Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The word of God

Sermon notes from 13 May 2018 pm
Hebrews 4 verses 1 - 13

"For the word of God isquick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword piercing even to the divine asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrows and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Commentators argue what this "word of God" refers to.  Some say it refers to Christ himself.  John 1 verse 1 says "in the beginning was the word" and then in 1 John 1 we read "that which was from the beginning which we have heard."  Some say it is the incarnate word of God, Jesus.  Others say it is the divine revelation of God.  It is the whole gospel that is being aluded to here.  This is the word that God has given to us.  This is the word of God we turn to tonight.  We are mindful tonight that we do not take it for granted.  The word of God before us.  We flippantly open it up, read a verse or 2, close it up again.  It is really easy to listen to the word of God proclaimed and preached.  We need to be mindful of the word of God.  "For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." verse 2.  The word of God can only be profitable if you mix it with faith tonight.

This word of God is a distinctive word.  There is a great distinction between this word and any other book.  There is no book like this book.  This book is an account, everything we have written in this book has been written by holy men of God, sanctified, washed in the blood.  That is what we have tonight.  We need to be careful to not take this word for granted.  We need to preach nothing than the word of God.  Nothing more or less.  We need to listen to it with attentive hearts and ears.  Take it to heart and apply it to our hearts and lives.  The word of God is speaking here of a rest.  Chapter 4 deals with this, he takes us back to when the children of Israel went across into Canaan.  There was a relief for them then.  There is a rest for you tonight, a rest from the burden of your sin.  Jesus came into the world to be a sacrifice that on him all the world`s sin would be laid.  He paid the price for you and I on Calvary.  He took it on himself.  This rest cannot be entered into any other way.  God is interested in what he has provided for you and I.  Have you entered into that rest already?  Maybe like the young scribe of old, the Lord told him he was not far from the kingdom of God.  Maybe you are in that same position as he was.  There have been times when you want to give your heart and life to Christ but somehow you didn`t do it, you walked away from the Lord.  Once more how near are you to make that same decision?  It is more.  The Israelites came to the border of Canaan and they went back again.  Maybe you have been brought to that same place.  God has led you out to Calvary, showed you that sacrifice for you, almost been there and somehow slipped away from it.  This is a distinctive book, it shows us how you might be saved.  It is a rest tonight, to know the peace of God that passeth all understanding.  A rest in knowing a perfect relationship with God.  "Being justified by faith we have peace with God."  How can we enter into rest if naturally ignorant of what it is?  We need to turn to God`s word.  It deals with our souls, what man needs.  This book tells us about ourselves.  Not like the teaching of Mohammed who claimed to have visions of angels.  Not the teaching of Buddha.  It is the word of God for you and I.  Amos 8 verse 11 "behold the days come saith the Lord that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord."  Notice what he says of hearing the words of the Lord, not a famine of the word of God.  Today we have more bibles, not a famine of that but of hearing the word of God.  In many places of worship the word of God is not proclaimed in all its fulness.  There is a famine in hearing the word of God.  Jeremiah the prophet was imprisoned because he told the people something they didn`t want to hear.  A day of judgment was coming.  He wanted them to turn back to God because they had sinned and rebelled.  The only way out of it is to fall into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar.  The people were in uproar.  Surely God would not desert us, allow that to happen.  Is that not what we hear today?  "God is a loving God.  He would not close anyone out of heaven.  Surely he will open the doors of heaven and all may enter in."  The Bible speaks of 2 ways, the broad road leading to hell and destruction, many there be that go that way.  Then he speaks of a narrow road, leads to heaven and home and there are very few on it.  Which road are you on tonight?  There was Jeremiah closed up.  Hezekiah the king sent for him one day, brought him out of prison privately to himself.  He didn`t want anyone to know.  He was sending for him and asked "is there any word from the Lord?"  He knew what he was hearing from the false prophets about these men who would say God would never do this.  Will you tell me the truth - will God do this?  Is there any word from the Lord?  

Notice it is a directive word.  This chapter is taken up with directing men and women with the rest God has provided, directing you and I to that place called Calvary.  Going back into the Old Testament the sacrifices of the lamb are pointing to Calvary, picturing the Lord that took our sin on himself.  Directing men and women to the cross.  It is a directive book too pointing to this rest - verse 11.  It is worth giving this word some thought.  It is worth entering into God`s salvation no matter what it costs.  Labour does not mean we try with our own ability, rather it is following the leading of God to make sure we get in.  If there is something holding you back from following Christ you have to set it to one side.  Labour to enter in.  This bible is directive tonight.  He is trying to guide you and I to the blessing of his rest and the only means is through this precious word.  James 1 verse 21 "wherefore laying apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word,  which is able to save your soul."  Pay heed to your soul tonight.  "For by grace are you saved through faith not of works."  Salvation is of the Lord and he gives that to you and I.  Don`t neglect that word.  It is a gift to you.  It can be received tonight from the hands of the Lord.  Then comes the caution for the man or woman tonight.  Are you prepared to follow the word of God?  Just like Levi of old as he sat at the receipt of the taxes.  He arose and followed.  We are to receive the ingrafted word of God too.  James 1 verse 22 "be ye doers of the word."  Are you going to be not just be a listener but a doer?  Many too are content in hearing, Listen to what the wise man said.  Proverbs 29 verse 1 "he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without warning."  Every time I hear the gospel, hear God`s word, his direct message to me and I get up and leave it, I am hardening my heart.  I could be destroyed and that without an opportunity or chance ever again.

The word of God is discerning.  If there is something in your heart telling you you are not saved, that is the word of God.  It is quick, living, relevant for this very day, showing you what you need.  It is also powerful, it is active.  The word of God is not something that is dormant like the seed you take and plant in the garden.  It will grow.  It is productive, it is active.  It can ener in where none else can enter in.  Discerning all the thoughts and intents of the heart.  It gets right in there.  Remember the crowd in Acts 2.  As the people listened to Peter preach he was filled with the Holy Ghost, the anointing was on him to preach the word of God.  The message he brought that day began with  Jesus Christ who walked among them.  They began to think about the miracles Jesus had done.  Maybe they began to relate them in their minds.  Peter then said he was approved of God.  The world raised up against him.  You colluded with them and with the wicked hands, you placed him on that cross.  Now the word of God is beginning to sink in to hearts and minds.  This was the son of God.  The Messiah who came into the world, who we put to death.  Peter pointed the finger at them.  That people cried out "what shall we do."  Why?  Because the word of God had gripped them and their hearts were pricked.  They cried from the depths of their souls "what shall we do."  They were brought to that very place of rest, ready to come to Christ.  Tonight are you ready to leave your sin at the cross, to take Jesus as Saviour?

The word of God is decisive.  "Piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow."  Only the word of God can do that.  This word can shake you to the foundations of your life.  It is a decisive word.  The eunuch sat in the chariot, he was coming up from Jerusalem, he was oblivious to Philip the evangelist standing beside him.  He was reading the word of God about the substitution.  He noticed Philip and asked him who he was reading about himself.  Philip opened up the same scripture and preached to him Christ.  He brought him to a decision.  You must come to a decision tonight whether or not will be saved or not.  Hebrews 4 verse 2.  What you need to enter into, the rest of God, to be saved is to mix what you have heard with faith.  You have got to come and put your trust in the finished word of Calvary.  Depending on him to remove your sins, depend on him to do what he says.  The decision is yours tonight, trust him to night.

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