Sunday, 24 November 2019

The go betweener

Sermon notes from Sunday 24 November 2019 am
Acts 9 verses 23 - 31

We want to return to look at Barnabas - the go betweener.  He came between the apostles and Saul when Saul came to Jerusalem.  It took Barnabas to bring him to the apostles and sort things out.  It is good for us to examine the lives of these men.  They are ordinary men, just flesh and blood but they were out and out for God.  They were sold out to the cause of the Lord.  They had to become fishers of men.  The Lord has a purpose and a plan for ever life in this house today.  Do not excuse ourselves because we are too old or too young.  The Lord has endeavours for each of us.  One day we must stand before the God of heaven and give him a report of all we have done for him.  Have we verred from the purpose God has for us?  The apostles were unlearned, ignorant men but they had been with Jesus.  That is what makes the difference as we spend time in the word of God, seekng time in prayer.  Just as when Moses came down from the mountain he couldn`t look at the people and the people couldn`t look at him - why - because he had been in the presence of the Lord.

The concerns of this man of God.  He has one deep concern - for the work of God.  He has got a concern for the work of God.  Not a concern about himself or his reputation, more about the work of God.  God looks for that concern from us today.  In our hearts are we concerned this morning?  King David looked around him, looked to his left and right hand but could find no refuge - he said "no man cared for my soul."  Barnabas had a conern for the word of God.  He was given a name of identity by the apostles.  He was the son of consolation, an exhorter, an encourager.  That is what Barnabas was.  Someone who comes alongside, has a friendly handshake, an arm around the shoulder.  Paul said the one thing that weighed him down was the care of all the churches.  He was willing to lay down his life for the churches.   Barnabas steps into the forefront again.  In Acts 4 Barnabas was there when the apostles returned from the scribes and Pharisees.  They had been questioned after they seen a man healed.  He hadn`t walked for 40 years and they wondered how this was done.  Pharisees threatened them not to preach in that name again.  Peter stood to his feet and said "we would rather obey God than men".  When they left they realised this was a matter that had to be taken to God in prayer.  When they got to that secret place the first one they met was Barnabas.  They "went unto their own."  They got together and prayed.  They prayed for boldness that they might preach the word of God.  Sometimes we get worked up and concerned about things happening around us.  Maybe illnesses, difficult times we are going through.  That is all we pray for.  We really need to pray for boldness, that the Lord would help us in the affliction we are in, to carry out his plan and purpose.  2 other people who had a similar concern were Aquilla and Priscilla.  They were waiting on Paul when he came to Corinth.  They were going to take Paul into their own home.  They were of the same trade - tentmakers.  They would make sure his needs were met.  They wanted to make sure that Paul only had to preach the word of God.  They would take the rest on themselves.  Paul could say of them in Romans 16 verse 4 "these people have laid down their life for me."  There was a man who spoke one day in the local synagogue.  He was very eloquent in his preaching but something was lacking.  Apollo was his name  Aquilla and Priscilla took him to one side at the end and expounded the word of God more fully to him.  They were encouragers in the work of God.  Barnabas took Saul by the hand and brought him to the apostles.  The Lord is looking for similar people today.

The challenge now that is offered.  Things are beginning to change in the church.  The apostles had doubts in their minds about Saul.  Barnabas steps forward, he sees the challenge before him.  It is easy to go with the flow.  We are challenged every day, it is a new day of grace.  What are we going to do for God this day?  Are we stretching ourselves today?  Facing challenges?  Moses was 40 years in the wilderness.  He had an unfinished task.  Moses is sitting at the burning bush and God is speaking to him.  Maybe we have started something and maybe the road has become difficult and hard, friends have deserted us.  We left off that task but God doesn`t forget about it.  God wants Moses to return to Egypt.  Caleb one of the spies went into the Promised land.  He said it wouldn`t be easy, he knew the enemy was there to be defeated but he told the people "if God is for us we can take it."  The Israelite people turned against Caleb, Joshua and Moses but 40 years later Caleb was still challenging, he reminded God of his promise 40 years before and asked for the promise to be renewed.  Has God been challenging you today?  Is there perhaps something you need to step out and do for God?  Verse 27 "Barnabas took him".  Great encouragement for Saul.  That this man would step out, believe in him and introduce him to the apostles.  It showed great courage.  He was willing to step up to the mark.  It didn`t matter what others thought of him.  He reached out.  Ananias had been told to go and find Saul praying.  Ananias was afraid because he had heard much about Saul that was not good but he had to step up to the mark.

He was conforming here to the events.  He not only stepped up but spoke up.  He knew that in the past Saul had put so many people to death, what will the apostles think of me now when I introduce Saul to them?  These apostles were men that trusted Barnabas.  So often that stops us from serving the Lord.  Fear what others might think or say about us.  Barnabas didn`t care what people thought of him.  He had one thing on his mind - to see people saved.  Esther found favour with the king.  Then there was the plot by Haman to put all the Jews to death.  She had to step up to the mark.  She had to forget about what everyone thought of her.  She was willing to take her stand and speak up to save her people.  Barnabas vouched for Saul - verse 27 "and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way."  I am laying my life here on the line for this man.  Are you willing to lay your reputation on the line, to give yourself wholly to the Lord?

The cheer that Barnabas` message brought - verse 31 "then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied."  We need one who is willing to step out, stand up and speak.  Can you imagine if Barnabas had stopped in his tracks, shunned this man Paul.  What a tragedy that would have been.  Maybe someone in our families tells they are being shunned today.  Maybe you need to go and see them.  Maybe they need you to go and say "come with me."  Maybe they would never enter into the church because of so many fears but if you brought them with you they might come.

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