Sunday, 9 April 2023

The women who came to the tomb on the first resurrection morning



MARK 16 VERSES 1 - 9

We look back to the Sunday previously, Palm Sunday, as Jesus entered into Jerusalem, as prophesied in the Old Testament scriptures.  He watched the crowd coming out singing "Hosanna to the Lord".  The people were throwing down their clothes before him.  The week concludes with the betrayal and rejection of the Lord Jesus.  When he was presented to them they hardened their hearts.  They turned him over to the Roman authorities and Pilate to be sentenced and crucified.  Rejected, crucified, buried, risen again.  Let us look at the women folk here and the task they undertook.  As we come to the house of God we are reminded of that opening to the leading of the Lord, doing something for the master.  They wanted to anoint his body.

There was a hunger for the work - verse 2 "very early in the morning".  I am sure this was the saddest weekend of their lives.  The darkest of all.  They were up early because of the task they wanted to do.  They gathered all up and set off for the tomb.  The only thing on their mind was the Lord their Saviour.  They were here on the first Lord's day.  Their thoughts and plans were to go to the tomb.  If you had talked to Mary about their situation that day I am sure she would have said her heart was broken.  None the less they wanted to serve the Lord.  It didn't matter how dark the previous days were they still wanted to serve the Lord with all their hearts.  They only wanted to embalm the body of Christ.  We have got to keep in our minds that we have come into his house to glorify the God of heaven, the one who loved us.  Never get our eyes off that.  He loved us even when we were in sin, total rebellion, when the gospel was starting to dawn on our souls.  This morning we have so much to glorify God for.  This was something they could do for the Lord.  They were looking into the empty tomb.  Here they were going to the tomb with spices, they wanted to embalm the body of Christ. The great plan of God was to send his son into the world for a lost mankind.  His son would die for the worlds sins.  He wanted to save you through that death.  On the third day his body was gone.  Have we come with the work of God on our minds?  As these women left their homes only one thought on their mind - to glorify God.  Saul of Tarsus had different thoughts on his mind.  He was a devout, religious man with no experience of salvation.  He had all the religion growing up.  He was brought up in a good home, taught the scriptures but had no inward experience of salvation.  Acts 26 "I verily thought within myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.".  The only thought he had in his mind was to do everything contrary to Jesus Christ.  He hated that name and those people who followed him.  One morning he set out for Jerusalem, just like these women.  He wanted to put people into prison, those who believed in Christ's name.  He was "breathing out slaughter".  After his great transformation in Galatians 1 verse 20 "he that persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed."  That is the work of God.  That is the work of grace.  If the gospel of saving grace doesn't make a change in our lives there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away bitterness there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away self ego there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away hatred there is something wrong.  If it doesn't change the character of a person there is something wrong.  The world to day sets out to destroy the work of God but we need to take our stand for the things of God, to get into the place of prayer, worship, service and work for God

The harmony for the walk.  These women had been busy preparing the spices.  I am sure they talked together, planned it all together, agreed to make their way to the tomb.  There was one thought in their mind - all for the glory of God.  That is a tremendous thing.  Amos 3 verse 3 "can two walk together except they be agreed?"   Remember the man who had 4 friends who brought him to Jesus.  The man couldn't walk.  His friends had such compassion for him that they lifted him and put him on a stretcher and carried him.  What unity and harmony they had.  When they came to the house Jesus was in they couldn't get near Jesus.  They decided to let him down through the roof.  The only thing they wanted was to see their friend walking again.  They removed the roof and lowered the man down.  Jesus saw the 4 friends faith and said to the man "take up thy bed and walk."  I would rather be one of the 4 as opposed to the multitude around the house.  Working in harmony.  Mary Magdalene was with the women that day - she was the one from whom Jesus cast out 7 devils.  Remember the little boy with a demon inside him?  The demon would take him and cast him into the water or the fire.  What joy and gladness came into Mary's heart when the Lord delivered her.  She wanted to follow him completely.  She was celebrating what Jesus had done for her.  Is that what we want too?  Imagine if you had never been saved.  Where might you be today?  Maybe in a lot Christless eternity thinking of all the opportunities missed.  Acts 2 "and all the believers were together and had all things common."  Here they were on a mission together.  We are just part of the church of Jesus Christ.  We need to be in harmony.  Think of the disciples in the gospels.  Jesus knew there was a dispute among them one day as they were walking to Capernaum.  He didn't have to hear the things they said.  He knew what was going on in their minds.  When he came into the house he asked them what was wrong, what they were arguing about on the road but thy held their peace.  They were disputing which one was the greatest among them. 

There is the hindrance that worried them.  Verse 3 they were watching as Jesus had died, they followed Joseph and Nicodemus as they took him to the tomb.  They saw the stone rolled over the tomb door.  How can they serve the Lord with this obstacle? It didn't stop them.  Don't let hindrances stop you.  The devil can conjure up all sorts of thoughts.  This woman's imaginations were running away with them.  I am sure the devil tried to persuade them to return home.  These women were thinking of the stone.  We can over think things when we come to the word of God.  Think of Joshua and the walls of Jericho.  Never could he have imagined that a week after looking at those large slabs of wall would those stones fall flat.  We need to take the step toward the difficulty.  Remember Joshua and the people crossing the waters to cross into Canaan.  God told them clearly that when they stepped into the waters they would part.  Joshua had to take the first step.  When the little boy came with the loaves and fishes I am sure they thought "what is this among so many people?"  When it was handed to Jesus it was plenty to feed everyone present.  Are we prepared to put the hindrances into God's hands?  What is the obstacle before you?  Remember Jacob when he was planning to meet Esau his brother.  The last time they had been together Jacob had robbed him of his birthright.  He was sure Esau would kill him now.  He broke his family into different sections , he sent a gift on ahead of him but Esau came out to meet him with open arms.

The honesty of their witness.  When the women saw the stone rolled away they went and told the disciples.

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