Sunday, 19 March 2023

The Shunammite woman



2 Kings 4 verses 8 - 17

This woman's motherhood came later on in life.  When we look at her in light of scripture there are certain characteristics we can notice and apply them to our lives today.  

The Shunammite woman - notice her spiritual description.  As the Holy Spirit looks into this home he sees a husband and wife.  She is described as "a great woman" verse 8.  In the New Testament scriptures Barnabas is referred to as "a good man".  God has his own men and women and describes them in this way.  This woman made acquaintance with Elisha on his way to Shunem.  Of all the travellers going that way this one man stands out to the woman.  In the early church the Pharisees criticised and condemned the early disciples but they could not deny "they had been with Jesus."  In the eyes of God this was a great woman.  It could have been maybe because of her wealth, riches, standing in the community.  Some times you find that attachment.  Job for instance was called the greatest of all because of his flocks and herds.  Mabe it was because of her generosity, care, love, compassion, nature, big heart and love for others.  Maybe known for hospitality, made people feel welcome in her company.  Tabitha or Dorcas in Acts died and the widows standing around her bedside were broken hearted.  This woman had been so good to them.  They held the garments she had made for them. She cared for others.  Isn't God wonderful that he could look on this woman and describe her as great because of the hospitality she showed.  Maybe for us it is the welcome we give to others as they come into the house of God.  Barnabas was sent to Antioch to see how the work progressed.  The church in Jerusalem knew Barnabas could give them the report they needed.  Why?  Because he was "a good man".  Verse 8 "she constrained him to eat bread."  She did everything in her power to get him to come into her home, just to sit down and eat a meal.  Maybe at first he was reluctant but she kept inviting, kept asking.  In Acts 16 Lydia was in the city of Philippi selling her wares.  When it came to the Sabbath day she went outside the city to a prayer meeting and heard Paul preach.  Someone came and told her about that meeting.  It is one thing to sit and pray for people to come into church but we need to have a vision to encourage people to actually come in.  Lydia went out to the riverside.  Today we are living in the last days when Jesus could come again.  We need to invite people to hear the gospel of Christ.  Luke 14 verse 23 "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled."  He wanted his servant to persuade the people to come in.  The Hebrew translation of "great" indicates she was a religious woman.  She was living a godly life, turning people to God.  What a testimony to have.

She had a spiritual discernment.  This is another spiritual quality.  She was walking in the ways of God.  She had the ability of discernment.  She could see this man walking past her house.  Something strikes a chord in her heart, she realises this is a holy man of God.  Verse 9 :she said to her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually."  Remember Eli when Samuel was in bed and God spoke to him.  Samuel ran to Eli 3 times and it was then that Eli perceived it was the Lord.  This woman perceived in her heart that this was a man of God.  She was able to identify this man's spiritual condition.  We do not have to turn ourselves into judges but we need discernment.  We need to see the spiritual need all around us.  The Christian man can be darkened.  We do not see the spiritual need all around us.  Paul in Athens looking all around him could see the many wonderful places architecturally but he was more concerned with the spiritual darkness in the hearts of the people.  They were steeped in religious ideas, worshipped the gods of wood and hay.  His heart was stirred within him.  When was the last time my heart was stirred at the thought of unsaved men and women?  People going out into a lost eternity.  Thinking of men or women closing their eyes for the final time, stepping out into God's eternity for the final time.  When was the last time our hearts were stirred to the coldness and apathy of people around us?  Paul was grieved when he saw the whole city given to idolatry.  We have lost that urgency, we are just going through the motions, attending church today.  Maybe this woman's husband never gave a second thought to Elisha's passing each day.

The spiritual development of this woman.  This woman is growing in the grace of God.  We should never stop growing in the things of God.  On each visit this woman restrained Elisha, she didn't give up.  There are people who will restrain us but we should never give up.  This woman wanted to see this man come into her home.  Don't give up on your loved ones.  Keep trusting, praying and inviting.  In verse 8 we see that Elisha was now coming into her home.  A friendship was developing.  Verse 10 "Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table and a stool, and a candlestick."   She felt there was more she could be doing.  She is developing spiritually, doing what she could.  Opening up her home to him, giving hospitality.  She felt there is more she could do.  We might invite people but maybe there is more we could do.  This woman wanted to make every effort for the Lord.  She wanted to do more. We should never get to the stage where we feel that is it, we become content.  Philippians 3 verse 13 "I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  This woman was willing to share everything she had, everything she had belonged to God.  All we have is God's.  It is only loaned to us.  Some day I will leave it all behind.  Are we striving for more?  Is God putting a finger on your life and mine that something more could be done for God to do.

A spiritual desire - verse 13.  The man of God realises what she has done.  He is so thankful.  Elisha asked if she wanted a word put to the king for her but she wanted none of that.  She was happy and contented with what she had.  Paul told us in Colossians 3 verse 17 "whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him."  If we are only looking for a clap on the back it is no use.  We want to see men and women coming into church and changed as a result of what they hear. It was said of Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 31 verse 21 "And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God and in the law and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart and prospered."  Everything should be laid on the altar for God today.

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