I am sure many of you will look back at the foundation of this church. From humbling beginnings and hopeful expectations that God would do great and mighty things. No doubt you will also have seen the progression of the work and I am sure you can say "the Lord has done great things for us." The necessity of building for time and for eternity - what are you building your life on? For time or for eternity? The Lord here brings us face to face with 2 builders. Both had the desire to build a house. From the outside it looked good. From the outside they made many difference choices. When the storm came it put the 2 builders and the 2 buildings to the test. One could not stand the force and collapsed, the other stood through the storm. Why did this happen? Nothing to do with the external looks. The difference was in the foundation. One was very wise and made wise choices, he made sure his house was built on the rock. A sure foundation. He knew his house would last. He had to have a sure foundation so that when floods came it would stand. The other was foolish. The decisions he made resulted in the downfall of his house. Jesus told many stories in his ministry. Some listened and others did not. He likened those who listened to the wise builder and those who didn't to the builder whose house collapsed. Is my life like one of those builders? Am I listening? Am I building for time and for eternity?
The wise builder. Before he did anything he thought very carefully of the consequence of his actions. He wanted his building to stand the test of time. He made a decision to have a firm base to rest on. The foundation would be unseen but he thought of the very essence and substance of his home. He had to have a firm foundation to endure the elements of nature. He did everything possible to stop it being washed or blown away. When the wind did come and blew against his home it stood because it had a good foundation. Verse 25. This wise building is a picture of the wise man who builds his life upon God. A good foundation. He is not shunning good advice. What about you? Have you been wise? Have you thought hard about future days? The brevity of life? Wise preparation must be made for the great eternity. James 4 verse 14. One day we will die. If we die having laid a good foundation in this life it will be absent from the body and present with the Lord. If you want to live for all eternity in heaven we must make sure our life is based on a good foundation. What are you building your life on today? Are you building on the affairs of your life or a solid foundation? There is a solid rock where people can stand on, for those who have put their faith and trust in Christ. Are we standing on a solid foundation in everything? It is possible that your faith will stand? The redeemer has opened the way to a lasting foundation at the place called Calvary. Have you put your trust upon the cross? Jesus the creator of all things has laid the only foundation that will last for time and eternity. You must ask yourself "am I standing on this foundation?" You might have great respect for the things of God, are an attender in the house of God but are still not standing on the firm foundation. No works of righteousness will save us. It is only the mercy of God. Titus 3 verse 5. You cannot reject the rock Christ Jesus and expect to get into heaven. The only thing that will matter when your life is over is that you have placed your whole life on the true foundation. Have you done that? Are you saved? Are you standing on the rock Christ Jesus? Could you say "my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness ... all other ground is sinking sand"? The man built his house on the rock. Be wise, come to the rock Christ Jesus.
The foolish builder. How foolish. He never stopped to think of the consequences of his actions. Why was he not wise like the builder who built so near to him? Why did he not take a look at the decisions of the wise builder? He was foolish in his actions. He was full of his own ideas. He thought his house was untouchable, If you are building on a sinking foundation so near an individual that is building on the sure foundation. As you live your life for the temporal you are watching someone living that life for the eternal. You see them witnessing for the Lord, see yourself without hope. You see that person singing the hymns with joy, for you it does not touch you, you are unmoved. Through the preaching of God's word the unwise watch the wise make the right decisions but they continue to make the wrong decisions. Think on that as you observe the life of that saved person with that life of yours. Would that not compel you to make the right decision? How tragic to be so near for time and yet so far for eternity. How awful to be an observer of everything that is lovely but end up in a lost eternity. Don't continue to be an observer. Go through the familiarity, come to the rock Christ Jesus. Experience his salvation for yourself. As far as the world was concerned he was wise in all he did. The foolish man lives for the present and self. There is a big bad world out there that would encourage you to live for self and for the here and now. The world will never encourage you to stop building for self and start building for eternity but don't heed the voice of the world, don't go with the flow. I wonder are you just living for the here and now? Are you going with the flow? Listening to the world's voice? How foolish to be so engrossed in the present that you make no preparation for the future. They had the same opportunity. Nothing stopping him from counting the cost or building in the right place. The foolish man made the choice to build on sinking sand. He made a choice with regard for the rest of his life. How many are doing the same tonight. Many are given many occasions to put their trust in the rock Christ Jesus, refusing to do so. Could it be that you are one of them? You have been given opportunity after opportunity to come to the Lord but you are refusing. There is nothing stopping you from receiving the Lord. All obstacles have been removed but still you are not saved. You are rejecting the only foundation, the only Saviour who could save you from a lost eternity. The decision was irreversible. He crossed a line. He could not change the bad choice he made. A bad foundation was in place. His house was built. He could now hear the wind. He could now see the rain. He could see the rising floods but it was too late. There was nothing he could do to prevent the downfall of the house when it came. Verse 27. What a tragedy. It could have been different. He could have been in the comfort of his house listening to the wind, watching the rain. Sadly he had to watch the outcome. It was away out of his control. How tragic it would be if you crossed the line and were taken from this scene of time, out into the great eternity and it was irreversible. On that great day will you be standing on a good foundation, with your faith and trust in Christ Jesus? If you are taken out into eternity will you have anything to stand on when the wind of judgment blows on you? You will crumble and fall into a lost eternity. To avoid such a prospect will you not come to the rock Christ Jesus and be sure you are standing on a firm foundation? Will you make the hymn writer's words your prayer "rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee. Let the water and the blood from thy riven side which flowed, oh be of sin the double cure, cleanse me from its guilt and power." The Saviour made mention of the fact that the fall of this foolish man's house was great - verse 27. How great will be the fall of those who die without the rock of ages. They will be sinking for ever in the ark of eternity - "for whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20 verse 15) Great will be the fall of those who do not heed the fall of those who do not build on the rock Christ Jesus. Having looked at the wise and foolish builders what are you going to do? Are you going to be wise and come to the rock Christ Jesus? Or are you going to continue to be foolish? I trust you will be wise. Jesus Christ loves you and has died for you. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven but he is coming again. When he comes will you be standing on a good foundation?
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