Friday, 28 May 2021




JOHN 6 VERSES 16 - 24

I wonder have you ever asked the question "just what on earth is it all about?"  Maybe you have asked that question of life itself.  It does not seem to make any sense.  That is a question well worth asking of the text.  What is John trying to tell us.  9 verses about walking on the water.  An incident recorded in more detail in Matthew and Mark.  They tell of the location, the instruction Jesus gave to the disciples to get into the boat, how Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, how the disciples struggled and Jesus knew that, how Peter asked to come to Jesus, how he walked on water but his faith failed at the moment he looked down and how Jesus saved him.  John makes no mention of any of that.  What is his point in recording this incident?  John 6 appears to be about bread.  The background to this incident is this ... John the Baptist has been killed by Herod.  He was Jesus' cousin.  Jesus is sensing that loss.  That is why he goes to a secret place for time alone (Matthew records this).  The people figure out where he is and gather there with him.  They hope to see something of this man everyone is talking about.  They have heard of his miracles, of his healing power.  Jesus being Jesus is so moved with compassion as he sees the need of the crowds that he begins to heal those who were sick.  If that had been me I would have sent them away but Jesus met their need.  He later on feeds them using a boys lunch to feed over 5000 people.  Then he walks into the hills to pray.  He goes to do the very thing he had wanted to do in the first place.

Consider the power of Christ

Consider the presence of Christ

Consider the purpose of why John placed these 9 verses in a chapter all about bread.

The power of Christ.  Verse 17 now it is dark, Jesus had not joined them.  Verse 18 a strong wind is blowing, the seas are rough.  What a clear picture of life as we travel through a broken world since man went his way in Genesis 3.  Man listened to the cunning serpent, ate from the tree and man went his own way.  Today man still thinks he has a better way.  He has yet to realise there is only one way, God's way.  We lost our innocence in the garden.  We are no more guiltless before a holy God but guilty, condemned with sin.  We are covered in it.  Splattered in it.  Destroyed in it.  That is why Jesus came to the rescue so that we can get back to a relationship with God.  Life in sin is hard, meaningless, painful and in time will lead us into a lost eternity but he sent his own powerful son who could walk on the water.  Their faith seems to take a nose dive over the boat.  They believe they are seeing a spirit.  Ancient culture was steeped in Greek mythology of this idea of sea spirits.  When the doubt comes, when bad news arrives, when life gets hard our faith can take a nosedive.  Jesus says "it is I be not afraid."  Perhaps there is someone and you need to hear those words.  The power of the Lord defies all human logic.  Walking a distance of 3 miles across the surface of the water.  He had gone up to the mountain to pray.  The disciples began their journey across the water.  Their intention was to hug the seashore and travel to Capernaum but the storm drove them out into the centre of the sea.  Although the Lord was not physically with them he knows their struggles and comes to their rescue walking on the surface of the water.  Incredible yet credible.  Totally amazing.  A miracle displaying his own power.  Many pagan priests claimed they could also walk on the water but they were standing on sandbanks in shallow water.  Here the Lord is in the middle of the hardship, in the middle of the night, standing on the surface of the water.  The all powerful son of God - verse 21.  I wonder is there someone that would be willing to take that step of faith and place your trust in the all powerful, all loving Saviour?  Would you let him come aboard into your life?  This is the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is the only way.  The Saviour of the world who cared enough to feed over 5000 people with bread and fish and cares enough to rescue his disciples in the middle of the lake.  As soon as he steps into the boat, immediately the boat reaches the shore where they were heading.  Time travel you could say.  Jesus Christ the one who was in the beginning with his father, who was outside of time yet chose to come into time to save you and I.  John 1 "the one who was with God and was God."  Outside of human history yet because of his vast love and care for you he stepped into human history to save you and I from our sins.  Will you accept him as Saviour?  He will  transport you to eternity, to your eternal home itself.  We will all one day travel through time in a instance.  We will find ourselves in God's presence.  There we will stand to be judged before a mighty God.  Will you be found sinless, trusting in Christ or sinful and therefore separated from a loving God for ever?  Will you continue to row through life day by day trying to do it your own way?  Some day it will end in some sort of storm and you will realise it is all in vain.  It will be too late for you.  It is only what is done in this life that will last.  There will be no bargaining.  There will be no possibility of standing and saying "now I believe in you."  Today is the day of salvation.

The presence of Jesus Christ.  Without him getting into the boat the disciples would have perished.  Their physical effort was not enough to overcome the problem they faced.  No matter how hard they rowed they could never overcome the presence of the storm.  They would perish in this sea without Christ.  Perishing is the very thing we are trying to ensure you do not do.  We can never ever save ourselves.  The disciples couldn't save themselves either.  They needed to see the power of Jesus and needed the presence of Jesus to save them from the predicament they were in.  So it is for you who is not trusting in Christ.  Verse 21 they willingly received him into the boat.  They didn't let Jesus just pass them by.  One of the saddest things we hear are the words "no thanks it is not for me."  Maybe the door closes or the person walks on.  That is so much worse than someone who wants to rave and rant and enter into a debate with them.  At least we have the opportunity to enter into conversation.  For those who say "no thanks" they are letting Jesus pass them by.  If the disciples had let Jesus walk past, the storm would have overpowered them but if the disciples had let Jesus walk past the storm would overpower them.  Death would have overtaken them.  If Jesus is speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit reach out in faith, take hold of his hand, put your life in his care.

The purpose of this miracle - verses 23 and 24.  The crowd who go in search of Jesus, not all for the right reason.  One of the most miraculous things about this parable is that nothing more is made of it in the rest of the gospel.  The whole chapter focuses on the feeding of the 5000.  This miracle gets known.  He is not telling this miracle for setting the stage for a dialogue of how Jesus can walk on water but rather the miracle here is serving the other miracle.  Why is he doing it?  John is using this miracle to tell you that Jesus is much more than the giver of bread.  He is in fact the bread of life - verse 35.  John Piper said "Jesus did not come into the world to give bread but to be bread.  He is not the supplier of ready meals.  He came to be the ever satisfying supplier of our souls."  Jesus cares for our physical lives but cares a million times more for our eternal destiny.  If tonight was to be the last night in your life where would your eternal never dying soul reside?  2 destinations - heaven or hell.  There is no half way house.  No foot in both camps.  It is one or the other.  The feeding of the 5000 presents Jesus as provider of present needs.  He meets physical needs but the miracle of the walking on the water shows he is protector of those who will trust and obey him.  Jesus came to redeem sinners, to restore us to the one who made us.  Everything is placed in the bible to help us to understand he lives for you, cares so much for you, he sent Jesus to die for you.  John omits the detail of this miracle for a reason - without Jesus we are lost.  He is still reaching out.  We are still living in the days of grace.  Psalm 69 "save me O God from the waters are come in unto my soul.  I sink in deep mire where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters where the floods overflow me.  I am weary of my crying my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God."  Here are the disciples in the water up to their necks quite literally, with waves overpowering the boat, simply they needed Jesus.  Without Jesus you need saving.  Are you being tossed from one problem to another problem not fully aware of the danger you are in.  Jesus is the all powerful one.  He is the bread of life.  He came to rescue you, to prove to you that you will understand Christ's purpose for you.  He came to save you.  It is as simple as that.  Understand Christ's power.  He defeated the grave, rose again, conquered sin that you might come to experience Christ's presence for yourself.  Come to him, give your life to him.

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