Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Bible studies in 1 Peter



Tuesday 27 April 2021

"To the strangers" and "elect according to the foreknowledge of God."  The God of heaven knows all about our situation and what we need at this moment in time.  The purpose of the letter is to encourage.  Chapter 5 verse 12 "I have written briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand."  This letter was written at a time of great persecution.  The devil was coming against the church.  He was using a person, Nero the emperor of Rome at that time.  Historians dated this to 63 - 66AD.  Brings us into the rule of Nero and great fire of Rome  Lasted 6/7 days.  Historians would tell us that Nero actually plotted and planned the great fire.  He himself was away from the city at that time.  He wanted to rebuild his wonderful palace for himself but he needed it in ruins first.  The first wave of persecution Nero blamed the Christians for that fire.  Look at verse 1 get a look at the character.  When these apostles were set aside by God, the Holy Spirit took over and helped them to write what he wanted.  The human author is "Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ."

Notice the courage of the writer.  Peter in verse 1 describes himself as an "apostle of Jesus Christ".  Paul used a similar description.  In bible days the author's name was written at the beginning of a letter rather than the end.  By doing so the author was easily identified.  This Christian church was scattered under persecution - "throughout Pontus, Galatia, Capodicea, Asia and Bithynia"  Persecution came against the Christians in these days.  A campaign started against them.  The Christians had to flee and seek refuge. This letter was not anonymous.  He nails his colours to the mast.  Can you imagine if this letter got into the wrong hands they would have suffered greatly.  They might be thrown to the lions, some might be burned at the stake.  Here Peter puts his name to the letter.  Not afraid of who sees it or is offended in standing for Christ.  A follower of the Lord Jesus.  If anyone had found this letter would have known this, not afraid to associate with Christ and band of people called Christians.  He wrote to offer sympathy and instructions to keep them going through this time because of hardness.  He had learned many lessons himself and so wanted to bring great learning to them.  We need the same courage in these days.  Think of the revivals in Wales and NI and throughout world - what wonderful days they were to be living in.  Maybe we need to have such times again.  We need courage in these days to show who we stand for in the workplace, in the church, in the fellowship  To make sure people know where we stand.

What made Peter write this letter?  His concerns.  Why is he writing this letter?  To show his great concern for this people.  "Scattered throughout"  Peter has taken time to sit down, to think of all those who were persecuted and driven from their homes and  families and were now living elsewhere.  Now he puts pen to paper.  A practical concern for this people.  Sat down and wrote to them, didn't somehow feel that writing to these people was beneath him or too little for him. He had been with Jesus,he had spent time with Christ.  Spending time in God's word and presence, seeking his face is so important, so much so today.  In Acts 14 Paul and Barnabas "exhorted the people to continue in the faith and that they must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." (verses 21 and 22)  There was a genuine concern for others.  Chapter 11 verses 19 - 22.  Romans 1 verse 9 and 11.  A concern in his heart.  We need that same concern today, to see the need of others.  Like Peter we have to make an effort, he wanted to reach out to others.  

Notice his compassion - "to the strangers scattered."  Acts 8 verse 4 "they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word."  It is the picture of the farmer sowing the seed on the ground.  He wants to see fruit coming from it.  God uses man as a vehicle to be useful for him.  Let's serve with a real zeal and passion.


What an encouraging message this chapter is to us even in these dark days.  What did Peter write to them about?  3 things.  

To remind them of the position they had in the body of Christ.  Verse 1 "to the strangers" not strangers to grace but born again of the Spirit of God, saved through the blood of Christ but have been persecuted.  They were strangers in ever part of the world in which they have fled to.  Peter may not have met them all.  He wants to encourage them to show sympathy to them.  They had been driven out under great trials.  Verse 6 "wherein ye greatly rejoice though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations."  He wants to remind them of their position in Christ - verse 2 "elect" or children of God.  He brings them under the umbrella of the elect people of God.  Isn't it good to be reminded of that.  When you are going through hard time it is good to hear from someone.  Peter was glad of those who brought him the word of encouragement.  3 times Peter denied the Lord outside the Judgement Hall sitting amongst unbelievers but on the day of resurrection the angels told the women to "go and tell the disciples and Peter".  I am sure he felt he had let the Lord down but he had a special word just for him.  Although they were persecuted there was still a word for them.  Remember the 2 on the Emmaus Road who Jesus drew alongside and spoke with.  They invited him into the house with Jesus broke bread with them.  When they realised what had happened the only thing they could do was get back to Jerusalem and tell the other disciples.  We need to keep in our minds those we don't see as often because of the situation we are in.  We need to be encouragers.  

He wants to set out the plan for that position.  Verse 2 he was showing them the sovereignty of God that he was able to do it.  If God can do this and bring you into the body of Christ he can keep you through this time of trial.  The plan was threefold.  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  God loved us and God gave his life for us - he is spelling out the great plan God had begun in the heart of God.  We love him because he first loved us.  God searched after us not we searched for God.  While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  Christ died for us.  The Holy Spirit took that message, opened our eyes to what Jesus did on Calvary and he opens our eyes to that great salvation.  For Lydia God opened her heart.  Sovereignty of God on one hand and the free will of man on the other.  God calls and man responds.  That is the election of God.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Being saved after being called is all as a result of God's mercy.  "By grace are ye saved and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God.  Peter is showing how they came into that position through the hand of God.  If God is sovereign he will keep you.

The promise that is before them - verses 3 and 4 "to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and fadeth not away reserved in heaven."  People of great persecution have had to flee their homes.  Yes you have lost some things, some important things, your properties, your position but there is something secure and safe for you - an inheritance in heaven.  Paul sitting in prison house had lost his liberty, freedom and authority for preaching the gospel.  He wasn't sure when life would end.  He knew though it would be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  To Timothy he said "I have fought a good fight, I have kept the course, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."  Peter's encouragement was to keep looking to the Lord.  For any of us in times of difficulty, times we don't know of yet there is the great encouragement for us all.  The plan - to bring us into the family of God.  The promise that is before us.

TUESDAY 11 MAY  2021 - verses 4 - 7

These people had to leave quickly and were now in a strange place, perhaps they were wondering "why is this happening to me?"  Sometimes we are in that position through no fault of our own.  Peter is writing to them about this in verses 6 and 7.  Look at chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 where he takes up the same subject again. here were a people who had come under evil accusations.  People were slandering them.  Chapter 4 verses 13 and 14 sufferings for Christ.  Chapter 4 verses 15 and 19 sufferings through our foolishness.

The permission for suffering.  God is continually monitoring this situation - verse 7 "that the trial of your faith."  Verse 6 "If need be" means if it is necessary.  God is looking at their lives and knows when they need to be corrected.  Sometimes it has to be tested through temptations and suffering.  God has permitted it.  James 1 verse 2 "my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations."  Think of Job in the Old Testament.  Satan appeared with the angels of God, into the presence of God, pointing the finger at Job, a man who had shunned evil, loved the Lord with all his heart yet he was accusing him of not living right.  Jesus said of Peter "Satan hath desired to have you" meaning that he might get into your life to take the good and leave only the chaff.  "The angel of the Lord encompath around them that fear him."   Satan said of Job "Hast not thou made an hedge about him and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land."  In Daniel's day a decree when out that if anyone was found praying to any other God rather than the king he would be cast into the lions den.  They found Daniel praying,  arrested him, accused him before the king and he was cast into the lions den.  Then God sent his angels.  It was all part of God's plan.  God permits things to happen in your life - why - because he sees something in our life that needs corrected.

There is the purpose here for suffering.  God doesn't allow it just for the sake of suffering.  He takes no pleasure in suffering but it is for our good.  "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose."  Verse 7 God sees what we need to go through in order that we are better equipped - "that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth"  Job 23 verse 10 "but he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."  The test was to brighten the witness of Job in that area in which he lived -  God said of him "there is no-one like my servant Job". Yet God permitted, allowed Satan to go into Job's house, family and life and do what ever he could against him.  Suffering came physically and emotionally - he had to deal with 3 friends who came to him and pointed a finger at him and accused him.  He lost his health, he scraped his sores.  He had to deal with his wife at that time and she told him to "curse God and die."  The emotional and physical pain Job had to suffer.  In Daniel the 3 Hebrew children had to suffer for the testimony they had.  One day an image was set up and everyone was told that when the music begins they must bow down to this image.  The 3 Hebrew children stood still while everyone bowed down to the image.  They would not bow to this image.  They believed in what they held dear and would not bow down.  God allowed them to be put into the fiery furnace.  They wouldn't surrender allegiance for an easier life.  Our God is able to deliver but if he chooses not to deliver that is alright.  They stepped into the fiery furnace and God delivered them from the furnace.  We see that maybe in ourselves, in the things we are going through, something in our lives, our families, our homes, our work place that God is allowing it and is permitting it.

The period of suffering - verse 6 "for a season"  It will soon pass.  Writing to people who are persecuted.  Why God permits you and me to suffer also dictates period of suffering.  Job said when he has tried me it will come to an end.  Some commentators state it could have been a period of 2/3 years that Job lost his family, his herds and flocks, his health before the end came.  But God blessed him in abundant measure.  Maybe it was shorter period for the Hebrew children in the fiery furance but when they  stepped out again it was to witness for God.  It is for a season - that is the duration.  God will bring it to a close and bless our witness and work.


Paul in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 13 writes "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it."  When the Lord allows something in our lives it is for a limited period.  Peter changes now from doctrine to duty, from principle to practicality.  Verse 13 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Notice the conflict that Peter points to.  What these people are to do in the situation they are in.  We forget the enemy is there, ready to take that step, to advance his cause.  Sometimes when we are not waiting for it that is when the devil strikes.  Peter is telling these people, a people scattered here, there and everywhere, who had left their original homes that the devil comes when we least expect it.  The battlefield is in our minds.  Maybe the devil is already saying to this people - you surrendered your life to the Lord but look where you are now.  The Lord has forsaken you, he has scattered you.  The Psalmist once said "no man careth for my soul" but that was a direct thought from the devil himself.  In Acts 6 when the church was beginning to grow the devil came in and stirred up the situation.  The widow women were being neglected.  The disciples had to stop their ministry, call for 7 men to be appointed and solve the problem.  The devil was putting pressure on them.  Peter's statement to gird up the loins of their minds is the picture of being on guard.  An activity that has to be taken up.  A preparation for battle.  Think back to Exodus 12, the night of the final plague in Egypt.  The people had taken the blood of the lamb and sprinkled it on the doorposts.  They had roasted the meat and were eating together as a family.  But the people themselves were told to be ready - to have their loins girded.  They were about to make a journey and needed to go.

A caution that is called for - "be sober".  Peter is telling the people to be watchful, vigilant.  The enemy is a great planner, has a strategy.  We need to think logically.  The devil wants to attack.  Philippians 4 verse 8 "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things."  The devil wants to attack us.  Remember how Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.  He attacked his physical hunger then he took him up to the steeple and told him to cast himself down.  He knew the angels would come to him at that moment.  He changed his tactic again and offered him the kingdoms of the world.  The devil gets into our minds at a time when we are hungry and lonely.   In Ephesians 6 verse 11 we are told to "put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

The continuance of our work - "and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  Peter was saying to them the call of God will not take you to where the grace of God cannot keep you.  The grace of God is always there.  We can trust God's grace for very situation in life.  God's grace was extended to us at a time when we didn't think it was possible.  We need that grace day by day.  Peter is saying he hoped to the end for the grace.  Paul said "I am what I am by the grace of God."  Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple.  He didn't want to take his stand but when it came to the crucifixion he went into Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.  He was prepared to stand up for Christ.

The crown for the winning day.  Jesus is coming again - that is the consolation we have.  Jesus will return one day for all of us.

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