Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The word of God

Sermon notes from 13 May 2018 pm
Hebrews 4 verses 1 - 13

"For the word of God isquick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword piercing even to the divine asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrows and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Commentators argue what this "word of God" refers to.  Some say it refers to Christ himself.  John 1 verse 1 says "in the beginning was the word" and then in 1 John 1 we read "that which was from the beginning which we have heard."  Some say it is the incarnate word of God, Jesus.  Others say it is the divine revelation of God.  It is the whole gospel that is being aluded to here.  This is the word that God has given to us.  This is the word of God we turn to tonight.  We are mindful tonight that we do not take it for granted.  The word of God before us.  We flippantly open it up, read a verse or 2, close it up again.  It is really easy to listen to the word of God proclaimed and preached.  We need to be mindful of the word of God.  "For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." verse 2.  The word of God can only be profitable if you mix it with faith tonight.

This word of God is a distinctive word.  There is a great distinction between this word and any other book.  There is no book like this book.  This book is an account, everything we have written in this book has been written by holy men of God, sanctified, washed in the blood.  That is what we have tonight.  We need to be careful to not take this word for granted.  We need to preach nothing than the word of God.  Nothing more or less.  We need to listen to it with attentive hearts and ears.  Take it to heart and apply it to our hearts and lives.  The word of God is speaking here of a rest.  Chapter 4 deals with this, he takes us back to when the children of Israel went across into Canaan.  There was a relief for them then.  There is a rest for you tonight, a rest from the burden of your sin.  Jesus came into the world to be a sacrifice that on him all the world`s sin would be laid.  He paid the price for you and I on Calvary.  He took it on himself.  This rest cannot be entered into any other way.  God is interested in what he has provided for you and I.  Have you entered into that rest already?  Maybe like the young scribe of old, the Lord told him he was not far from the kingdom of God.  Maybe you are in that same position as he was.  There have been times when you want to give your heart and life to Christ but somehow you didn`t do it, you walked away from the Lord.  Once more how near are you to make that same decision?  It is more.  The Israelites came to the border of Canaan and they went back again.  Maybe you have been brought to that same place.  God has led you out to Calvary, showed you that sacrifice for you, almost been there and somehow slipped away from it.  This is a distinctive book, it shows us how you might be saved.  It is a rest tonight, to know the peace of God that passeth all understanding.  A rest in knowing a perfect relationship with God.  "Being justified by faith we have peace with God."  How can we enter into rest if naturally ignorant of what it is?  We need to turn to God`s word.  It deals with our souls, what man needs.  This book tells us about ourselves.  Not like the teaching of Mohammed who claimed to have visions of angels.  Not the teaching of Buddha.  It is the word of God for you and I.  Amos 8 verse 11 "behold the days come saith the Lord that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord."  Notice what he says of hearing the words of the Lord, not a famine of the word of God.  Today we have more bibles, not a famine of that but of hearing the word of God.  In many places of worship the word of God is not proclaimed in all its fulness.  There is a famine in hearing the word of God.  Jeremiah the prophet was imprisoned because he told the people something they didn`t want to hear.  A day of judgment was coming.  He wanted them to turn back to God because they had sinned and rebelled.  The only way out of it is to fall into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar.  The people were in uproar.  Surely God would not desert us, allow that to happen.  Is that not what we hear today?  "God is a loving God.  He would not close anyone out of heaven.  Surely he will open the doors of heaven and all may enter in."  The Bible speaks of 2 ways, the broad road leading to hell and destruction, many there be that go that way.  Then he speaks of a narrow road, leads to heaven and home and there are very few on it.  Which road are you on tonight?  There was Jeremiah closed up.  Hezekiah the king sent for him one day, brought him out of prison privately to himself.  He didn`t want anyone to know.  He was sending for him and asked "is there any word from the Lord?"  He knew what he was hearing from the false prophets about these men who would say God would never do this.  Will you tell me the truth - will God do this?  Is there any word from the Lord?  

Notice it is a directive word.  This chapter is taken up with directing men and women with the rest God has provided, directing you and I to that place called Calvary.  Going back into the Old Testament the sacrifices of the lamb are pointing to Calvary, picturing the Lord that took our sin on himself.  Directing men and women to the cross.  It is a directive book too pointing to this rest - verse 11.  It is worth giving this word some thought.  It is worth entering into God`s salvation no matter what it costs.  Labour does not mean we try with our own ability, rather it is following the leading of God to make sure we get in.  If there is something holding you back from following Christ you have to set it to one side.  Labour to enter in.  This bible is directive tonight.  He is trying to guide you and I to the blessing of his rest and the only means is through this precious word.  James 1 verse 21 "wherefore laying apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word,  which is able to save your soul."  Pay heed to your soul tonight.  "For by grace are you saved through faith not of works."  Salvation is of the Lord and he gives that to you and I.  Don`t neglect that word.  It is a gift to you.  It can be received tonight from the hands of the Lord.  Then comes the caution for the man or woman tonight.  Are you prepared to follow the word of God?  Just like Levi of old as he sat at the receipt of the taxes.  He arose and followed.  We are to receive the ingrafted word of God too.  James 1 verse 22 "be ye doers of the word."  Are you going to be not just be a listener but a doer?  Many too are content in hearing, Listen to what the wise man said.  Proverbs 29 verse 1 "he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without warning."  Every time I hear the gospel, hear God`s word, his direct message to me and I get up and leave it, I am hardening my heart.  I could be destroyed and that without an opportunity or chance ever again.

The word of God is discerning.  If there is something in your heart telling you you are not saved, that is the word of God.  It is quick, living, relevant for this very day, showing you what you need.  It is also powerful, it is active.  The word of God is not something that is dormant like the seed you take and plant in the garden.  It will grow.  It is productive, it is active.  It can ener in where none else can enter in.  Discerning all the thoughts and intents of the heart.  It gets right in there.  Remember the crowd in Acts 2.  As the people listened to Peter preach he was filled with the Holy Ghost, the anointing was on him to preach the word of God.  The message he brought that day began with  Jesus Christ who walked among them.  They began to think about the miracles Jesus had done.  Maybe they began to relate them in their minds.  Peter then said he was approved of God.  The world raised up against him.  You colluded with them and with the wicked hands, you placed him on that cross.  Now the word of God is beginning to sink in to hearts and minds.  This was the son of God.  The Messiah who came into the world, who we put to death.  Peter pointed the finger at them.  That people cried out "what shall we do."  Why?  Because the word of God had gripped them and their hearts were pricked.  They cried from the depths of their souls "what shall we do."  They were brought to that very place of rest, ready to come to Christ.  Tonight are you ready to leave your sin at the cross, to take Jesus as Saviour?

The word of God is decisive.  "Piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow."  Only the word of God can do that.  This word can shake you to the foundations of your life.  It is a decisive word.  The eunuch sat in the chariot, he was coming up from Jerusalem, he was oblivious to Philip the evangelist standing beside him.  He was reading the word of God about the substitution.  He noticed Philip and asked him who he was reading about himself.  Philip opened up the same scripture and preached to him Christ.  He brought him to a decision.  You must come to a decision tonight whether or not will be saved or not.  Hebrews 4 verse 2.  What you need to enter into, the rest of God, to be saved is to mix what you have heard with faith.  You have got to come and put your trust in the finished word of Calvary.  Depending on him to remove your sins, depend on him to do what he says.  The decision is yours tonight, trust him to night.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Revelation 4 - the welcome in heaven

Sermon notes from Sunday 13 May 2018
Revelation 4 verses 1 - 11, chapter 5 verses 1 - 5

The things of earth have now passed away and John is looking into the realms of heaven.  The clouds have parted, the door has been opened and John starts to tell us what this place is like.  Psalm 91 verse 1 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."  That is what it is all about.  The moment we trust Christ as Saviour, when he cleanseth us in his precious blood, we take up a special living place in this world.  It is a secret place.  No man can find it for himself.  It is the only place where the Holy Spirit shows us our need of conversion and conviction.  We receive the protection and provision as we live there.  In John 14 Jesus said about his departure "I go to prepare a place for you."  

Notice the welcome John receives.  He tells us in verse 1 "After this I looked, and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said, Come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter."  There is the invitation, a welcome from God`s own heart.  He flings open the door.  The earthly scene is gone and the heavenly one comes into focus.  Most commentators say verse 1 is a picture of the raptured church.  It is important not to see the church as a building.  The church here is the church of Jesus Christ, born again of the Spirit of God, living for him.  It is not the established church.  There will be some churches packed with people when Christ comes back but the people in them may never have trusted Christ as Saviour.  In 1 Thessalonians 4 we read of a people concerned about their loved ones, people who had passed on and those left behind wondered if they were lost, had they missed out on heaven?  In verse 13 Paul is telling these people "I would not have you to be ignorant ... that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope."  You have a hope that these people will meet God.  Yes there is a sorrow for those who have been those taken by Christ but you also have a hope.  Verses 14 - 16.  The body is in the ground but the soul is in the presence of the Lord.  The body is not the life of me, the soul is, the real you and I, that part of living.  When you and I die believing in the Lord the body goes into the ground but our soul goes into the presence of the Lord.  "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."  Paul says you have taken your loved ones to the grave but do not sorrow for them.  The dead in Christ will rise first then we which remain will be caught up.  Verse 17.  "Comfort one another with these words."  This is the format for that day.  This rapture when it happens will be sudden, no man knows the day.  This event will catch multitudes out, people not prepared, not ready.  In Luke 17 Jesus likened it to the day when God came to destroy Sodom - verse 28.  Life was going on as normal.  It is going to be a surprise.  Lot made his way out of Sodom and God reigned judgment on Sodom.  One day it will happen the same way.  God`s return will be a surprise for many many people.  People will be going about their normal lives, it will be a surprise and many many people will be caught out.  There will be 2 in the field, one will be taken and the other left.  There will be 2 grinding corn, one will be taken and the other left.  Jesus spoke of the servant whose master had gone away.  The servant was told to watch for him coming back.  For a while he looked but then the servant got his eyes off his master.  When the master returned the servant was involved in all sorts of activity.  When the Lord comes again it will be a surprise, it will be so sudden.  1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 the word "sleep" is the same word used in Thessalonians talking about people who have died.  Their bodies were in the ground.  In a moment, not a prolonged thing.  Remember Paul said there will be a shout, the voice of an archangel will be heard.  The first thing John heard was the voice, the sound of a trumpet.  This will happen suddenly, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, as quick as you blink your eyes.  This transaction will take place when Jesus comes again.  Multitudes will leave this earth.  An event that will not be able to be explained away.  There will be those who believed a lie.  The anti Christ will explain why those people have disappeared.  A lie has to be made up, the manufacturing of something to explain away the situation that multitudes are no longer on the earth.  The anti-Christ will come up with a lie that will suffice.  Commentators say the anti-Christ could say Christians were terrible believers and God had to destroy them.  A lie will be told in time.  These bodies of ours are not fit for heaven so they need to be changed.  1 Corinthians 15 verses 53 and 54.  The body we have at this moment in time is fit for this earth not for heaven.  When Jesus came back to his disciples his body had changed just as ours will one day.  God will change us in an instant and we are given new bodies.  Do not think you will have time to make amends.  The opportunity is gone.  The dead will be raised and then if we remain there will come the changing of our bodies and this will be in an instant.  That is the welcome we have to look forward to.  Is that something you are really looking forward to today?  The only thing that should hinder us is to know our families are not saved.  People`s minds are being blinded and deceived today.  

There is also the wonder of heaven and the witness of heaven.  The wonder of heaven is seen in the beauty John describes to us.  Jesus is the witness of heaven, the lamb of God.  He is able to take this book that is sealed with 7 seals.  It is written on the outside and the inside.  There is not a man in heaven or on earth who is qualified to take this book.  He will take one seal at a time and break it.  The consequences of what he is doing in heaven is shown in earth over a period of  years.  Judgment will fall on the earth.

There is also the worship of heaven.  Is it anything like the worship we have here for our Saviour?

Revelation chapters 2 and 3 - The 7 churches

Sermon notes from Sunday 29 April 2018 am
Revelation 2 verses 1 - 7

As we continue on in this book of Revelation and our own individual look at it, we come now to the beginning of a different section, a section entitled 7 churches.  These 7 churches were 7 literal churches.  Jesus spoke to John on the Isle of Patmos about 7 real churches in Asia Minor.  He was also given a symbol and teaching of the churches down through all the generations.  A picture of what the church would come through and how they would cope.  Not only speaking to 7 churches, he is speaking to you and me as individuals today.  Verse 7 "he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."  7 churches and we cannot take out one by one as we want to take an overview of the 7 churches to get further into the book.  Today it is important to hear what the Lord has to say to us, to you and I about the place where we worship.  Not only that but speak about the praise we offer.  It is very easy this morning to lift the hymn book and sing but it may not come from the depths of our hearts.  Not only look at the place of worship and the praise of worship look at the position we hold.  Speaking to the angels of the churches, that is leaders in the church.  Notice again the position of where Jesus is - in the centre of the churches.  He has the 7 angels in his right hand.  He is pointing this out for us again.  What we see through the 7 churches - firstly a commendation that is given.  The Lord takes time to commend them.  I am glad he does that because there is no-one who makes mistakes more than me.  He picks us up and says you did a great work there.  The Lord goes through the churches and commends the things that need to be commended for.  He doesn`t turn a blind eye to the churches because they are doing things wrong.

The commendation.  He encourages us in our work.  We see how the Lord has a knowledge of what is taking place in the churches.  It is not the gaze of Samuel as he looked on Jesse`s sons.  This is God who has eyes as flames of fire in chapter 1.  "I know thy works" verse 2 and it is repeated in verse 9.  These are active churches and he says "I know".  Right from the foundation of the first church he knows their works and he knows our works today.  These believers in Ephesus "I know thy works and thy labours."  He knows the works of the churches and how they labour.  The word means to work to the point of exhausion, falling off your feet with tiredness.  He saw this church`s activities, what they were doing, working to the point of exhaustion.  It also tells us they had great patience, endured in the work, kept at it.  Sometimes it is hard to keep at it.  It is easy when things are going well but when things get down and discouraging it is hard to keep at it but we need to keep at it.  He is looking at that very quality in your life and mine.  Do not give up on your family, do not stop witnessing, praying for them to see them saved.  "I know thy works."  "and thou didst not bear them which are evil."  They knew those who were God`s and they avoided them.  Verse 12 he knew about their suffering and pain.  Chapter 2 verse 8 he knew their works, that God had set before them an open door and no man could shut it.  They had little strength but had kept God`s word and not denied it.  Remember the day Jesus came into Mary and Martha`s house.  Mary broke the jar of alabaster oil.  Jesus told them to leave her alone for she has done this in preparation for my death.  The most precious thing she had, not withholding it from the Lord and he knew all about it.  Nothing held back.  Jesus was sitting watching the people coming into the temple one day.  Many were giving in in their abundance but one woman came in, no-one noticed her but she put in 2 mites into the treasury.  There were those who had put in out of their abundance but the Lord looked at this woman because she gave the last she had.  Are we giving everything to the Lord today?  Because he has redeemed us and we are his children.  Remember when the Lord comes again dividing the sheep and the goats.  "When I was in prison you visited me, naked you clothed me, hungry you fed me."  They asked "when did we do that?"  Jesus said "as often as you did it unto those of my brethren ye did it unto me." (Matthew 25 verses 36 to 40)  One day we will stand before the Lord on the judgement day and he will bring it all to us.  What a Saviour we have.  Even a cup of cold water given in Jesus` name shall not go unnoticed.

The Lord also chastises.  It is for our benefit, it is not done out of bitterness nor out of malice.  He knows there are things in our lives that have to be taken care of and we have to be chastised for those things.  The Lord chastises us in the same way.  In John 15 and the picture of the vine, Christ is the vine and we are the branches.  "Every branch in me that beareth fruit he purgeth it."  Why?  To produce more fruit.  What about those not bearing fruit - he cuts them off and throws them to one side because they are of no use.  It is to you and I who are serving him, loving him with all our hearts he has to do certain things in our lives.  It sometimes can be painful but not done out of malice.  Maybe he has to deal with our temper or our tongue, the places we go to, the things we are doing.  Sometimes it is hard and difficult.  He does it because he loves us.  Hebrews "and ye have forgotten the exhortation ... my son despise not the chastisement of the Lord."  Going through a difficult time.  What is the Lord doing that you might bear more fruit.  "My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord ... for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth." (Hebrews 12 verses 5 and 6)  Ephesus were commended for so many things but there were things that they needed to be chastised for.  "But they left their first love."  It is possible to serve the Lord and get away from the first love.  They were going through the motions.  Sometimes we say they lost it but actually they left it.  It was deliberate, somewhere they had forgotten about the Lord.  At 12 years of age Mary and Joseph had lost Jesus.  One thought he was with them while the other thought he was with them.  Somehow missed him, left him behind.  We can be doing so much but actually leave the Lord behind.  Chapter 2 verse 14 Pergamum allowed false teachers to come into the church.  Chapter 3 verse 16 Laodicea not out and out just going through the motions.

He also challenges - verse 4.  Remember he tells them in verse 5, remember what they had, what they were.  Sometimes it is good to remember - are we still as out and out, zealous, have the same love for the word of God, for fellowship, outreach and the gospel?  Pergamos remembered his father`s house, remembered that day when everything worked out and was going for them.  The love that was in that house.  Then he tells them to repent.  That runs through all the 7 churches.  We often preach of the sinner to repent of this sin and come to Christ.  Now looking at the church to repent of their sins, to turn away from the sin.  The prodigal says sorry to his father "I have sinned against God and you."  He was owning up to it.  Verse 5 of chapter 2 tells the church to "remember, repent and return."  Got to get back to it.  The prodigal son would never know the enjoyment in his father`s house if he didn`t leave the pigs behind and go back to his father`s house.  Many backsliders are like that today.  It is the returning they are afraid of.  They are scared of the word failure.  Paul warned the Ephesians that there would be ravenous wolves who would rise up to take them away but he told them `don`t pay any heed.`  Are we mindful, listening to the right company, hve spiritual growth every day?  1 Thesslonians 5 verse 21 "prove all things, hold fast that which is good, abstain from all appearance of evil."  Keep up your guard.  The devil is waiting to pull you down.  "Do not despise the day of small things." (Zechariah 4 verse 10)  What a responsibility we have today.  God has something very special and precious for this house.  "I will take pleasure in it and will be glorified in it." (Haggai 1 verse 8)  God will answer our prayers if we hold on.  That is what we have today.  The Lord says hold onto it and strengthen it.  Hold on and he will do the rest.  In Revelation 3 verse 20 the challenge was to open the door.  In chapter 3 verse 8 the church at Philadelphia`s challenge was to not close the door.  Hold onto what you have which has been given to us by Christ.  Do not let it die and do not let someone stand in the pulpit and say anything different.

The condemnation he also makes.  "I will come and remove the candlestick" meaning no more witness.  What if the Lord removed our candlestick today? 

There is also a crown.  The Lord crowns, he honours perseverance.  "Them that honour me I will honour." (1 Samuel 2 verse 30)

Revelation 5 - the book opened in heaven

Sermon notes from Sunday 20 May 2018
Revelation 5 verses 1 - chapter 6 verse 2

Last week in the book of Revelation we were following John as he took us around heaven.  From Revelation chapters 4 and 5 we spent a considerable time on the welcome that John received.  In chapter 4 verse 1 John saw a door opening in heaven, he heard a voice telling him to come up hither.  We looked at the welcome John received in heaven.  John was giving us a picture of the calling away of the church from the earth.  That is the next greatest event that will happen on earth.  The taking away of every child of God, everyone who has trusted the Lord as Saviour.  That is something that could happen in the twinkling of an eye.  One day Jesus will come and the dead in Christ will rise first.  The soul leaves the body on death and goes into the presence of the Lord immediately.  On that day when Christ returns the body will be lifted from the grave and go to meet the Lord in the air.  A profession will not work on that day.  Like a magnet when it is asked to pick up something it will immediately attract the nails rather than paper.  Why?  Because they have the same nature.  The unsaved with no nature will be left behind in this world.  It is important to understand the steps of that welcome.  We looked at the wonder, the witness and the worship.  Let us continue on with something that develops in this scene in heaven.  John in chapter 5 verse 1 saw "a book written within and on the backside."  This was a scroll written on the inside and the outside.  That was strange.  John wanted to point that out to us.  Normally a scroll was only written on the inside but on this scroll it was written on both sides.  That speaks of the importance of the scroll.  It was in the hands of "him that sat on the throne."  The picture is of a book sitting open on the palm of the hand.  In verse 2 there is  disappointment at this book when the angels looked and no-one could open it.  In verse 4 we see the tears over this book.  John breaks down into floods of tears.  It is an important book.  In verse 7 we see the triumph - the Lord takes this book.  There is praise and worship when everyone sees the Lord taking this book, all eyes are on this person who takes the book.  We need to get our eyes on the Lord once more, the one who is there in heaven today making intercession for us.  We need to get our eyes on him and not worry about what will happen in our lives.  We need to get back to see Jesus again. 

The secrecy of this book.  All heaven is looking to this book.  John is called into heaven, he is caught up into heaven, all eyes are fixed on what he sees, the one sitting on the throne.  Everything is finished in heaven.   Then we see the stones, we see the sea of glass, the beasts around the throne and all the elders seated there.  John then notes this book lies in the hand of the one who sits on the throne.  His eyes are drawn to that one holding the book.  Verse 2 "and I saw a strong angel".  There was a search made for someone to open this book.  No-one could open and read this book, there was no-one worthy to do such a thing.  "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereon."  The search that was made to get someone to open this book.  No-one was worthy to open and to read the book.  Many down through the history books of time would have loved to open this book - just think of Hitler and Stalin today.  They would have loved to open it.  There must have been something serious about this book so much so that John wept.  These are the only tears recorded in heaven because it says "God shall wipe away every tear".  There was no-one worthy to open this book.  No archangel or angel was found to open this book.  None of the elders were able to open this book.  They could lead the praise and worship but couldn`t open this book.  There was none found in heaven or in earth.  Not Peter or Paul were worthy to open the book.  Abraham, the friend of God nor David who had a heart after God`s own heart were able to open the book.  The importance of this book today.  Solomon in all his wisdom was not wothy.  Elijah the great prophet who could stand before kings and declare the word of God could not open the book.  This book was the very title deeds of heaven and earth.  We need to look at the Old Testament for understanding.  In the Old Testament law when a man fell on hard times and had a little bit of land, that land had to be taken from him.  All was not lost however.  There was an opportunity to buy it back again.  If the man was not able to do that he was able to call in a near kinsman, perhaps a nephew or uncle, and they could claim that land on his behalf.  There were 2 books, one had the deeds of the land which was given to the priest for him to keep and the other was an open book.  Anyone could read it.  When it came to reclaim the land only the man who sought to reclaim the land could open the book.  He was the near kinsman.  Here were the title deeds given to him to open it up, to claim the land.  He had the authority to do just that.  When God created the earth in Genesis 3 the title deeds were drawn up and handed into Adam`s hands but he forfeited them when he fell into the clutches of sin.  They couldn`t be opened, it was only by Jesus himself.  He had the authority to do so.  He was the one who created and redeemed the world again.  God was able to open them on the basis of his created and redemptive power.  What importance this book was - verses 9 and 10.  Is it any wonder all people on heaven and earth stop and erupt into praise and thanksgiving!

The setting of this book.  Whenever the Lord takes this book with the 7 seals and begins to open this book, the setting is of what will take place on earth.  God`s programme for the days that are to come.  It is all to run.  He sets in motion a series of events on earth that will culminate with Jesus setting up his kingdom on earth.  Do not confuse that with the words of Paul in Thessalonians 4.  These are 2 separate events.  In Thessalonians Paul is talking about the rapture of the earth.  In Revelation 19 the Lord is leaving heaven and is coming to earth to set up his kingdom.  In chapter 19 we read that the false prophet and the beast are to be cast into the fire, their time of reigning on the earth for 7 years is over.  The armies all come against the Lord but he puts them down, he casts the false prophets into the lake of fire.  Satan is bound for 1000 years.  Then he will be let loose for a short time but will eventually be taken and put into the lake of fire for ever.  1 Thessalonians 4 is about the calling away of the church of Jesus Christ.  In chapter 6 verse 1 we see the opening of the seals.  In chapter 8 verse 1 we see the opening up of 7 trumpets.  In chapter 15 there is the opening of the set of vials.  This is the wrath of God that is being poured out.  This book is in the hands of the Lord, the creator of the world.  He is in control to do all this.  Maybe there is something in our lives weighing us down with a tremendous weight.  Some times as we look at what we have to go through, thinking why do I have to go through this, remember everything is in the hands of God.  If only we would surrender and let him take us through those difficult days.  He will do it.  He has everything ordered and taken care of.  Revelation 6 verses 15 to 17.  When the Lord comes the kings of the earrth will stand and look on the Lord coming, they will cry for the trees and the mountains to fall on them because the wrath of God is being poured out on them.  Revelation is all about this wrath of God being poured out on the earth.  Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 9 "he hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." 

The signal of this book.  Once the seal is open that is the signal that eveything is about to take place and commence.  By the opening of the first seal there will be a time known as Jacob`s troubles.  That will be a period of 7 years divided into two 3 1/2 year periods.  The first 3 1/2 years will be a time of relative peace but the second 3 1/2 years will be a time of mayhem and desolation.  Jeremiah 30 verse 7 "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it; it is even the time of Jacob`s trouble."  Matthew 24 verse 21 "For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."  Do you want to be here for that?  Daniel 9 shows the day of Jacob`s troubles.  This one coming on the white horse, speaks of deception and deceit.  In verse 4 we read of a red horse speaking of dearth on the land.  In verse 8 we read of a pale or black horse speaking of death.  In verse 9 at the opening of the fifth seal we see the delay in judgment but in verse 12 the sixth seal brought destruction.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

A great testimonial statement

Sermon notes from Sunday 20 May 2018 pm
2 Timothy 1 verses 1 - 12

In verse 12 we have what we might call Paul`s testimonial statement.  Paul was in prison writing this to Timothy, whom he had seen saved years before, as a way of encouragement.  Some times we can get down, so rattled but we need to keep our eyes on Christ.  His mind is on a young man in the work of God.  Are we encouragers tonight or do we want to remain as spongers receiving everything and giving nothing out.  Paul`s mind was on Timothy whom he had left in Ephesus.  He knew there were many problems in that fellowship but he wanted to encourage him.  He told Timothy in verse 6 "stir up the gift that is in you."  Have you recognised the gift God has given you because one day he will ask you what you did with it?  Paul said to him "let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers."  Can people see by looking at us that we know Christ personally?  Paul shares here with Tmothy the greatest secret for every child of God.  Paul uses the word "I" repeatedly, he is not pointing inwards but outwards to Christ.

The I of surrender.  "which I have committed uno him against that day".  Paul is saying he has surrendered his life, given it over to the Lord and is trusting in him.  What are we trusting in tonight?  Think of who you are really trusting in today - in the Lord as Saviour or is there something of myself that I am trusting in?  Man`s problem is the I of self, my thoughts, what I want.  That I we find most difficult to deal with.  To spell sin the I is at the centre of it all.  That is why it is difficult to handle the I of self, the self image, the self ego.  We want to please that day and daily.  The rich young ruler had a lot going for him but there was one thing he did not possess.  He took it to the feet of Jesus, to know with all assurance he had eternal life.  He wanted to know that all was well with his soul.  Is there something heavy upon you heart tonight, that all will be well with your soul, that you might leave the old body behind and your soul will go into the presence of the Lord?  The rich young ruler wanted to know with all assurance.  When it came to giving up his wealth he couldn`t do it because the I was on the throne.  For a long time it was not like that for Paul.  All he had was his own religion.  He would not surrender it to the claims of Christ on his soul.  He fed his soul on his own good works and his knowledge of scripture.  What are you depending on?  Paul said he was circumcised of the eighth day, he was from a Jewish family, born into that.  It was his background.  He was of the stock of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin, the royal tribe.  He had so much to offer, so much going for him.  He was a Pharisee, zealous, had all righteousness of the law.  He was blameless.  No-one could point a finger at him until the Lord reached right into his soul and brought him to his knees on the Damascus road.  God said to "it is hard to kick against the pricks."  This young man was all the time fighting with the Lord.  He stubbornly dug in his heels.  How many times has the Lord spoken to you and you have known that, felt his presence, felt and heard his speaking voice into your heart and you have realised you are not saved and that you need to be saved.  Somehow you said no to the Lord, he has been speaking time and time again.  The Lord was speaking to Saul of Tarsus time and time again.  I have started to break into your life but you have kicked back.  The idea of kicking comes from the thought of the ploughman.  If one oxen stepped out of line the farmer would prod it every time and the oxen didn`t like that and kicked back but each time it kicked it hurt itself.  It is hard to see God`s word speaking to you time and time again and getting up each time not heeding it.  That is kicking against the pricks.  Romans 3 verse 12 "there is none good, none righteous."  Romans 5 verse 8 God loves the sinner.  He loves you with an everlasting love that he would send his only son to die for you.  Have you surrendered to the Lord yet?  Have you come to the cross of Calvary, cried unto him for salvation?  Not asking about some night you put up your hand.  Has your life been transformed and changed?  

The I of subject.  Paul could say "I trusted in the life I lived, the way I behaved, now I am trusting in a person and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ."  His eyes were on the Lord not on himself.  Upon this person who died on the rugged cross to save us from sin.  Now my life is based on Christ alone.  It is not of works lest any man should boast.  The biggest problem man has is getting the I focused on Christ and not on I.  Think of the rich farmer in Luke 12.  I see a man who went out at the sowing time and worked hard, prepared the fields so well and gave God the glory for it but something happened at the harvest time.  He had an abundance of harvest.  Here was the problem - he began to say to himself, 10 or 11 times he used the word I, me or myself.  "What should I do?  The crops have come in in abundance, the barns are so small, I will pull them down and I will build bigger.  I have many years ahead of me."  All the time he was looking at himself.  That was his problem.  God said "thou fool, tonight thy soul is required of thee."  He reminds that man of who he was - "then whose shall those things be."  God calls him a fool because he left nothing for eternity.  He would be a pauper before God when he reached death`s door.  Paul had all the religion he could ever want but he hadn`t salvation.  The king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar looked around at all he had in his kingdom and said "this is the kingdom I have built, great Babylon for my majesty and my honour."  God reached down and brought him to his knees.  Will you surrender and come to the great I am?

The I of sincerity.  "I know whom I have believed"  Paul had come into a personal relationship with Christ.  When Paul shared his testimony with King Agrippa he was delighted to speak to him.  Acts 26 verse 3 "I know you to be an expert in all the customs and questions among the Jews."  A man who knows all the ins and outs of the laws of the Jews.  Here he is speaking before Agrippa.  Agrippa didn`t share the same conviction.  Before Paul finished speaking Agrippa knew he was not trusting in Christ as Saviour.  Acts 26 verse 27 "believest thou the prophets, I know that thou believest."  King Agrippa looked down at Paul`s feet and said "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."  Here was a man and he was looking for sincerity but he didn`t believe in the Christ of the cross.  Almost I could shift my allegiance, set my affection on Christ.  We have come to Christ with sincerity. 

The I for the stand he took.  "I am not ashamed."  The devil uses this very deceitfully.  He knows where to stop in that barrier whenever the Holy Spirit is touching that I in the life of men and women.  When the Holy Spirit is touching men and women hardened down through many years.  The Holy Spirit comes and shows the great need of salvation.  Then the devil says "hold on, how will you ever face your friends tomorrow, how will you face your family?"  So the barrier goes up.  Paul says "I do not care who knows it, all the Pharisees and scribes I knew in those days of my religiousity I want to tell them now I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."  Would you be ashamed of Christ?  Would you stand up and say something for Christ tonight?  The woman with the issue of blood in the gospels knew the Lord had healed her.  She had tried every doctor for 12 years but found no relief for her ailment.  She realised the Lord was coming down that street.  If I could only touch that hem as he passed by.  She touched the hem and immediately the virtue flowed into her body.  She immediately knew it.  Then Christ stopped and asked "who touched me?"  The disciples questioned this as there were so many pressing in on every side.  That woman has to stand up and say "I touched you, I got healed."  Is that your testimony, can you say with Paul "I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."  Come to Christ, make him your Saviour and Lord.  Trust him with everything you have for the salvation of your soul.