Sunday, 1 December 2019

Barnabas` next mission

Sermon notes from Sunday 1 December 2019 am
Acts 11 verses 19 - 26

We have seen Barnabas as the one who probably gathered with the disciples to pray after their arrest and told not to preach in the name of Christ again.  Then he took Saul by the hand and introduced him to the apostles in Jerusalem.  Now we read of Barnabas being sent out by the disciples to see if what they had heard was true.  He was selected, pircked out.

First the examination of the work of God.  Acts 11 verse 22.  The background to this verse is found in verses 19 to 21.  News had come back to Jerusalem of what was happening in Antioch.  The leaders decided to send Barnabas to discern what was happening down there.  People were turning to the Lord and professing that they believed in God as their own Saviour.    These people had heard the word of God proclaimed in their own language but persecution set in.  They were scattered outside of Jerusalem.  The disciples back in Jerusalem wanted to know if the foundations were right.  It is good in a personal sense to evaluate ourselves, examine ourselves.  Barnabas was going down to examine the foundations to see if this was genuine.  Paul said a similar thing when everyone is gathered around the communion table - "let a man examine himself" (1 Corinthians 11 verse 28).  It is good to go back to Calvary and gaze on the Lord as he suffered, bled and died, to hear those words "it is finished".  My salvation is finished.  I have to surrender my life, turn from the existing life and to Christ.  It is good to refresh ourselves.  We should never take the work of God for granted.  Many can say they have gone to church, read their bibles, even go so far as to say they have preached in the name of Christ but one day will they hear the words "I never knew you" from Christ himself?

The evidence that is presented.  Barnabas was not going to be deceived easily.  We should not put others down because their standards are not the same as ours.  Here was a man full of discernment.  Barnabas looked for the evidence of this work and could say of it "and had seen the grace of God" in their lives."  This was around the time of Stephen`s death.  Sometimes our lives are turned upside down, we are not able to do the things we used to do.  A turn of events comes and we are no longer able to do what we once did.  God can still use us in those events.  Antioch was a city of culture, it was classed as the third most famous city in the world at this time but it was also a very wicked city.  Notice that the people who had come to faith in Christ are not named - verse 19 refers to "them" and "some" in verse 20.  Also in verse 21 we read "and the hand of the Lord was with them."  We need that hand of God in our work today - not some big named speaker or a great testimony or singer.  Our work will be in vain unless the Lord`s hand is seen.  "Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." (1 Corinthians 1 verse 17)  Barnabas looked for faith in the Lord.

The expression that he was looking for that was clear.  Barnabas looked at the evidence of what they believed.  The Holy Ghost had taken the scriptures and they were applied to their lives.   In Samaria when Philip preached many were delivered from evil spirits, raised up from beds of sickeness and "there was great joy in that city." (Acts 8 verse 8)  The evidence was belief in the word of God.  The expression of that faith was in the joy they had.  We are saved by the grace of God and there should be that same joy in our hearts.  Sometimes we are afraid to use the term "good works" but the bible clearly states that good works follow as a result of faith.  Paul told his writers to "work our your own salvation in fear and trembling" (Philippians 2 verse 12).  Notice he did not say work for your salvation but rather it should be shown by our faith.  Ephesians 2 verse 10 "for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works."  

The encouragement that he gave - verse 23 "exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."  There would be difficult days ahead but as long as they stayed close to the Lord things would work out.  We need to keep our eyes on the Lord today.  Peter could say "you are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (1 Peter 1 verse 5)

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