Sunday, 7 August 2022

Be not afraid only believe




MARK 5 VERSE 21 – 24, 35 – 43

A very familiar passage, it has one of the most encouraging and challenging themes running through the verses.  We are living in days of gloom and doom; we see the wars raging around the world and the cost of living going up every day.  People have no time for church today.  What we need is what we see in this portion of scripture.  Jairus’ daughter was ill.  Jairus came to Jesus one day and admitted “there is no-one I can turn to, there is no physician I could bring to her to bring any relief.”  This passage is encouraging because we can say “there is nothing impossible with God.”  Do we expect God to do great things for us?  Have we come in expecting God to do something for us today?  This man’s faith is held up to public scrutiny for all the world to examine.  C T Studd said, “Christ wants not nibbles of the impossible but grabbers of the impossible.”  William Carey “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.”  That is a balancing act.  This man went to find Jesus, he bowed at Jesus’ feet and said, “my daughter is at the point of death, will you come and lay your hand on her?”  He was expecting and attempting faith.  “Don’t judge any man until you have walked in his shoes.”

The core of this man’s faith – verse 22.  He was a ruler of the synagogue.  This man was responsible for the upkeep of the synagogue, for opening and closing the doors, bringing the various people to the meetings, organising things.  He believed in the Pharisees teachings, but the Pharisees looked on Jesus with disdain.  They would have despised him.  They felt he was leading the people astray from the laws of Moses.  When things are going well any faith will do.  For Jairus he realised he had no foundation.  When life turned upside down his core changed.  He had nothing to stand upon.  When it came to rock bottom, he found he had nothing in this life.  Before this he had faith in the law and his own righteousness.  Is Christ our foundation?  “My faith has found a resting place not in device or creed” but thank God it is in heaven.

The crisis of his faith.  The whole core is now changing.  Jairus found the Lord and pleaded with him to step into the situation.  They force their way through the crowd – what encouragement it was to be walking with Jesus.  He had come pleading, on his knees for Christ to help him.  He brings glory and praise to the Lord.  Verse 23.  He is giving God all the praise and glory.  Have we come today in bringing praise and glory to the Lord?  The Lord followed Jairus home.  The news came as they walked together that his daughter was dead.  Perhaps if Jesus hadn’t stopped with that women with the issue of blood would they have healed his daughter?  The real test of Jairus’ faith was now when the door was opened, and the solemn face came out and told him his daughter was dead.  The real test of faith is not when we attend church but on Monday morning and every morning thereafter.  Elijah’s faith was not tested on the mountain top but rather in the valley when Jezebel threatened to take his life.  Job’s faith was not tested when he walked among his flocks and herds, or when he offered sacrifices for his family.  It was tested when he was in the midst of the storm, when he heard of the Sabeans coming and taking everything away, when he lost everything, and his wife told him to curse God and die.  Job could say to his wife “I came into the world with nothing, I am going out with nothing but blessed be the name of the Lord.”  His faith is tested not in the public place but in the quiet place.  Nehemiah came back to Jerusalem and built up the walls, then he rallied the people and tells them what God has told him to do.  His enemies looked on him and asked what he was doing.  They ridiculed his work so much.  His faith was being tested.  Are we looking to the Lord today?  Have we have a faith in Christ today?  In the finished work of Calvary?  If he is our Saviour and Lord, he will carry us through those trials.  Jesus turned to Jairus and told him his daughter was not dead. 

The courage of this faith – verse 36.  In light of the news coming from his house Jesus told Jairus “be not afraid.”  Apparently, there are 365 “fear nots” in the bible – one for every day of the year.  Jesus had everything in control.  Philip came to Jesus one day asking how he could feed the multitude on the mountain.  The disciples in the boat feared they would drown when Jesus came walking on the water one night.  He told them “Fear not” in the midst of the storm.  Jesus is telling us today not to be afraid.

The challenge that came – verse 36 “only believe”.  That is all Jairus had to do.  “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me.”  Remember the father who brought his demon possessed son to the Lord one day – the Lord reassured him.  He told him it was possible to everyone that believed.  Do you believe? Jesus asked and the reply came back “I believe, help me with my unbelief.”


The crown of his faith.  Jesus walked into the house.  Jairus’ daughter was lifeless, but Jesus reached down and spoke to her saying “arise.”  The daughter arose from her bed and Jesus brought her to her parents.  This was the crown of his faith – Jairus saw the fruit for his faith.  Have you that same faith today?  Are you

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