We are turning to this wonderful subject we have looked at on past Sunday evenings - life in the last days upon earth. What will life be like? We looked at the rapture and what it means. we thought of the signs leading up to the rapture, the promises of the rapture, the day of the rapture and last week we looked at the period after the rapture. There will be momentous days after the rapture. We want to look now down the line. What happens after the rapture has happened? 2 men will take their place on this world's centre stage - 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7. Some commentators believe that he will wield some sort of power on earth. At present the Holy Spirit is holding and restraining the enemy on this earth. When that is taken out of the world "then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the sprit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." We read of these 2 men in Revelation 13 - the beast, the antichrist himself and then the false prophet. These 2 men will rule and reign in the final days leading up to Jesus coming again. He will put down their reign. The devil will be sealed for 1000 years. What will life be like on earth from the rapture to the revelation of the antichrist? Jesus was 33 years old when he left this scene of time. Maybe it will be 30 years from the rapture until the antichrist will be revealed, we don't now.
The promotion of such a man. I see in this chapter the promotion of these 2 men. The devil is supervising their arrival. The emerging of these 2 end time leaders - verse 1 "And I (John) saw a beast rise up out of the sea." John is watching these 2 enemies merging together. After the church leaves this earth - verse 1 - the first beast comes from the sea. Seas in scripture speak of someone that is troubled. Today we see many troubled nations in our world. In verse 11 we see the second beast who arises from the earth. This speaks of the land of Israel. Most commentators believe that the first antichrist will be for Gentiles. The false prophet will be Jewish and empowered by Satan. 2 servants ready to take up positions in the government of the antichrist. This is something you read about in science fiction. We have seen different films of such a person coming. This is reakity. One day God will come to the air with a shout and the voice of the archangel. We will see the dead in Christ rise first and those still alive will also rise up to meet him in the air. These 2 men will be on the earth to rule and reign. 2 real Satan's men.
This man's popularity. In Daniel 7 he is going to come and speak great things. He will rise out of the troubled nations of the world. This man will have the answers to all these problems. "And all the world wondered after the beast." (verse 3) In verse 8 we see people worshipping the beast. When the church goes home this man will rise up. The popularity of this man. John 5 verse 43. They have rejected Jesus but such is the popularity of this man. In Daniel 8 verses 23 - 25 we read of this man coming. "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him." Paul-Henri Spaak, a former Belgian Prime Minister and one of the principal architects of what, since its origins, now become the European Union, 1957.
This man's position. No doubt as already said the dragon is setting out his purpose for this man. This is the devil's man - verse 4. The devil has finally achieved longing of his heart. He wanted to be worshipped and exalted. This antichrist is coming to rule and reign. Satan has the privilege of studying our lives and the generation before us. He has studied human nature down through the years. Knows that man has pride, a great desire for more and more. The devil will give it to them. Presents it to a lost world. Ezekiel 28 verses 12 and 13. These verses are talking of Satan before the Garden of Eden. He had the beauty and his voice was so good. He as the angel who led the chorus in heaven, in worship and praise. This created being was created perfect, no fault within. Verses 14 and 16 his dream. Isaiah 14 verse 14 he is being praised by the whole world. Remember in the wilderness when Satan was tempting Jesus. As he pointed out the kingdom he said "if you worship me, I will give you these kingdoms." Now in Revelation 14 he gives the power and position to this beast. 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 2 - 6 This antichrist is coming on the earth and all nations will worship him.
This man's praise. Verses 3 and 4 - all the world will follow after him and worship the beast. He has a death and resurrection experience behind him. When the world sees this, that he dies and is resurrected again from the dead, he is assisted by the false prophet verse 12. He is pictured as a lamb, meek and mild. The rapture comes and you are left behind. You will watch in pure amazement as you see the antichrist coming onto your television screen and you will read about him All the world will wonder at him. The bible says he dies and is resurrected again. Miracles happen all over the world and people are taken in.
The price this man demands. Let's bring it down to the nitty gritty. What's left on earth? The unsaved man or woman. The antichrist will reign through 7 years of tribulation. Verse 16 "he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads." If you are left on earth during these 7 years you will not be able to buy or sell. You will follow him. You will give him your allegiance. There is a price that is demanded of everyone left on earth. This is a serious subject, not one to take lightly. I am warning you to flee from the wrath to come. Make up your mind. The one who came into the world to save you from death to come was Jesus. He came down to this sin cursed earth. He lived for 30 years and was crucified, rejected and nailed on an old rugged cross. He died for you and I. What will you do with Jesus tonight?