In these solemn verses Jesus points out that a profession of knowing Christ means nothing without the evidence of a changed life.
We have the alarming statement – verse 21. Earlier in the chapter Jesus talked about 2 ways – the broad way and the narrow way. The broad way is populated by many while the narrow way is found by the few. From this we can conclude Jesus did not believe in universal salvation. He emphasised this in verse 21. There are those who will be saved but not everyone. Jesus says people can respect him for who he is, can address him as Lord but there is no guarantee he will enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus makes this alarming statement that obviously there are some who expect to be in heaven, yet they are strongly deluded. Then he goes on to reveal the mark of those who truly know him and will be in heaven, it is they who do the will of my father. It is not about what we profess. It must match up with what we do. In the epistles that belief is followed by behaviour. Christ’s focus about doing is not about working our way to heaven. Doing comes from the relationship with the Lord in our lives. This is the mark of those who enter the kingdom of heaven – they not only say ‘Lord’ but they live under my Lordship. These are not empty phrases but are followed by obedient acts. Those who do the will of my father. A person may profess Christ yet live in direct defiance of his word which really reveals we don’t know him. We are saved by faith alone, faith that saves is never alone. Works and faith go together in the life of a true Christian. “For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9) Maybe you are getting the cart before the horse. Maybe you think that if you try your best, somehow God will accept you. Your best will not be enough. Your best might include attending church, doing charitable deeds, even giving to the church, trying your best in life, being kind, not falling out with anyone – it will never be enough. First the relationship is established. From that comes good works unto him that glorify him alone. Real profession is backed up by obedience to Gods will. He finished the section in Matthew 7 on false prophets and the principle he laid down is in the words “by their fruits you will know them.” He talked about wolves in sheep's clothing – they cannot hide the fact they are wolves. What is done will come out. In Mark 4 we read the story of the sower and the seed. There are 4 types of ground. Of the seed sown, only one brought forth fruit that remained. It is the only ground that is called good. A real Christian is one whose life has been changed and puts that change on display. It brings forth fruit. More than a commitment to Christ, that is half the package. Christ also must commit his life unto you. It is confirmed in our inner lives by the presence of the Holy Spirit who it brings forth fruit in my life, this is the evidence that I belong to Christ. To enter the kingdom of God it takes more than religious profession. The bottom line is that if we profess Christ and it is not backed up by a changed life we have an empty profession. How do you fare in the light of Jesus’ statement? Is your profession real? Have you really come to Christ? Has his Holy Spirit come to you and changed you from the inside out to such a degree that old things have passed away and everything has become new? Romans 8 verse 9 "But ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." If we do not have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to him. That is an alarming statement.
An activity mentioned – verse 22. The Lord Jesus fast forwards to that day of judgement. Many will say in that day, plead with him because he was the condemned Saviour but now he is an exalted judge. Acts 17 verse 31 "Because he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead." Paul says he is the judge and on that day there will be many people who will present their case of defence to Jesus. He mentions 3 areas, prophesying, casting out demons and doing wonderful works which could be summed up as prophesying, exorcism and miracles. 3 possibilities, all done by the power of God, the power of Satan or really doing the whole thing just for show. Doesn’t matter what they say, claim to have seen or done in my name but no certainty that they belong to me. Be clear about this. It doesn’t matter what you have done, you will never gain entrance into God’s kingdom. It is all about faith in what Jesus has done for us on the cross, that is why he came into the world. If I could make my way to heaven, religious things that I could do, even seemingly spiritual things, why on earth did the Lord have to come into the world? Why did the father send him into the world, why did Jesus submit to the father’s will, to come and go to the cross? It was the only way. ‘There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gates of heaven and let us in.’
The announcement made – verse 23. They addressed him “Lord, Lord” but never said “my Lord.” They didn’t know him personally. What an awful day it will be for those who profess Christ and even doing things in his name and hear those words “depart from me, I never knew you.” The word “know” in the bible means much more than understanding who a person is. The word “know” is used of an intimate relationship. On that day he will say “I never knew you”. They never had a personal relationship with Jesus. It doesn’t matter what you profess, you will not be in my kingdom. Jesus knows what you are doing under the guise of religion. He knows their motivation, why they are doing what they are doing. But he says I don’t know you intimately. John 10 “I know my sheep and they follow me.” Jesus says f you were one of my sheep you would be following me and doing the will of God. Paul said “for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1 verse 21) He went on to say “I have a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better.” (verse 23) A better experience, he means he will be in heaven which is far better than our experience here on earth. When Jesus says to these people on the Judgment Day “depart from me” that is certainly the worst scenario of all. Revelation 20 verses 11 – 15 – at the end of this portion to depart from Christ is to depart to the lake of fire. The Lord has made this announcement - then I will profess to them “I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity.” Wouldn’t it be an awful possibility that you didn’t know the Lord? Trying to do your best, trying to gain acceptance before the Lord that Jesus will say to you “Depart from me, I never knew you.”
The call issued
by the Lord through these verses. To be
aware of false prophets and false profession.
A call to be sure that you have been saved, that your life has been committed
to the Lord, that you have been transformed by him and that you personally know
him. Maybe you need to come to Christ. You have thought about it for so long. You need to do something about it. If you are resting on profession only you are
not going to make it. Jesus said
that. Keeping up a show before other
people. It is hard work trying to convince
them you are a believer. Never assured
that God has accepted you. Seeking to do
good works, never knowing when enough is enough. These verses tell us this is serious
business. You don’t want to get the
wrong call, to make mistakes in life.
When it comes to these words there will be no patching up, no regard, it
will be for ever too late. If you really
have not got a living relationship with Christ, come to him now.