Sunday, 4 November 2018

The opening of the bottomless pit - Revelation 9

Sermon notes from 19 August 2018
Revelation 9

In this chapter 9 we are dealing with 2 subjects - the blowing of 2 trumpets.  Most commentators agree that as we enter this section of the book we are in the second half of the great Tribulation that will be on this earth.  The Lord said it would be a tribulation never a time like it before nor a time like it again.  It is known as Jacob`s Trouble.  The day of God`s wrath.  We can see what is happening.  God dealing with a Christ rejecting world.  They have had an opportunity to turn and trust Christ as Saviour but now the line has been drawn and God is pouring out his judgment on the earth.  As you read this scene, understand the thought that this is not something out of a Speilberg movie.  As this is starting, it seems this is a reality, this is something that is going to happen at a further day on this earth.  We saw 4 trumpets already early on and fire poured out on earth.  Then it speaks of a star falling from heaven.  Suggested again that it could have been a comet coming down to earth.  Then saw how the days shortened and nights lengthened.  Trumpets 5 and 6 are here in chapter 8.  In verse 13 we see this angel flying through the midst of heaven.  4 trumpets have sounded, there are 3 more still to sound.  You haven`t seen anything yet.  The worst is still to come.  Stage by stage you will see the sovereignty of God`s judgement.  It took 6 verses for John to reveal the tragedies, calamities, circumstances to explain 4 judgments.  In chapter 9 it takes 21 verses to refer to 2 judgments.  That is the severity of it.  

Notice here as we look at these 2 remining trumpets verse 1 and verse 13 something about the fifth angel sounding, he blows his trumpet as a warning.  As he does so something is happening on earth.  In verse 20 there is a worship going on.  Here as the Lord looks down on earth in these terrible times he sees a world given over to false worship.  The devil has his man reigning on earth.  The anti-Christ.  We are living in these middle last years on earth.  It is the anti-Christ living and reigning on earth.  The people are deceived into giving him their allegiance.  If they didn`t have the mark of the anti-Christ you could not buy, eat or sell anything.  He has commanded the allegiance of every man and woman that is on earth at this time.  The church of Christ is not here during this time.  They are in heaven with Christ.  For a time everything is going well.  This man has all the answers.  If we were to find a man today who has the answer to the Israelite crisis, help Russian and America you would have him as king.  He is going to have the answers to every problem in society today.  So the world will follow after him.  He is lining up one world religion that will suit him when he comes to the throne.  It is being planned right at this moment in time.  Revelation 13 and 14 when the church was on earth there was a restraining power, now everything false.  God is being worshipped because the church has been taken home to heaven.  Remember Acts 17 Paul in Athens realises everyone had their gods but just in case there is one we don`t know about we will have one for him, the god of the unknown.  Go back to Judges "every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  Gradual temperature in those days.  We can be so sincere but sincerely wrong.  We can spend our time worshipping but if we don`t worship through the correct avenue then our worship misses direction.  The bible says there is one way to heaven.  There is one man, a mediator between God and man,  the man Jesus.  Only way to God is through that mediator, only one sacrifice sufficient on the hill of Calvary, when Christ gave his life a sacrifice for every one of us.  That is the way back to God today.  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  Here we have it.  In this day men and woman worhip all sorts of gods cannot see or hear or breath, do nothing without him.

Notice the social standing here.  We are talking of a day in the future - verse 21.  Living in a society when all these things seemed to be the norm.  Maybe because the church of Christ is in heaven, is away as long as it is on earth, it is a restraining force against evil.  Not talking here about something happening in America or Middle East but encompassing the whole wide world.  Murder will become common place.  John 16 verse 2 "They shall put you out of the synagogue, yea the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God`s service."  Why are they willing to do these things?  Because they have not known father or mother, not a personal relationship with the father.  James was killed with the sword, the people thought they were doing God a service.  Stephen of the early church was taken out and stoned to death.  The people thought they were doing God`s will.  Such will be the order on this particular day.  The occult will be more popular in this day in Revelation.  We can see great interest today in horoscopes, there is a fascination with the future, talking today about the serious nature of people taking their horoscopes to heart, so attached to it, palm reading, tarot cards, superstitution.  The world is being set up even today.  The word sorcerers is where we get our word pharmacy, drugs, takes us into the realm of mind changing illucinations.  Normal social standing of the day.  Here in Revelation we are looking at a book written thousands of years ago, pinpointing what will be happening at the end of the age.  They say this book if out of date, not a bit.  "fornication" meaning every bit of sexual immorality.  1 Timothy 4 "in the later times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron;  forbidding to marry."  Paul is speaking of these times.  2 Timothy 3 verse 2 "men shall be lovers of their own selves".  John gives a description of society here and the personalities.  It adds weight to every bit of it.

There is Satanic powers as well.  We have to explain these symbolic events in the context of scripture.  "I saw a star fall from heaven".  We have seen a great mountain falling then a star in chapter 8 but do not take it as a literal mountain or star.  In Revelation 9 verse 1 however we have to take it literally.  This is happening.  You wouldn`t give the key to a star that fell on earth, only to a person able to reach out and take these keys from him.  He was given the authority to open the key of the bottomless pit.  In chapter 1 John refers to stars as angels of God.  Looking at an angel that fell - Lucifer.  In Isaiah 14 he was the most beautiful of all creatures.  He had the greatest gift in singing, greatest musician in heaven.  The devil led that heavenly choir, sang around the heavenly throne of God.  He had ambition, that he would be seated above God.  The moment that happened he was cast out of heaven "how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning."  Luke 10 he said unto them (to his disciples) "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."  He is given the key of this bottomless pit.  Verse 2 and 3 what is happening - now he opens up the place that is reserved.  Revelation 9 verse 11 we see here the one who is reigning on earth.  The anti Christ - it is a demon from the pit that comes out and indwells the anti Christ.  Evil spirits are chained in this pit, they are so evil that they cannot be left to roam.  Verse 11 host of demonic spirits come out of this pit.  There is an angel whose name is Apolyon and interpretation of this name is disloyal.  Not Satan himself had one ambition, he came to destroy and bring destruction on earth.  Remember when Jesus walked on the earth he met a young man one day.  He had his dwelling amongst the tombs.  The man of the Gadareens, met the Lord in such a poor way.  He was possessed by a legion of devils.  He couldn`t live with his family at home, had to live in the mountains, people tried to chain him for his own good but couldn`t do that.  One day the Lord met him, as he spoke to him the demons in him spoke to the Lord, cried out not to torment them, not to send them into the deep.  Matthew 8 verse 31.  They asked to be sent into the swine.  The word "deep" is interpreted here as the abyss, the bottomless pit.  They knew what was going on in the pit.  They didn`t want to be sent there.  That is the very place that is opened here in chapter 9.  Every demonic spirit will be leased on this earth to bring destruction and annihilation.  That is the picture here in chapter 9.  This is a very important lesson to learn.  They tell us this world is getting better, achieving more today.  Rather this old world is going down.  The only way to avoid this situation is to trust in God for salvation.  Trust him as Saviour and God, not depending on something that happened years ago, make sure your faith is genuine.`

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