Thursday, 25 August 2022

The Second Coming of Christ





In Matthew 24 we read of the destruction of Jerusalem and the second coming of Jesus.  The first word in chapter 25 is “then”.  So, we can understand that what has taken place regarding the teaching of Jesus continues into this chapter.  These parables teach us to be ready when the Lord returns and they keep our focus on that fact.  We can get caught up in the detail that we forget the real message - Jesus will return.  There are 4 points regarding the second coming of Christ.

The second coming is a definite event.  Although we don’t know when the Lord is coming again, we do know that he is coming again.  This parable is all about the procedure and preparation for a wedding.  There were 3 stages in a Jewish wedding.  First the 2 families would get together and a bride would be chosen for a son.  The father of the bride and the father of the groom would sit down and discuss the arrangements following the customs that needed to be observed. The second stage involved a betrothal or an engagement as we would call it today.  This would take place at the bride’s house.  This was more than an engagement because promises were made.  Legally they were binding even though no physical union had taken place.  Finally, the actual wedding takes place in the bridegroom’s house, the place he has prepared for his bride to live in.  The bridegroom departed in the evening to make his way to the bride’s house.  He would be accompanied by friends.  He was on his way, but the bride didn’t know when he would come.  It was an exciting time for the bride and her friends.  They would go out to meet him with their lamps lit to escort the bride to the groom’s house for the wedding and festivities.  Jesus takes this scene that is so familiar to put across the point of being ready for the groom’s arrival.  We don’t know when the groom (Jesus) will come back again – Matthew 24 verses 36 and 42.  We need to be ready. 

The second coming teaches us that there are those who are prepared and those who are unprepared for the second coming of Christ.  In verses 2 to 4 we see that the bride’s friends are divided into 2 groups – one wise group of 5 and one foolish group of 5.  When they went out to meet the bridegroom, they took their lamps.  The foolish group took no extra oil to refill while the wise group took the extra oil in their vessels.  They didn’t know when the bridegroom would come but the wise were ready.  There are those who are ready today.  They appear to have an interest in the coming of the bridegroom, but they will lose out on the wedding and festivities.  The second coming of Christ is a certain event.  We need to be ready for it and be prepared.  So many meet with the church today but are not prepared for Jesus’ coming again.  Jesus doesn’t want us to get caught up in the detail of this parable and lose the main message of being ready.  This is a parable about the kingdom of heaven.  That heaven has a king who is waiting to receive us.  There is a vital preparation we need to make – to take Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  The first time Jesus came to this earth the world was not ready.  The prophets had shown how Jesus would come.  They wrote of one crying in the desert who was John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus.  Then they told of a virgin who would bring forth a son, the Messiah.  They wrote that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, but the people were not prepared for his birth.  Jesus says to you and me today that we need to get this right – we must be prepared.  Are you someone who attends a church, meets with Christians but you are not a part of them?  You have never given your life to the Lord, made vital preparation for Jesus’ return.  You have never trusted Christ for all he has done.  You have never admitted you are a sinner, that Jesus died for your sin, that you can be forgiven and accepted by Christ.  Which group do you belong to – the wise who were ready or the foolish who were not?

The second coming will happen at any time.  Look at verses 5 to 9 and verses 37 to 39 and 43 and 44 of Matthew chapter 24.  If someone was coming to burgle your house, wouldn’t it be great to know when he was coming?  Then you could prepare and be ready.  The bridegroom didn’t come when they expected him to.  They went out to meet him – verse 7.  The foolish realised they had a massive problem – their lamps would not burn long.  They asked the wise for some oil, but the reply came back that there was not enough for all of them.  They couldn’t go and buy oil because it was midnight.  It was just too late.  Jesus is coming but the timing is unknown.  We must be ready.  Can you honestly say you are ready for Jesus’ coming again?

At the second coming there will be a final separation.  Verses 40 and 41 of Matthew 24.  The 5 wise virgins went into the wedding with its festivities and the door was shut.  There are 2 sides to that door – those on the inside and those on the outside.  The foolish went to get in but the door was shut.  It would never be opened.  Jesus will say on that day “I never knew you”.  That corresponds with Matthew 7 when it talks about the Judgement Day “Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works.  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  There is a final separation.  Noah entered the ark with his family and God shut the door.  All those on the outside were lost.  When Jesus comes again there will be an eternal separation.  There is a warning at the end of the parable – verse 13.  Jesus tells us that not everyone is in the kingdom of God.  Are you ready for when Jesus comes again?  He will return again, and you must be ready.  Make your preparation now before it is too late.

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