There are just some books of the bible were you feel a real challenge. Think of the many characters - Moses, Joshua, Caleb and even Gideon. We never fail to be challenged. We always get challenged through the story of Gideon. Think of the impossible task he was given. We can see the hand of God in Gideon's life. Some unthinkable tasks. Think of Moses - when he came to the Red Sea he was looking out before him and then behind. The Egyptians were ready to bring them back into harsh labour and bondage. There was only one way to move forward - to step into the Sea. He had to trust the God of heaven, to divide the Sea. An impossible task he could see before him. Maybe you are facing an impossible task today - in your family, to see people saved, in your work to live for Christ. Think of Mary. She was told she would have a child. An impossible task. The child she would bear would be of the Holy Ghost. With God all things are possible. Think of the disciples, the young man who came to Jesus and walked away again. The disciples asked "who then can be saved?" As we watch people today doing their every day tasks we wonder how they will ever be saved. Jesus said to his disciples "with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible." "Now unto him that is able to exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3 verse 20) Let us take a look at the impossible task Gideon was given. Gideon's little band. Before we get to that let us look at the conflict that started it all off. The circumstances around them. The invitation. The work of the enemy. The devil seeking a foothold in your life, in every fellowship. Every man or woman born again of the Spirit of God. The devil seeks to get in. He cannot do it on his own. He has no authority over you and me.
First look at the permission that is granted to the enemy. God granted permission for the enemy to come against the children of God "and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian 7 years." God is not mocked today The scriptures tell us "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6 verse 7) The victory of Deborah and Barak over Sisera was all past. Some 47 years before God raised these 2 up to fight against Sisera. They had a great victory but the people turned from God. They got complacent and became lax in their way of life. A persecuted believer once said "don't pray that God would stop the persecution but rather pray that God will give us liberty and boldness to preach the word of God." The people got into a complacent way of living. Verse 25 Joash his father had an idol to Baal in his home. Gideon had to go into his father's house and destroy that idol. God can take those least expected to do a work for him. Moses was 80 years of age. The sinful woman at the well - through her great revival came to that area. This was the cycle here in the life of Israel. They would go through a time of blessing and peace, then of course Israel would turn away and do evil, they would turn their backs on the God of heaven. Then God would punish them by another nation. Israel would cry out and repent and then delivery would come. Israel would turn from the Lord and the cycle would begin again Judges 21 verse 25 "In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in their own eyes." Remember what they said of Jesus "we will not have this man to reign over us." (Luke 19 verse 14) People don't like the ritual of someone telling them what they should do with their lives. Midian was subtle. The elders of Midian and Israelites joined forces when they came out of Egypt. Together they asked Balaam to come and curse the people for them. Now we find they have come with all their might and power. Because of their evil God had taken the restraining hand off. Let's be careful we don't give way to the enemy in any shape or form or fashion. We cannot give him a foothold in the church today.
The presence that caused panic to set in. Israel had lost her peace because they had fallen into the wrong places. Deborah and Barak were great leaders, great victory had been won over the enemy. Now they had gone back into their old ways. Verse 2. See the panic, they were running and hiding away, cowering away. Verse 10 the peace was taken away, a panic had set in. The panic took them away from God. "The fear of man bringeth a snare but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." Proverbs 29 verse 25 Israel had gone back from God. Fear in heart and running into dens and caves. No match for the enemy. It was the fear of man that caused Peter to walk afar off. Separated from the Saviour led him to deny the Lord. Peter said he would be the first to die for the Lord. The fear of those sitting around him brought panic to his mind. Pilate in the Judgment Hall said "I cannot find any fault in this man." (Luke 23 verse 4) Herod was the same. His wife said she had a dream about him. The fear of man takes over. Fear comes whenever we get our eyes off the Lord. We think we are big enough in our own right. We read the bible ad say "that doesn't apply to me". Fear comes to us. Isaiah 26 verse 3"thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." Hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 "let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." When the Children of Israel walked around Jericho the ark of the Lord was in the midst.
The power of the enemy - verses 3 - 5. It was that time of the year when the harvest was being brought in. The Midianites came up and destroyed the land, their flocks and camels. They were without number. They entered into the land to destroy it. The Children of Israel looked down into the valley and could see this mighty army coming. We should never underestimate the power of the devil. Never give him too much credence. Don't look for him everywhere. He is limited in his power. He is still under the control of God. Today we might stand against him. Ephesians 6 verse 11 "put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." The word "wiles" means a strategy, a plan. The devil is always changing his plans to come against us. We thought about him when he came with subtlety and asked Balaam to curse the people of God. Now they came as a force. Maybe he comes with the claim of another person, truthfulness of another person just to get into fellowship then he comes with great persecution. He came into the presence of God in the days of Job. He was monitoring Job's life, could see God put a hedge around him. He asked to be let in. He told God "if you do he will curse you." This man there is none like him. The devil wanted into his life, to bring him down and he thought he would curse God. Don't let the devil ask permission to get into your life. For the band of disciples, Jesus told them "Satan hath desired to have you but I have prayed for you." We have a subtle enemy. We need to take care of our words. We have to be careful because our words can affect so many people.
The poverty the enemy caused. The enemy came when the crop was on the ground. To cause destruction and ultimately poverty - verse 6. Remember the story of the Prodigal Son - he ended up impoverished. The devil wanted to do that with the disciples, to sift the wheat and take the good out of it. The devil wants to do that today.
The prayer that ascends. When the enemy came in after 7 years they cried unto the Lord. For 7 years they suffered. Verse 7 this is the background to the story of Gideon. God was going to use Gideon in this situation.
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