Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The beginning of revival

Sermon notes from Sunday 15 September 2019 am
Acts 16 verses 1 - 10

In chapter 16 we read about Paul and evangelists waiting patiently on the lead of God.  There were various areas they could have gone into but the spirit of God closed the doos to them.  There are various places he would have gone but somehow they were closed to him.  In a vision in the night Paul receives a message from one man "come over into Macedonia and help us."  Thinking again of the man Cornelius the Roman centurion.  The events in his life, the marks and the features of a God given revival.  Cornelius was unsaved man.  We are only looking at the features of a revival around his life, prepare our hearts with the same vigour and zeal he had at the very thought that God was coming.  In Acts 16 the man from Macedonia pleaded for God to come over.  Acts 10 glimpse of Cornelius.  First glimpse of a man on his knees.  This is the beginning of revival.  

First of all here`s a man wanting God to do something.  Sitting in his own home on his knees before God of heaven pleading and praying.  Reminder of Hannah being taunted by the second wife to discourage and get her down.  She took the whole situation to God in the temple - "she poured out her heart."  The bible says that is where God begins to move.  When we get before God and pray, it is then that God sees the desire of our heart.  Man of Macedonia sees the need in his heart and prays and pleads for Paul to come and help him.  If ever we needed anything in 2019 it is a move of God.  We need a people to pray for the province again.  We need God in these days.  This man sees the need all around him, gets before God and prays, pleads with Paul to bring the gospel to them.  Psalmist looking over the apathy around him.  Psalm 119 "it is time for thee , Lord to work." (verse 126)  The Psalmist had come to the end of himself.  His heart was burdened down, weighed down and says to the Lord "it is time for you to work."  Here was Cornelius falling on his knees, wanting God to do something for him that could not be done by anyone else.  Revival has spread through the villages and byways.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." (Matthew 6 verse 33)  "Ye shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29 verse 13)  "without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  Cornelius sitting on his knees praying and pleading for God to work.

A man waiting on God.  It is a lonesome place.  Lone figure praying then saw angel coming into him.  That angel brought a message from the throne room of heaven.  That is where we are told to come to find help and mercy in our time of need.  God has promised that.  Here`s Cornelius getting this word.  This answer was to send for Peter.  How precise that word was.  Knew where Peter was.  He is lodging with a man called Simeon.  He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.  He sends off immediately for Peter.  He must wait for the word of the Lord from Peter himself.  He had a the promise of the word of God.  Jonathan Edwards said "revival will break out when a man or woman will sit down with the Bible and believe it word for word."  Acts 10 verse 30 4 days ago.  He waited for that length of time.   Romans 5 verse 3 "we glory in tribulation also knowing that tribulation worketh patience."  Patience is a great characteristic as we wait on God.  Luke 18 parable on prayer.  Shows us widow woman following after an ungodly judge, only thought of himself, never caused her a favour.  She needed that favour from him.  She followed him day after day with the same complaint.  He came out and gave her her plea.  The Lord says this is an example of prayer.  Men ought to pray and not give up.  That woman did not give up.  She followed that man until he came out and asked what her problem was.  Then she poured out her heart.  The Lord said look at this woman "lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said Hear what the unjst judge saith.  And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them."  1 John 5  "And this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us." (verse 14 )

Here`s a man watching for God.  Acts 10 verse 24 he called his kinsmen and nearest friends to tell them what was going to happen.  Peter was going to come to where this man was and tell him how we might be right with God.  Important news.  Jesus speaks of a hell "where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched", where suffering never comes to an end.  "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24 verse 35)  "Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people."  Made up of people who gave themselves over to the Lord himself.  Cornelius went and told his friends and family.  

A man working for God.  He invites people to come and hear the word of the Lord.  He was telling everyone, gathered all his kinsmen and friends.  Matthew left his seat of custom and invited all his friends into his home for a great supper.  Then he invited Jesus.  He loved his friends and family but he now loved Jesus more.

A man witnessed great things.  Not disappointed because in verse 44 we read that Peter came into his house, stood up and began to preach the words God gave him.  As he did so the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard the word of God.  He witnessed the power of God coming down into that house.  This man witnessed the Holy Ghost coming and seeing people reached.

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