Saturday, 4 February 2023

Great is your faith!





“And Jesus answered and said unto her O woman great is thy faith.” verse 28

We want to examine this faith today and examine our hearts to see what it really means.  We  always spell out the word FAITH as Forsaking All I Trust Him.  Think of this woman and her faith.  A faith that rewards.  If God was to look at us today would our faith say the same?

The evidence of her faith.  Jesus rewarded something that was present in her life.  He looked beyond the outward veneer.  He was looking into her heart and saw someone with a tremendous faith.  Not a blind faith.  Jesus understood her faith.  The evidence of her faith was in the Lord.  That is where her faith was seated.  The Pharisees faith was in the law and in the keeping of the law, the keeping of the commandments and living a righteous life.  Paul in Philippians 3 boasted of himself “Circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the law, a Pharisee.  Concerning zeal, persecuting the church, touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless.”  The faith was in everything he could do for himself.  Remember the young man who came to Jesus one day and asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  Where was his faith?  Jesus turned him to the commandments and he responded “all these I have kept from my youth.”  He realised his life had to be placed in God’s hands.  Remember the disciples in the boat when Jesus asked “where is your faith?”  People often say “you have faith” but faith in what?  It should rather be in who – Jesus himself.  In verse 22 the woman shouted out “have mercy on me O Lord thou Son of David.”  She knew who he was.  She acknowledged who the Lord was.  The evidence of her faith was in the person of the Lord Jesus.  She had a young daughter at home with a sickness, an evil spirit.  She was lying at home.  The woman believed in her heart that Jesus had the answer to her problem.  When the disciples were in the boat and saw a figure walking on the sea.  They thought it was a spirit.  Jesus spoke and the moment he heard the voice Peter asked “if it is you bid me to come to you.”    The evidence of his faith was believing in who Jesus was.  We are living in a secular society, a time when men are looking elsewhere for their help.  The Psalmist could say “my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.”  The Psalmist believed in the God of heaven, the one who spoke the word and everything came into being.  Like the centurion who had a servant lying at home.  He came to Jesus and asked him to heal the servant.  The evidence of his faith was in his heart.  He didn’t want Jesus to come in under his roof as he felt he was not worthy.  He only wanted him to speak the word and he would be healed.  When Jesus came to this world he came with one purpose in mind.  God loves you and I today.  He sent his son to die on Calvary.  It was part of his plan and purpose.  Our faith needs to be in God alone.

The expression of her faith.  She didn’t know if she could get an audience with the Lord but she came nevertheless.  She expressed her faith by coming and pleading with Jesus.  We know the Lord can save our family members but the expression of my faith is when I meet them and have a word with them.  Peter stepped over the edge of the boat into the water.  Remember the night when the disciples went out fishing and nothing was caught.  When morning came he knew it was hopeless so he headed for the shore.  Jesus told him to let down his nets once more.  I am sure Peter thought ‘he doesn’t know much about fishing.’  Peter told Jesus “I have fished all night, nevertheless at thy word I will let down my net.”  The expression was to do something.  James said “show me thy faith without works I will show you my faith with works.”  This lady had a daughter so ill, she heard so much but she had to express that faith.  Is it any wonder Jesus said “great is thy faith.”  God is asking us today to do something we have never done before.  Maybe he is asking us specifically to prove us.  What were you doing before you were saved?  By God’s grace there had to be an expression of that faith.  At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus could see they were tired and weary.  He told the disciples to feed them.  Philip said it is impossible but Jesus told them to bring what they had and trust him for the rest.

An entrance of our faith.  She came praying and pleading from the depths of her soul.  God saw faith in her heart and now she will show the entrance  of that faith.  The Lord answered her not a word.  The woman realised her daughter was ebbing out into eternity.  She cried out “Lord help me”.  After listening to her cry “he answered her not a word.”  As the man who had a demon possessed son and brought him to the disciples they could do nothing.  He was so disappointed but his faith endured until he met with the Lord.  He knew Jesus could heal his son.  This woman pleaded but the Lord answered her not a word.  We know that the Lord can save.  We must endure in our faith.  Remember the widow who came to the righteous judge – she came time and time again.  She wanted her problem to be heard.  The judge came to the point where he said this woman is going to weary me.  We are not coming to an unjust judge.  “Will not your heavenly father reward those who diligently seek him?”  “By faith Moses forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11 verse 27)  He believed in God even though he couldn’t see him.

The encounter of her faith.  Faith encounters many problems.  Jesus never spoke.  She encountered silence from the Lord.  Next the disciples asked for her to be sent away.  When the Lord heard the woman’s response to his statement he turned and said “O great is thy faith.”  She was healed from that moment.



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