An old preacher announced to his church one Sunday that he would be speaking the following week on Acts 29. During the following week the congregation realised that there was no chapter 29 in Acts and thought perhaps he had lost his mind. The preacher got up the following week and announced he would preach on Acts 29. "Of course he said you will know there is no Acts chapter 29 in the bible, it is you and me, we are the continuation of the story of Acts of the Apostles." Remember what Jesus said of Peter "you are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." We are continuing on this morning with our study on church membership. The old preacher had it right when he said we are Acts chapter 29. Are we carrying on the message of the church of Acts? Those soul winners went out to make disciples on the Day of Pentecost. The church age still continues. Stephen, Ananias, Barnabas - their day has closed but we are still here in the day of grace. That is our priority today.
The first thing to note - actually putting your name on the role - what does it mean? There is a responsibility we all have to the body of Christ, to a local fellowship preaching the word of God. 1 Corinthians 12 "For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." Those saved are baptised into one body by the Spirit. We have to belong to the place where we can practise the talents God has given to us. We all have responsibility to the fellowship. The bible describes the church as a flock. We are part of the church universally. The bible is clear in the instruction of the authority under the eldership and deacons. Peter tells us we have to submit to that authority. Hebrews 13 verse 17 tells us to "obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you." Each church member has a responsiblity. We read in verse 1 that Herod killed James and had no problem in putting Peter in prison as well. What did the local church do - they met together and prayed for Peter. The people were prepared to get behind him and pray this thing through. They felt everything was lost when Peter was in prison. Would we have gathered like these people did and pray with them? Or would we have said "not my problem"? The responsibility of membership. In Acts 11 we see some of the responsibility - verse 19 they came to Antioch as a result of the great persecution around Jerusalem. Why did they come to Antioch - to preach the word of God. Verse 21 "the hand of the Lord was with them". They left persecution behind them but the hand of the Lord was with them. Maybe they thought all was lost. No they picked up their saving grace and travelled to Antioch and discovered that God hadn't left them. God was still with them "and the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned unto the Lord." Barnabas a member of the church was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch. When he came he saw the grace of God. He told them to cling to the Lord. For a full year they taught in Antioch.
The role each of us must play within the church. Every member is so very important. We see this role clearly played out in Acts 14 verse 21. In verse 1 the word of God was going forth and membership was being added. In Acts 6 a problem arose in the church finances and the benefits to the widows. The disciples said the situation was such that they were leaving the preaching to sort out the situation. In verse 3 they came up with the role each member had to play. They were told to "look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business." Those who had been saved by the grace of God came into fellowship in this place. In Matthew 18 we read of one man having difficulty with another man. Jesus is giving the role that has to be taken. Go to him, speak with him and if it is not resolved take 2 witnesses with you and go back to the man. If it is still not resolved you take it to the church membership and let them judge in the matter. Discipline within the church. Membership is so very important in the local church. In Acts 20 Paul calls the elders to Miletus. He tells them what will happen as soon as he leaves the fellowship in Ephesus. Verse 29 ravenous wolves will come in and will split the church. We have to be careful to protect the work. It is not just a matter of attending meetings. We are called to stand and defend the ministry.
The relationship one to another in the body of Christ. What an encouragement. It is to see people joining new members. What does it mean though? Paul puts it this way Ephesians 3 verse 15 "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." There is part of the family still on this earth but part of the family is in the glory today. The day you were saved you were saved into the family of God. In Acts 2 as Peter preached 3000 were saved but they were together. When they saw a need they made sure the need was met. In James 5 we read that we are to pray one for another.
The rewards of being part of that body. There is a sense of belonging to the body. It is not thinking all the time 'what I can get out of the church?' Membership is what I put into it. There is someone looking out for you, we need to encourage them and to encourage them too. 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 11. That word "comfort" means looking out for one another and showing patience.
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