Sunday, 26 February 2023

The Second Coming of Jesus






We are thinking of how the world celebrates some of the great events – sporting achievements (world cup finals recently), the soon coronation of the King and there are political achievements too.  Surely tonight as we come together the world stands on the brink of the greatest event ever witnessed, never to be witnessed again.  The Lord who died on the cross of Calvary, was buried in the tomb and on the third day when they went to look for a body it was gone, he was resurrected from the dead and is even now ascended into heaven.  Jesus promised us “if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself.” (John 14 verse 3)  The angels said to the people standing looking into heaven “why stand ye gazing up into heaven, this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1 verse 11)  He will not come to the cradle, to the manger in Bethlehem but is coming to the air with a shout and the trump of the archangel.  We will arise.  When will it happen?  We don’t know but we need to be prepared for it.  We are thinking here of the signs of the times.  Jesus has marked out in the scripture some of the things we need to look out for.  Everyone needs to know these things.  Surely this world is on the brink of something, the climax of it all.  The Lord said in Matthew’s gospel chapter 24 verse 37 pointing right back to the days of Noah before the flood “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark.”  That was the way life was going on until the day Noah entered into the ark.  Some knew nothing until the flood came.  Compare that society with the one we are living in today.  Paul said they would be “perilous times”.  We see a reckless society.  How very important this scripture is.  As Jesus pointed back to it we can compare the 2 societies – 2 societies who disregarded the things of God – “eating, drinking and marrying and giving in marriage.”  God was left out of the equation until the flood came and they were taken away.  Some ask if Jesus’ return will ever take place.  There were 2 doctors on a train arguing about the next destination.  One thought it was at a village while the other thought it was at a town.  One said to the other “let’s see what Bradshaw’s guide says and that will settle it.”  When they consulted with the guide they realised both were wrong.  It doesn’t matter what man says, it matters what God’s word says.  From the very fall of man in Genesis 3 the society was on a roller coaster.  Genesis 6 verse 13 shows that the earth was “full of violence”.  When God looked on the society he saw it was full of violence.  Surely, we can see that same violence going on around the world today.  Just think of the war in Ukraine or the many years of civil disobedience in our own province.  Such violence as in the days of Noah “so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.”  In Genesis 6 verse 5 we see there was a vent towards evil.  This is the society in which God judged.  We need to remind ourselves we are looking at the coming of the Lord, not just looking for the signs of a future day.  We read that men will live to please themselves.  Noah was living in such a society.  Paul in 2 Timothy 3 verse 2 tells us that men will be “lovers of themselves”.  A reckless society.  Are we not living in a reckless society today?  When we can see the Son of God coming at any moment?


A rebellious society.  In Genesis 4 we see how sin entered into the world.  There was one tree they were not to eat because in that day they ate of it they would die.  Eve looked at that fruit and saw it was good so gave it to Adam to eat.  He ate and fell from grace.  Adam hid from God and when God came to search for him, he cried out “Adam where are you?”  God had to take an animals skins to make them coverings for their sin.  In Adam’s family we see the first murder.  Cain rose up against his brother and killed him.  In Genesis 4 verse 18, 3 generations later we read of Lamech, Cain’s great great great grandson.  By his actions he showed rebellion to God.  He disregarded God’s word.  He knew the sanctity of marriage, knew what God said about marriage – Genesis 2 verse 24 “therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”  God said marriage shall be one man to one woman.  He set that aside, disregarded God’s law.  Lamech married 2 wives, he introduced polygamy.  Genesis 4 verse 19.  Here was a young man who was going to live his life in total rebellion to God.  “some shall depart from the faith.” 1 Timothy 4 verse 1.  Some people profess Christ today but they have departed from the faith, have given heed to “seducing spirits.”  What do we see in our society today?  The younger generation do not know about their gender.  God says man and woman but today society says we don’t know what gender they are.  God says marriage is between one man and one woman but society says man with man, woman with woman is acceptable.  God says “thou shalt not kill” but society  says that’s ok unless it is a child that is not wanted.  Lamech had a disregard for life.  He kills a man younger than himself – Genesis 4 verse 23 – and he boasts to his wives of what he has done.  God looks down on society, sees society full of violence, a reckless and a rebellious society turning their backs on God.


A resistant society.  The society in Noah’s day was characterised by a life of socialising.  They had no moral principles whatsoever, anything would go.  In that society they did not seek many to turn in repentance.  People thought things would continue as they were.  Yes they could see Noah was preparing for something that would happen but they laughed at the prospect of a flood.  He was building a place of refuge and safety for them to leave society behind and enter in through one door.  The people could not see what was before them.  Are we watching for the coming of the Lord?  Are we ready for him coming again?  People resisted the preaching of Noah and the building of the ark.  People today are resisting the preaching of the gospel, how he came into the world to seek and to save.  They say “we don’t need a Saviour, give us a physician, a philosopher, a teacher.”  On the cross of Calvary God’s own son was nailed, he gave his life a ransom for us.  You and I could never make heaven’s door ourselves.  We could never see those gates ourselves or walk the pearly streets for ourselves.  God could see the plight we were in, he took his beloved son and sent him into the world to die for our sins.  Are you still resisting him?  Are you saying you will make your own way?  Are we happy to take communion, read our bibles and pray?  Everyone has missed that mark.  We will never be in heaven until we accept Christ as our Saviour.  People resisted in Noah’s day until the flood came and God shut the door.


A religious society.  The fact they married and were giving in marriage indicates that perhaps they had some inclination to the programme God had for mankind.  Maybe they had a religiosity.  In these latter days “men shall be lovers of themselves … having a form of godliness but denying the power of God.”  They denied the teaching of man’s sinfulness, that man is sinful.  People today say there is a goodness about man but the bible says that man is depraved and hell is their destination.  Christ came to turn that all on its head.  They rejected the idea that Christ died, that he rose from the dead and that he is coming again.  Isn’t that what they laughed at when Paul preached on Mars Hill?  They mocked and laughed at him.


It was a rejected society.  In Noah’s day they were resisting what God had given until that day.  We have a rejected society today.  When Christ comes again will we be ready?  Horatius Bonnar used to say when he opened the curtains in a morning “maybe today Lord” and when it came night and he was closing them again he looked out into the darkness and said “maybe tonight Lord.”  He lived in expectation that Christ could come before the morning would break.  A rejected society.  Jesus said they lived until the day the rains came.  I can imagine the rush to the ark when the waters rose but God had closed the door.  Noah had no authority to open it.  The door of God’s grace was opened that day he died on Calvary.  It is still open.  Jesus stands with his arms outstretched biding you to come.   Jesus’ coming again will happen in the twinkling of an eye.  The dead in Christ will arise and you and I that are left will be changed, caught up to meet him in the clouds of the air.  What about those left behind?  Don’t hold on to that old profession, to some sort of religious string thinking that will take you through when Jesus comes.  It will be too late.

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Church Membership Part 3





An old preacher announced to his church one Sunday that he would be speaking the following week on Acts 29.  During the following week the congregation realised that there was no chapter 29 in Acts and thought perhaps he had lost his mind.  The preacher got up the following week and announced he would preach on Acts 29.  "Of course he said you will know there is no Acts chapter 29 in the bible, it is you and me, we are the continuation of the story of Acts of the Apostles."  Remember what Jesus said of Peter "you are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  We are continuing on this morning with our study on church membership.  The old preacher had it right when he said we are Acts chapter 29.  Are we carrying on the message of the church of Acts?  Those soul winners went out to make disciples on the Day of Pentecost.  The church age still continues.  Stephen, Ananias, Barnabas - their day has closed but we are still here in the day of grace.  That is our priority today.

The first thing to note - actually putting your name on the role - what does it mean?  There is a responsibility we all have to the body of Christ, to a local fellowship preaching the word of God.  1 Corinthians 12 "For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit."  Those saved are baptised into one body by the Spirit.  We have to belong to the place where we can practise the talents God has given to us.  We all have responsibility to the fellowship.  The bible describes the church as a flock.  We are part of the church universally.  The bible is clear in the instruction of the authority under the eldership and deacons.  Peter tells us we have to submit to that authority.  Hebrews 13 verse 17 tells us to "obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you."   Each church member has a responsiblity.  We read in verse 1 that Herod killed James and had no problem in putting Peter in prison as well.  What did the local church do - they met together and prayed for Peter.  The people were prepared to get behind him and pray this thing through.  They felt everything was lost when Peter was in prison.  Would we have gathered like these people did and pray with them?  Or would we have said "not my problem"?  The responsibility of membership.  In Acts 11 we see some of the responsibility - verse 19 they came to Antioch as a result of the great persecution around Jerusalem.  Why did they come to Antioch - to preach the word of God.  Verse 21 "the hand of the Lord was with them".  They left persecution behind them but the hand of the Lord was with them.  Maybe they thought all was lost.  No they picked up their saving grace and travelled to Antioch and discovered that God hadn't left them.  God was still with them "and the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned unto the Lord."  Barnabas a member of the church was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch.  When he came he saw the grace of God.  He told them to cling to the Lord.  For a full year they taught in Antioch.

The role each of us must play within the church.  Every member is so very important.  We see this role clearly played out in Acts 14 verse 21.  In verse 1 the word of God was going forth and membership was being added.  In Acts 6 a problem arose in the church finances and the benefits to the widows.  The disciples said the situation was such that they were leaving the preaching to sort out the situation.  In verse 3 they came up with the role each member had to play.  They were told to "look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business."   Those who had been saved by the grace of God came into fellowship in this place.  In Matthew 18 we read of one man having difficulty with another man.  Jesus is giving the role that has to be taken.  Go to him, speak with him and if it is not resolved take 2 witnesses with you and go back to the man.  If it is still not resolved you take it to the church membership and let them judge in the matter.  Discipline within the church.  Membership is so very important in the local church.  In Acts 20 Paul calls the elders to Miletus.  He tells them what will happen as soon as he leaves the fellowship in Ephesus.  Verse 29 ravenous wolves will come in and will split the church.  We have to be careful  to protect the work.  It is not just a matter of attending meetings.  We are called to stand and defend the ministry.   

The relationship one to another in the body of Christ.  What an encouragement.  It is to see people joining new members.  What does it mean though?  Paul puts it this way Ephesians 3 verse 15 "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." There is part of the family still on this earth but part of the family is in the glory today.  The day you were saved you were saved into the family of God.  In Acts 2 as Peter preached 3000 were saved but they were together.  When they saw a need they made sure the need was met.  In James 5 we read that we are to pray one for another.

The rewards of being part of that body.  There is a sense of belonging to the body.  It is not thinking all the time 'what I can get out of the church?'  Membership is what I put into it.  There is someone looking out for you, we need to encourage them and to encourage them too.  1 Thessalonians 5 verse 11.  That word "comfort" means looking out for one another and showing patience.

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Church Membership part 2





What do you and I have to offer as we come into the membership of our church?  Would I be blessed as a result?  How can I share that blessing with others?

Paul makes his way to Ephesus.  A great challenge to the gospel awaits him here.  It was an immoral, idolatrous and rich city.  It had everything going for it that was against the word of God.  When Paul preached things began to happen.

Notice firstly the steps that were taken.  Verse 9 shows us that Paul went into the synagogue and spoke each week for 3 months.  He sees a word that begins and Paul addresses the 12 men who he sees with a change in their lives.  He askes them have you received the Holy Spirit (verse 2)?  Something about their lives does not quite add up.  He examined their lives according to God’s word.  They didn’t know about the Holy Spirit.  They went as far as believing that Jesus was the Messiah but that was it.  We can go so far as that too.  We can have a head belief but not a heart belief.  We see it happening in our gospel meetings – men and women are told about the great love God had for them even when they were sinners, that even while they were in that state Christ died for them but they must receive him for themselves.  Maybe that is where it stops for some.  For some that little bit makes them believe they are a Christian.  Paul sees something is not quite right in these mens lives.  He challenges them and confirms the work of God in their lives.  They were human instruments for God to use.  In our weaknesses God comes to us and he uses us.  As Paul preached he realised he had 12 men behind him to start the work.  They devoted themselves to the Lord.  They were being used by God.  If we are totally surrendered to the Lord today we can be used by him.  Does not matter what situation we are in.  John Wesley said “Give me 100 preachers that fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, then we will shake the world.”  In verse 8 we see that Paul’s word was not widely accepted.  Steps had to be taken.  When the gospel is rejected by a man or woman their heart becomes hardened.  For 3 months Paul preached in the synagogue.  He told of God’s sinless son who came into the world and was crucified.  The Jews rejected that.  There was a hardening of hearts.  Think of the parable of the sower and the seed.  Some seed fell onto hard ground which men trampled on every day.  No fruit resulted from that seed sown on the hard ground.  That is what happens every time the gospel is proclaimed.  The devil can come and take away the seed just to make sure no-one responds.  In Hebrews 3 verse 8 we are warned “harden not your hearts.”  Ridicule can set in as it did here in Ephesus.  They claimed Jesus was not the way to heaven, he was just an imposter.  He was here to ruin the Jewish faith.  Steps had to be taken.  Paul had to separate the believers.  At the school of Tyrannus he taught the new believers (verse 9).  There were those sitting in the synagogue who had come to faith.  They were sitting amongst those who rejected the word of God.  They ridiculed the way of salvation.  Somehow we can get diluted in our faith.  We no longer hear the word of God.  These people who separated themselves in Ephesus had a vision and passion for their families to hear the word of God.  Remember the instruction God gave to Moses – tell your children and your children’s children (Deuteronomy 4 verse 9).

The statement that is made.  We can affiliate ourselves with this fellowship prayerfully, practically, financially but putting your name on the role means you are stating you believe in the gospel of saving grace.  Acts 11 verse 26 tells us that the people were first called Christian at Antioch.  Paul told Timothy to be an example to the believers.  Your life is telling for Christ.  Elisha’s life in the Old Testament made a statement.  A Shunamite woman saw him passing her house continually and she told her husband that she thought he was a holy man of God.  These people in Ephesus wanted to follow the teaching of Christ.  They wanted to align themselves to Christ, to follow their master and Saviour.  A statement was being made by these believers.  In Ephesians 1 verse 13 Paul takes them back in their Christian journey – “in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the words of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that ye believed.”  He goes on in chapter 2 to say “And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” Then in verse 12 “That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”  If they had died in this condition they would have been without hope in eternity.  He goes on to say “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.”  They would not protect that faith sitting in the synagogue.  They had to defend it.  In Ephesians 5 verse 11 Paul tells them “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them.”  They wanted to be in fellowship with kindred minds and hearts, somewhere you would know family members could come and hear words whereby they might be saved.  That is what our lives are all about.  Church membership is not about great numbers.

There is the sharing of the workload.  They were ready to stand one with another.  In Galatians 5 we read of the fruits of the Spirit.  They develop from something within.  Think of the fruit tree.  The trunk, then the branches, the leaves and the fruit.  The branches bear the leaves and the fruit but that cannot happen without the trunk as its support.

In Acts 20 we see the structure of the church.  Paul gathers the elders together at Miletus and gives them a warning – “after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you.”  He tells them “take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God.”  Paul wanted them to be responsible for the people.

A service they had.  The word of God went forth all because of this fellowship.  That is what we want to see – to grow strong spiritually holding on to God, praying and seeking his will in all things so that one day God might open the heavens and pour out his spirit on this fellowship of believers.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Church Membership




ACTS 2 VERSES 37 – 47

Church membership – what does it mean?  Let’s turn to the manual we have for it – the word of God.  I want us to think carefully and grasp what we are talking about.  We are not just talking of an establishment.  People will automatically say “I have my own church.”  We are not talking about that kind of a church today.  The Greek word is Ecclesia and means a called out people.  That is what we see in Acts 2.  They formed the church of Christ, not an establishment or building, it is a people.  It is encumbent on every believer to be a member of the local assembly, to be a fully functioning member.  Let us look at the first church of Jesus Christ.  What does the local church provide? 


The foundation of the local church.  We are not talking about the foundation of the building but the foundation of the group of people who gather together.  The early church was founded on the preaching of the word of God.  There is no other foundation that can be laid – Jesus is the head of the body and we must build upon that.  Jesus laid the foundation but we are called to build upon that foundation.  In Acts 2 we see the birth of the church.  The instructions to the disciples was to tarry in Jerusalem until they received power (Acts 1 verse 8).  We find them gathered in the Upper Room in Acts 2 when there came a sound of a mighty rushing wind and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire.  Those tongues rested on them.  This was the birth place of the church of Jesus Christ.  Peter stands to preach and as he concludes his sermon we see the people cry out “what shall we do” (verse 37) and Peter tells them to “repent and be baptized”.  On that day 3000 people were added to the church (verse 41).  Then we read in verse 47 “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”  The qualification for church membership is so clear – to be saved by the grace of God.  Peter made it very clear when the Spirit came on them and began to convict them of their lives and the sin in their lives they cried out “what shall we do”.  That is the first place God brings us to – conviction of sin and then follows the crying out “what must we do to be saved.”  The word tells us “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  Was there a point when you believed, were saved?  Were you taught that Christ came into the world, lived a sinless life, died on Calvary and rose from the grave on the third day.  We can believe that with the head of history but never with the heart.  That he is the only one who can save me, that he is preparing a home in heaven for us.  The apostle Paul in Galatians saw in that church a group of people saved but had moved away from their stance – chapter 1 verse 6 “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.”  They had heard about the preaching of Christ, they had been convinced but then something happened.  False teachers came in.  Paul preached on the foundation of Christ, saw people coming to trust Christ as Saviour.  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 13 “when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”  In Acts 17 we read that for 3 Sabbath days he opened up the word of God and “reasoned with them out of the scriptures.”  Paul didn’t miss the opportunity every Sunday.  He preached the same message.  Membership is more than coming along and paying into the church.  It means belonging to a fellowship.  That means in a day to come you will have made a decision to keep an apostate out of the pulpit.  In Galatians Paul said “I laid a good foundation but others came and took it away.”  Not just build on activities or facilities.


The focus of the church.  The church you and I need to join and be associated with is focused on the word of God.  That was the problem in Galatia, they moved away from it onto another gospel.  It became a perverted gospel.  In verse 42 we read “they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.”  The church we belong to should be focused on the word of God.  It is very difficult to get people into a building were the only attraction is God.  We can put on a show, bring the very best of singers, attract people in with good testimonies but unless our focus is on Jesus it is all for nothing.  “For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” (1 Corinthians 1 verse 17)  Paul told Timothy “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”  (2 Timothy 4 verse 2)  Those who lead and direct the work should at every opportunity preach the word of God.  That is not just the Pastor, or the elders but with the congregation members too.  It is so important for you and your family to be in a church were the word of God is preached and proclaimed.


The fellowship of the church.  “And all that believed were together and had all things common.” (Acts 2 verse 44)  The people on that day heard the wonderful message, what Christ had done on earth, that he was the Messiah, the Son of God.  He came into this world, suffered at the hands of Pilate and other men who hung him on the cross.  They listened and believed with all their hearts.  They were cleansed, baptised into the body.  They had all things in common.  Notice in chapter 2 verses 9 to 11 where they all came from.  They were filtered back into their own communities and set up assemblies of believers themselves.  What a wonderful message we have to proclaim.  In Corinthians Paul talked about eyes, hands and other parts of the body that worked together.  Each one is important in the body of Christ.  You have a gift only God can use in this particular assembly.  He has placed you in the body for a function.  Paul says if one part of that body suffers all the body suffers.  1 Corinthians 12 verse 13.  In 2 Corinthians 6 verses 14 – 16 Paul talks about apostates who came into the fellowship.  Paul said in Ephesians 5 verse 8 “For ye were sometimes darkness but now are ye light in the Lord walk as children of light.”  He goes on in verse 11 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them.” When you and I were saved and changed we needed to be somewhere other believers are.  Yes there are differences in the body of Christ. 


The fervency of the church.  This is the fellowship we need to belong to – verse 45 “And sold their possession and goods and parted them to all men as every man had need.”  They were looking out for one another.  They saw the need of others, sold what they had and gave it to the apostles to give as they saw the need for it.  Paul talked about receiving gifts from the believers on more than one occasion even though he didn’t need it.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

The woman in the crowd




MARK 5 VERSES 24 – 34

The woman in the crowd

This is where we find this woman - in the middle of the crowd.  Verse 24 “and Jesus went with him and much people followed him and thronged him.”  We get a picture of what was happening in this situation.  Jesus was in the midst of a great crowd of people.  They were virtually carrying him along.  We find this woman in the midst of the crowd.  She came with an ailment to be healed of the Lord.  She was here because of what had happened in the life of another.  The verses before explained why there was a great crowd in the street.  On that day Jairus, a man who had a daughter ill had taken a turn for the worse. The situation looked helpless.  We feel sympathy towards this child.  There was nothing he could do for her.  I am sure Jairus brought the best medical advice but nothing would suffice on this particular day.  Someone comes to Jairus and tells him of Christ and how he would heal her.  He came to Jesus and asked him to come to his house.  Many people followed him.  As they set off for Jairus’ house a woman in the crowd was healed.  She was healed because of what had happened in the life of another.  Maybe as we sit in a crowd tonight that same Saviour is passing by,  He will come to you where you are.

This woman’s complaint.  It tells us in verse 25 this woman came with a complaint – she had an issue of blood and had suffered for some 12 years.  In verse 26 we read “she suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing the bettered but rather grew worse.”  None of these doctors could help her in the situation she was in.  A terrible situation to be in.  She endured it for some 12 years and longed to be free.  She could not find a doctor to heal of her disease.  It would affect her physically, mentally and spiritually.  She was not allowed to go into the place of worship because of her uncleanness.  Her illness cut her off from society and friends.  Totally isolated for 12 years.  It would have been the darkest time of her life.  We can liken this complaint to sin.  Every one of us has been born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  Sin can affect us physically, morally and spiritually.  It is a serious problem and you have that problem in your heart.  Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death.  That soul of yours will go out into a lost Christless hell for all eternity.  This is the word of God.  We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  God has a mark tonight and we come so far short of it.  We can never attain that mark.  We can live the best life we can but never get to that mark.  Jesus came down into this sin cursed world and on the cross he gave his life.  Why?  That he might meet the mark God set for you and me to get to heaven.  If that is not love I don’t know what it is.  John 3 verse 16.  Sin separates and will separate us from God for eternity.  The bible says Jesus himself, the Son of the living God died in your stead.  He also said “where I am you cannot come.”

The woman was concealed.  She “came in the press”.  The word “press” used here is the Greek word for the crowd.  She thought she had the perfect hiding place.  She mingled with the crowd and as Jesus passed by she touched the hem of his garment.  The people pushed on either side of him.  He knew he had been touched.  He is waiting for you to come to him tonight, to trust him.  Zacchaeus in Luke 19 was living in Jericho when Jesus came by one day.  He wanted to see him, to learn more of him.  When he came out through his door he realised he was not the only one who wanted to see Jesus.  He couldn’t see over the crowd because he was little.  The crowd was hindering him.  Sometimes in the crowd we feel safe and secure.  No-one else sees us.  But Jesus knows all about us.  He knew all about Zacchaeus.  He stopped at the exact tree he was in.  He told Zacchaeus to come down.  Maybe tonight you are concealed in the crowd.  You are worried about friends and what they will say.  You are happy to go to church, to say your prayers, to read your bible, take communion.  You think to yourself ‘what else could God expect?’  God sent his son to die for you.  Maybe people don’t want you to go down the line of being saved, to just sit where you are.

This woman’s confidence.  How do you come to the Lord?  Just as you are.  In Acts 16 the jailer came to Paul and asked “what must I do to be saved?”  Paul could do nothing for him.  If he could have lifted him and taken him to the gates of God’s heaven he would have done it but no.  All he could say was “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  This woman came to where Jesus was.  I am sure she had heard of others who had been healed and maybe thought ‘if he can do that for others he can do it for me.’  That Saviour can save you.  You can leave with the assurance of God’s blessing on your soul.  For 12 years she had used her money to provide a cure.  Now she believed that if she could touch the hem of Jesus’ garment she would be healed.  It was her moment of realisation.  Only the Lord could save her.  Maybe we can try the various “doctors” today.  You can sit Sunday morning and evening in church but it will not save you.  You can try to do the best you can but it will not be enough.  Even your friends could take you to the gates of heaven but they will never take you through those gates.

The woman’s challenge.  “If I could only touch the hem of his garment.”  The challenge for us is if I could only get to the cross I will be saved.  No longer could she be in the crowd, she had to step out.  Maybe the challenge comes to someone tonight.  Maybe you realise you need to be saved.  What is God asking of me?  To step out from the crowd and come to him.

The comfort.  For 12 years she suffered and in an instant she was healed.  Jesus said to her “Daughter thy faith hath made thee whole.”  What a wonderful comfort the Lord gives.  He can give you that assurance.  He is the Saviour you need.  He can save you.  It doesn’t matter that you didn’t come to be saved.  You are in the crowd – step out and be saved.  Don’t put it off to another night.  Step out and follow Christ.  Perhaps God is asking you to step out and follow him.  It is your decision.

Great is your faith!





“And Jesus answered and said unto her O woman great is thy faith.” verse 28

We want to examine this faith today and examine our hearts to see what it really means.  We  always spell out the word FAITH as Forsaking All I Trust Him.  Think of this woman and her faith.  A faith that rewards.  If God was to look at us today would our faith say the same?

The evidence of her faith.  Jesus rewarded something that was present in her life.  He looked beyond the outward veneer.  He was looking into her heart and saw someone with a tremendous faith.  Not a blind faith.  Jesus understood her faith.  The evidence of her faith was in the Lord.  That is where her faith was seated.  The Pharisees faith was in the law and in the keeping of the law, the keeping of the commandments and living a righteous life.  Paul in Philippians 3 boasted of himself “Circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the law, a Pharisee.  Concerning zeal, persecuting the church, touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless.”  The faith was in everything he could do for himself.  Remember the young man who came to Jesus one day and asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  Where was his faith?  Jesus turned him to the commandments and he responded “all these I have kept from my youth.”  He realised his life had to be placed in God’s hands.  Remember the disciples in the boat when Jesus asked “where is your faith?”  People often say “you have faith” but faith in what?  It should rather be in who – Jesus himself.  In verse 22 the woman shouted out “have mercy on me O Lord thou Son of David.”  She knew who he was.  She acknowledged who the Lord was.  The evidence of her faith was in the person of the Lord Jesus.  She had a young daughter at home with a sickness, an evil spirit.  She was lying at home.  The woman believed in her heart that Jesus had the answer to her problem.  When the disciples were in the boat and saw a figure walking on the sea.  They thought it was a spirit.  Jesus spoke and the moment he heard the voice Peter asked “if it is you bid me to come to you.”    The evidence of his faith was believing in who Jesus was.  We are living in a secular society, a time when men are looking elsewhere for their help.  The Psalmist could say “my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.”  The Psalmist believed in the God of heaven, the one who spoke the word and everything came into being.  Like the centurion who had a servant lying at home.  He came to Jesus and asked him to heal the servant.  The evidence of his faith was in his heart.  He didn’t want Jesus to come in under his roof as he felt he was not worthy.  He only wanted him to speak the word and he would be healed.  When Jesus came to this world he came with one purpose in mind.  God loves you and I today.  He sent his son to die on Calvary.  It was part of his plan and purpose.  Our faith needs to be in God alone.

The expression of her faith.  She didn’t know if she could get an audience with the Lord but she came nevertheless.  She expressed her faith by coming and pleading with Jesus.  We know the Lord can save our family members but the expression of my faith is when I meet them and have a word with them.  Peter stepped over the edge of the boat into the water.  Remember the night when the disciples went out fishing and nothing was caught.  When morning came he knew it was hopeless so he headed for the shore.  Jesus told him to let down his nets once more.  I am sure Peter thought ‘he doesn’t know much about fishing.’  Peter told Jesus “I have fished all night, nevertheless at thy word I will let down my net.”  The expression was to do something.  James said “show me thy faith without works I will show you my faith with works.”  This lady had a daughter so ill, she heard so much but she had to express that faith.  Is it any wonder Jesus said “great is thy faith.”  God is asking us today to do something we have never done before.  Maybe he is asking us specifically to prove us.  What were you doing before you were saved?  By God’s grace there had to be an expression of that faith.  At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus could see they were tired and weary.  He told the disciples to feed them.  Philip said it is impossible but Jesus told them to bring what they had and trust him for the rest.

An entrance of our faith.  She came praying and pleading from the depths of her soul.  God saw faith in her heart and now she will show the entrance  of that faith.  The Lord answered her not a word.  The woman realised her daughter was ebbing out into eternity.  She cried out “Lord help me”.  After listening to her cry “he answered her not a word.”  As the man who had a demon possessed son and brought him to the disciples they could do nothing.  He was so disappointed but his faith endured until he met with the Lord.  He knew Jesus could heal his son.  This woman pleaded but the Lord answered her not a word.  We know that the Lord can save.  We must endure in our faith.  Remember the widow who came to the righteous judge – she came time and time again.  She wanted her problem to be heard.  The judge came to the point where he said this woman is going to weary me.  We are not coming to an unjust judge.  “Will not your heavenly father reward those who diligently seek him?”  “By faith Moses forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11 verse 27)  He believed in God even though he couldn’t see him.

The encounter of her faith.  Faith encounters many problems.  Jesus never spoke.  She encountered silence from the Lord.  Next the disciples asked for her to be sent away.  When the Lord heard the woman’s response to his statement he turned and said “O great is thy faith.”  She was healed from that moment.



Wise men seek Jesus





The wise men are associated with the birth of Christ yet when we read scriptures, they come later than that.  What can we learn from this visitation today?  Remember all scripture is given to us for our learning today.

There is the drawing of these wise men.  What was happening?  God was not prepared to leave these men in darkness, without seeing his Son.  God is not willing that any should perish today.  We see God’s own precious Son who knew no sin made sin for us.  He was perfect in all his ways, never sinned.  God laid on him the iniquity of us all.  Every one of us was born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  God in his mercy sends his son in the fulness of time.  He sent his son into the world for one purpose – he came as a great teacher who taught the scriptures, many were healed by him.  We think of many famous and infamous people in that respect.  He came primarily as a Saviour.  The message of the angels to the shepherds as they watched their sheep that day was simple “for unto you is born in the city of David a Saviour.”  He came primarily to be the Saviour of the world.  God was not willing for these men to be in darkness’s.  He wanted this message to be revealed to them.  God used the star to draw the attention of these men.  They would have studied the stars in their everyday lives.  On one day there was one star they had never seen before.  They realised as they studied it that it was from God himself.  They had a journey to make.  You and I have a journey to make tonight.  The Holy Spirit comes to where we are and reveals our need of salvation.  He shows us his son dying on the cross for us.  There is a journey we have to make – to the cross of Calvary.  He forgives our sin at Calvary.  Isn’t it wonderful how God draws these men.  God draws us deeper into the things of God, closer to his wounded side.  We may know our sins forgiven today but maybe we haven’t begun to follow after the Lord.  Remember Matthew sitting there at the seat of taxes.  Jesus stopped with him one day.  He asked him to follow him.  He arose and followed him.  Sometimes we arise but are not following.  Are we following closer today?  There are people watching to see if our course in life will be changed and how it will affect us.  These men ere studying the stars and saw one star which drew them to the Lord.  It was a burning bush for Moses.  Maybe God is changing the course of our lives today.  He is showing us something in our lives that needs dealt with.  For Jonah it was a whale that changed his course.  He was told to go to Nineveh but he wouldn’t do it.  He got into a ship and set off in the opposite direction, away from God.  God sent a great ship and a great whale.  He commanded the one to cast him out and the other to eat him up then throw him out.  It was all God’s plan.  These men were coming to worship.  They identified the star with a king. They believed he was born in Bethlehem.  Their main aim was to worship,  Have we come today to worship?

Think of the distraction these men ran into.  These men had a knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures.  They were comparing it with all the promises there.  The scriptures looked forward to the promise of the Messiah.  They thought he would come to Jerusalem as that is where the king lived.  They got distracted, got their eyes off the star momentarily.  Their own thoughts and imaginations took them to Herod’s palace.  Why did they go there? They thought as he was a king he would come to a palace.  The whole palace was troubled when they heard of a new king being born.  Herod gathered many intellectual men to try and understand this.  He asked them where this king would be born.  They turned back to the prophets and specifically Micah 5 verse 2.  They hadn’t even to think of it.  They opened up exactly to where the prophecy was.  They knew were this king was to be born.  Isn’t that what we find in our present day society?  There are many churches going through the motions but have no time for Christ and salvation.  We have to be careful that religion does not distract us.

The direction.  God was not going to allow them to go wrong – verse 9.  They had listened to the king and all his wise men.  They departed “and low the star which they saw in the east, went, before them.”  The very same star that had been leading and directing them was seen again.  Lets not get our eyes on religiosity but the way of God.  It will lead us to the Lord Jesus Christ.  When they followed the star they came to the very place where Jesus was.  We need to let Jesus lead us to the place where he is exalted and worshipped.

The determination. We need to realise the drawing, the distraction and the direction God has given us.  We need to then be determined.  The coldness and apathy met in Jerusalem did not bother them.  They went on and sought after the Lord.  We will meet the obstacles in the road of life.  Barnabas was named the son of consolation.  He was willing to hold out the hand of friendship, to go the extra mile.  In Acts 11 the word came back to the believers in Jerusalem and they wanted to send someone from Antioch so Barnabas was chosen.  Acts 11 when he saw the grace of God men and women believing in the Lord, delivered from sins and on their way to heaven and home he only had one word for them – “continue”.  Acts 11 verse 23 they should “cleave” unto the Lord.  That word cleave means to hold on tightly, that was the advice of this godly man.  Remember the new converts in Acts 2 Peter preached and souls got saved.  Acts 2 verse 42 “they continued steadfastly”.  Maybe we have been on the road a long time, we still need that determination to go on.  Simeon in the temple was drawn of God to the very place where the Lord was carried in in his mothers arms.  “Lord now lettest thy servant depart in peace for my eyes have seen thy salvation.”  He waited for that day.  He continued steadfastly.  Determined to hold on until he would see for himself.  Maybe we get discouraged, an apathy and coldness sets in, we see the wickedness of others.  We can see those 3 attitudes here in this story – the bitterness and hatred of king Herod, the coldness of the religious leaders and then the determination of the wise men.

The devotion of the wise men – verse 11.  They fell down and worshipped him.  They were prepared to give.  They opened up their treasures of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Are we prepared to give to the Lord today?  The woman with the alabaster box had only that box.  Maybe had it for years but now she saw the opportunity to glorify God.  She broke open the box and poured it on Jesus’ feet.  The widow with 2 mites – all she had in this world – she gave all she had.  Jesus saw them thrown into the offering plate.  She was prepared to give her all.  The lad with loaves and fishes was chosen out of all in the crowd.  He gave what he had for his lunch.  It was only loaned to him.  What you have belongs to the master today.  He has gifted it to us while we are on this earth.  Notice more importantly that they gave what they could but they fell down and worshipped him first and foremost.  Maybe it is easy to give gifts, to throw into the plate and think that is enough until next week but we must worship first.  They gave their own devotion to the Lord first and foremost then they gave of their gifts.  In the Corinthian church Paul took up that offering for the saints at Jerusalem.  They gave of themselves first before they put into the plate.  They said “Lord here’s my life.   I will put in my offering for the saints but in reality here’s my life first and foremost, I want you to have it.”  We have to come today to worship.  Let’s not hold back today.  Like Isaiah of old lets say “Lord send me.”

Behold the Lamb of God




JOHN 1 VERSES 29 – 30, 35 – 37

 “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”

 God used these words to introduce Jesus to Israel and the world.  John the Baptist was known as the preacher of baptism.  He taught baptism for the remission of sins.  He never asked the Lord to be baptised.  He didn’t need to have his sins forgiven.  When Mary greeted Elisabeth the baby in her womb leapt for joy.  The first person to greet the Lord Jesus even before he was born.  The Jewish people were used to the custom of killing the lambs for sacrifice as a remission for their sins.  John knew what he was saying in his words – that one day he would die for the peoples sins.  He could have said “behold the King of Kings” but no it had to be a Lamb and the Lamb of God.  He wanted to get the peoples eyes on the Lamb of God.  He was covered in camels hair and had a belt of leather around his waist.  God wanted to get their eyes not on the messenger but the message – “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”  John had great conviction that he would come to take the sins of the world – the witness, the work and the worship of the Lamb. 

The witness of the Lamb.  The sacrificial Lamb is mentioned in the bible from the beginning to the end, Genesis to Revelation.  In Genesis 3 God took skins to cover Adam and Eve when they sinned.  Cain and Abel sacrificed before God, one was accepted and the other was not.  Why?  One was a life sacrifice, the blood was spilled.  Throughout the bible we see many lambs sacrificed for the peoples sins in the Old Testament.  God always demanded life blood for sins.  The skins in Adam and Eve’s day had to cover their sin.  The clearest picture given in the Old Testament that Jesus would be the sacrifice.  He was the Passover Lamb.  The blood had to be on the doorposts and lintel.  The death angel passed over the door if the blood was applied.  We need to apply God’s blood.  It is the only thing that will cleanse us from our sin.  God knew there would be a day in history when Jesus would die on Calvary.  God had it all in plan.  The final plague in Egypt was the death of the Lamb and the blood sprinkled on the doorposts.  You couldn’t have missed that blood on the doorposts.  Do they see the blood of Jesus applied to your life?  Every year at Jerusalem in the temple the priest would cry out when the lamb was sacrificed.  “It is finished” Jesus himself cried out in his final cry.  The temple veil was split in 2 from top to bottom.  There had been thousands of lambs killed in years previously but they were only pointers. They never went into the holy of holies.  The final sacrifice was made in Jesus’ death.  The way into God’s presence.  Isaiah 53 verses 10 and 11.  He could have called his angels in those last few hours to bring him relief.

The work of the Lamb.  Why does sin need to be taken away?  What is sin?  It is a transgression of the law, a breaking of God’s commandment, going against God’s will.  The opposite is holiness and is attributed to God because of the character of God.  God requires judgement for sin.  A punishment to satisfy his divine justice.  That is what happened at Calvary.  He satisfied the divine justice of an almighty God in order for sin to be taken away.  The sacrifice had to be without sin.  Only one in history able to be without sin, our Lord himself.  The apostle Peter said “he did no sin.”  John said “in him there was no sin.”  Paul said “he knew no sin.”  3 important witnesses.  What did God say?  When John the Baptist baptised Jesus God cried from heaven “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”  He was pleased because he had no sin.  God was well pleased.  All through the Old Testament the lambs had to be perfect, pure.  They were pictures of the Lamb of God that was to come.  The sacrifice to take away sin.  He was the only one.  “There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gates of heaven and let us in.”  He was willing to carry out the price for the sacrifice for sin.  Peter said it would not happen but Jesus told him “get thee behind me Satan.” Why?  Because he was planning to stop God’s purpose for Jesus.  Peter cut off the servants ear and Jesus had to restore the ear and tell Peter to put away his sword.  Less people believe today God’s prophetic word will come to pass.  They want to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – that is God’s word coming to pass.  Jesus will reign from the temple in Jerusalem one day.  Only 3 or 4 states have their embassy in Jerusalem but gradually it will all come to pass.  God’s plan 2000 years ago was that his Son would bear the sacrifice for sin.  What a tremendous work he did for us but at what a cost.  The life blood had to be made.

The worship of the Lamb.  Revelation 5 praise and worship given to the Lamb of God by thousands “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing.”  Will you be among those millions directing their praise?  You need to depend on God’s work and witness tonight to be able to worship one day.  C H Spurgeon was to speak to a large stadium and he wasn’t sure if his voice would carry.  He took someone with him to go to the four farthest points in the building.  A workman on the roof outside heard those words and couldn’t get them out of his mind.  That night he prayed and trusted in God for his sacrificial work done on Calvary through his son Jesus.  God uses word to save souls.  It really was the work of the Holy Spirit that brings conviction to the heart.  Maybe you have that conviction – that Jesus died, shed his blood for you, trust the Saviour and his finished work on the Lamb of God.  There is no remission of sins without the lifeblood of Jesus himself – “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.”