Sunday, 30 April 2023

The greatest opportunity




LUKE 19 VERSES 1 – 10


A very familiar story but don’t allow that to distract from its real message.  Last week we were thinking of the greatest privilege man could ever have – hearing the word of God. It is the word that brings salvation through faith in the Lord.  The greatest opportunity – “how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.”  There is no plan B.  God has the remedy for sin.  There is one door to bring us into heaven.  There is one mediator, Christ Jesus.  There on the cross he suffered and died that we might be saved.  He grants the opportunity ever afforded.  This man was wealthy, successful, a tax collector.  He received the greatest opportunity the day he came face to face with Christ, the day he stood in the presence of Christ himself.  He heard the voice of God speaking directly to him.  It is the greatest opportunity.  The crowd all came out to see Jesus as he passed through Jericho.  Zacchaeus was the only one who took the opportunity to be saved that day.  Paul when he came to Thessalonica went into the synagogue for 3 Sabbath days.  He preached Christ.  He showed that God sent a mediator, his Son to be the only remedy for sin.  Paul preached about Christ crucified and resurrected.  What an opportunity was given to Thessalonica on those 3 Sabbath days, an opportunity to be saved.  In Luke 13 the Lord is asked a question “are there few that be saved?”  The Lord responded “strive to enter in at the straight gate.”  Salvation is a tremendous thing but we need to strive to enter in.  The question tonight is “can I be saved?”, “will I be saved?”, “will I be in heaven?”  What an opportunity. 


The first thing this was a faithful opportunity.  When you think of the Lord, the Son of God, the perfect Son of God who never sinned, he left heavens glory.  What has salvation cost the Lord?  His only Son, heavens very best, Jesus’ blood on Calvary.  He was doing his father’s will.  He was coming into the world to die on Calvary that man might be saved.  In John 17 Jesus said “I have finished the work that thou hast given me to do.”  That was the salvation plan for this old world – to die and be crucified.  Sin entered into the world from Adam’s day forward.  God’s remedy for sin was in sending his son to die on Calvary for you and me.  On that day in Jericho there was no doubt on Jesus’ mind.  He knew where he was heading.  He realised what was before him – the cross, the suffering, the death.  He realised what was going to take place.  How the religious leaders would turn their backs on him, how the disciples would flee from him.  He realised he would be taken into Pilate’s Judgment Hall, would be beaten, scourged, rejected then taken out to be hung on the cross and crucified.  He realised all that was before him yet he had time to stop with this man who had climbed into sycamore tree.  He had time to stop.  Just think, the Lord would have time with a man for whom the people in his own town never gave him the time of day.  Jesus has time for him.  Remember the day when Jesus made his way through the village and mothers and fathers brought their children out for his blessing.  The disciples got in front of the people and said the Lord had no time for them.  Jesus stopped and rebuked them.  He said “suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”  God has time for you tonight, to stop and tarry with you.  In John 4 the Lord needed to go through Samaria.  He had a meeting with a woman, a sinful, immoral woman.  He had time to stop with her that day.  God has time for you tonight.  No-one else has time to stop with you, to deal with your sin, to save your soul.


The focus of this opportunity.  There was nothing in Zacchaeus himself.  If you are to be saved it has nothing to do with us.  It is to do with Christ.  He was the focus of Zacchaeus’ salvation on this day.  The opportunity to have his sins forgiven, to have his past dealt with.  That is what he grasped.  He wanted to know the Lord as Saviour.  He knew the path Christ would take.  There was nothing in him to merit God’s salvation, not even the desire, the keenness to see Christ.  If Zacchaeus is to be saved he has to be saved as a poor lost sinner.  Remember the 4 friends who brought the man to the Lord.  He couldn’t walk to Jesus.  He was simply a sinner.  The house was crowded so they lowered him down through the roof.  The Lord said “thy sins be forgiven thee”.  Those words brought hardness in the house that day.  He turned and said “which is easier to say, thy sins be forgiven or take up thy bed and walk but that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins, he turned to the man and said take up thy bed and walk.”


It was a fleeting opportunity.   Jesus entered and passed through Jericho on his way to the cross.  He never would travel that way again.   Had to ask for salvation there and then.  Are you prepared to grasp God’s salvation tonight?  Zacchaeus heart was convicted of his sins. He knew he needed to find out more.  Maybe you have a desire to hear the Lord.  He takes all the things of the past and makes a complete change.  The opportunity for God’s salvation comes at 2 points in our lives, from the day we are born and the day of our death.  You will never have the opportunity when you have died.  There is no grace beyond the grave.  Maybe it is a fleeting opportunity just for you.  It comes to the young and old, rich and poor.  God wants to save you.  The people of Athens let it slip.  They wanted to hear Paul again.  We never hear of them hearing Paul again.  Agrippa heard Paul one day and said “when I have a more convenient season I will call for you.”  The opportunity slipped away for him.


It was a fruitful opportunity.  Jesus came to the tree and he stopped where Zacchaeus was.  He came to Jericho, he had to stop at the very tree where Zacchaeus was.  Maybe not many of the people knew he was there but it was God who knew his hiding place.  Maybe you are sincere tonight.  You long to be saved, to know that if anything were to happen you would be in God’s eternity.  God knows where we are tonight.  He said to Zacchaeus “make haste and come down.”  Zacchaeus came down to Jesus.  Jesus told him “I must go to your home, I must abide with you.”  He took Zacchaeus by the arm and they walked down the street together.  It didn’t go well with the people of Jericho.  They looked and said “he is going to the house of a man who is a sinner” but they didn’t realise “Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.”  A great opportunity for you.  Why not come to Christ, trust him as your Saviour.  Make him yours tonight.  You will be saved for time and eternity.

The busyness of Gideon, the barriers he faced and the benefits he received





At this time there was no king in Israel.  The people had become lax in their attitude and had a coldness to the things of God.  God allowed the enemy to come in.  The people started to cry out to God again.  Notice the words in verse 7 “and it came to pass”.  The Children of Israel got so fed up with the way they were living, under the hand of the oppressive Midianites that they lifted up their eyes to God.  It is a reminder of how important the prayer meeting is in our church meetings.  When they cried God sent a prophet – verse 11 and then he sent the angel of deliverance.

The busyness of Gideon.  This was a dark time in Israel’s history.  Gideon was living in a home where his father served the gods of Baal – there was even an idol in that home (verse 25).  Gideon had no time for the worship of Baal.  Notice that Gideon says of himself “I am the least in my father’s house” (verse 15) implying that he did not believe in worshipping Baal and his family looked down on him as a result.  What a reminder of the stand we need to take for God in our homes today.  God’s eye was on the nation of Israel, and he could hear their cries even though this nation had turned their back on God (verse 7).  Remember when Moses was called by God to go back to Egypt, God said “And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;” (Exodus 3 verse 7)  God prepares you and I for the task he has for his glory and honour.  Think of Cornelius in Acts of the Apostles.  He was crying out to God when the angel came and told him “Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter.”  (Acts 10 verses 4 and 5)  Maybe there is someone crying out to God today and God has been speaking to your heart to respond.  Gideon was busy – verse 11 – threshing wheat by the winepress.  This man was doing something under the shadow of darkness.  He was gathering in enough sheaves into a secluded place to be able to work.  He was taking the wheat out of the hands of the enemy.  Usually the threshing was done on a hill so that the wind would winnow the wheat.  Gideon had to do it quietly, secretly with small portions at a time.  “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10 verse 10)  Gideon was so busy gathering in that wheat so that the enemy would not get it.  We are battling against Satan our enemy today.  Are we doing all we can today to prevent the enemy gaining a foothold?  God expects us to sow little seeds here and there.  God comes to you in your busyness.  Remember Amos – he was following after the herds when God called him.  Moses was leading the sheep out in the desert when God spoke from the burning bush.  David was a shepherd boy when God called him to be King of Israel.  Abraham’s servant went looking for a wife for Isaac when the very woman God had planned came out to meet him.  “I being on the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brethren.” (Genesis 24 verse 27)  Saul met Samuel and became the first king of Israel but how did Samuel find him?  All because the donkeys had escaped.  Keep your ear open to God.  Gideon had gone out on this particular night to gather in some wheat.  God came to right where he was.  Commentators say that this angel was in fact Christ pre incarnate.  God was in Gideon’s midst that night.  Remember the 2 on the road to Emmaus.  There were down in spirit, but Jesus drew alongside them.  In the gospels we read of a woman bound for years.  Sabbath after sabbath she came and listened to the word of God.  One day Jesus came to where she was.  He released her from her bondage.  Her wait was worth it all.  In Acts 12 Peter was arrested and put into prison.  It was probably a dark place to be in.  It was damp and cold.  There were soldiers standing guard on the cell.  There was no way of escape.  But in that city, there was a prayer meeting going on in a house.  As they prayed God came into that dungeon.  Peter’s chains fell off, the door to the cell and the prison house opened and Peter walked out.  God is working even today.  Gideon had a certain amount of fear.  Isaiah 43 verse 2 “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”


The barriers Gideon faced – verse 13 “And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.  Remember Moses – he questioned his speech and ability to speak to Pharaoh.  Jeremiah claimed he was only a child when God called him.  “But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, `I am only a child. ' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.  God is with us.  He will not forsake us nor let us down.


The benefits that Gideon received – verse 16 – “The Lord answered, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive."  Remember Samuel in the temple.  All he did was open and close the doors each day and attended to the needs of Eli.  God would raise him up to be the greatest prophet in Israel.  Moses was 80 years of age when God spoke to him at the burning bush.  Caleb asked for his own land at 84 years of age.  God would be with Gideon.  He was with the Children of Israel throughout their wilderness wanderings. He said to Moses “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest [by bringing you and the people into the promised land].” And Moses said to Him, “If Your presence does not go [with me], do not lead us up from here. (Exodus 3 verses 14 to 16)

Monday, 24 April 2023

How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?






Verse 3 “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?”  What does this salvation do tonight?  It changes our lives.  From the moment you believe on Christ and take him as Saviour and Lord it will break the power of sin and set you on your way to heaven and home.  Jesus sets a goal for us tonight whether in our talk, our witness, our lives, our preaching.  John said “if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself.”  The word “lift” has a double meaning.  It certainly means being lifted up on the cross.  That is what Jesus talked of.  When they took him from the Judgment Hall and out to Calvary, placed on a wooden cross and then was lifted up between heaven and earth.  In our preaching we must make much of the atoning death of Christ.  Yes it is good to speak of the miracles, to take time to look at Jesus’ teaching but we can speak of nothing greater, nothing more important that the death of Christ.  To Nicodemus Jesus spoke of the serpent in the wilderness.  The people began to disobey God, they complained and God allowed the serpents to come in and bite them.  That poison flowed through their veins.  God gave the remedy through the brazen serpent made and set up in the centre of the camp.  When everyone looked at the serpent they would be healed.  Jesus then said “even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”  As I point you to the Lord, wounded and bruised, hung on that middle cross.  As you gaze on him he was doing that for you.  I am inviting you now to come.  There is another thought to that word “lifted”.  It speaks of lifting up and being exalted on the throne of God.  To be king of our lives.  Is he Lord tonight?  Is he seated on the throne?  As others look on us what do they see? Hebrews was written to Christians going through a difficult time.  The writer gives a comparison – how Jesus is more superior than the angels, the law, the sacrifices, the priests.  Then the writer says “therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip.”

It is a great privilege.  The writer tells us “to the things we have heard”.  There is no greater privilege than that day when you heard the preaching of God’s own precious word in your own language.  We have some great privileges – to be born into a good family, a family of wealth, living a life of luxury.  There is nothing wrong with any of that.  Nor to have a lovely car, a lovely home, a good job but to hear the word of God is the greatest privilege of all.  God had a great love for you, to send his Son into this sin cursed world and he went to the cross of Calvary to die for you.  Do you hear the crying of his heart – “my God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?”  God pours his mercies on you tonight.  The writer to the Hebrews gives a warning – to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard.  It is one thing to hear but we must do also.  Jesus likened it to 2 men building a house.  One building on the sand, someone hearing the word and ignoring it.  The other man built on the rock and it stood firm when tests and trials came.  Your life and mine one day will go through a terrible time of testing. Only one life will endure – that which is built on the rock of Christ.  “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own self.”  We find peace with God as we do the work of God.  Acts 13 verse 1 the apostle Paul goes to the city of Antioch.  He was sitting in the synagogue when the leader said to him “if you have any words by way of exhortation say on.”  Paul gets up to preach and goes right back to the days of Egypt.  When the people came out into the wilderness there were 40 years of blessing and barriers.  When they entered into Canaan they asked for a king and Saul was appointed.  Then David became king and Christ came from his family.  He told how Christ died on the cross. God raised him from the dead.  Those hearing him that day asked Paul to preach again the following Sabbath.  They were so interested they wanted him again and again.  When he went in to the synagogue the following Sunday “the whole city came together to hear the word of God.”  They were interested in the things of God, the word of God.  They didn’t want it to slip by.  Do not let the word of God slip by.  You need to be saved. 

The great promise.  Eternal life.  The salvation of God for the soul of man.  Don’t let these things slip by you.  Seize it tonight.  Apply it to your heart.  In that great chapter of Romans 10 Paul describes the means of God’s salvation.  Verse 13 – what an invitation that is.  Have you called on the Lord tonight?  Upon him in truthfulness?  If you have you will be saved.  Don’t let the devil fool you out of that.  “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  Paul takes up this theme in Romans 10 “how shall they be saved if they don’t hear.”  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  It is the mercy of God that gives us the opportunity to spend all eternity with him.  Paul was speaking to Timothy about the privilege of his home life.  He had a godly grandmother who loved the Lord.  He also had a godly mother as well.  That makes a difference in the home.  We have to pray for the next generation.  These 2 people prayed and taught Timothy – “continue in those things you have learned, from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures.”  Through the hearing of God’s word we can enter into God’s salvation.  Many will not hear the word of God, will not be invited to come to the cross to look to Christ to be saved.  “All scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable for reproof, for instruction.”  What an opportunity we have tonight to hear the word of God.  Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China.  He was asked by a man who had been converted through one of his meetings “how long has England had this message?”  Hudson replied “we have known the gospel for hundreds of years.”  That man said “my father sought out the truth for 20 years and died without it, why did you not come sooner?”  That promise could be yours tonight.  Remember when you were at school and it came to the end of the year when there was a prize day.  The promise of God is available now.

The great peril.  To let it slip by. Simply to hear about God’s salvation then to let it slip away.  The Philippian jailer said to Paul “what must I do to be saved?”  Sometimes we can take the idea that there is nothing we can do and rightly so.  Paul told him “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  Believe on the penalty he paid.  The price was great but that is all we need.  Remember the man on the cross beside Jesus.  The man who turned from his abusive tongue who realised he was dying in his sins.  He looks to Jesus and says “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.”  In Acts 10 we read of Cornelius.  A Roman centurion.  The message came right to where he was – on his hands and knees pleading for God’s salvation.  An angel came and told him to send for Peter in Joppa and he will tell you words whereby you might be saved.

The greatest problem.  If you allow this to slip away from you, from what he has done for you, what a problem you have because there is no plan B.  Have you grasped what God has done for you?  Or are you going to let it slip?  The picture is here of a boat not properly fastened to its moorings.  Letting something slip from your hands.  Like snow falling from a roof of a house.  You can let this message slip with heavenly consequences.  Think of the 2 men in Luke chapter 16.  One was a rich man and the other a poor man.  The rich man died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment.  Think of all the privileges he had.  He had the word of God in his own house and had a godly presence in the beggar lying at his gate.  Yet he ended up in hell.  You can do the same because you have let the gospel slip.

The Glory of the Cross





This was a letter Paul did not want to write.  It is in fact a letter no Pastor would care to write.  He is writing to a church that has moved itself away from the spiritual experiences they had when Paul was present.  They were going into a backslidden state and didn’t see it.  As we think of Easter we are always thinking of the cross, Jesus riding into Jerusalem with people shouting and praising God.  Within a week he was crucified, his hands and feet nailed to the wooden cross and a crown of thorns was placed on his head.  Jesus knew all about it before it happened and he did it all for you and I this morning.  As we come together we dare not allow ourselves to get moved away from the cross.  It is the foundation of Paul’s life and the church in Galatia.  Is it the foundation of your life and mine?  Verse 6 Paul is speaking of the preaching of the cross.  We read here about every man proving his own work.  Paul gets down to the reason for his letter.  Here’s a people, a church gradually moving away.  What a message the gospel is.  John 3 verse 16.  Chapter 5 verse 7 “ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?”  Moving away from the position of the church.  False teachers came in taking people away gradually, wanted to draw them back to the keeping of the law.  Paul says in verse 14 “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. 

Paul gloried in the planning of the cross.  Do you glory in what God has done for you?  Have you stopped today to ask yourself ‘if God has allowed you to open your eyes on this glorious morning why has he given you the desire to be in the house of God today?’  The planning of the cross was not made in any government office but devised in the splendours of heaven, in the heart and mind of God.  We are not thinking of the relic of the cross, the wooden structure of the cross.  Thinking of the more profound meaning of the atonement paid.  The only person who could pay that price was the Lord.  He sent his son sent into the world to die for you and I.  The Roman Centurion at the shadow of the cross was given his orders to make sure Jesus was scourged and beaten.  He carried out his orders to the last word.  There on that middle cross Jesus’ hands and feet were hammered to the tree and he was lifted up between heaven and earth.  As the Roman Centurion looked on the Lord he said “surely this was the Son of God.”  Paul could say “he that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8 verse 32 Peter said “who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.” (1 Peter 1 verse 20)  Heaven gave the very best it had to offer – the Lord Jesus Christ.  The heart of God the loving Father who gave his only son and watched him die on Calvary.  It cost my Saviour his life.  Galatians 2 verse 20 “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.”  The word crucified means to be dead to everything but alive unto Christ.  In chapter 3 verse 1 Paul paints the picture of the Lord Jesus hanging on the cross.  In verse 13 we see the payment of Christ.  Chapter 4 verse 5 says Christ came “to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”  In chapter 5 verse 11 we see the price that the believer is paying and again in verse 24.  In chapter 6 verses 12 to 14 Paul says he will glory in God’s plan.  God wasn’t caught out when sin came into the world.  The Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world.  In Acts 17 for 3 Sabbath days Paul went in to the synagogue in Thessalonica.  We are told that he “reasoned with them out of the scriptures, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you is Christ.”  He added one verse onto another building a picture of what God’s plan of salvation is in a lost eternity.  There will be those who will be thinking back to when the plan was laid out before them regretting not acting on it.  Paul said the Passover involved sacrificing year after year until Jesus himself died on the cross.  The lamb was the central figure.  In Exodus 12 the firstborn was to die.  Pharaoh hardened his heart at every plague until the last when the firstborn would die in every house.  God told them to take the lamb out from the flock, keep it for 4 days.  It couldn’t be offered if there was any blemish on it.  That lamb had to be slain and the blood taken, poured into a basin then applied to the doorposts.  “When I see the blood I will pass over.”  We are talking here of the plan of God for all eternity.  I can imagine those homes in Egypt that night when the father would run in to see if his firstborn is still alive.  There would be crying and weeping in another home as no blood had been applied and the firstborn was dead.  Imagine the eyes of one man closing his eyes in death and spending eternity in a lost eternity. 

Paul says I will glory in the planning but also in the prospect of the cross.  When Paul presented this message there was no prospect.  It became a stumbling block to them.  People living by the law.  When Paul came he preached the gospel of grace.  The only way to receive a gift is by taking it.  The Jews were looking for a strong mighty deliverer who would redeem them from their enemies.  They could not imagine the cross as being the redemption.  It was the worst possible death imagined and yet Jesus did it because of our sin.  Peter says a stone of stumbling, a rock of defence.  “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”  The cross is still a stumbling block to many but it is the only way.  God says it is by the foolishness of preaching that men are saved.  The taking away of sin is what you and I need.  It is not turning over a new leaf, trying to do better.  The only way is through Christ.

We glory also in the power of the cross.  These people were turning back to the law but there is no power in the law.  James in his book says the pulpit is intended to be the pedestal of the cross.  Paul said to Timothy “preach the word; be instant in season, out of season.” (2 Timothy 4 verse 2)  He also said “I came not to baptise but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” (1 Corinthians 1 verse 17)  The cross has to be the foundation of our lives, of our church, if not it is just a gathering of people.

Suffering for Christ




“For Christ also hath once suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.”

As Peter writes his epistle you will notice suffering is mentioned quite often.  He talks about the suffering of the Christian and then the suffering of Christ.  The suffering of Christ is more important to focus on and that is not making light of the Christian’s suffering.  Peter is trying to encourage those people who were suffering both physically and verbally.  It has been said that Nero was one of the greatest persecutors of Christians in the Roman empire.  He once threw a party which was held late into the night.  His servants asked him where they would get light at that time of the night.  Nero reportedly said “the Christians proclaim to be the light of the world so have them crucified and hung on a pole, then cover them with tar and set them alight.  That is what they did.  A horrendous thing, indescribable yet they suffered not because they were guilty of any rebellion against the Roman Empire but simply because they were followers of Christ.  Persecuted because they were faithful to the gospel of Christ.  Verse 8 “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.”  We are told not to render evil for evil, to be courteous to those around us, to show something of the love of God.  These people preached the unsearchable riches of Christ.  No doubt times were hard.  But no matter what storms or suffering we are going through we need to keep on believing Jesus is near.  These sufferings were real, the veracity of persecution was horrendous.  Peter says keep on going on.  “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (verse 15)  Peter then reminds them that Christ also suffered.  God knows all about our suffering.  He is not blind to what we are going through.  He has promised he will never leave us nor forsake us.  Our suffering is in the will and purpose of God.  “For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing.” (verse 17)  Why would it be good for a man or a woman to suffer persecution?  To spread the gospel.  God scattered the early church believers that they might take the gospel with them.  Romans 8 verse 28.  Chapter 2 verse 21 “For even hereunto were ye called; because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.”  Christ’s sufferings are not only for encouragement but for an example.  We need to look unto Jesus, to focus on him.  Hebrews 12 verse 2 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  This is the context in which Peter is trying to encourage this people to fill their hearts and minds with the cross of Christ.

The person – “For Christ”.  Who is Christ?  We know that the word Christ means anointed one.  He is the one who left the splendours of heaven and came down to this sin filled earth.  Christ is the anointed one.  Peter introduces himself straight away.  A direct connection between who he is and what he has accomplished on Calvary.  Why does the Christian look to the cross – for salvation and why does he look to Christ?  For sanctification through him.  We are separated from the world, set apart unto God of heaven.  These people saw tremendous value in the worth of Christ on the cross.  Lets not only focus on the cross but on the person of Christ, God’s anointed prophet, priest and king.  He gives permanence and pre-eminence to ourselves.  God incarnate, God manifested in the flesh.  “He is the God of glory”, “he is the brightest of God’s glory and the express image of his person.” (Hebrews 1 verse 3)  Isaiah 6 “in the year King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord.”  Isaiah had a vision of the glory of God in the temple in that year.  The people didn’t know where to turn.  Isaiah gets a vision of heaven in the temple.  John 12 verse 40 and 41 “I beheld his glory”.  The glory of Jehovah is seen in the Old Testament and in the new it is the glory of Jesus.  As we look at the cross of Christ we are looking at the one who God manifested in the flesh that he might destroy the works of the devil.  Who is he really? He is the only begotten of the father.  1 Timothy 3 verse 16 “great is the ministry of godliness.”  John 1 verse 14 “the world became flesh and dwelt amongst us.”  Christ the Lord of Lords and king of kings.  The preaching of the cross must include the person of God. To them that perish it is foolishness but unto us that believe it is the power of God unto salvation.  To preach Christ on its own would be wrong.  The apostle Paul said “we preach Christ and him crucified.”  Without that element it becomes another gospel.  The person who was born of the virgin Mary is not emphasised enough today.  We have got to preach the person of Christ, the one who is sovereign in eternity past is still sovereign today.  He is the God of glory.  He is the same yesterday today and forever.  Stop and think of the one on the cross, the anointed one to be prophet, priest and king.

The passion of Christ – “also hath once suffered on the cross”.  Read through 1 Peter and you will see suffering is mentioned 7 times and of course the number 7 is a sign of perfection.  It is mentioned in chapter 1 verse 11, chapter 2 verses 21 and 23, chapter 3 verse 18, chapter 4 verse 13 and chapter 5 verse 1.  The suffering of Christ commenced at his birth.  He left behind all the glory in heaven and came down into the world, he was despised and rejected, to enter into the world full of sin. That they would reject him and despise him.  His life was threatened on many occasions.  He knew what it was to be hungry.  He was tempted for 40 days in the wilderness without food.  The people wanted to stone him, to put him to death, people said he was doing things against God.  We see him in Pilate’s hall, the soldiers flogging him, striking him.  He was in agony.  Then he was taken out and hung on a cross for 3 hours.  A holy God took over.  God laid on him the iniquity of us all.  He made him to be sin for us that we might understand the righteousness of God.  These were the sufferings of Christ in the physical sense but he also suffered in his soul.  Imagine the anguish and mental sufferings of Christ.  His sufferings were unique.  We understand that thousands of people were crucified at the time of Jesus but his sufferings were unique because he was God manifested in the flesh.  The wrath of sin was poured on him.  It pleased the Lord to let him suffer because there was no other way to save us. God spared not his son but gave him up.  Notice the words “once suffered”.  It was once for all. When he had endured all that he sat down at the right hand of God.  The sacrifice was made, finished, never to be repeated again.  Sin had separated us from God.  Romans 5 verse 12 “wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”  “God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.”  A payment due to a broken law.  It was all in the will and purpose of God, planned before the foundations of the world.  Christ submitted himself to the will and purpose of God, he was willing to pay the debt.

The perfection of Christ – “the just for the unjust”.  That word “just” means holy and righteous.  Whenever Christ was before Pilate his wife said “have nothing to do with this just man”.  He never did anything wrong in his life.  Focus on Christ today. He also suffered and more than we could ever imagine.  Ecclesiastes 7 verse 20 “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not.”  Christ came from heaven and was absolutely perfect, free from sin.  Christ was able not to sin and able to sin.

The propitiation of Christ – he died the just for the unjust.  1 John 4 verse 9 “in this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God send his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him.”  The doctrine of substitution cannot be separated.  He died in your place.  He paid a price for me.  It is up to God what he does with that life.  Our sins have separated us.  Isaiah 9 verse 12.  We needed someone to stand in our place, to take upon himself our sin.  “God has made him to bear that sin for us … that we might be manifested.”  He was being made sin, that we might be made righteous in God.  Think of his substitution – Christ stood in my place.

The purpose of Christ – “that he might bring us to God.”  That is the reason for Calvary.  We come to Christ as sinners.  You can look back to the moment when you received Christ as Saviour.  Christ brings us to God, now we are children of God.  Christ has saved us, Christ has delivered us from our sin.  He has made us fit to come into the presence of God.  He is our mediator.  We need Christ to bring us to God.  Not only into the presence of God but into the glory of God.  You cannot come by your own religion, Christ must bring you.  In Luke 17 and the lost sheep we see that the sheep could never come to the shepherd because it was lost.  If you think of the greatest relationship of this world it is beyond money and price.  If only the rich man would realise what it means to be saved and it is available to everyone.

The power of Christ – “being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit.”  Whilst we focus on the cross we need to also focus on the resurrection.  The Lord was able to take his life again.  The power of the cross is seen in the resurrection.  Chapter 2 verse 21.  What we are suffering in this world is mild compared to what he has suffered.  We simply come to the cross of Christ as sinners and he will bring us to God and give us the power of his resurrection.



Sunday, 23 April 2023

The challenge of Gideon




There are just some books of the bible were you feel a real challenge.  Think of the many characters - Moses, Joshua, Caleb and even Gideon.  We never fail to be challenged.  We always get challenged through the story of Gideon.  Think of the impossible task he was given. We can see the hand of God in Gideon's life.  Some unthinkable tasks.  Think of Moses - when he came to the Red Sea he was looking out before him and then behind.  The Egyptians were ready to bring them back into harsh labour and bondage.  There was only one way to move forward - to step into the Sea.  He had to trust the God of heaven, to divide the Sea.  An impossible task he could see before him.  Maybe you are facing an impossible task today - in your family, to see people saved, in your work to live for Christ.  Think of Mary.  She was told she would have a child.  An impossible task.  The child she would bear would be of the Holy Ghost.  With God all things are possible.  Think of the disciples, the young man who came to Jesus and walked away again.  The disciples asked "who then can be saved?"  As we watch people today doing their every day tasks we wonder how they will ever be saved.  Jesus said to his disciples "with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible."  "Now unto him that is able to exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3 verse 20)  Let us take a look at the impossible task Gideon was given.  Gideon's little band.  Before we get to that let us look at the conflict that started it all off.  The circumstances around them.  The invitation.  The work of the enemy.  The devil seeking a foothold in your life, in every fellowship.  Every man or woman born again of the Spirit of God.  The devil seeks to get in.  He cannot do it on his own.  He has no authority over you and me.  

First look at the permission that is granted to the enemy.  God granted permission for the enemy to come against the children of God "and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian 7 years."  God is not mocked today  The scriptures tell us "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6 verse 7)  The victory of Deborah and Barak over Sisera was all past.  Some 47 years before God raised these 2 up to fight against Sisera.  They had a great victory but the people turned from God.  They got complacent and became lax in their way of life.  A persecuted believer once said "don't pray that God would stop the persecution but rather pray that God will give us liberty and boldness to preach the word of God."  The people got into a complacent way of living.  Verse 25 Joash his father had an idol to Baal in his home.  Gideon had to go into his father's house and destroy that idol.  God can take those least expected to do a work for him.  Moses was 80 years of age.  The sinful woman at the well - through her great revival came to that area.  This was the cycle here in the life of Israel.  They would go through a time of blessing and peace, then of course Israel would turn away and do evil, they would turn their backs on the God of heaven.  Then God would punish them by another nation.  Israel would cry out and repent and then delivery would come.  Israel would turn from the Lord and the cycle would begin again  Judges 21 verse 25  "In those days there was no king in Israel;  every man did that which was right in their own eyes."  Remember what they said of Jesus "we will not have this man to reign over us." (Luke 19 verse 14)  People don't like the ritual of someone telling them what they should do with their lives.  Midian was subtle.  The elders of Midian and Israelites joined forces when they came out of Egypt.  Together they asked Balaam to come and curse the people for them.  Now we find they have come with all their might and power.  Because of their evil God had taken the restraining hand off.  Let's be careful we don't give way to the enemy in any shape or form or fashion.  We cannot give him a foothold in the church today.

The presence that caused panic to set in.  Israel had lost her peace because they had fallen into the wrong places.  Deborah and Barak were great leaders, great victory had been won over the enemy.  Now they had gone back into their old ways.  Verse 2.  See the panic, they were running and hiding away, cowering away.  Verse 10  the peace was taken away, a panic had set in.  The panic took them away from God.  "The fear of man bringeth a snare but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." Proverbs 29 verse 25  Israel had gone back from God.  Fear in heart and running into dens and caves.  No match for the enemy.  It was the fear of man that caused Peter to walk afar off.  Separated from the Saviour led him to deny the Lord.  Peter said he would be the first to die for the Lord.  The fear of those sitting around him brought panic to his mind.  Pilate in the Judgment Hall said "I cannot find any fault in this man." (Luke 23 verse 4)  Herod was the same.  His wife said she had a dream about him.  The fear of man takes over.  Fear comes whenever we get our eyes off the Lord.  We think we are big enough in our own right.  We read the bible ad say "that doesn't apply to me".  Fear comes to us.  Isaiah 26 verse 3"thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee."  Hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 "let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith."  When the Children of Israel walked around Jericho the ark of the Lord was in the midst. 

The power of the enemy - verses 3 - 5.  It was that time of the year when the harvest was being brought in.  The Midianites came up and destroyed the land, their flocks and camels.  They were without number.  They entered into the land to destroy it.  The Children of Israel looked down into the valley and could see this mighty army coming.  We should never underestimate the power of the devil.  Never give him too much credence.  Don't look for him everywhere.  He is limited in his power.  He is still under the control of God. Today we might stand against him.  Ephesians 6 verse 11 "put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."  The word "wiles" means a strategy, a plan.  The devil is always changing his plans to come against us.  We thought about him when he came with subtlety and asked Balaam to curse the people of God.  Now they came as a force.  Maybe he comes with the claim of another person, truthfulness of another person just to get into fellowship then he comes with great persecution.  He came into the presence of God in the days of Job.  He was monitoring Job's life, could see God put a hedge around him. He asked to be let in.  He told God "if you do he will curse you."  This man there is none like him.  The devil wanted into his life, to bring him down and he thought he would curse God.  Don't let the devil ask permission to get into your life.  For the band of disciples, Jesus told them "Satan hath desired to have you but I have prayed for you."  We have a subtle enemy.  We need to take care of our words.  We have to be careful because our words can affect so many people.

The poverty the enemy caused.  The enemy came when the crop was on the ground.  To cause destruction and ultimately poverty - verse 6.  Remember the story of the Prodigal Son - he ended up impoverished.  The devil wanted to do that with the disciples, to sift the wheat and take the good out of it.  The devil wants to do that today.

The prayer that ascends.  When the enemy came in after 7 years they cried unto the Lord.  For 7 years they suffered.  Verse 7 this is the background to the story of Gideon.  God was going to use Gideon in this situation.

Sunday, 16 April 2023





Warren Wiersbe asked in his commentary “I am a Christian, why?”  Then he asked a further question – how would you answer that?  If you had to fill in as a response, what would you say?  1 Thessalonians 1 shows that the people wrote to the apostle Paul asking questions.  They were doubting their salvation.  They needed that bit of assurance.  Many today have different perceptions of what being a Christian is.  It is important we get a good grasp of our salvation to be able to answer that question.  It is not because of good works, church attendance, reading your bible or saying your prayers.  Was there a moment, a day when you knelt at the foot of the cross, seen what Christ done for you, accepted him as Saviour and Lord?  At that moment you trusted and depended on him from then on.


Paul speaks here of a revelation of the gospel.  It is through the foolishness of preaching that men and women are saved.  Verse 5 shows how the gospel came unto you.  The salvation of man begins in the heart of God.  In Psalm 40 the Psalmist was in the pit of despair, nothing solid for his feet to stand on, no-one cared for his soul.  He lifted up his voice and God heard him from where he was, and God lifted him from the miry clay.  God reaches down to where we are in our lostness and saves our precious soul.  Jonah in the bottom of the fish’s belly could only cry out.  Salvation is of the Lord, not of a preacher or a church.  Salvation is of the Lord.  Only he can give salvation.  He reaches to man in his sin.  Sinful man is blinded by the world.  Remember how it was for Nicodemus.  He was a very religious and devout man.  He made his way to Christ.  Everyone would have said he was on his way to heaven.  He would preach in the synagogue.  What did he say to Jesus?  “We know thou art a teacher come from God for no man can these things.”  He had begun to study the teachings of Christ.  Maybe he even followed him watching the many miracles he performed, listened to his teaching.  He was interested in hearing what Jesus had to say.  Before we can be saved there has to be a revelation of the gospel.  God’s own son came into this world, grew up among men, suffered at the hands of religious leaders, was tried and convicted by Pilate, was crucified and died on the cross of Calvary.  In Acts 17 we read the history of this church.  Paul when he came to Thessalonica entered into the synagogue for 3 Sabbath days and expounded the word of God.  That means he reasoned with them out of the scriptures.  He showed them their great need.  Paul emphasized the death of Christ not with wisdom of words less the cross of Christ be made of no effect.  After 2000 years it is still the same.  Colossians 1 verse 5.  The gospel comes to you today.  Paul says to this church that they could look back to that day when they bowed the knee and took Christ as Saviour.


A receiving of the truth.  The revelation of the gospel alone doesn’t save.  When they heard the gospel, it brought them to a place of decision.  They must do something with this Christ.  Acts 2 – when Peter got to his feet and preached the gospel, how Christ came into the world and died on the cross then was resurrected from the dead.  As he preached something happened.  A stirring of the Holy Ghost.  When they heard it, they cried out “what must we do to be saved?”  They knew they must do something.  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 13.  This is God and his word.  These believers heard the word and received it.  What happened in the synagogue on those 3 Sabbath days in Acts 17?  Verse 4 “some of them believed.”  Here’s this man in front of them opening up the scriptures, taking them back to Calvary.  The once for all sacrifice, warning their souls of the need to be saved.  Some believed while others didn’t.  Not all were saved.  There was a dividing line in the synagogue in those days.  There were those crying out for God’s salvation.  Those who would rise up and leave the synagogue unsaved, untouched.  Maybe they were stirred in their heart.  The devil would have persuaded them that they didn’t need to do anything.  Have we received the truth that day when we heard the gospel?  That we needed to be saved.  Did we receive that truth that came that would save our souls?  Remember the parable of the wheat and tares.  The servants told the master that tares had come up through the wheat.  The master said the enemy did this.  The servants asked what they should do, should they pull them up?  No, the master said because the good wheat might come up as well.  He told them to let both grow together and when they harvested the wheat they would separate the tares to be burned.  Have you received the gospel message?  Do you think that if you read your bible, do good works, go to church that is all you need?  Yes, we may acknowledge the truth, but do we apply it?  John Wesley was a religious and devout man, a minister in the Church of England, preached the word of God but didn’t believe that Jesus died for him.  Have we received it?


There is a rejection of the past.  Verse 9 – in the darkness of the synagogue they had engaged in the worship of angels and statues but when they received the truth, they rejected those idols and put their faith in Christ.  Was there a time when the gospel was revealed to you?  That you needed to be saved, did you set it to one side, or did you receive it?  These are the signs of a true conversion.  Once we are saved there is a turning.  Moses when living as the son of Pharoah’s daughter had such a good life but there came a day of decision when he refused to be called the son of Pharoah’s daughter.  He left behind the education, religiosity, riches, and pleasures.  He rejected it all.  The woman at the well came out and met Jesus.  She left her water pot behind and went to the city and told everyone “come see a man who told me all things ever I did, is not this the Christ?”  Letting go and following after Christ.


A radical change of life.  They left their idols to serve the living God and to wait for his son.  “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, all things have become new.”  The sign of a true conversion is that a person is saved by grace and has the assurance of faith in Christ.


Sunday, 9 April 2023

The women who came to the tomb on the first resurrection morning



MARK 16 VERSES 1 - 9

We look back to the Sunday previously, Palm Sunday, as Jesus entered into Jerusalem, as prophesied in the Old Testament scriptures.  He watched the crowd coming out singing "Hosanna to the Lord".  The people were throwing down their clothes before him.  The week concludes with the betrayal and rejection of the Lord Jesus.  When he was presented to them they hardened their hearts.  They turned him over to the Roman authorities and Pilate to be sentenced and crucified.  Rejected, crucified, buried, risen again.  Let us look at the women folk here and the task they undertook.  As we come to the house of God we are reminded of that opening to the leading of the Lord, doing something for the master.  They wanted to anoint his body.

There was a hunger for the work - verse 2 "very early in the morning".  I am sure this was the saddest weekend of their lives.  The darkest of all.  They were up early because of the task they wanted to do.  They gathered all up and set off for the tomb.  The only thing on their mind was the Lord their Saviour.  They were here on the first Lord's day.  Their thoughts and plans were to go to the tomb.  If you had talked to Mary about their situation that day I am sure she would have said her heart was broken.  None the less they wanted to serve the Lord.  It didn't matter how dark the previous days were they still wanted to serve the Lord with all their hearts.  They only wanted to embalm the body of Christ.  We have got to keep in our minds that we have come into his house to glorify the God of heaven, the one who loved us.  Never get our eyes off that.  He loved us even when we were in sin, total rebellion, when the gospel was starting to dawn on our souls.  This morning we have so much to glorify God for.  This was something they could do for the Lord.  They were looking into the empty tomb.  Here they were going to the tomb with spices, they wanted to embalm the body of Christ. The great plan of God was to send his son into the world for a lost mankind.  His son would die for the worlds sins.  He wanted to save you through that death.  On the third day his body was gone.  Have we come with the work of God on our minds?  As these women left their homes only one thought on their mind - to glorify God.  Saul of Tarsus had different thoughts on his mind.  He was a devout, religious man with no experience of salvation.  He had all the religion growing up.  He was brought up in a good home, taught the scriptures but had no inward experience of salvation.  Acts 26 "I verily thought within myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.".  The only thought he had in his mind was to do everything contrary to Jesus Christ.  He hated that name and those people who followed him.  One morning he set out for Jerusalem, just like these women.  He wanted to put people into prison, those who believed in Christ's name.  He was "breathing out slaughter".  After his great transformation in Galatians 1 verse 20 "he that persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed."  That is the work of God.  That is the work of grace.  If the gospel of saving grace doesn't make a change in our lives there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away bitterness there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away self ego there is something wrong.  If it doesn't take away hatred there is something wrong.  If it doesn't change the character of a person there is something wrong.  The world to day sets out to destroy the work of God but we need to take our stand for the things of God, to get into the place of prayer, worship, service and work for God

The harmony for the walk.  These women had been busy preparing the spices.  I am sure they talked together, planned it all together, agreed to make their way to the tomb.  There was one thought in their mind - all for the glory of God.  That is a tremendous thing.  Amos 3 verse 3 "can two walk together except they be agreed?"   Remember the man who had 4 friends who brought him to Jesus.  The man couldn't walk.  His friends had such compassion for him that they lifted him and put him on a stretcher and carried him.  What unity and harmony they had.  When they came to the house Jesus was in they couldn't get near Jesus.  They decided to let him down through the roof.  The only thing they wanted was to see their friend walking again.  They removed the roof and lowered the man down.  Jesus saw the 4 friends faith and said to the man "take up thy bed and walk."  I would rather be one of the 4 as opposed to the multitude around the house.  Working in harmony.  Mary Magdalene was with the women that day - she was the one from whom Jesus cast out 7 devils.  Remember the little boy with a demon inside him?  The demon would take him and cast him into the water or the fire.  What joy and gladness came into Mary's heart when the Lord delivered her.  She wanted to follow him completely.  She was celebrating what Jesus had done for her.  Is that what we want too?  Imagine if you had never been saved.  Where might you be today?  Maybe in a lot Christless eternity thinking of all the opportunities missed.  Acts 2 "and all the believers were together and had all things common."  Here they were on a mission together.  We are just part of the church of Jesus Christ.  We need to be in harmony.  Think of the disciples in the gospels.  Jesus knew there was a dispute among them one day as they were walking to Capernaum.  He didn't have to hear the things they said.  He knew what was going on in their minds.  When he came into the house he asked them what was wrong, what they were arguing about on the road but thy held their peace.  They were disputing which one was the greatest among them. 

There is the hindrance that worried them.  Verse 3 they were watching as Jesus had died, they followed Joseph and Nicodemus as they took him to the tomb.  They saw the stone rolled over the tomb door.  How can they serve the Lord with this obstacle? It didn't stop them.  Don't let hindrances stop you.  The devil can conjure up all sorts of thoughts.  This woman's imaginations were running away with them.  I am sure the devil tried to persuade them to return home.  These women were thinking of the stone.  We can over think things when we come to the word of God.  Think of Joshua and the walls of Jericho.  Never could he have imagined that a week after looking at those large slabs of wall would those stones fall flat.  We need to take the step toward the difficulty.  Remember Joshua and the people crossing the waters to cross into Canaan.  God told them clearly that when they stepped into the waters they would part.  Joshua had to take the first step.  When the little boy came with the loaves and fishes I am sure they thought "what is this among so many people?"  When it was handed to Jesus it was plenty to feed everyone present.  Are we prepared to put the hindrances into God's hands?  What is the obstacle before you?  Remember Jacob when he was planning to meet Esau his brother.  The last time they had been together Jacob had robbed him of his birthright.  He was sure Esau would kill him now.  He broke his family into different sections , he sent a gift on ahead of him but Esau came out to meet him with open arms.

The honesty of their witness.  When the women saw the stone rolled away they went and told the disciples.