JOHN 1 VERSES 29 – 30, 35 – 37
“Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the
sin of the world.”
God used these words to introduce Jesus to Israel and the world. John the Baptist was known as the preacher of baptism. He taught baptism for the remission of sins. He never asked the Lord to be baptised. He didn’t need to have his sins forgiven. When Mary greeted Elisabeth the baby in her womb leapt for joy. The first person to greet the Lord Jesus even before he was born. The Jewish people were used to the custom of killing the lambs for sacrifice as a remission for their sins. John knew what he was saying in his words – that one day he would die for the peoples sins. He could have said “behold the King of Kings” but no it had to be a Lamb and the Lamb of God. He wanted to get the peoples eyes on the Lamb of God. He was covered in camels hair and had a belt of leather around his waist. God wanted to get their eyes not on the messenger but the message – “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” John had great conviction that he would come to take the sins of the world – the witness, the work and the worship of the Lamb.
The witness of the Lamb. The sacrificial Lamb is mentioned in the bible from the beginning to the end, Genesis to Revelation. In Genesis 3 God took skins to cover Adam and Eve when they sinned. Cain and Abel sacrificed before God, one was accepted and the other was not. Why? One was a life sacrifice, the blood was spilled. Throughout the bible we see many lambs sacrificed for the peoples sins in the Old Testament. God always demanded life blood for sins. The skins in Adam and Eve’s day had to cover their sin. The clearest picture given in the Old Testament that Jesus would be the sacrifice. He was the Passover Lamb. The blood had to be on the doorposts and lintel. The death angel passed over the door if the blood was applied. We need to apply God’s blood. It is the only thing that will cleanse us from our sin. God knew there would be a day in history when Jesus would die on Calvary. God had it all in plan. The final plague in Egypt was the death of the Lamb and the blood sprinkled on the doorposts. You couldn’t have missed that blood on the doorposts. Do they see the blood of Jesus applied to your life? Every year at Jerusalem in the temple the priest would cry out when the lamb was sacrificed. “It is finished” Jesus himself cried out in his final cry. The temple veil was split in 2 from top to bottom. There had been thousands of lambs killed in years previously but they were only pointers. They never went into the holy of holies. The final sacrifice was made in Jesus’ death. The way into God’s presence. Isaiah 53 verses 10 and 11. He could have called his angels in those last few hours to bring him relief.
The work of the Lamb. Why does sin need to be taken away? What is sin? It is a transgression of the law, a breaking of God’s commandment, going against God’s will. The opposite is holiness and is attributed to God because of the character of God. God requires judgement for sin. A punishment to satisfy his divine justice. That is what happened at Calvary. He satisfied the divine justice of an almighty God in order for sin to be taken away. The sacrifice had to be without sin. Only one in history able to be without sin, our Lord himself. The apostle Peter said “he did no sin.” John said “in him there was no sin.” Paul said “he knew no sin.” 3 important witnesses. What did God say? When John the Baptist baptised Jesus God cried from heaven “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” He was pleased because he had no sin. God was well pleased. All through the Old Testament the lambs had to be perfect, pure. They were pictures of the Lamb of God that was to come. The sacrifice to take away sin. He was the only one. “There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gates of heaven and let us in.” He was willing to carry out the price for the sacrifice for sin. Peter said it would not happen but Jesus told him “get thee behind me Satan.” Why? Because he was planning to stop God’s purpose for Jesus. Peter cut off the servants ear and Jesus had to restore the ear and tell Peter to put away his sword. Less people believe today God’s prophetic word will come to pass. They want to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – that is God’s word coming to pass. Jesus will reign from the temple in Jerusalem one day. Only 3 or 4 states have their embassy in Jerusalem but gradually it will all come to pass. God’s plan 2000 years ago was that his Son would bear the sacrifice for sin. What a tremendous work he did for us but at what a cost. The life blood had to be made.
The worship
of the Lamb. Revelation 5 praise and
worship given to the Lamb of God by thousands “Worthy is the Lamb that was
slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory
and blessing.” Will you be among those
millions directing their praise? You
need to depend on God’s work and witness tonight to be able to worship one
day. C H Spurgeon was to speak to a
large stadium and he wasn’t sure if his voice would carry. He took someone with him to go to the four farthest
points in the building. A workman on the
roof outside heard those words and couldn’t get them out of his mind. That night he prayed and trusted in God for
his sacrificial work done on Calvary through his son Jesus. God uses word to save souls. It really was the work of the Holy Spirit that
brings conviction to the heart. Maybe
you have that conviction – that Jesus died, shed his blood for you, trust the
Saviour and his finished work on the Lamb of God. There is no remission of sins without the
lifeblood of Jesus himself – “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin
of the world.”
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