Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Revelation 5 - the book opened in heaven

Sermon notes from Sunday 20 May 2018
Revelation 5 verses 1 - chapter 6 verse 2

Last week in the book of Revelation we were following John as he took us around heaven.  From Revelation chapters 4 and 5 we spent a considerable time on the welcome that John received.  In chapter 4 verse 1 John saw a door opening in heaven, he heard a voice telling him to come up hither.  We looked at the welcome John received in heaven.  John was giving us a picture of the calling away of the church from the earth.  That is the next greatest event that will happen on earth.  The taking away of every child of God, everyone who has trusted the Lord as Saviour.  That is something that could happen in the twinkling of an eye.  One day Jesus will come and the dead in Christ will rise first.  The soul leaves the body on death and goes into the presence of the Lord immediately.  On that day when Christ returns the body will be lifted from the grave and go to meet the Lord in the air.  A profession will not work on that day.  Like a magnet when it is asked to pick up something it will immediately attract the nails rather than paper.  Why?  Because they have the same nature.  The unsaved with no nature will be left behind in this world.  It is important to understand the steps of that welcome.  We looked at the wonder, the witness and the worship.  Let us continue on with something that develops in this scene in heaven.  John in chapter 5 verse 1 saw "a book written within and on the backside."  This was a scroll written on the inside and the outside.  That was strange.  John wanted to point that out to us.  Normally a scroll was only written on the inside but on this scroll it was written on both sides.  That speaks of the importance of the scroll.  It was in the hands of "him that sat on the throne."  The picture is of a book sitting open on the palm of the hand.  In verse 2 there is  disappointment at this book when the angels looked and no-one could open it.  In verse 4 we see the tears over this book.  John breaks down into floods of tears.  It is an important book.  In verse 7 we see the triumph - the Lord takes this book.  There is praise and worship when everyone sees the Lord taking this book, all eyes are on this person who takes the book.  We need to get our eyes on the Lord once more, the one who is there in heaven today making intercession for us.  We need to get our eyes on him and not worry about what will happen in our lives.  We need to get back to see Jesus again. 

The secrecy of this book.  All heaven is looking to this book.  John is called into heaven, he is caught up into heaven, all eyes are fixed on what he sees, the one sitting on the throne.  Everything is finished in heaven.   Then we see the stones, we see the sea of glass, the beasts around the throne and all the elders seated there.  John then notes this book lies in the hand of the one who sits on the throne.  His eyes are drawn to that one holding the book.  Verse 2 "and I saw a strong angel".  There was a search made for someone to open this book.  No-one could open and read this book, there was no-one worthy to do such a thing.  "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereon."  The search that was made to get someone to open this book.  No-one was worthy to open and to read the book.  Many down through the history books of time would have loved to open this book - just think of Hitler and Stalin today.  They would have loved to open it.  There must have been something serious about this book so much so that John wept.  These are the only tears recorded in heaven because it says "God shall wipe away every tear".  There was no-one worthy to open this book.  No archangel or angel was found to open this book.  None of the elders were able to open this book.  They could lead the praise and worship but couldn`t open this book.  There was none found in heaven or in earth.  Not Peter or Paul were worthy to open the book.  Abraham, the friend of God nor David who had a heart after God`s own heart were able to open the book.  The importance of this book today.  Solomon in all his wisdom was not wothy.  Elijah the great prophet who could stand before kings and declare the word of God could not open the book.  This book was the very title deeds of heaven and earth.  We need to look at the Old Testament for understanding.  In the Old Testament law when a man fell on hard times and had a little bit of land, that land had to be taken from him.  All was not lost however.  There was an opportunity to buy it back again.  If the man was not able to do that he was able to call in a near kinsman, perhaps a nephew or uncle, and they could claim that land on his behalf.  There were 2 books, one had the deeds of the land which was given to the priest for him to keep and the other was an open book.  Anyone could read it.  When it came to reclaim the land only the man who sought to reclaim the land could open the book.  He was the near kinsman.  Here were the title deeds given to him to open it up, to claim the land.  He had the authority to do just that.  When God created the earth in Genesis 3 the title deeds were drawn up and handed into Adam`s hands but he forfeited them when he fell into the clutches of sin.  They couldn`t be opened, it was only by Jesus himself.  He had the authority to do so.  He was the one who created and redeemed the world again.  God was able to open them on the basis of his created and redemptive power.  What importance this book was - verses 9 and 10.  Is it any wonder all people on heaven and earth stop and erupt into praise and thanksgiving!

The setting of this book.  Whenever the Lord takes this book with the 7 seals and begins to open this book, the setting is of what will take place on earth.  God`s programme for the days that are to come.  It is all to run.  He sets in motion a series of events on earth that will culminate with Jesus setting up his kingdom on earth.  Do not confuse that with the words of Paul in Thessalonians 4.  These are 2 separate events.  In Thessalonians Paul is talking about the rapture of the earth.  In Revelation 19 the Lord is leaving heaven and is coming to earth to set up his kingdom.  In chapter 19 we read that the false prophet and the beast are to be cast into the fire, their time of reigning on the earth for 7 years is over.  The armies all come against the Lord but he puts them down, he casts the false prophets into the lake of fire.  Satan is bound for 1000 years.  Then he will be let loose for a short time but will eventually be taken and put into the lake of fire for ever.  1 Thessalonians 4 is about the calling away of the church of Jesus Christ.  In chapter 6 verse 1 we see the opening of the seals.  In chapter 8 verse 1 we see the opening up of 7 trumpets.  In chapter 15 there is the opening of the set of vials.  This is the wrath of God that is being poured out.  This book is in the hands of the Lord, the creator of the world.  He is in control to do all this.  Maybe there is something in our lives weighing us down with a tremendous weight.  Some times as we look at what we have to go through, thinking why do I have to go through this, remember everything is in the hands of God.  If only we would surrender and let him take us through those difficult days.  He will do it.  He has everything ordered and taken care of.  Revelation 6 verses 15 to 17.  When the Lord comes the kings of the earrth will stand and look on the Lord coming, they will cry for the trees and the mountains to fall on them because the wrath of God is being poured out on them.  Revelation is all about this wrath of God being poured out on the earth.  Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 9 "he hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." 

The signal of this book.  Once the seal is open that is the signal that eveything is about to take place and commence.  By the opening of the first seal there will be a time known as Jacob`s troubles.  That will be a period of 7 years divided into two 3 1/2 year periods.  The first 3 1/2 years will be a time of relative peace but the second 3 1/2 years will be a time of mayhem and desolation.  Jeremiah 30 verse 7 "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it; it is even the time of Jacob`s trouble."  Matthew 24 verse 21 "For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."  Do you want to be here for that?  Daniel 9 shows the day of Jacob`s troubles.  This one coming on the white horse, speaks of deception and deceit.  In verse 4 we read of a red horse speaking of dearth on the land.  In verse 8 we read of a pale or black horse speaking of death.  In verse 9 at the opening of the fifth seal we see the delay in judgment but in verse 12 the sixth seal brought destruction.

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