Revelation 11 verses 3 - 14
Revelation chapter 11 is the half way stage of the book of Revelation. This stage is known as Jacob`s Trouble, half way through the 7 years of Tribulation. Jeremiah spoke of this 700 years before the birth of Christ. A day that would never be like it again. We have recently thought of World War 1 and the horrors of that War but it will pale into insignificance when this time here in Revelation is revealed. Jeremiah was not speaking of the Assyrian, Babylonian or Roman campaigns still to come. He saw a time in the future, here in Revelation that would never be like it again. The anti-Christ is begining to stamp his authority on the earth. This is the man raised up, empowered by the devil himself. He would be seen as a man of great intelligence and ability, great charm with a great strategy. Someone that the world is looking after today. He will have all the answers. He will bring all the situations together, such is his reign in this period of time. Daniel talked about the abomination of desolation in chapters 9 to 11. He will set up an idol in the house of God for people to worship. The apostle Paul warns us of this man - 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3 "let no man deceive you by any means." Paul is warning the believers to not be deceived. We are living in a deceptive age but we need to watch we are not deceived. Paul speaks of a great falling away, a lawless society. Then he talks of the anti-Christ coming. This is the devil`s man right in the midst of the government and the governments of our world. He is empowered by Satan. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 10 "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved." He will win the hearts of those who are not saved. In the last study we noticed the ministry of the 2 witnesses - their arrival, activity and authority. There is a statement made in verse 7 "And when they shall have finished their testimony". God doesn`t allow anything to touch them until they have finished their witness. God is speaking here of their testimony, of their lives and of their death.
It was a completed testimony. On the streets of Jerusalem encouraging statement divine protection God has against the life of the child of God. Think of Job, a righteous man who turned his back on evil. He loved the Lord with all his heart. The devil tried to get into his home, tried to bring him down, accused him day and night. This man trusts and worships you because you have a hedge around him he told the Lord. If you were to take it all away he will curse you. The devil tells us, whispers to us "you are not the person you ought to be, not the spiritual man you should be." The devil needed the eternal permission of God before he could lay one finger on Job. Until God gave his permission the enemy could not come. Sometimes we go deep in the valley before we can ascend into the light again but the Lord is going through it with us. God is in charge of our lives. Nothing is left to chance. Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 "to everything there is a season, a time to every a purpose under heaven." All is in God`s calendar. In the parable Jesus spoke of the rich farmer who tried to grab more and more of everything. God said of him "thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee." (Revelation 12 verse 20) Not one of us knows what a day may bring forth. These men were sent there for a time and a purpose for the thousand two hundred and threescore days. Nothing will come against your life or mine until God allows it. It is easy to run away from tight situations but harder to stick it out. Paul was told in a night vision there would be no-one in Corinth to come against him. God wanted him to remain there. His ministry was not finished. Are we active for the Lord? Is there something the Lord has given us to do? Maybe there are things that are coming against us. Don`t be giving up. God raised these 2 witnesses. God calls it a testimony but he evil people of Jerusalem called it a torment. They rebelled against these 2 witnesses. Nothing could be done about it. The Lord on the cross, before he took his final breath he said "it is finished". The apostle Paul lying in a prison house said to Timothy "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4 verse 7)
It was a celebrated testimony. The end of their testimony was celebrated, not in a positive way. Here were people who were glad to see the back of these 2 men preaching the word of God on the streets of Jerusalem. People were up in arms as a result. Somehow God lifts the barrier around them. The anti-Christ comes against them, puts them to death, might have been put to death we don`t know. The anti-Christ could have no power over their testimony until the Lord said so. Notice these 2 bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem. Such was the hatred of these 2 men. Such is the hatred of this age. What if the Lord was to come today for you and you were left to go through this terrible time? That is the spirit of the age. This is the holy city. We see it is now under the title of Sodom. Such was the awful things happening within this city. They were not able to buy or sell in this day. This will happen in days to come. How wrong it is to follow this lifestyle. They are put to death as a result. Bodies lying in the streets. Think of the early days of the church - remember when Peter, James and the early church members preached the word of God on the streets. The Pharisees and Sadducees tried to put them into prison. These men have turned the world upside down. In verses 9 and 10 these men are dead and the people of the world are rejoicing as a result. What a time of coldness and callousness, that this death would be celebrated by every kindred, tongues and nations. There was a time when commentators couldn`t understand this - how would the world praise their deaths? We only have to think of situations that happen today in the furtherest points of the world, now it is beamed into every home in the world through the internet. These people will lie there for 3 1/2 days.
A crowned testimony - verses 11 and 12. God couldn`t forget about these 2 children. He allowed the anti-Christ to come against them. He crowns their death with glory. As people came from all over with gifts, in the midst of their merriment something will happen. This is perhaps a public execution. People came to see this scene. People are laughing and making merry because of their deaths. All of a sudden God takes these 2 men home. They hear the voice from heaven telling them to come up hither. What a day this will be. What a tragedy for those standing around, the people standing watching as witnessed it. In Belshazzar`s day 1000 of his servants and lords came to celebrate his great achievement. They were enjoying themselves when suddenly a mans hand started to write across the wall. Belshazzar`s knees began to knock together. These same people in this scene in Revelation will not be laughing and there will be no merriment.
The consequences of their testimony. These 2 witnesses are lifted off the streets. There is a mighty earthquake and 7000 men are slain.
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