Sunday, 21 August 2022

Be not afraid only believe



MARK 5 VERSES 21 – 24, 35 – 43

This story is important today in what it sets forth for us – a precedent, an example for you and me.  This man was coming to the Lord because of the daughter in his home.  A girl of 12 years of age, her life was ebbing away before them.  There was nothing he could do about it.  A wealthy man, he could bring in any physician but no-one could do anything for her.  He found himself at the feet of the Lord Jesus.  Imagine getting the news “thy daughter is dead.”  The one thing we want to look at the faith as it continues not just in trying circumstances but the faith it took for Jairus to come to the feet of Jesus.  He needed faith to carry on.  The Lord told him “don’t be afraid only believe.”  He had to keep on believing in Christ.  Remember the Children of Israel as they travelled through the wilderness for 40 years.  They came to the land of promise.  Joshua gave the command to go down to the river Jordan.  At the command of God Joshua said keep your yes on the ark.  “You haven’t travelled this way before”.  They needed to keep their eyes on the ark, a symbol of blessing.  In Hebrews 11 we are told that in heaven there are a great amount of witnesses watching us, cheering us on.  We are urged to persevere on, to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.  A faith that continues, that does not give up.  Think not of Jairus going to Jesus but Jesus going to his house.

The master’s approach.  Jairus was staring into the abyss of emptiness, loneliness and helplessness.  It is easy when we are up on the mountaintop and everything is going well but in the valley things are dark and gloomy.  Jairus knew he needed the Lord.  I see him coming to the Lord and bowing at his feet.  He pushed his way through the crowd.  Maybe he no longer looked to the religious leaders but begins to get down at Jesus’ feet in humility.  He showed respect to Jesus.  Jesus was praying for this situation.  He saw his plight.  As far as Jairus was concerned there was nothing he could do about it.  He came down before the God of heaven.  We need the Lord today because he is the answer to our very need.  Jesus Christ is our answer, now what’s the question?  Jairus’ prayer was simple – “come, you touch her and she will be healed.”  Prayer meetings do not have to be a volume of great statements and cliches, simplicity is all we need.  We need the Lord to come and be with us, to reach down just as he did for this man.  Jesus saw he needed the touch of God upon him.  That is all our work needs for the Lord today.  There was an obstacle though – a woman came with a great need.  She has hindered the progress of Jairus to his house.  Sometimes prayer is like that – a delay from the Lord to come and answer.  It still happens to us today.  These were anxious moments for Jairus.  Sometimes there are legitimate things that stop that process.  At other times there are Satanic powers.  Paul himself said to the Thessalonians in chapter 2 verse 18 “we would have come unto you … but Satan hindered us.”  Satan was the barrier.  It doesn’t tell us how he hindered on this occasion.  Paul was so clear – we need to be praying and pleading for him to come no matter the obstacles, to pray through.  The devil will see us on our knees, know that the only answer we have is from the Lord to come and help us. We need the spirit of God to come and breathe into the preacher and every one of us, to give us a burden for the work, a passion for precious souls.  Nehemiah coming to Jerusalem had a great purpose in his heart.  God made way for him to go to Jerusalem. He went down with a great passion to get the walls built – chapter 2 “when Sanaballat heard it they laughed us to scorn and despised us and said, What is this thing that ye do?  Will ye rebel against the king?”  It grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.  We are pleading for God to come because we know he has the welfare of the people on his mind.  He is not willing that any should perish.

The master’s assurance.  Jesus tells the woman to go in peace.  This woman had been suffering for many years.  She comes to the master, touches his hem and is made whole.  Another voice is heard.  Someone came from Jairus’ house to tell him his daughter was dead.  The Lord knew all about it.  He heard the word that was spoken and turned to Jairus “be not afraid only believe.”  He was urging Jairus to take the shield of faith (Ephesians 6).  What a word of comfort and assurance for this man.  Do we believe this word today?  The Lord knew Jairus heart and every thought.  Maybe you are going through despair and discouragement, have come to wits end corner, Jesus says look up, don’t be afraid, only believe.  Jesus knew the hearts of those on the Sabbath day when he went into the synagogue.  He saw the man with the withered hand.  He looked around and he was grieved when he saw the hardness of their hearts.  He knew what they were thinking.  The Lord knows your burdens today.  Don’t be afraid he says.  Jesus writing to the Laodicean church knew their thoughts and imaginations, knew all about that church, how it was poor in poverty yet he knew the minds of those who ran the church.  They had everything going for it but there was no Spirit of Christ present.  Jesus told them though there was still time to repent.  There was still hope.

The master’s actions.  He doesn’t want anyone to follow him except his 3 disciples, Peter, James and John.  He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and there was a great noise inside the house.  Jesus went into the house and told them off for weeping.  They laughed him to scorn.  He told everyone to leave the house except for Jairus and his wife.  He set all the unbelief out of the house.  Maybe as we pray are we asking for things that are impossible?  Jesus put all the unbelief outside of the door, he brought his dearest friends, the mother and father into the room.  Jesus is looking for belief today, belief to do the work for you today.  We need to lay all on the altar just as Abraham did with his son Isaac. 

The master’s authority.  He has the final authority.  He went into that house followed by his friends and the girl’s mother and father.  He went over to the bed where the girl was.  He reached down and took her by the hand and said “arise”.  Jesus has the final authority.  He stopped the winds and waves, spoke to the demon living among the tombstones.  The final authority is death itself.  We are praying for the work of God.  God wants to do so much with us.  The situation is not dead.  God knows all about it.  He will come – will you allow him to work in that situation of yours today?


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