship, our finances to God?  David Livingston said “I am prepared to go anywhere provided it is forward.”  There were those who wrote to him on one occasion saying “we want to send our recruits, those who want to help you, is there a good road for them to travel?”  David Livingstone wrote back “if men want a good road to travel to me, I want them to come to me whether it is a road or not.”

These men ventured.  They stepped out.  We can have a vision and a vocation but we need to step out.  Jonah had the vision all right.  He knew what would happen if he went to Nineveh.  They were great enemies of Israel.  If someone went to preach a message of repentance to them they would turn and he didn’t want that.  He got up and fled from the presence of God.  We can have a vision and a vocation yet fight against it.  This was a big step for Jonah, not to take the gospel message to this city.  Paul said he was ready to preach the gospel in Rome, he would not allow the culture to deter him (Romans 1 verse 15).  He was going to venture out.  Maybe God is calling you today.  You might think it is impossible – how could I ever do anything for God?  You know it is not just a matter of coming Sunday by Sunday, there has to be a surrender.  Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up.  He heard the voice “who shall I send and who will go?”  Isaiah responded “here am I Lord send me.” (Isaiah 6 verse 8)  Maybe the Lord is calling you for a work he has.  Is there something you can do, is there a task God would have you to do today?

These were men who voiced the word – “preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only.” (verse 19)  "How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10 verse 14)  If you don’t tell that neighbour of yours of the love of God how will they hear?  There is a message we need to present.  That is what the people need to hear.  That Jesus suffered, bled and died and rose again.  That people could have their sins forgiven if they trust in God.  “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16 verse 15)  The word has to be voiced.

These men were men who had a visit from God.  “they spoke unto the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus and the hand of the Lord was with them.” (verse 20) In the Old Testament “the hand of the Lord” meant the wrath of God.  In the New Testament it is the blessing of God.  We need that blessing today.  We cannot do it ourselves.  That is the answer even today as it was in those Antioch days.  For the hand of God to step into our work again.  He did it in times past.  We need it again today.   We have many gimmicks today.  On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the gospel and 3000 were saved.  The Holy Spirit came and brought great conviction.  Remember when Peter was called to go to Cornelius.  God send a message to him to go and see Cornelius.  Cornelius was concerned about those in his family, in his neighbourhood.  He had a concern for their souls too.  Peter found much people had already gathered.  If we don’t have that concern today will you pray and ask the Lord for it?  Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house and he didn’t bring anything with him. He went into his house and preached the Lord as Saviour.  How the love of God sent his son to be the Saviour of the world.  How his death on the cross would be the means of salvation, how he was raised on the third day and is now seated at the fathers right hand where one day he will come again.  When he said these words the Holy Spirit fell on the whole congregation that was gathered there.  That is what we need today. For the Holy Spirit to come and move in a mighty way.  Will you allow him to move in your heart today?  Are you prepared to say “Lord here am I, send me” like Isaiah in the Old Testament?

Sunday, 6 August 2023

The importance of the word of God





The incident we want to look at is the book of the law found whilst the repair of the house of the Lord was under way.  It happened in the reign of Josiah a young man.  When he came to the throne he was only 8 years of age.  He was taken and placed on the throne of Judah and Jerusalem.  There were different stages in his life you can see that in the early verses of this chapter.  In verse 1 he was 8 years of age when he began to reign and he reigned for 31 years.  Verse 2 “he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.”  It is a good thing to do that today because one day we must stand and give a final account of the life lived in the body.  Verse 3 “in the eighth year of his reign … he began to seek after God.”  Only 8 when he came to the throne and at 16 he set his sights on God.  Have we set our sights on God to seek after him with our heart?  “There is none righteous, there is none that seeketh after God.”  There has to be a day when we seek after God.  God so loved you that he gave his own son, his son was given as a ransom for the world, for your sin and mine.  Verse 3 “in the twelfth year of his reign he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves and the carved images and the molten images.”  He began to make inroads, to bring the nation back to God. Commanded the people to come to God’s house to prayer.  In verse 14 we see that whilst carrying out the repairs to the house of God they found the word of God.  The house of God had been run down for 50/60 years.  It was neglected.  This man sets out to repair and build it again.  He wanted the people to get back into the worship of God. This godly young man realises he has the word of God in his hand.  Let us look at the significance of this find and the lessons we can learn from it.


This book that was found was the book of the law.  It had been ignored.  It set out the demands of God.  That is how important this book was.  This is a book setting out the just demands of a loving God who wants you and I to live for him.  Manasseh was Josiah’s grandfather.  He was a wicked man when he came to the throne.  He undid everything his father had done.  He brought the nation into false worship.  The nation began to crumble and fail as a result.  When he ignored this book that is what happened.  If we adhere to this book today we will continue to have great fellowship in our lives.  If it is read and studied and adhered to our home and family lives would be different.  We dare not ignore it or neglect it.  Manasseh was an evil king.  The book was ignored and set aside.  They did not want God, they wanted to do their own thing.  When he departed his son Amon came to the throne and he was another wicked king.  He only lived for some 2 years after coming to the throne.  Josiah then came to the throne and he had a different mindset.  He wanted to bring the nation back to God.  He set about reforming the people.  Paul wrote in Romans 1 verse 18 “for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”  There are those behind the sacred desk holding the word of God down because it will have a great effect on peoples lives.  Jesus taught of the man who had the privilege of hearing the word of God.  Jesus taught parables that touched lives.  Parables are earthly stories with heavenly meanings.  One man was taught from the word of God but he turned his back on it.  He lived his life as he wanted to, walking and not practising what he heard.  Jesus called him foolish.  A man who ignored the warnings in the word of God.  He was like a man who went out to build his house, instead of getting a good foundation, he built it on the sand.  It all looked ok while it was good and calm, only when storms came, when the rains fell and the winds blew the house came down.  He is like the man who hears my word but goes out to practise what he wants.  If it is not built on the word of God, it doesn’t matter how religious you are, if you do the best you can, you need to be born again of the Spirit of God.  The rich man Nicodemus came to Jesus at night.  Jesus looked into his heart and said “you are well off, except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  He was lost in sin, his religion did him no good. Do we ignore the word of God today?  Maybe you are saying “this is not me, I do the best I can, I am as good as the next person.”  The bible says “there is none righteous, there is none that seeketh after God.”  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  Peter said “there is no other name given amongst men whereby we must be saved.”  Being saved is not a word used only in this church but it is written in God’s word.  If you are not saved today you cannot be saved any other way.  Is the bible ignored, set aside?  Is it read or studied?


A book that was important.  This book was given by the prophet Moses on top of the mountain.  God spoke with him and gave him the dictates of God.  As Hilkiah found it he realised it was very important.  No other book stands in the same significance today.  As he unrolled the scroll he realised it was from God.  It was very precious.  He began to read the pages.  Paul to the church in Rome was asked “what is the point of being a Jew, of being circumcised?”  “For unto you was presented first of all the oracles of God (the word of God).”  It is an important book.  Hilkiah realised that this book was so important that others needed to hear it.  He called in Shaphan and asked him to read it.  He wanted to share it with others.  This book is not an ornament but something to be preached from.  Hilkiah wanted the king to know about this book and he asked Shaphan to take it into the palace.  It is to be preached to everyone – from the richest to the poorest, from the person of great importance to the pauper.  In 2 Timothy 4 verse 2 Paul encouraged Timothy to “preach the word, be in season and out.”  Paul warned that there would be a day when the people will turn away from this book and turn to fables.  Are we not living in days when people don’t want to hear the word of God but would rather listen to the dictates of the world?  When you open up this word of God you will see what God desires.  This book shows what God expects of you and I.  Verse 21 “Go inquire of the Lord for me and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah concerning the words of the book that is found for great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord, to do after all that is written in this book.”  David in his first psalm talked about a man who loved the word of God – “he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season.”  He was not going to be moved easily.  Jesus was walking in the wilderness, a barren lonely place when the devil came to him.  In a time of weariness and hunger the devil approached him and said “turn these stones into bread.”  In other words why not have a good feast, satisfy your stomach.  Jesus replied “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”  The importance of it. 


The instructions it gives us – how to reach heaven and home.  This book tells us of 2 places.  Paul to Timothy spoke of the last days – 2 Timothy 3 verse 14 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  It is an instruction book of how to get into a relationship with Jesus, God’s son.  How will we ever see heaven’s glory and God for himself?  The bible tells us we are sinful and separated from God but he doesn’t stop there – if we are willing to repent of our sin and take of the atoning work of Christ on Calvary then we can know salvation for ourselves today.


This book had an impact – verse 19.  The king rent his clothes.  It was a sign of repentance and sorrow that brought about conviction.  When the word was read he realised the people were not living according to this book.  He knew he was not fit to sit in the presence of God.  We are told in the scriptures that in the last days men will have a form of godliness.  There will be a religiosity, or Christianity but no reality.  Remember Lydia in Acts 16.  She was sitting in the meeting listening to Paul as he opened up the word of God.  God reached down and opened up her heart.  She received the word of God that day.  It saved her soul, made her fit for heaven and home.  Or think of the Bereans who listened to the word of God. Such was the impact that they went home and searched the scriptures for themselves to see if what had been said was true.  It is important today to hear what God has said to us.  Time is running out in this world – where will you spend eternity?