Saturday, 12 October 2019

The function, freedom, features and fruit of God's salvation

Sermon notes from Sunday 1 September 2019 am
Luke 5 verses 27 – 32
Matthew and Mark and Luke all record this incident when Jesus was passing and saw Levi at the seat of custom.  Jesus broke into that situation.  That is what the Lord does.  When Zacchaeus was in the tree, Jesus stopped right where he was, and asked him to come down.  We do not go after the Lord but the Lord comes to where we are.  Jesus stops at the receipt of custom and says “follow me”.  Somehow Matthew’s heart was touched.  We need the voice of the Lord, the Holy Spirit to speak into the depths of a lost soul.  Only he can do it.  The Lord bids him to follow.  Important day for Matthew listens to the Lord.  That day Mark adds more to it.  Mark 2 verse 13 “Jesus went forth again.”  In this going forth again – that we see the conversion of Matthew rose up and followed after the Lord.  Thank God for the “agains” in scripture.  He is the God of second chances.  Jonah was challenged to go down to Nineveh.  Jonah ran away from God.  The Lord didn’t give up on him.  God spoke to him the second time.  Peter denied the Lord 3 times but the Lord didn’t give up on him.  The Lord came again with a tremendous thought.  The conversion of Matthew – see the splendours of salvation coming to this man’s soul.

A function in God’s salvation.  Man in his own right is lost in his sin.  Man is far from God.  He needs to be reconciled to God.  He needs to be adopted into God’s family.  Cleansed by his precious blood.  The demon possessed man with a legion of devils was living in the tomb stones.  The only living he could have, that is where he felt secure.  None would come near him for fear.  One day the Lord met with him, brought him into family of God.  A tremendous change came into his life.  It took the Lord to come where he was, break him out of that situation.  Man is separated from God.  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  When he died on the cross he was dying to reconcile lost mankind.  You have a broken relationship with God.  God loved you with an everlasting love.  Is there someone tonight, somehow you have rejected God’s call in the past?  He has come again.  The tax collector was in that position by the Roman government.  He was hated and despised by his own people.  Here was the Lord drawing him out unto himself.  Imagine the circumstances Matthew was in.  Not saved because he was a tax collector but saved because he was a sinner.  Salvation for each and everyone.  The grace of God hath appeared to all men.  Zacchaeus had a broken relationship with the Lord.  He climbed into a tree to see the Lord, brought him down into salvation.  We might be great church people, not drunkards or gamblers, could be even standing at the front of the church preaching in the pulpit but you were born in sin.  Christ died for you.  You need to be saved.  Jesus was passing this particular place as he is even now.  This might be your last opportunity.  The Lord looked at the woman caught in adultery one day, when her accusers had fled, the Lord told her “go and sin no more, I do not condemn you.”  He was dealing with her sin.  That is the function of the gospel – to deal with sin.

The freedom of God’s salvation.  Jesus simply said to Matthew “follow me.”  He knows about him as he said that.  “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me.”  You need to come and trust the Lord as your own and personal Saviour.  He says he is the way.  If you take him as Saviour and Lord you would be on your way.  “I am the door, if any man enter in he shall be saved.”  The little word “if” is important.  That is the freedom of the gospel.  The freedom of the choice.  He points to himself.  He points them to lost mankind and says “if any man enter in he shall be saved.”  Are you prepared to take your stand and follow after the Lord?  There is no other way.  He leaves the issue with Matthew.  Jesus told the other disciples “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”  They left their nets and followed Christ.  Maybe Matthew closed the desk up, he followed after the master.  It is in your power now to choose – whether you will follow or not.  Jesus makes it clear in the gospel of John at the great feast day in Jerusalem.  He made that statement “if any man thirst let him come come unto me and drink”.  That little word “if” yet again.  Peter walking on the water then something happens to make him sink.  He cried out.  It is only when you know you are lost in your sin that you can cry out to the Saviour to save you.  There are many forfeiting heaven for a lot less.  Esau came in from the field hungry.  Jacob had a stew made.  Esau was very hungry and asked for some of the stew. Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright for a plate of food.”  Esau said “what is the birthright to me.”  He handed something precious over to Jacob.  Many are handing over the preciousness of their own soul to the devil for a lot less.  There are pleasures in sin but they are but for a season.  Christ offers you his salvation.  The cost of his salvation was that he was sent into the world to shed his precious blood.  He gave his life for you and I.  That is all he can do for you.  Will you accept him as Saviour?

The features of God’s salvation.  The urgency to which Matthew responded.  He left it all behind and followed the Lord.  He saw what he was going to gain.  Salvation is free but a tremendous decision had to be made.  Matthew was willing to walk away from his living to follow Christ.  There was no question why or what for or where.  He arose and followed after the Lord.  The Lord is saying to you to come.  Matthew turned his back – that is what it will cost you.  When the disciples heard the voice of Jesus, they left all and followed him.  The woman of Samaria left her water pot to tell the men in the city about salvation.  Matthew rose up when he heard the call of God.  He said “yes Lord I will come after you.”  The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and immediately she was healed.  She had to own up.  There was something different about that touch.  She touched him in great faith, trusting the master to heal her but she had to admit it.  She had to stand up in full view of everyone.  Matthew had to follow after the Lord.  That is the feature of salvation.  Has salvation really changed your life, made you a new creature in Christ Jesus?

The fruit of God’s salvation.  Matthew is now living in communion with the Lord.  Matthew opened up his home and invited everyone for a great feast.  He invited the Lord in as well.  That was the fruit of a changed life.  He made a great feast, wanted to witness the presence of the Lord.  This is what the Lord’s salvation in our lives will do.  That is the fruit of God’s salvation.  Are you saved?  Have you got God’s salvation?  Are you enjoying his fellowship?  Following after him?  A changed life is the fruit of God’s salvation.  Can you see Christ as never before, see him high and lifted up?  See him on that middle cross, your name written on his life?  Will you come and take him as Saviour?  Don’t leave it another moment, come to Christ and accept him as Saviour.

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