Sunday, 30 May 2021

Workers with Christ




This is perhaps the third or fourth letter Paul wrote to the Corinthian church  Only 2 are in our bibles as some other letters were lost.  Paul is pointing out the importance of unity, getting on with one another, speaking to one another and holding no malice or spite against one another.  In chapter 5 he speaks of Christ's ministry of reconciliation.  Christ came into the world to reconcile a lost world unto himself. He came into the world sinless and perfect. He came into the world to die that you and I might be saved from our sins.  He was reconciling us unto God again.  Verse 1 "we then as workers together with him" we are still carrying on that work of reconciliation today.  Relationships are important in the body of Christ.  There were people in Corinth who didn't like Paul and his ministry.  In chapter 7 all that changes.  Titus comes to Paul and he is encouraged in what he is told.  The Corinthians believers are now fully behind him, they are looking forward to seeing him.  What is our part in reaching men and women with the gospel?  We should be taking the message to men and women, helping them to see their need of Christ.

First of all there is a role here that Paul proclaims of himself - "we then as workers."  Paul identifies his role within the body of Christ - he is a worker, determined to get things done.  He is not doing it alone.  He realises that there is nothing he could do of himself.  He realised this role from the day he was saved.  When Ananias was summoned to go into the street called Straight he was to knock on the door of a man called Judas  There he would find Paul praying.  Ananias feared so much, he had heard so much of Paul.  Acts 9 verse 15 "for he is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles."  He was called to be a worker for Christ from that first day.  We all have a role in the body of Christ since the day and hour we were saved. We are not spectators, not encouragers but workers.  Paul likens this body to a human body, he talks about the function of that body and how each limb is useful.    We are baptised into one body.  There is only one body - the church of Jesus Christ. The moment you are saved you give your life to Christ then he baptises you into the body of Christ.  We become a member of Christ's body.  1 Corinthians 12 talks about how each limb responds to each other.  Verse 12 "for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that body being one body."  He is getting back to the basics of his letter.  Fellowship, relationship and reconciliation.  Think of your own body.  It is the braan that gives you the instructions.  The brain governs all you think and do.  The brain is telling each limb what to do.  We take our instructions from Jesus Christ.  We respond to the head who is Jesus.  We are workers today.  If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?  And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?  If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?  But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him."  Your role or function in the body of Jesus may be that of a preacher, a singer, someone who testifies, someone who gives out a leaflet or speaks to someone.  You are a worker in the body of Christ.  The body parts are equal.  Each body part is important.  I am no more important in the body of Christ than you are.  Whether my role be as the cleaner in the church or the preacher in the pulpit all of us have a work to do in the body of Christ.  Paul said "Whereunto I am ordained a preacher and an apostle (I speak the truth in Christ and lie not) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity." (1 Timothy 2 verse 7)  Think of the story Jesus told of the man going into the far country.  He didn't want his business to suffer so gathered his servants and gave them talents.  To one he gave 5, another 2 and to one person he gave only 1 talent.  The person that got the 5 talents was of no greater value than the one who received 1.  Each man was given as the master saw their ability.  The master knew what each could handle and could bring forth a good profit.  Each was worthy of the talent given to them.  Then came the day when he returned from the far country and he called his servants in.  One day the Lord will call an end to this world, when the books will be opened and we will stand before God and he will ask what we have done in our lives.  The man with the one talent was afraid, he took the talent and hid it. He gave the talent back to the master.  The master expected more.  What will God expect when we stand before God?

A responsibility Paul prescribes.  Paul identifies his role and now he prescribes his responsibility.  Here was a worker.  In Acts 13 as the people prayed the Holy Spirit came and said "separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them."  They were in communion with God and the Holy Spirit asked for these 2 men to be separated.  Paul took his role seriously.  He had received something that one day he must given an account for.  1 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14.   One day I will appear before Christ.  That is how responsible he was.  You will stand at the judgment seat and every idle word you have spoken will be accountable.  "For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of, for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel." (1 Corinthians 9 verse 16)   Paul had a concern for men and women lost in their sins.  Romans 10 "my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved."  Have we that same longing today?  It is further strengthened when he says in Romans 10 verse 3 "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."  Remember how Paul spoke to the elders of Ephesus in Acts 20?  He was about to leave and knew there would be false preachers who could come in and split the work, divide the people.  He reminded them that he had kept nothing back that was profitable until he had taught them publicly from house to house.  Paul used every opportunity to present the gospel.  He spoke of his work and ministry.  "For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more." 1 Corinthians 9 verse 19

A relationship that is present.  "we then as workers together with him"  In John 17 Jesus said "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do."  When Jesus was on the cross he cried out "it is finished."  He spoke to Peter "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Jesus has given us details to keep on building the work of God.  One day he is coming again and we must stand before him.  He is building the church of Jesus Christ and we are workers with him.  He started the work and he will finish the work but are we carrying it on with and for him?

The response that he prayed for - "that ye receive not the grace of God in vain."  Paul knew as a preacher God was working.  "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."  God's grace is more than my words.  They are the avenue to grant his grace to men and women.  "Oh that you receive it not in vain."

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord hall be saved




This surely is one of the most loveliest portions of scripture explaining the way of God's salvation.  Verse 13 "for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  I want to break it up into certain little statements, 4 in total.

A state that is mentioned - "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."   My mind is drawn to the state Paul aspires for all the Jewish nation.  Verse 1 "Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that thy might be saved."  There are those in his family, in his neigbourhood, nation who have never come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour.  Are you saved by the grace of God tonight?  Paul says "my hearts desire."  He had a heart that was reaching out.  He also got to prayer for God to move in a present way.  Man stands in great need of change.  Conversion.  God's salvation.  The greatest need you have is to be converted, saved, to know the Lord's saving power in your life.  Man is lost in his sin.  Genesis 3 man lost something there that was so precious.  Lost the perfect state God created in him and through him in Genesis 1.  Remember how God spoke the word and everything came into being.  From the dust of the ground he breathed into man and he became a living soul.  He created woman out of one of the ribs of man's side.  God looked on everything he had made and he saw it was very good.  Nothing more was needed to be added to it.  Man was living in a perfect condition.  Something happened in Genesis 3.  The fallen angel, the devil, a created being took a superior place in heaven until sin was found in him.  He took Eve through the garden and brings her to the tree in the midst of the garden.  It must have been so beautiful.  He persuaded her to eat of the fruit of that tree.  She took and gave to her husband and he ate of it too.  They lost something of the perfect sinless nature of God in them.  That is why man needs to be saved.  Paul in Romans 5 verse 12 "wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned."  That is why man needs to be saved.  Mans state in this present state is a fallen state.  It brought Jesus from heaven.  That is why man has to repent of his sin and trust the Lord as his own Saviour.  Paul pointed out the Jew was making a mistake.  They were trying to win approval of God through their religious zeal.  There is only one way to come to God, we must come in childlike faith acknowledging our sin before him.

The second statement - the simplicity of the method - "whosoever shall call".  Not if you amass the greatest amount of money, it is simpler than that.  Paul emphasises the deception of his Jewish birth when trying to achieve their own righteousness through their own endeavours.  The mistake was they didn't submit themselves to the righteousness of God.  Ignorant of God's righteousness.  They tried to find favour with God through the law.  The only way to be redeemed was God sending his son into this world to die on the cross to shed his blood to die for our sins.  Maybe there is an ignorance on your soul.  You feel you are OK, not as bad as someone else.  You have been in church already, read your bible, sang the hymns and said your prayers.  As far as you are concerned you are on your way to heaven.  That is the ignorance of your situation.  Is it possible that you don't realise you are lost.  You don't realise you are lost in your sin and are going out into a lost and Christless eternity.  These Jewish people were trying to find favour with God by keeping the law.  They realised it couldn't be done  Think of the rich young ruler.  He had a good position and standing.  He came to the Lord and asked "what must I do that I might inherit eternal life?"  Great position, riches, friends, moving in good circles, realised he was lost.  If he died in that condition he would be lost for all eternity.  Something had to happen in his life to inherit eternal life.  Jesus talked to him about the commandments.  The rich young man could say honestly "all these have I observed from my youth."  He was brought up in a good home, a religious home.  He was deceived into thinking that would bring him God's salvation.  He thought all would be well for him.  He realised he had no peace in his heart yet there was a void in his heart.  An emptiness there.  Have you got an emptiness in your heart?  Do you realise you are lost?  These people were trying to get saved by the keeping of the law.  Bartimaeus sat by the wayside begging. He couldn't see, he was blind.  He could hear the noises in the street.  Someone told him Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.  He couldn't get up and run to Jesus.  The only thing he could do was call.  "Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me."  That is all you have to do tonight.  Realise you have sinned, acknowledge the sin in your life.  Are you willing to turn from your sin and come to Christ, to call upon him from the depths of your heart?  The thief on the cross dying there, eternity was beginning to dawn on his soul.  Only thing he could do was call.

The sincerity of the method.  God of heaven devised the plan of salvation to save you.  His only son came into the world to die on the cross of Calvary to save your soul.  Paul is writing to a people in verse 4 "and ignorant of the way set out to keep the law to seek favour with God."  They couldn't guarantee heaven.  Romans 8 verse 3 "for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and from sin condemned sin in the flesh."  Think of Saul of Tarsus.  He ticked all the religious boxes he could ever tick.  He was circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel.  He was of the tribe of Benjamin.  As touching righteousness blameless, striving for a righteousness of his own.  He realised he could never do it.  What are you resting on, depending on?  Something other than the Lord for the salvation of your soul to open heavens door?  

The scope of the mission - the Lord sent his son into this world.  At 33 he was placed on the cross at Calvary.  God's way.  Who then coud be saved?  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  The scope of whosoever - encompasses great range.  Saul was full of hatred, malice and bitterness yet Jesus would not turn him away.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  "I am the door, by me if any man enter in he shall be saved." The thief when he rallied against the Lord soon realised he needed a Saviour.  He realised that sin would take him further than he ever wanted to go.  He asked "Lord when thou comest into thy kingdom will you remember me?"  The Lord didn't turn him away.  "Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.  This religious man like Saul of Tarsus and Nicodemus found salvation in Christ.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Maybe you have been trying to do the best you can, that you might find favour with God.  All the time you only have to come and acknowledge you are not saved, are lost and in need of salvation through his son.

The rich man and Lazarus



LUKE 16 VERSES 19 - 23

Jesus shows us that there is far more to life than what we live here on earth.  2 destinations lie beyond heaven and hell just like the 2 men in this story.  Our destination depends on where we stand with Jesus.  One rich, one poor.  This poor man was a believer.  His final destination was in heaven.  This is not a parable nor a made up story.  Jesus gives us a case history and uses it to teach people the message and also a warning for us.  Hell is for the lost person, without a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our destination is determined by what we do with Jesus Christ.  There are 3 differences between the sinner going to a lost eternity and a Christian going to heaven one day.

They experienced different things here on earth.  The rich man enjoyed everything life could offer to him, everything he wore, lived and experienced was that of luxury.  He was living not for others but solely for himself.  He had no thought for the needs of those around him.  Putting me first.  Trying to live doin the best he could.  He had no thought for what lay beyond the future and his time here on earth.  Verse 24 only cared for himself.  It is not a sin to have material possessions.  It doesn't condemn you to everlasting fire.  This worthy man is a picture of man who cares solely for himself, he doesn't care what God's word says.  Are you caring only for yourself?  We need to know that what Jesus teaches is complete truth.  If he had been right with God he would have spoken with the poor man at his gate.  Proverbs 14 verse 21 "he that despiseth his neighbour sinneth but he that hath mercy on the poor happy is he."  It was ultimately a lost life.  Are you so focused on this world that you have completely overlooked Christ?  Are you caught in the trap of material wealth?  Trying to create a sense of heaven here on earth.  Only one place you would end up - in a lost eternity.  If you are a Christian you have far more to experience and look forward to than this world could ever have.  No matter what this world offers you pales in comparison to that relationship with him and the home he is preparing for you.  This poor man Lazarus suffered day in and day out.  He had no riches.  Verse 21 the only beings who paid him attention were the dogs who licked the sores on his body.  Through all that hardship he was able to believe.  He knew this was not the final destination.  Lazarus is an example of the Christian.  The Christian make a conscious decision to separate themselves.  They want to reach others around them.  Many are in need of that opportunity to share the good news of gospel with others.  You have peace, joy, security.  If that is the case why would you not take the opportunity to share that with others so they could experience it too?  The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you.  You are part of God's family.  You have been made a new creation.  "Therefore if any man be in Christ the old things are passed away, behold all things are become new."  Both men experienced differences here on earth.  

There was also a difference in how they left the world.  One man would be alone in death.  Time had run out for the rich man.  All of his earthly possessions, family, friends were left behind. They would not follow him.  This is a tragic situation.  He had died, was buried, all his possessions would be sold or given to others.  If you are a Christian do you rejoice in your salvation?  I will not die alone like this rich man.  He had no hope, peace, no Saviour.  He would remain the same without everything throughout eternity.  He experienced a lonely death which led to a lost eternity not just for a period.  The ties with the world would be severed by death.  An endless eternity of hell.  When you look beyond this life do you look forward to being in heaven with Jesus?  The rich man didn't look forward to death.  He saw it as a loss.  The rich man and poor man were so far apart in death.  Lazarus didn't receive a proper burial.  He was taken to dwell in heaven.  He did not die alone.  He died in the presence of God.  He must have had a true relationship with God.  Romans 14 verse 8.  Who do you belong to?  To the world or God?  The world will discourage you.  God will keep you for eternity.  These 2 men lived vastly different.  Their experience of eternity would be vastly different.  Hell is far worse than you could imagine.  Many Christians do not like to speak of hell.  They would rather focus on God's grace.  2 destinations, heaven or hell.  We need to dwell on this place of darkness.  There are 5 things that one will experience in hell.  Hell is place of misery and pain.  Verse 24.  Hell is a place of  indistinguishable fire.  "If thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body shoudl be cast into hell."  Hell is a place where you will never be forgiven.  Hell is a place of anger.  Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.  Hell is spoken of on many occasions in the bible.  The bible pictures how tragic it is for us to end up there.  If you are still not right with God now is the time to get right.  Maybe you are putting it off,  Now is the day of salvation to receive Jesus, don't wait a moment longer.  The rich man was condemned to suffer a lost eternity.  Lazarus was able to enjoy comfort and rest.  The biggest difference in heaven is that heaven is complete and the polar opposite to hell.  We see a place of pure beauty.  This is where Jesus is and where we will see the glorious face of God.  The glory of the Lord will be on display.  If you are a Christian tonight do you long for your home in heaven?  When you will look at your Saviour and say thank you?  What will you do with the gift Jesus offers you?  If you are without Jesus you don't have life.  Or are you merely seeking Jesus?  Will you not turn to Christ today?

A pot of oil for a debt owed



2 KINGS 4 VERSES 1 - 7

As we come again to the Old Testament scriptures we look at an event that happened in this woman's home.  She was heartbroken.  As we look at this story we can trace the footsteps of the gospel in this story.

The despair this woman was in.  She is sitting with her head in her hands.  She doesn't know which step to take.  "My husband your servant is dead."  Emptiness and void in her home and soul.  We have a void in our souls that can only be filled with the presence of God.  We were born in sin, shapen in iniquity but there is a hollow in our hearts.  Death is no respecter of persons.  This man, her husband was someone who loved the Lord then death stepped in.  It is appointed unto man once to die and then to stand in judgment.  Jesus took all our sins on his body that we might go from death into eternal life.  Death enters into every home.  For each of us death will one day visit our homes.  This woman was in great despair.  Psalm 40 the psalmist describes a time when in great despair, he had no-one to help him.  The Psalmist could say that the Lord set his feet on a rock and gave him a new song.  Remember the prodigal son.  He came to a place of no return.  He had been living it up, party after party but soon his money ran out, his friends left him.  Romans 7 "O wretched man that I am ... deliver me from this death."  There is no-one who can deliver you today, to reconcile you back to God again except Jesus.  Notice the doubt that she had.  According to the law her 2 sons must be sold.  She owed a debt she couldn't pay.  Jesus came into the world to pay the greatest price ever paid.  He came to bring the greatest atonement.  "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life."  I should pay the price of my sin but Jesus stepped in.  He took the punishment of our sin.  John 17 "I have finished the work you have given me to do."  He paid the supreme price.  Think of the Judgment Hall and Pilate's decision.  One man had to be set free.  He offered Jesus but the people cried "crucify him".  He made the decision to set Barrabas free.  Jesus was offered on behalf of Barabbas.  Barabbas' sins were paid for as are yours.  You can be set free from your sin by trusting in Jesus.

The decision she makes.  She brings her plight to Elijah thinking he coud help her.  He would not turn her away.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast away."  He is giving you an invitation to come to him.  This woman made a decision.  She was going to do something about it.  Maybe you are still in your sin.  The Lord is waiting for you to step out of your sin and come.  The demon possessed man said to the Lord "if thou wilt thou canst make me clean."  The Lord will not turn away anyone that cometh to him.  The Samaritan woman came one day to the well.  She met Christ and he did not turn her away. The prodigal son made his way home, back to his father's house.  He realised there was nothing he could do for himself.  There was no use thinking about it.  It was no use pondering it.  He had to arise and go.  Maybe you know you are not saved.  You realise you need to be saved, to come to the Lord.  You have a decision to make.  There is no use thinking about it.  There is no use knowing you need to be saved.  You need to come and trust him as Saviour and Lord.  The prodigal son made his way back to home, to his father, to his family.  He confesses to his father "I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight.  I am no more worthy to be called thy son."  The father was waiting for him to come home.  Jeus is waiting for you.  He paid the full price of sin.  He opens up a way for you to come.  The woman had nothing to pay the debtor but made a decision to go to the prophet.

The despising here that she made - verse 2 "I have a pot of oil."  She despised this pot of oil.  That was all she had.  That would be the saviour to her.  The pot of oil - never thought of it.  "He came unto his own and his own received him not."  He was despised, rejected but he was the Saviour of the world.  Think of the woman at the well.  How she met Christ and how he talked with her.  He asked her for water to drink.  He had nothing to draw from the well.  He was not talking about physical but a spiritual water he would give her.  Have you overlooked what Jesus has done on the cross?  Have you turned your back on him today?

A delivery that she proved.  She came to the man of God.  Nothing but this pot of oil.  He told her to go home, take her 2 sons, borrow as many pots as they could.  She was to go into her house, close her door and begin to pour it into the vessels,  She did exactly as she was told.  She filled all the pots and called for more but there were no more to fill.  The man of God told her to sell the pots and pay the debt with the oil then leave all the rest.  A miracle of grace.  Every man and woman is saved by grace.  He gives the grace to live day by day after that.  "If I was saved, I couldn't keep it."  Jesus tells us he will keep us.  It is not of works, it is the gift of God less any man shall boast.  Will you accept this gift, the gift of God's salvation.  Don't mistake it for a religious ceremony.  Make sure you are saved and saved by God's grace.

Great is thy faithfulness!




There is not very much in Lamentations that you might remember after you read it.  It is a sad book made up of 5 funeral messages.  Jeremiah its writer had lived to see his kinsfolk being taken into Babylon.  On 3 occasions Nebuchadnezzar took the people captive - 604 and 586 BC.  Jeremiah did not go with them.  Ezekiel was carried into captivity as well as Daniel and his 3 friends.  They all shared in the ministry to captives. Lamentations is a book of sorrow.  Jeremiah is referred to as the weeping prophet.  A man with a broken heart who seen people turning from God, disobeyng God's commands, rebelled against the Lord.  They lost all sense of distinction between good and evil.  Jeremiah had a difficult ministry because of his faithfulness to God.  This book expressed his heart's sorrow.  He lived to see the dreadful destruction of the city he loved so much.  The walls and temple were all broken down .  The sorrow upon sorrow of God's servant is recorded in this book.  The country men of captivity would not see this place again.  They died in Babylon.  Generations would come back years later.  The introduction to the book of Lamentations - it opens with the word "how".  Jeremiah asks "how did this happen?"  He was full of questions because of the sorrow and destruction he had seen.  When we go through difficult times we sometimes ask 'how has this happened to me?'  The question might be asked "why not me?"  Over the past year there have been a lot of questions when we have followed the government rules.  There are other situations in life when we might question the providence of God.  The Lord's ways are over all his works.  It might seem to be an unjust thing.  God was working on his covenant people because he loved them. God never does anything in spite of or out of wrathful vengence.  "He whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth." (Hebrews 12 verse 6)  The very proof of that relationship to him in even taking them away - he was teaching them not to destroy them.  When difficulties come our way God is working out his purposes in our lives.  "Every branch that bears not fruit he taketh it away." (John 15 verse 2)  The branch that is purged is to bring forth more fruit.  Rembrant painted a great masterpiece of Jeremiah lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem.  It shows an old man set on a rock with a copy of the scriptures in his left hand.  In the right hand is a scene of flames and destruction.  He is weeping over what has happened.  When the prophet had reached the depths of despair, when he thought everything would be removed - verse 17 "And thou hast removed my soul far off from peace."  Then in verse 18 he says "And I said, My strength and my hope is perished from the Lord." There was nothing to rejoice in.  The darkest hour is just before the dawn.  We read here in the centre of this book 66 verses that lead back to the Hebrew alphabet.  Every verse starts with one letter of the alphabet.  We read in the depths of his sadness he says "God is my hope."  At his lowest point God begins to show him that a new dawn is about to dawn.  Verse 21 "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.  It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning great is thy faithfulness."  He recognised God's action in judgment yes but he also recognised it in mercy.  Mercy was most evident at Calvary's cross.  What a change in one man's perspective when he begins to see what God is like.  In the Old Testament some would depict God as God of anger but he is one of tender compassion.  Even though for Jeremiah he could see the destruction God was still the God of mercies.  If God had dealt with us after our sin we wouldn't be here today.  Over 300 times in the Old Testament scriptures the longsuffering, mercy, kindness and faithfulness of God is revealed.

Even in Old Testament times he said "I have loved thee with an everlasting love."  Whatever they had been through one thing remains - they have not been consumed.  God spared them because he is a God of mercy, a God of compassion.  What does the mercy and compassion of God mean to you?  Has it become personal, a reality to you?  Maybe like that man in the New Testament as Jesus passed by and cried "God be merciful to me a sinner."  Did he show mercy?  Of course he did.  God is always willing to reach the one seeking the Lord.  Yes he can show mercy to you and his compassions fail not.  The are new every morning.  In Psalm 136 over 26 times we read the mercy of the Lord endureth forever.  Who he is determines how he acts because he is merciful.  God demonstrates mercy.  He is moved with compassion.  When Jesus saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion because he saw them as people without a shepherd.  Today it would be wonderful if someone could find and come to know the shepherd.  The present consolation of our lives today is that his faithfulness is like a great mountain.  Jeremiah is sitting in the debris of a destroyed city, there was nothing left but charred remains.  Only a remnant remained in the city.  Everything seems dark but there comes light and hope.  Even in these days there is light and life and joy and peace and love.  It all comes in the passage of the Saviour's gift to a lost mankind.  "Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift."  The promised gift of a glory land after this life.  How is it today for you?  Maybe you are a stranger to that gift today.  It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassion fails not.  They are new every morning.  Great is thy faithfulnss.  The Lord is my portion therefore will I hope in him.  The Lord is the portion of his people.  When we have nothing else to hold onto we have him.  He is my portion for ever.

Peace, power and praise in a prison cell



ACTS 12 VERSES 1 - 11

Last week we looked at this portion of scripture under the heading "a night in prison with Peter."  I want to return to it today.  Here we see an onslaught of the enemy, an attack on the witness of the church.  Herod was an egotistical man.  He loved his prominence, place, position and power.  He loved people coming to praise him.  Satan is about to use this man to come against the church of Jesus Christ.  His tactics are the same today.  He can use someone to come against us today.  Peter was a preacher of the gospel.  He thought if he could take Peter out he had won a great battle.  Herod had already taken James out and killed him by the sword.  When he saw that it pleased the people he thought why not do the same with Peter.  We finished last week looking at the privilege for Peter - verse 5 "prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him."  Peter had the backing of the church with prayer.  this was serious time of prayer for Peter.  It was what was taking place in the prison house.  Sure he was uptight, anxious, worried and concerned but we don't read that.  Verse 6 Peter was aslseep.

Peter was at peace.  Peter was taken off the streets for the preaching of God's word.  He was arrested and now his voice has been silenced.  His freedom has been removed. His rights have been disregarded in this prison house.  Notice the unseen hand of God is working things out for his good.  No matter what we are going through today the bible makes it clear - "all things work together for good to them that are called according to his word."  Sometimes it is hard to apply that verse to our lives and to say "surely God is working things out for our good and benefit."  Verse 4 threat of being brought before the crowd.  What is Peter doing?  Sleeping.  Isaiah 26 verse 3 "thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee."  Peter laid down his head.  The last thought he had before sleep overtook him, the last thought was of the Lord.  Peter was trusting in the Lord.  He was aware his end was near.  He didn't know what the next day would bring.  A death sentence had been put in place.  Peter closed his eyes and slept.  Why could he do that?  He knew God was in control.  Isn't it wonderful to get to that place in our lives.  A sense of peace and contentment.  Knowing God is in control.  He was reflecting on the word of God.  Perhaps just came back to him and he was now applying the word to his life in that difficult time and place.  Remember when the disciples were told by Jesus in Matthew 6 verse 34 "take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."  Maybe as he lay his head down that night maybe this is the scriptue that came back to him.  When we need that leading and guiding we can open the scriptures.  The verses bring peace to us.  Maybe that is what Peter was going through in prison.  The people were concerned about their lives, anxious about the next day and the the day after.  Remember how Jesus pointed to the birds of the air "they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them."  The cares of tomorrow, the anxiousness of tomorrow takes away the blessings of today.  Maybe you are anxious about tomorrow.  Spread it out.  Think of Hezekiah.  When he saw the enemy approaching Jerusalem he recceived a letter.  He spread it out before the Lord.  Maybe that is what needs to be done today.  Jesus took the disciples aside one day and said  "consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin.  And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."  He has sufficient for your need and he can supply our need.  Peter had peace because he had applied the word of God to his heart.  Imagine the guards in the prison house knowing that tomorrow they would bring him out to the people.  He possessed a peace that passed all understanding.  Peter was able to put his faith into action.  He closed his eyes and slept.  Have you that sense of peace?  Are there those watching us, our every activity, applying it to what we profess?  Do they match up?  Moses in Exodus 14 verse 13 said "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you today for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today ye shall see them again no more for ever."

The power.  Peter witnessed something strange in prison - verse 7.  Remember he was sleeping between 2 guards.  There were 2 chains holding him to each guard.  There were locks and bolts on the door.  The gates locked him in.  Yet God told him to get up and walk out of that prison.  He is the God of your problem today.  God sent his angel right into the prison house where he was.  The chains fell off, the locks and iron gates were no match for God.  There was a prayer meeting going on not far away, praying for Peter.  When we come to God in prayer God hears and answers.  A group of people got down to pray for one individual.  "Cast your care upon the Lord for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5 verse 7)  The people prayed without ceasing for Peter.  God heard their prayers.  He still hears our prayers today.  "Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." (Jeremiah 33 verse 3)  Everything was stacked against Peter's escape.  He couldn't take his chains off.  He couldn't open the doors or the gates.  This is of God.  He does that for his children.  For Elijah everything seemed to be stacked against him too.  Elijah was putting God to the very test to glorify his name in the midst of his people on Mount Carmel.  Elijah told them to build the altar, to lay the bullock on it and call for their God to answer them.  What happened?  They cried and called but nothing happened.  Elijah builds the altar, the wood was laid on it as was the bullock.  All was ready.  Elijah steps forward and asks them to soak the altar with water.  They soaked it repeatedly until the water filled the trench around about.  All was stacked against God answering prayer.  Then Elijah lifts his voice in prayer.  God sent the fire and everything was consumed.  Everything was stacked against Peter too.  Maybe you feel everything is stacked against you today.  You don't see a way through or around it.  Bring it to the Lord, wait on him today.  Moses at the Red Sea could see the enemy was coming against him.  There was nowhere for Moses to go or for the people to escape.  They witnessed the mighty power of God.  The sea began to divide and the people walked on dry ground.  The bible says we are born in sin and shapen in iniquity, the wages of sin are death.  "I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.  He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings." (Psalm 40 verses 1 and 2)  We cannot save ourselves today.  We cannot do enough to be saved today.  The only way is through the cross of Calvary.  Why?  Because the God of heaven sent his son to die for our sins.  When Jesus died on the cross and cried out "it is finished" he meant it was finished for us today.  Would you trust Christ today?  Trust him to come into your life.  Peter was awakened.  The chains fell off.  The doors were opened.  This was of the Lord.  It was his doing.

There is the praise Peter offered.  It is important to return to God the praise.  "Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath sent his angel and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews."  That is why we should give God glory and praise for what he has done for us.  Remember how Daniel suffered.  He spent a night in the lions den. He proved the peace and power of God in that den that night.  He witnessed God sending his angels to close the lions mouths.  When Peter went to that door of the house where the people were praying he declared the Lord had brought him out of the prison.  God had heard and answered his prayer.  God will do the same for us and deliver us from all situations we face.

Friday, 28 May 2021




JOHN 6 VERSES 16 - 24

I wonder have you ever asked the question "just what on earth is it all about?"  Maybe you have asked that question of life itself.  It does not seem to make any sense.  That is a question well worth asking of the text.  What is John trying to tell us.  9 verses about walking on the water.  An incident recorded in more detail in Matthew and Mark.  They tell of the location, the instruction Jesus gave to the disciples to get into the boat, how Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, how the disciples struggled and Jesus knew that, how Peter asked to come to Jesus, how he walked on water but his faith failed at the moment he looked down and how Jesus saved him.  John makes no mention of any of that.  What is his point in recording this incident?  John 6 appears to be about bread.  The background to this incident is this ... John the Baptist has been killed by Herod.  He was Jesus' cousin.  Jesus is sensing that loss.  That is why he goes to a secret place for time alone (Matthew records this).  The people figure out where he is and gather there with him.  They hope to see something of this man everyone is talking about.  They have heard of his miracles, of his healing power.  Jesus being Jesus is so moved with compassion as he sees the need of the crowds that he begins to heal those who were sick.  If that had been me I would have sent them away but Jesus met their need.  He later on feeds them using a boys lunch to feed over 5000 people.  Then he walks into the hills to pray.  He goes to do the very thing he had wanted to do in the first place.

Consider the power of Christ

Consider the presence of Christ

Consider the purpose of why John placed these 9 verses in a chapter all about bread.

The power of Christ.  Verse 17 now it is dark, Jesus had not joined them.  Verse 18 a strong wind is blowing, the seas are rough.  What a clear picture of life as we travel through a broken world since man went his way in Genesis 3.  Man listened to the cunning serpent, ate from the tree and man went his own way.  Today man still thinks he has a better way.  He has yet to realise there is only one way, God's way.  We lost our innocence in the garden.  We are no more guiltless before a holy God but guilty, condemned with sin.  We are covered in it.  Splattered in it.  Destroyed in it.  That is why Jesus came to the rescue so that we can get back to a relationship with God.  Life in sin is hard, meaningless, painful and in time will lead us into a lost eternity but he sent his own powerful son who could walk on the water.  Their faith seems to take a nose dive over the boat.  They believe they are seeing a spirit.  Ancient culture was steeped in Greek mythology of this idea of sea spirits.  When the doubt comes, when bad news arrives, when life gets hard our faith can take a nosedive.  Jesus says "it is I be not afraid."  Perhaps there is someone and you need to hear those words.  The power of the Lord defies all human logic.  Walking a distance of 3 miles across the surface of the water.  He had gone up to the mountain to pray.  The disciples began their journey across the water.  Their intention was to hug the seashore and travel to Capernaum but the storm drove them out into the centre of the sea.  Although the Lord was not physically with them he knows their struggles and comes to their rescue walking on the surface of the water.  Incredible yet credible.  Totally amazing.  A miracle displaying his own power.  Many pagan priests claimed they could also walk on the water but they were standing on sandbanks in shallow water.  Here the Lord is in the middle of the hardship, in the middle of the night, standing on the surface of the water.  The all powerful son of God - verse 21.  I wonder is there someone that would be willing to take that step of faith and place your trust in the all powerful, all loving Saviour?  Would you let him come aboard into your life?  This is the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is the only way.  The Saviour of the world who cared enough to feed over 5000 people with bread and fish and cares enough to rescue his disciples in the middle of the lake.  As soon as he steps into the boat, immediately the boat reaches the shore where they were heading.  Time travel you could say.  Jesus Christ the one who was in the beginning with his father, who was outside of time yet chose to come into time to save you and I.  John 1 "the one who was with God and was God."  Outside of human history yet because of his vast love and care for you he stepped into human history to save you and I from our sins.  Will you accept him as Saviour?  He will  transport you to eternity, to your eternal home itself.  We will all one day travel through time in a instance.  We will find ourselves in God's presence.  There we will stand to be judged before a mighty God.  Will you be found sinless, trusting in Christ or sinful and therefore separated from a loving God for ever?  Will you continue to row through life day by day trying to do it your own way?  Some day it will end in some sort of storm and you will realise it is all in vain.  It will be too late for you.  It is only what is done in this life that will last.  There will be no bargaining.  There will be no possibility of standing and saying "now I believe in you."  Today is the day of salvation.

The presence of Jesus Christ.  Without him getting into the boat the disciples would have perished.  Their physical effort was not enough to overcome the problem they faced.  No matter how hard they rowed they could never overcome the presence of the storm.  They would perish in this sea without Christ.  Perishing is the very thing we are trying to ensure you do not do.  We can never ever save ourselves.  The disciples couldn't save themselves either.  They needed to see the power of Jesus and needed the presence of Jesus to save them from the predicament they were in.  So it is for you who is not trusting in Christ.  Verse 21 they willingly received him into the boat.  They didn't let Jesus just pass them by.  One of the saddest things we hear are the words "no thanks it is not for me."  Maybe the door closes or the person walks on.  That is so much worse than someone who wants to rave and rant and enter into a debate with them.  At least we have the opportunity to enter into conversation.  For those who say "no thanks" they are letting Jesus pass them by.  If the disciples had let Jesus walk past, the storm would have overpowered them but if the disciples had let Jesus walk past the storm would overpower them.  Death would have overtaken them.  If Jesus is speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit reach out in faith, take hold of his hand, put your life in his care.

The purpose of this miracle - verses 23 and 24.  The crowd who go in search of Jesus, not all for the right reason.  One of the most miraculous things about this parable is that nothing more is made of it in the rest of the gospel.  The whole chapter focuses on the feeding of the 5000.  This miracle gets known.  He is not telling this miracle for setting the stage for a dialogue of how Jesus can walk on water but rather the miracle here is serving the other miracle.  Why is he doing it?  John is using this miracle to tell you that Jesus is much more than the giver of bread.  He is in fact the bread of life - verse 35.  John Piper said "Jesus did not come into the world to give bread but to be bread.  He is not the supplier of ready meals.  He came to be the ever satisfying supplier of our souls."  Jesus cares for our physical lives but cares a million times more for our eternal destiny.  If tonight was to be the last night in your life where would your eternal never dying soul reside?  2 destinations - heaven or hell.  There is no half way house.  No foot in both camps.  It is one or the other.  The feeding of the 5000 presents Jesus as provider of present needs.  He meets physical needs but the miracle of the walking on the water shows he is protector of those who will trust and obey him.  Jesus came to redeem sinners, to restore us to the one who made us.  Everything is placed in the bible to help us to understand he lives for you, cares so much for you, he sent Jesus to die for you.  John omits the detail of this miracle for a reason - without Jesus we are lost.  He is still reaching out.  We are still living in the days of grace.  Psalm 69 "save me O God from the waters are come in unto my soul.  I sink in deep mire where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters where the floods overflow me.  I am weary of my crying my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God."  Here are the disciples in the water up to their necks quite literally, with waves overpowering the boat, simply they needed Jesus.  Without Jesus you need saving.  Are you being tossed from one problem to another problem not fully aware of the danger you are in.  Jesus is the all powerful one.  He is the bread of life.  He came to rescue you, to prove to you that you will understand Christ's purpose for you.  He came to save you.  It is as simple as that.  Understand Christ's power.  He defeated the grave, rose again, conquered sin that you might come to experience Christ's presence for yourself.  Come to him, give your life to him.

Ephesians 2 verses 1 to 10




It has been said that every picture tells a story.  It is a wonderful gift to have, to take a blank canvas and have the patience to paint a picture capturing a scene.  Perhaps you have marvelled at famous paintings.  Here in these verses Paul sketches for us some pictures.  In fact he presents a trio of pictures that relate to each other.  What we are by nature but what we can become by grace.

The first describes a sinner and their guilt - verses 1 - 3.  It is very dark and depressing.  The colour scheme is black and grey.  Paul reminds these people how God saw them prior to salvation - no brightness or beauty.  As we view humanity in a sinful state there are 6 words used to describe someone who was not a Christian - "you were dead in trespasses and sins."  The natural man has no consciousness of God in his life, no communication with him.  The problem is the same the world over.  There are 2 interesting words in verse 1 - "trespasses" meaning sins of commission, the wrongs we have done.  The Bible describes it as "all we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way." (Isaiah 53 verse 6) It doesn't take us to be a farmer to know sheep wander.  Each of us have stepped out of line, we have went out of bounds, rebelled against God, broken his commandments.  "There is none righteous no not one."(Romans 3 verse 10)  The second word used in verse 1 is "sins" which are the sins of omission.  A failure to do that which is right.  It is a word taken from the sport of archery meaning an arrow that has fallen short of the target.  We cannot reach God's standard.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3 verse 23)  This is the description of everyone.  Sin is a serious problem.  Paul then adds these people were deceived "you walked according to the course of this world according to the the prince of the power of the air."  These people were under the spell of the devil.  Evil governed their lives.  Perhaps you think you are in control of your life in all you say and do.  You are under a power greater than your own.  Jesus said "whoever commits sin is the servant of sin." (John 8 verse 34)  Think of the man from Gadara in Mark 5.  He was literally living among the dead.  He had a fearsome reputation in the community.  Neither he nor anyone could break the devils grip on his life.  Only Jesus could do that for him.  Only Jesus could do that for you.  The word "air" represents a foggy atmosphere.  When fog comes down we cannot see where we are going.  In the spiritual sense maybe the devil has his hold over you and you cannot see your spiritual need.  Another word that describes a person without Christ is they are marked by disobedience - verse 2 "now worketh in the children of disobedience."  We are sons of the disobedient one who is the devil.  Jesus said of the Pharisees in John 8 verse 44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it."  This rebellious attitude can be traced back to Genesis 3.  Their God put the first human beings in a perfect environment, he provided everything for life, gave them laws to live by but Adam sinned.  "As by one man disobedience many were made sinners."(Romans 5 verse 19)  That is why man disobeys, that is why man is self centred - because of the fall, because of sin.  Paul tells us we are depraved - verse 3 "among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind."  People are capable of all kinds of evil.  This is how the bible describes it.  "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it." (Jeremiah 17 verse 9) Talking of our spiritual condition.  The heart is the problem is the problem of the heart.  That is why we need a new nature by trusting God for salvation.  Even our best is not enough.  "All our righteous acts are like filthy rags" because of all of these things. (Isaiah 64 verse 6) Paul tells us in verse 3 "and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others."  It is important to realise the seriousness of sin.  God is perfect and just.  He is offended by sin and he must punish the evil doer.  The sinner is facing judgment, everlasting separation from God.   John 3 "he that believes in the son has everlasting ife and he who does not believe the wrath of God is on him." (John 3 verse 36)  The sentence has been passed.  God is delaying that day of execution, giving you an opportunity to get right with him.  That is the only ray of light you see in this dark picture.  A real reflection of who we are and where we stand with God.

The second picture is of the Saviour and his grace - verses 4 - 7.  God's beautiful masterpiece.  It is a more stunning picture after the previous picture.  When the jeweller wants to display a beautiful diamond he places it on a dark cloth so that it sparkles more.  That is what Paul says "But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us." (verse 4) An amazing work of salvation for you.  He was rich yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might become rich.  That is what the Lord can do for you.  There is a great loving in verse 4.  We can begin to comprehend or consider the depths of God's love.  We see the great heart of God to sinners - John 3 verse 16.  Even though we are weak and wayward in our sin he loved us so much he went to the cross.  "But God demonstrates his own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." (Romans  verse 8)  In verse 5 we see life giving "Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace ye are saved)."  On 3 occasions during his earthly ministry Jesus raised people from the dead.  He done what no-one else could do.  He alone had the power to impart spiritual life.  He went further enduring death itself so we could be raised to newness of life, triumphing over the grave.  Jesus rose to guarantee eternal life for all who would trust in him.  "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10 verse 10)  Verse 6 lifting "And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." What a change in position.  we can be brought out of the dungeon and into the palace.  "He brought me up out of a horrible pit and established my steps." (Psalm 40 verse 2)  Have you been delivered by Jesus?  Perhaps you are asking how can I be saved, made right with God, sure of heaven?

The third and final picture is our view of salvation and its gift - verses 8 and 9.  He is what God offers to you tonight.  It is unmerited.  The word grace occurs 3 times in verses 5, 7 and 8.  What is grace - the unmerited favour of a loving God, something that you need but don't deserve but God gives freely.  God's richness at Christ's expense.  Sin offended him but he put in place a rescue plan to deliver us from death.  Where sin abounded grace did much more abound.  A drowning person cannot save themselves.  They need a lifeline thrown out.  Neither are we able to make us right with God.  He came to free us from our sin.  Nothing that we could do.  That is the difference between Christianity and other world religions.  God wants us to trust in him.  The human mind reasons that there are continuous boxes to tick, that there are rules and regulations to be kept but it is faith alone in Jesus to meet your need.  A woman believed that if she could just touch the edge of Jesus' garments she would be healed.  A blind beggar pleaded for mercy as he sat by the roadside one day.  A man believed if Jesus just spoke the word his sick servant would be cured.  Have you exercised that faith, believed on the Lord Jesus and been saved?  Grace is God's part in salvation and faith is ours.  Grace is the remedy for our sin and faith is taking the medicine.  Grace is the gift of heaven and eternal life.  Faith is our hand reaching up for it.  All come the same way.  Faith in the finished work of Jesus upon the cross.  To emphasise salvation is a gift.  God states it is unattainable by our efforts.  Verses 8 and 9 "that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast."  So many people sincerely believe they must do their best.  If somehow they do enough then that set of scales will tip in our favour and earn us a place in heaven.  People think God will look favourably on what they have done but this is a gift.  How would you feel if someone asked how much they needed to pay for the gift you presented them with?  It would bring anguish and offence.  You have to simply reach out and receive it.  "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6 verse 23)  There is no room for pride.  Everyone is on equal ground no matter who you may be.  You have to come as a sinner to the cross.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Two people on the road to Emmaus whose lives were changed forever



LUKE 24 VERSES 27 - 35

I want to turn your attention to these 2 pilgrims leaving Jerusalem heading back to their own village.  They had heard the women's story of Jesus ' body not being in the tomb but he had risen.  These 2 felt that the Lord was coming to deliver them from the Roman opposition.  They realised the Lord was not coming to do that.  He was coming to deliver people from sin.  We all have been born in sin.  We needed a Saviour.  God sent his son to be that Saviour.  These 2 were confused.  The Lord drew alongside them.  He went with them.  Maybe you have had your hopes dashed in the past days.  Someone has let you down.  The Lord wants to draw alongside you tonight and wants to go with you.  The Lord did not forsake these 2 pilgrims.  The Lord wants to draw alongside you tonight.  You are the very person that he came to save.  We read in verse 32 that he opened the scriptures to them and in verse 35 their mouths were opened.

The courage they showed.  What made the difference in these lives?  Nothing they said to one another.  It was the experience of meeting the risen resurrected Savour.  The Lord who drew near to them, that made the difference in their life.  That is what will make a difference in your life - to meet with Christ face to face.  They didn't know they would have this great experience of meeting Christ.  Maybe this is your need tonight, that the Lord would draw near to you, make a special difference in your life.  Maybe you have never had the experience of looking on the Lord dying for you, realising he was bearing your sin, crying out and saying 'come into this heart of mine, save me.'  What a difference when they met with the Lord.  Their hearts are lifted, they have been encouraged.  The Lord has opened their minds.  No longer on the way to Emmaus they returned to Jerusalem.  There as no fear in their hearts of what they might meet or what would happen to them on the way.  Once they had met with the Lord all fear has gone.  All they wanted to do is get back to Jerusalem.  Fear is one of the greatest barriers of a man coming to Christ.  What would my friends say about it?  It is only when you have that real experience of Christ that those fears will drift away.  Joseph of Arimathea had that fear of people.  He was a secret disciple until Jesus died on Calvary.  He went and asked for the body of Christ.  He was taking his stand.  Is there a fear in your heart of coming to Christ, of being saved and what others might say about you and to you? Nicodemus came to the Lord by night.  On the day of crucifixion he anointed the body of Christ.  Those religious leaders mocked him but there was no fear on his part now.  He had no fear.  In John 9 we see a man who believed in the Lord to heal him.  Jesus did that and he opened his eyes.  He was able to see.  Jesus told him to go and wash his eyes.  He could now see.  The Pharisees were so angry and they questioned him.  He told them that once he was blind but now he could see, that he didn't know who this man was.  He had a wonderful transformation of meeting the Lord as a sinner and being redeemed by the blood of Christ.

The communion now they sought.  In verse 33 they went back to Jerusalem to find the other disciples.  They had something to share.  A testimony to give.  They sought communion with other believers.  When you get saved you need to seek out other children of God.  This encounter changed their very direction in life.  After this experience they wanted the company of the other disciples who had the same experience.  Kindred minds and spirits, a change of direction.  Fears and doubts were gone.  The wise men came from the east, came asking after the child born King of the Jews.  They made their way to Herod's palace.  They were told to go again and find the baby then come and tell the king once again.  When they left the palace the star showed them where to find the baby but "they parted unto their own company another way".  Why - because they had looked into Jesus face and they were changed as a result.  When you come to the cross and repent of your sin you change your direction in life.  You are on your way to heaven and home.  Bartimaeus sat along the highway begging.  That was all he could do in life.  He depended on those few coins dropped into his begging bowl.  Jesus came to him one day and healed him.  Immediately he received his sight and followed him.  He did not want to do anything but follow the Lord.  All the people gave praise to God.  He didn't go back to the highway begging.    In Acts 2 Peter preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost and saw thousands come to the Lord.  They yearned for something more.  Verse 42 "and they continued steadfastly in the apostles fellowship and doctrine."  The Holy Spirit came and opened their hearts.  They were saved and baptised.  They did not want to go back to the old religious way.  This truth had set them free.  Verse 44 "and all that believed were together and had all things in common."

The conversation they had.  In verse 30 they found the 11 together.  It was a different conversation they wanted now.  Here in this chapter a group of people now spoke of the resurrection in Jerusalem.  What a wonderful message to hear.  This is the conversation we need to hear today.  It is the experience of the Psalmist in Psalm 40.  He was in an awful pit, thought there was no escape.  The Lord heard his cry (grace).  That is what happens when you cry to the Lord, when you lift your voice heavenward because there is nothing you can do for yourself.  The Psalmist went on to say "and he lifted me (mercy).  That is what the Lord will do for you.  If you are not saved and you come to the Lord you are in a situation where you cannot save yourself.  

The comfort they found.  This surely brought great comfort to these 2 pilgrims.  It was a confirmation to their faith.  These pilgrims joined together and they began to explain what had happened to them.  Have you that testimony to the saving grace of the Lord?  Have you ever trusted Christ for yourself?

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind




In Romans chapter 12 the apostle Paul is leaving behind a doctrinal section.  Up to now he has been talking about all the things we believe.  Chapter 12 moves to a practical position.  Paul tells the people to look back on all the things God has done for you and as you move forward put them into practice.  Look at verse 2 - the apostle Paul is moving on.

Check for dangers.  Totally surrender our life to him, holding nothing back to come before him, to say 'here am I.'  Just like Isaiah in chapter 6.  God spoke to Isaiah in the temple "whom will I send and who will go for us?"  Isaiah said to the Lord "send me."  As we sit here today have we ever said "here am I, I want to give you my life, my all, I give to you the entirety of my life."  Someone once said "it is not a prayer ground but a battle ground."  Remember the day when you heard the gospel of saving grace and bowed your knees at the foot of the cross, when you realised the sinless son of God was dying for your sin to pay the price of your sin.  You were redeemed by his precious blood.  Now you have come to that stage Paul says where you must surrender your life.  From the moment you trust Christ as Saviour you make a real enemy, the devil himself.  He will dog your tracks from the moment you leave the cross until you leave this scene of time.  One of the greatest dangers is apathy, carelessness, coldness.  The Laodicean church in Revelation was lukewarm.  They were neither hot nor cold but the Lord was on the outside and he couldn't get in.  There was apathy in the church.  Romans 12 speaks of unreserved commitment to Christ.  We need to come and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice unto God, give him your all.  Notice the word "and" - "and be not conformed to this world."  The word for "world" is not the Greek word "cosmos" but another and refers to the fashions and customs of that day. The danger was that Christians would be taken by the spirit of that day - "walk according to the course of this world."  The devil wants to get us to conform to the world.  Think of Demas.  Paul said of him that he was a fellow labourer.  He walked, talked and travelled with Paul.  There were times of great prayer and preaching.  "Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world."  He began to compare his life with that of others.  It was a difficult life, travelling here and there, putting up with hardships.  Remember Lot in Genesis 13.  A young man under the godly influence of an uncle, Abraham.  He adopted him because his father had died.  God came to Abraham and told him to leave his country, family and friends.  He was told he would be given a great land.  Can you see Abraham telling his family about what God had told him.  Lot followed after him.  He became very rich and it led to a conflict between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot's.  Abraham comes to Lot and tells him it was not good that there was strife.  He told Lot that they would divide the land and gave him the choice of which land he wanted.  Lot lifted up his eyes towards Sodom.  It was well watered and fertile.  He looked and thought it was good.  Lot not only looked toward Sodom, he took his tent and pitched it toward Sodom.  "The men of Sodom were great sinners."  Lot was pitching his tent toward Sodom then we soon find him living in Sodom, ruling in Sodom.  When God came with a warning to him and his family he was reluctant to leave Sodom.  It is so easy to be duped into that religiousity.  To think you will make an improvement and help that situation.  All that happens is you are brought down.  This man Lot in Genesis 18 when the angels came and told of the destruction of Sodom, was very reluctant to leave that place.  He goes back to his family and tells of the destruction that would happen.  His family have watched him all these years - their reaction was to laugh at him.  He had got so accustomed with the world he was living in.  He lost his testimony.

There is a consecration now to the decision.  How can we guard the mind - by being in God's word and presence.  1 Peter 1 verse 13 "wherefore gird up the loins of your mind and be sober."  The people Peter wrote to those who had to flee because of persecution.  Peter wrote to them and said "don't get involved with the habits of the land you are in."  1 Peter 2 "desire the sincere milk of the word of God that you might grow."  Renewing means changing habits to fit in with God's word.  When Paul speaks of the word transforming it is the idea of breaking of habits and putting on another habit.  When the children of Israel came into the land of Canaan Moses warned them that there were people living in Canaan but they were not to take up their lifestyle.  The devil is very subtle and ready to bring us down.  The process must start from within.  In 2 Timothy Paul talks about the last days "having a form of godliness but denying th power thereof from such turn away."  A cloak of religiousity.  Paul tells them it must begin in the mind "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."  We feed the mind in the word of God and in the presence of God.  That is where we come to for the renewing of our minds.  Remember the city of Berea.  Paul preached in that city, they listened intently, received the word of God gladly and when they returned to their homes took down the word of God and searched to find what Paul had said was true.  

The confidence he now has in the directionUltimately we need to do the will of God.  we cannot do that if we are so taken up with what the world dictates.  Saul of Tarsus was a young religious Jew who was inspired by the religious world around him.  He had one purpose - to destroy all the churches he could come across, to arrest every Christian.  That was his mindset and it was totally changed on the Damascus road.  God spoke to Ananias "go and find Saul of Tarsus, behold he prayeth."  He was ready for the work of God.  Acts 9 verse 15 "this man is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.  For I will shew him how great thngs he must suffer for my name's sake."  Paul later said to King Agrippa "whereupon I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision."  He knew the will of God.  It is so important today that we see what the will of God is in our lives.  

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Bible studies in 1 Peter



Tuesday 27 April 2021

"To the strangers" and "elect according to the foreknowledge of God."  The God of heaven knows all about our situation and what we need at this moment in time.  The purpose of the letter is to encourage.  Chapter 5 verse 12 "I have written briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand."  This letter was written at a time of great persecution.  The devil was coming against the church.  He was using a person, Nero the emperor of Rome at that time.  Historians dated this to 63 - 66AD.  Brings us into the rule of Nero and great fire of Rome  Lasted 6/7 days.  Historians would tell us that Nero actually plotted and planned the great fire.  He himself was away from the city at that time.  He wanted to rebuild his wonderful palace for himself but he needed it in ruins first.  The first wave of persecution Nero blamed the Christians for that fire.  Look at verse 1 get a look at the character.  When these apostles were set aside by God, the Holy Spirit took over and helped them to write what he wanted.  The human author is "Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ."

Notice the courage of the writer.  Peter in verse 1 describes himself as an "apostle of Jesus Christ".  Paul used a similar description.  In bible days the author's name was written at the beginning of a letter rather than the end.  By doing so the author was easily identified.  This Christian church was scattered under persecution - "throughout Pontus, Galatia, Capodicea, Asia and Bithynia"  Persecution came against the Christians in these days.  A campaign started against them.  The Christians had to flee and seek refuge. This letter was not anonymous.  He nails his colours to the mast.  Can you imagine if this letter got into the wrong hands they would have suffered greatly.  They might be thrown to the lions, some might be burned at the stake.  Here Peter puts his name to the letter.  Not afraid of who sees it or is offended in standing for Christ.  A follower of the Lord Jesus.  If anyone had found this letter would have known this, not afraid to associate with Christ and band of people called Christians.  He wrote to offer sympathy and instructions to keep them going through this time because of hardness.  He had learned many lessons himself and so wanted to bring great learning to them.  We need the same courage in these days.  Think of the revivals in Wales and NI and throughout world - what wonderful days they were to be living in.  Maybe we need to have such times again.  We need courage in these days to show who we stand for in the workplace, in the church, in the fellowship  To make sure people know where we stand.

What made Peter write this letter?  His concerns.  Why is he writing this letter?  To show his great concern for this people.  "Scattered throughout"  Peter has taken time to sit down, to think of all those who were persecuted and driven from their homes and  families and were now living elsewhere.  Now he puts pen to paper.  A practical concern for this people.  Sat down and wrote to them, didn't somehow feel that writing to these people was beneath him or too little for him. He had been with Jesus,he had spent time with Christ.  Spending time in God's word and presence, seeking his face is so important, so much so today.  In Acts 14 Paul and Barnabas "exhorted the people to continue in the faith and that they must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." (verses 21 and 22)  There was a genuine concern for others.  Chapter 11 verses 19 - 22.  Romans 1 verse 9 and 11.  A concern in his heart.  We need that same concern today, to see the need of others.  Like Peter we have to make an effort, he wanted to reach out to others.  

Notice his compassion - "to the strangers scattered."  Acts 8 verse 4 "they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word."  It is the picture of the farmer sowing the seed on the ground.  He wants to see fruit coming from it.  God uses man as a vehicle to be useful for him.  Let's serve with a real zeal and passion.


What an encouraging message this chapter is to us even in these dark days.  What did Peter write to them about?  3 things.  

To remind them of the position they had in the body of Christ.  Verse 1 "to the strangers" not strangers to grace but born again of the Spirit of God, saved through the blood of Christ but have been persecuted.  They were strangers in ever part of the world in which they have fled to.  Peter may not have met them all.  He wants to encourage them to show sympathy to them.  They had been driven out under great trials.  Verse 6 "wherein ye greatly rejoice though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations."  He wants to remind them of their position in Christ - verse 2 "elect" or children of God.  He brings them under the umbrella of the elect people of God.  Isn't it good to be reminded of that.  When you are going through hard time it is good to hear from someone.  Peter was glad of those who brought him the word of encouragement.  3 times Peter denied the Lord outside the Judgement Hall sitting amongst unbelievers but on the day of resurrection the angels told the women to "go and tell the disciples and Peter".  I am sure he felt he had let the Lord down but he had a special word just for him.  Although they were persecuted there was still a word for them.  Remember the 2 on the Emmaus Road who Jesus drew alongside and spoke with.  They invited him into the house with Jesus broke bread with them.  When they realised what had happened the only thing they could do was get back to Jerusalem and tell the other disciples.  We need to keep in our minds those we don't see as often because of the situation we are in.  We need to be encouragers.  

He wants to set out the plan for that position.  Verse 2 he was showing them the sovereignty of God that he was able to do it.  If God can do this and bring you into the body of Christ he can keep you through this time of trial.  The plan was threefold.  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  God loved us and God gave his life for us - he is spelling out the great plan God had begun in the heart of God.  We love him because he first loved us.  God searched after us not we searched for God.  While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  Christ died for us.  The Holy Spirit took that message, opened our eyes to what Jesus did on Calvary and he opens our eyes to that great salvation.  For Lydia God opened her heart.  Sovereignty of God on one hand and the free will of man on the other.  God calls and man responds.  That is the election of God.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Being saved after being called is all as a result of God's mercy.  "By grace are ye saved and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God.  Peter is showing how they came into that position through the hand of God.  If God is sovereign he will keep you.

The promise that is before them - verses 3 and 4 "to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and fadeth not away reserved in heaven."  People of great persecution have had to flee their homes.  Yes you have lost some things, some important things, your properties, your position but there is something secure and safe for you - an inheritance in heaven.  Paul sitting in prison house had lost his liberty, freedom and authority for preaching the gospel.  He wasn't sure when life would end.  He knew though it would be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  To Timothy he said "I have fought a good fight, I have kept the course, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."  Peter's encouragement was to keep looking to the Lord.  For any of us in times of difficulty, times we don't know of yet there is the great encouragement for us all.  The plan - to bring us into the family of God.  The promise that is before us.

TUESDAY 11 MAY  2021 - verses 4 - 7

These people had to leave quickly and were now in a strange place, perhaps they were wondering "why is this happening to me?"  Sometimes we are in that position through no fault of our own.  Peter is writing to them about this in verses 6 and 7.  Look at chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 where he takes up the same subject again. here were a people who had come under evil accusations.  People were slandering them.  Chapter 4 verses 13 and 14 sufferings for Christ.  Chapter 4 verses 15 and 19 sufferings through our foolishness.

The permission for suffering.  God is continually monitoring this situation - verse 7 "that the trial of your faith."  Verse 6 "If need be" means if it is necessary.  God is looking at their lives and knows when they need to be corrected.  Sometimes it has to be tested through temptations and suffering.  God has permitted it.  James 1 verse 2 "my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations."  Think of Job in the Old Testament.  Satan appeared with the angels of God, into the presence of God, pointing the finger at Job, a man who had shunned evil, loved the Lord with all his heart yet he was accusing him of not living right.  Jesus said of Peter "Satan hath desired to have you" meaning that he might get into your life to take the good and leave only the chaff.  "The angel of the Lord encompath around them that fear him."   Satan said of Job "Hast not thou made an hedge about him and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land."  In Daniel's day a decree when out that if anyone was found praying to any other God rather than the king he would be cast into the lions den.  They found Daniel praying,  arrested him, accused him before the king and he was cast into the lions den.  Then God sent his angels.  It was all part of God's plan.  God permits things to happen in your life - why - because he sees something in our life that needs corrected.

There is the purpose here for suffering.  God doesn't allow it just for the sake of suffering.  He takes no pleasure in suffering but it is for our good.  "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose."  Verse 7 God sees what we need to go through in order that we are better equipped - "that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth"  Job 23 verse 10 "but he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."  The test was to brighten the witness of Job in that area in which he lived -  God said of him "there is no-one like my servant Job". Yet God permitted, allowed Satan to go into Job's house, family and life and do what ever he could against him.  Suffering came physically and emotionally - he had to deal with 3 friends who came to him and pointed a finger at him and accused him.  He lost his health, he scraped his sores.  He had to deal with his wife at that time and she told him to "curse God and die."  The emotional and physical pain Job had to suffer.  In Daniel the 3 Hebrew children had to suffer for the testimony they had.  One day an image was set up and everyone was told that when the music begins they must bow down to this image.  The 3 Hebrew children stood still while everyone bowed down to the image.  They would not bow to this image.  They believed in what they held dear and would not bow down.  God allowed them to be put into the fiery furnace.  They wouldn't surrender allegiance for an easier life.  Our God is able to deliver but if he chooses not to deliver that is alright.  They stepped into the fiery furnace and God delivered them from the furnace.  We see that maybe in ourselves, in the things we are going through, something in our lives, our families, our homes, our work place that God is allowing it and is permitting it.

The period of suffering - verse 6 "for a season"  It will soon pass.  Writing to people who are persecuted.  Why God permits you and me to suffer also dictates period of suffering.  Job said when he has tried me it will come to an end.  Some commentators state it could have been a period of 2/3 years that Job lost his family, his herds and flocks, his health before the end came.  But God blessed him in abundant measure.  Maybe it was shorter period for the Hebrew children in the fiery furance but when they  stepped out again it was to witness for God.  It is for a season - that is the duration.  God will bring it to a close and bless our witness and work.


Paul in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 13 writes "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it."  When the Lord allows something in our lives it is for a limited period.  Peter changes now from doctrine to duty, from principle to practicality.  Verse 13 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Notice the conflict that Peter points to.  What these people are to do in the situation they are in.  We forget the enemy is there, ready to take that step, to advance his cause.  Sometimes when we are not waiting for it that is when the devil strikes.  Peter is telling these people, a people scattered here, there and everywhere, who had left their original homes that the devil comes when we least expect it.  The battlefield is in our minds.  Maybe the devil is already saying to this people - you surrendered your life to the Lord but look where you are now.  The Lord has forsaken you, he has scattered you.  The Psalmist once said "no man careth for my soul" but that was a direct thought from the devil himself.  In Acts 6 when the church was beginning to grow the devil came in and stirred up the situation.  The widow women were being neglected.  The disciples had to stop their ministry, call for 7 men to be appointed and solve the problem.  The devil was putting pressure on them.  Peter's statement to gird up the loins of their minds is the picture of being on guard.  An activity that has to be taken up.  A preparation for battle.  Think back to Exodus 12, the night of the final plague in Egypt.  The people had taken the blood of the lamb and sprinkled it on the doorposts.  They had roasted the meat and were eating together as a family.  But the people themselves were told to be ready - to have their loins girded.  They were about to make a journey and needed to go.

A caution that is called for - "be sober".  Peter is telling the people to be watchful, vigilant.  The enemy is a great planner, has a strategy.  We need to think logically.  The devil wants to attack.  Philippians 4 verse 8 "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things."  The devil wants to attack us.  Remember how Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.  He attacked his physical hunger then he took him up to the steeple and told him to cast himself down.  He knew the angels would come to him at that moment.  He changed his tactic again and offered him the kingdoms of the world.  The devil gets into our minds at a time when we are hungry and lonely.   In Ephesians 6 verse 11 we are told to "put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

The continuance of our work - "and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  Peter was saying to them the call of God will not take you to where the grace of God cannot keep you.  The grace of God is always there.  We can trust God's grace for very situation in life.  God's grace was extended to us at a time when we didn't think it was possible.  We need that grace day by day.  Peter is saying he hoped to the end for the grace.  Paul said "I am what I am by the grace of God."  Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple.  He didn't want to take his stand but when it came to the crucifixion he went into Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.  He was prepared to stand up for Christ.

The crown for the winning day.  Jesus is coming again - that is the consolation we have.  Jesus will return one day for all of us.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

A living sacrifice




J B Philips translation of Romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 "With eyes wide open to the mercies of God I beg you my brothers as an act of intelligent worship to give him your bodies as a living sacrifice consecrated to him and acceptable by him.  Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould but let God remould your minds from within so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of direct maturity."

We have been thinking in recent weeks of the big decisions that we make.  Paul says here "I beg of you that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice."  That is a decision only you and I can take.  If we come to present out bodies we need to be careful.  If we read the bible and take it as a measure we come to a difficult decision.  Think of Joshua in the Old Testament when he led the children of Israel into the promised land.  He told them "if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord choose."  Joshua is speaking to a people who came to a fork in the road.  We have a decision to make spiritually speaking as well.  Joshua realised the decision that needed to be made "choose you this day whom you will serve."  There is an urgency in this choice.  There is the brevity of life.  We have come into this day but we don't know if we will see the end of this day.  These are people who were brought out of Egypt and are now come into Canaan.  Joshua was bringing them to this decision.  Remember Pilate in the presence of Christ.  The people were crying out for Jesus' blood.  Pilate could not find anything to condemn Jesus to death "I find no fault in this man."  The crowd shouted "crucify him".  Pilate looked at Barabbas who should have been put to death.  He looks to the crowd and asks "whom then will you choose?"  They cried for Barabbas to be set free and for Jesus to be crucified.  Pilate asked again "what shall I do with this man Jesus?"  Have we ever come to that point in our lives when we asked 'what am I going to do with Jesus?'  When he came into the world he was rejected of man, hung on the old rugged cross that you might be saved - what does God want you to do with Jesus today?  He wants me to bring my sin and lay it at his feet and take the Lord Jesus for myself.  John 3 verse 16.  There is one channel for everlasting life and his name is Jesus.  What then shall I do with Jesus? Take him as Saviour and Lord?  What does the Lord require of me today?  In the Old Testament in Micah we read "what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God." (Micah 6 verse 8)

The attention Paul calls for.  Paul asks us to take the scriptures, the word of God as they are.  He could see a great coldness in the church.  He is telling the people to face up to their responsibilities.  Chapter 12 comes with a great challenge.  Chapters 1 to 11 deal with doctrines but in this chapter Paul moves into a practical application.  This is stepping aside to the saving power of God.  This is stepping aside to the sanctified power of God.  How will we live practically?  He told the Philippian believers "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Philippians 2 verses 12 and 13)  Salvation is not something earned or get after doing the best we can.  It comes the moment we trust the Lord.  Now you must work that salvation in you.  There is a salvation of good works that has to be worked out in our lives.  Paul sets the foundation of the Christian and now he sets to build the framework.  No matter how the house looks that framework is of no use unless it has good foundations to be built on.  In our Christian lives if we try to live without foundations it will be of no use whatsoever.  That is why Paul says in verse 2 that we are not to be just hearers of the word but doers also.  We are not saved by what we give, we are saved by what we receive.  This backs up what James says "But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves." (James 1 verse 22)  Spurgeon used the illustration of 2 friends.  One was called Donald who was in a church service one day.  As he walked out he met his friend Sandy who asked him "is the sermon all done?"  Donald looked at him and said "no it is said but it is not begun to be done yet."  He had heard the message but now he needed to live out that message.  That is what we need to do today.  We need to apply the word of God now.  We have to live it out in our lives.

The acknowledgement that Paul alludes to.  "by the mercies of God."  Paul is calling the believers to listen and react not on his intellectual ability.  He is challenging them on the basis of what God has done.  Do we really ponder what God has done for us?  What are these mercies Paul is bringing to their attention?  In chapter 1 it is the gospel.  In chapter 2 it is the goodness of God.  In chapter 3 it is the fact that all have sinned.  In chapter 6 it is the separation from God because of sin.  Then he talks about justification and condemnation.  Now he is saying because of these mercies that word must take effect in our lives.  Think of the word of God and what it is saying.  James says "lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls." (James 1 verse 21)  We need to receive it.  We need to get ready to put into practice what we have heard in light of what God has done for us.  We are called to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.  Think of the head of the Moravian church who when he had looked at the portrait of Christ hanging on Calvary and the caption on the picture 'all this have I done for you, what have you done for me?'  What have you done for the Lord this past week?

The appreciation to be shown.  Can you and I apply ourselves today?  If the Lord has done this for us what am I going to do for him?  The Lord asks you to offer your life as a sacrifice unto God.  When I think of the day when I will stand in glory to give an account of my life, when I will look into the face of God will I say 'I am sorry, when I weighed up everything you did for me I couldn't give you my all, I couldn't trust you.'  Wouldn't it be awful to say that?  Today we have an opportunity to give our all to God.  When the lamb was brought to the altar and placed there everything was burnt.  God is asking for you and me to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.  We have to give our all and no more.  We cannot choose where we want to serve the Lord.  Nothing is beneath us in God's service.  We offer ourselves to God and then we allow him to show us what he wants us to do.  What God calls for today is to give our all to him and he will show us what he wants us to do.  In 2 Corinthians 8  there is a lovely thought of the church in Macedonia giving gifts.  Paul is collecting money for Christians around Jerusalem.  Some were suffering because of a famine.  These people had taken up an offering even though they hadn't very much themselves (verse 1).  In verses 2 to 4 we read "How that in  great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.  For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves; Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints."  The little church didn't have much but they did what they could.  Paul didn't want to take the offering from them because he felt they had more need of it themselves.  "And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God."  They pleaded with Paul and they gave themselves first and foremost to the Lord.  Then they asked the Lord 'what shall we give?'  They were giving of themselves.  One day a man who lived on the streets was in a service.  He heard the message and when it came time for the offering plate to be passed around he knew he didn't have a penny in his pocket.  The service so touched him that God opened his ears.  When the offering plate came to where he was he took it out of the hands of the stewards and set it in the middle of the aisle, then he stepped into the plate himself - he wanted to give his all to the Lord.  That is what Paul is saying today.  Have we ever done that?  We are talking here of sanctified power.  What God has done for us and what he expects of us.  In Acts 5 we read of Ananias and Sapphira.  They were quite a wealthy couple.  At that time in the church if there was a need and if someone had a piece of ground they sold it and the money was given to the apostles who would give to those in need.  Ananias and Sapphira did that but kept some of the money back.  God took them out because they didn't give their all.  God did not ask them to give anything but they wanted to become involved.  Greed took over and they held back.  The little boy in the gospels with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes was asked by Andrew to give it to the Lord.  He gave everything, he held nothing back.

The acceptance that is found.  The Lord will not turn us away.  We are saying today 'here am I, I want to give you my all, not just to be in attendance on a Sunday morning or evening in church but to give my whole life to you, use me in whatever way seems fit.'  What about it today?  Are we ready to step out and say 'here am I Lord'?  Or is it too much to ask to give ourselves entirely?