Sermon notes from Sunday 8 September
2019 pm
2 Corinthians 4 verses 1 – 18
The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4 is putting up
an official argument and he wants to bring some facts across. Perhaps there are critics asking why if this gospel
is so powerful then there are so few believers?
In verse 4 Paul speaks of the enemy of our souls – “the God of this
world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.” 2 Corinthians 2 verse 11 “less Satan should
get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices.” This is why so many can come into meetings,
sing the hymns, listen to the word of God yet turn their back on it. Why? Because the god of this world has
blinded their minds. The battle is
on. There are people standing to preach
the gospel that others might be drawn to Christ and be saved but there is a
tremendous power tonight to take them away from the gospel.
The authority Satan has. The sad and most dangerous thing is that many
are blinded and deny the existence of the devil. Many deny there is a “devil walking about
like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” Many will even deny there is a Satan. Paul the great theologian, a deep spiritual
man has no doubt that the god of this world.
He has not been created but has usurped his authority. The God of heaven made man, breathed into
him, took a rib from that man and made a woman.
God gave him authority that day.
Then we see the devil coming into the garden and he usurped the authority
of man. “As by one man sin entered into
the world”. Have you ever wondered why
you are a sinner? You have inherited it
from Adam and Eve who broke God’s laws at the very beginning. We are each born in sin no matter how good
living we are. Sinners in the eyes of
God fallen short in measure. God had to take
his own beloved son and sent him into the world, mistreated and abused, placed on
a cross, suffering and dying. He did it
because he loved you. On that cross he
cried “it is finished”. It is finished
for you tonight. Will you come and
accept what he has done for you? Will you
surrender to him tonight? Was there a
day in your experience when you came as a sinner to the cross? Recognised that Christ has done this for you? Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of
Life? The devil usurped the authority in
the Garden of Eden. Revelation 12 verse
4 when the devil rebelled his seat in heaven he was cast out and he took a
third of the angels with him. Such was
his authority. This is the one we are
speaking of – blinds the eyes of them that believe not. A limited authority but a deadly authority. Christ is the ultimate authority over all his
creation. Remember when Satan entered
into the presence of God and discussed Job.
We see this rich man turned away from evil, loved God with all his
heart, lived for him alone. Satan came
into the presence of God, tried to destroy him and bring him down. If I could only get at him for a few minutes
he will curse you. He is only serving
you because you have blessed him so much.
God gave him permission to tempt Job.
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray
and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7 verse 14) In Zechariah 3 verse 1 we have a picture of
Joshua the High Priest standing before the angel of the Lord with Satan at his
right arm to resist him. When the
message of God’s love is going forth, Satan is there to resist. That is your dilemma tonight. Blinded to the things of God, to his grace,
mercy and sacrifice.
Paul speaks of Satan’s activity. Satan is not idle. He is very active. His authority on earth is growing short. Revelation 12 verse 12 “woe to the
inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having
great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Satan has a limited authority. His days are numbered in earth. He knows the gospel can change your life so
dramatically, make you a new creature in Christ. The gospel message will change lives if we
believe. He will continue to oppose the
preaching of the gospel, stirring up those to oppose him. To the Thessalonians Paul tried to return to
them. “Wherefore we would have come unto
you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.” Satan had the barriers up as the Holy Spirit
begins to deal with them, bring conviction, show them the sacrifice of Christ
on Calvary for their sins. The young man
who came to Jesus one day and asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life.” Satan knew how to hinder him, put his fingers
on the riches the young man had, couldn’t go through with God as a result. God is putting a finger on your life but
Satan is hindering you, pointing something in your life that is stopping
you. Acts 26 King Agrippa was a proud
man, came to Jerusalem with great pomp.
Imagine the streets lined with people acknowledging this man coming into
their presence. Satan used the very pride
he had. Paul spoke to him of his great
need of salvation. Agrippa told him “almost
thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”
Are you going to go out and tell people that you surrendered to the
voice of this pride? Maybe it is not
pride tonight, but what is it? In
Ephesus Paul came preaching the gospel, souls were getting saved. Satan was up in arms, a riot took place in
that city. Diana was celebrated in that
city. The whole city came out for 2
hours and cried “great is the goddess Diana.”
The devil knew how to hinder. You
can be very religious tonight. The devil
will not mind your religiousity coming into the gospel meeting, reading your
bible, living the best life you can, make your way to the cross and he will
hinder, put up barriers for you the whole way.
Paul speaks of Satan’s ability. Ephesians 2 man’s natural estate is “dead in
trespasses walking according to the prince of the power of the air.” What a battlefield the mind is. Romans 12 verse 1 “be not conformed to this
world but be ye transformed.” Remember
when he used the word of God against Jesus himself in the wilderness, time and
time again equated scripture to Jesus.
He has that ability even today.
Perhaps there is an argument going on, failure to understand scriptures. Like the sower the ground was hard, the birds
came down and gathered up the seed. Just
like Satan does to the word of God in your heart. Tells you you are too old or too young to be
saved, too bad to be saved. You don’t have to understand the scriptures
tonight to be saved but understand Christ loved you and died for you.
Paul gives the answer. “The god of this world hath blinded the minds
of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who
is the image of God should shine unto them.” (2 Corinthians 4 verse 4) You need to allow God’s light to shine in all
your life. His ability is to keep you
blinded. 2 Corinthians 2 verse 15. A light shows up every corner. The Lord wants you to confess the sin in your
heart, the state you are in, repent, believe and trust and be saved. Would you allow him?
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