Sermon notes from Sunday 8 July 2018 am
Revelation 7
Last time we noticed the tranquility that was in heaven in chapter 6 yet the terror that is on earth. In chapter 7 we again have a two-fold picture on earth and in heaven. The last time we looked at planet earth it was in mayhem. The mountains were quaking, the rocks were falling, the stars in the sky were falling from heaven, the sun was not giving any light, the moon had turned to blood. Man`s hearts were failing them for fear. They were calling for the very rocks to cover them, to hide them from the wrath that is to come. Where are those that have all the answers? Richard Dawkins, the outspoken critic of God and his creation said "the man believing in these things (God and creation) is a weak minded disgrace to the human race." Imagine God listening to what he said - what does God say of Richard Dawkins? He is a fool. Why? The bible says "the fool hath said in his heart there is no God." God is in control through the worst of times on earth. John takes a moment to paint this picture in love. Chapter 6 verse 17 without God no-one can stand.
In chapter 7 we will see God`s power in a way never witnessed before. In verse 1 there is some debate whether these are angels of God at his instruction or they are demonic angels of Satan. God is in control no matter whether they are his own or demonic. They are instructed that the earth is not to be hurt. It doesn`t matter who we are or what they are, God is still in control. That he can call for a lull, a calmness. All is still at his word, he tells them to not hurt the earth. In verse 2 another angel appears. Why is this lull coming? We see here these 4 angels who God tells them not to hurt the earth. They are holding the 4 winds. These angels are taking up their positions at the point of every compass. Everything is at a lull. God is not caught out, not surprised they must withhold the winds. Maybe there is something going on that seems so big that we only feel we want to run away from it because there is no way around it. We want to run away from the problem as far as we can. God sends his angels. Elijah was a mighty prophet who stood before kings and queens without fear yet on one occasion fear gripped his heart. He ran away as far as he could, out into the wilderness. God sent an angel to bring him comfort. God helped him to rest and be fed. He told him "the journey you have to make is too much for you but not for me." Maybe God will send an angel to you. Think of Daniel in the lions den. God didn`t deliver him from the lions den or tell him to run from it. He gave witness of God sending an angel to help him through that situation. God can control a situation - he closed every mouth of every lion in that den. There was not a mark on Daniel the next morning. Hezekiah was a godly king in 2 Kings 18. He trusted the Lord God of Israel so that after him there was not anyone like him. His heart failed him. Some times the preacher can preach with great power but his heart can fail him in his own study. Hezekiah was in the palace when the Assyrian army came against him. Assyria was a mighty nation putting other nations down. Hezekiah saw the army outside his city walls. God sent his angel and destroyed the Assyrian forces that night. He heard them, he saw them, he sent his angel to deliver Hezekiah. Peter lying in a prison house knowing the next morning he would be taken out and put to death. The angel came and led him out of there. He took him by the hand and brought him right out of that prison. The Lord is in control. This is not some blockbuster movie. The anti Christ will rise to reign on the earth and you must take his number. If you don`t you could be put to death. God is still reigning and ruling. The believers will leave this earth. The restraining power of the Holy Spirit will be removed.
Notice God`s protection. We see God`s power in holding back the winds. He will send divine protection right to where you are. You didn`t have to fear. God is in control. Seven years of the worse time ever on the earth. John tells us the 4 angels took up their positions. A global situation. A worldwide situation. Something that will take place on this old world. Thinking of the great wars in our lives. God is speaking in Matthew 24 and here in Revelation there was never a time like it before or will be after it again. "For there shall be great tribulation such as was not since the begging of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (it hadn`t happened as yet, John is pointing forward to it to). Many try to tell us Hitler was the anti-Christ but not according to this chapter. In Revelation 7 we read of 144,000 Jewish men, evangelists, preachers of the word of God, walking on the earth at this time under the protection of God and preaching the word of God. God is in control, these cannot be the church because they are gone. The church is in heaven now. All this is happening on earth. He separated them. He picks them out of every tribe, 12,000 from every tribe and then he sealed them. He seals them and then secures them because no-one can touch them. The world population is currently 8 billion. God will seal 144,000 - out of 8 billion - God doesn`t work with big numbers. "If 2 of you on earth agree about anything they ask for it will be done for them by my father in heaven." (Matthew 18 verse 19) Whatever the population will be at that time he will take 144,000 out to preach the word of God. Elijah ran away because he thought he was the only one left. God had to tell him he wasn`t, 7000 hadn`t bowed the knee. Gideon went out with 30,000 men but the Lord told him they were too many and he knocked them down to a few thousand. The Lord is not interested in numbers. It is not where his protection comes from. We often think there is security in numbers. 3 children in the fiery furnace, not a hair was singed. These angels were not allowed to hurt the earth until the seal was set. Maybe early on in the tribulation period or later they were sealed, kept them. The Roman soldier would have had a tattoo on their hand. It showed them who they belonged to. Slaves had something on their forehead, a mark of ownership. If they wandered away they had to be taken back to their master. 2 Timothy 2 verse 19 "having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his." God is in control. In the book of Ephesians we are told "we are sealed with God`s Holy Spirit." God knows you today. He is in control. When I think this morning God is not interested in numbers, I am glad of that. We have a God who protects us, keep looking to the Lord. God looks more for obedience than numbers.
God`s provision. What will they be doing during this awful time? Verse 9 "no man could number them." John could number the 144,000 but when you look at this vast number before the throne they couldn`t be numbered. These are the fruit of the ministry of this 144,000. God is blessing their ministry. Remember the church before Jesus` left, he took them out into the mountain and told them to go into all the world and preach the gospel. This gospel should be preached until the end times. Twelve men were sent out. In Revelation 7 12 x 12 x 1000 are going to complete the work at this stage of the tribulation. In verse 14 we realise we are in the second half of the tribulation period. This great multitude have come through these terrible days. They were martyred because of their faith. They heard the gospel for the first time during the tribulation period and they trusted in Christ. Today is the day of salvation, we must accept Christ now. How will these people be saved - saved through these men, 144000 men sent out to preach. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
The messge will be simple as it has always been. The Old Testament saints looked forward to Calvary, every lamb slain was a picture of Calvary. We are saved today by looking back to Calvary.
The means will be the same - conviction of sin, faith in Christ.
The mystery of this - the Holy Spirit will be still active during the tribulation period. The Holy Spirit will have a different activity but he will still be pointing people to Christ. He will still be convicting people of sin and righteousness and judgement to come. Verse 10 he was able to save them in the worst times of this planet. He was not only able to save them but keep them and present them faultless before the Lamb. Verse 1 can only imagine there will be much by way of tears. We will never suffer like these people will suffer through the tribulation period. We think of the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Both died but the rich man lifted up his eyes in hell and pleaded for relief while Lazarus is comforted. These martyrs are before the throne of God. Ask yourself the question - can I trust God with the problem I have or will I run away? That is the answer that we need to come to today. God is in control.
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