LUKE 24 VERSES 27 - 35
I want to turn your attention to these 2 pilgrims leaving Jerusalem heading back to their own village. They had heard the women's story of Jesus ' body not being in the tomb but he had risen. These 2 felt that the Lord was coming to deliver them from the Roman opposition. They realised the Lord was not coming to do that. He was coming to deliver people from sin. We all have been born in sin. We needed a Saviour. God sent his son to be that Saviour. These 2 were confused. The Lord drew alongside them. He went with them. Maybe you have had your hopes dashed in the past days. Someone has let you down. The Lord wants to draw alongside you tonight and wants to go with you. The Lord did not forsake these 2 pilgrims. The Lord wants to draw alongside you tonight. You are the very person that he came to save. We read in verse 32 that he opened the scriptures to them and in verse 35 their mouths were opened.
The courage they showed. What made the difference in these lives? Nothing they said to one another. It was the experience of meeting the risen resurrected Savour. The Lord who drew near to them, that made the difference in their life. That is what will make a difference in your life - to meet with Christ face to face. They didn't know they would have this great experience of meeting Christ. Maybe this is your need tonight, that the Lord would draw near to you, make a special difference in your life. Maybe you have never had the experience of looking on the Lord dying for you, realising he was bearing your sin, crying out and saying 'come into this heart of mine, save me.' What a difference when they met with the Lord. Their hearts are lifted, they have been encouraged. The Lord has opened their minds. No longer on the way to Emmaus they returned to Jerusalem. There as no fear in their hearts of what they might meet or what would happen to them on the way. Once they had met with the Lord all fear has gone. All they wanted to do is get back to Jerusalem. Fear is one of the greatest barriers of a man coming to Christ. What would my friends say about it? It is only when you have that real experience of Christ that those fears will drift away. Joseph of Arimathea had that fear of people. He was a secret disciple until Jesus died on Calvary. He went and asked for the body of Christ. He was taking his stand. Is there a fear in your heart of coming to Christ, of being saved and what others might say about you and to you? Nicodemus came to the Lord by night. On the day of crucifixion he anointed the body of Christ. Those religious leaders mocked him but there was no fear on his part now. He had no fear. In John 9 we see a man who believed in the Lord to heal him. Jesus did that and he opened his eyes. He was able to see. Jesus told him to go and wash his eyes. He could now see. The Pharisees were so angry and they questioned him. He told them that once he was blind but now he could see, that he didn't know who this man was. He had a wonderful transformation of meeting the Lord as a sinner and being redeemed by the blood of Christ.
The communion now they sought. In verse 33 they went back to Jerusalem to find the other disciples. They had something to share. A testimony to give. They sought communion with other believers. When you get saved you need to seek out other children of God. This encounter changed their very direction in life. After this experience they wanted the company of the other disciples who had the same experience. Kindred minds and spirits, a change of direction. Fears and doubts were gone. The wise men came from the east, came asking after the child born King of the Jews. They made their way to Herod's palace. They were told to go again and find the baby then come and tell the king once again. When they left the palace the star showed them where to find the baby but "they parted unto their own company another way". Why - because they had looked into Jesus face and they were changed as a result. When you come to the cross and repent of your sin you change your direction in life. You are on your way to heaven and home. Bartimaeus sat along the highway begging. That was all he could do in life. He depended on those few coins dropped into his begging bowl. Jesus came to him one day and healed him. Immediately he received his sight and followed him. He did not want to do anything but follow the Lord. All the people gave praise to God. He didn't go back to the highway begging. In Acts 2 Peter preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost and saw thousands come to the Lord. They yearned for something more. Verse 42 "and they continued steadfastly in the apostles fellowship and doctrine." The Holy Spirit came and opened their hearts. They were saved and baptised. They did not want to go back to the old religious way. This truth had set them free. Verse 44 "and all that believed were together and had all things in common."
The conversation they had. In verse 30 they found the 11 together. It was a different conversation they wanted now. Here in this chapter a group of people now spoke of the resurrection in Jerusalem. What a wonderful message to hear. This is the conversation we need to hear today. It is the experience of the Psalmist in Psalm 40. He was in an awful pit, thought there was no escape. The Lord heard his cry (grace). That is what happens when you cry to the Lord, when you lift your voice heavenward because there is nothing you can do for yourself. The Psalmist went on to say "and he lifted me (mercy). That is what the Lord will do for you. If you are not saved and you come to the Lord you are in a situation where you cannot save yourself.
The comfort they found. This surely brought great comfort to these 2 pilgrims. It was a confirmation to their faith. These pilgrims joined together and they began to explain what had happened to them. Have you that testimony to the saving grace of the Lord? Have you ever trusted Christ for yourself?
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