Tuesday, 28 March 2023

What happens after the rapture of Jesus Christ?




We are turning to this wonderful subject we have looked at on past Sunday evenings - life in the last days upon earth.  What will life be like?  We looked at the rapture and what it means.  we thought of the signs leading up to the rapture, the promises of the rapture, the day of the rapture and last week we looked at the period after the rapture.  There will be momentous days after the rapture.  We want to look now down the line.  What happens after the rapture has happened?  2 men will take their place on this world's centre stage -  2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7. Some commentators believe that he will wield some sort of power on earth.  At present the Holy Spirit is holding and restraining the enemy on this earth.  When that is taken out of the world "then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the sprit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders."  We read of these 2 men in Revelation 13 - the beast, the antichrist himself and then the false prophet.  These 2 men will rule and reign in the final days leading up to Jesus coming again.  He will put down their reign.  The devil will be sealed for 1000 years.  What will life be like on earth from the rapture to the revelation of the antichrist?  Jesus was 33 years old when he left this scene of time.  Maybe it will be 30 years from the rapture until the antichrist will be revealed, we don't now.  

The promotion of such a man.  I see in this chapter the promotion of these 2 men.  The devil is supervising their arrival.  The emerging of these 2 end time leaders - verse 1 "And I (John) saw a beast rise up out of the sea."  John is watching these 2 enemies merging together.  After the church leaves this earth - verse 1 - the first beast comes from the sea.  Seas in scripture speak of someone that is troubled.  Today we see many troubled nations in our world.  In verse 11 we see the second beast who arises from the earth.  This speaks of the land of Israel.  Most commentators believe that the first antichrist will be for Gentiles.  The false prophet will be Jewish and empowered by Satan. 2 servants ready to take up positions in the government of the antichrist.  This is something you read about in science fiction.  We have seen different films of such a person coming.  This is reakity.  One day God will come to the air with a shout and the voice of the archangel.  We will see the dead in Christ rise first and those still alive will also rise up to meet him in the air. These 2 men will be on the earth to rule and reign.  2 real Satan's men.

This man's popularity.  In Daniel 7 he is going to come and speak great things.  He will rise out of the troubled nations of the world.  This man will have the answers to all these problems.   "And all the world wondered after the beast." (verse 3)  In verse 8 we see people worshipping the beast.  When the church goes home this man will rise up.  The popularity of this man.  John 5 verse 43.  They have rejected Jesus but such is the popularity of this man.  In Daniel 8 verses 23 - 25 we read of this man coming.  "We do not want another committee, we have too many already.  What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking.  Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him." Paul-Henri Spaak, a former Belgian Prime Minister and one of the principal architects of what, since its origins, now become the European Union, 1957.

This man's position.  No doubt as already said the dragon is setting out his purpose for this man.  This is the devil's man - verse 4.  The devil has finally achieved longing of his heart.  He wanted to be worshipped and exalted.  This antichrist is coming to rule and reign.  Satan has the privilege of studying our lives and the generation before us.  He has studied human nature down through the years.  Knows that man has pride, a great desire for more and more.  The devil will give it to them.  Presents it to a lost world.  Ezekiel 28 verses 12 and 13.  These verses are talking of Satan before the Garden of Eden.  He had the beauty and his voice was so good.  He as the angel who led the chorus in heaven, in worship and praise.  This created being was created perfect, no fault within.  Verses 14 and 16 his dream.  Isaiah 14 verse 14 he is being praised by the whole world.  Remember in the wilderness when Satan was tempting Jesus.  As he pointed out the kingdom he said "if you worship me, I will give you these kingdoms."  Now in Revelation 14 he gives the power and position to this beast.  2 Thessalonians 2 verses 2 - 6  This antichrist is coming on the earth and all nations will worship him.

This man's praise.  Verses 3 and 4 - all the world will follow after him and worship the beast.  He has a death and resurrection experience behind him.  When the world sees this, that he dies and is resurrected again from the dead, he is assisted by the false prophet verse 12.  He is pictured as a lamb, meek and mild.  The rapture comes and you are left behind.  You will watch in pure amazement as you see the antichrist coming onto your television screen and you will read about him  All the world will wonder at him.  The bible says he dies and is resurrected again.  Miracles happen all over the world and people are taken in.

The price this man demands.  Let's bring it down to the nitty gritty.  What's left on earth?  The unsaved man or woman.  The antichrist will reign through 7 years of tribulation.  Verse 16 "he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads."  If you are left on earth during these 7 years you will not be able to buy or sell. You will follow him.  You will give him your allegiance.  There is a price that is demanded of everyone left on earth.  This is a serious subject, not one to take lightly.  I am warning you to flee from the wrath to come.  Make up your mind.  The one who came into the world to save you from death to come was Jesus.  He came down to this sin cursed earth.  He lived for 30 years and was crucified, rejected and nailed on an old rugged cross.  He died for you and I.  What will you do with Jesus tonight?

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

The Second Coming of the Lord




We have been looking at the scripture teaching of the Second Coming of the Lord.  What a tremendous event that is.  I think of the first time he came as a baby and how the angels came down to the hillside, spoke to the shepherds and explained the message to them "for unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2 verse 11)  Not a doctor, not a philosopher, not a theologian but a Saviour.  He was willing to die on the cross for our sins.  The Lord is coming again.  There are 2 stages to the Second Coming - what we have called the rapture, the first stage when the Lord comes to the air, when he separates the clouds, the voice of the archangel will be heard and the trump of the Lord will sound.  The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and the dead in Christ shall rise first to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  1 Corinthians "behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep."  (1 Corinthians 15 verse 51) We could be the generation living and alive when Christ himself comes again.  The second stage is the revelation and that comes 7 years later.  That is when the Lord comes, will set his feet on the Mount of Olives.  Revelation 1 verse 7 "behold he cometh with the clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him."  He will put down the anti-Christ and Satan will be bound for 1000 years.  We want to continue on with this theme of the rapture.  We looked at it under the signs of his coming - we looked back to the days of Noah and society then - a riotous and reckless society.  They did not heed or listen to the word of God.  They didn't realise he was building a refuge for when the Lord would come.  We looked at the grounds of his coming.  One day he will come again - that is his promise.  The features of his coming.  The secrecy and suddenness of his coming.  Tonight I want us to take our thoughts around the rapture - what it will be like on this earth immediately after the rapture.  The Lord is coming and coming to take home every saved man, woman, boy and girl.  What will it be like after that here on earth?

The chaos.  Imagine the scene as the Lord comes to the air.  The trumpet will sound, the voice of the archangel will be heard, bodies will rise from our cemeteries, graves will open up to raise bodies up to the air to be reunited with their souls.  1 Thessalonians 4 verse 17.  There could be a generation still living.  Maybe even us.  All will take place in the twinkling of an eye.  Those left this scene of time who loved their Saviour, walked with their Saviour died and left this scene of time.  When Jesus comes with those same souls, their bodies will be caught up to meet those souls in the air.  The word "prevent" is used as a hindering word meaning to prevent something.  In the scriptures it means to go before.  Paul is saying if this was to happen tonight the dead will rise first.  We will not go before them, we which are alive will also be caught up.  Imagine the chaos after that great event.  Think of the society in Noah's day - Jesus said there will be 2 in the field, 1 will be taken and the other left .  Talking here of the rapture, the coming of the Saviour.  Two will be working in the field when one will be raised up to meet the Lord in the air.  One is saved and the other is not saved.  Not some religious ritual tonight.  Men and women saved by the grace of God, turned from their sins, repented and trusted the Lord as Saviour.  One saved and the other is not, one is taken and the other left.  Imagine some of our banking institutions around the world when board members will be taken.  On our roads, imagine the saved travellers taken from their cars and others left.  It is hard to imagine the reality.  Airports, shops, families and loved ones.  There will be one left behind.  It is harsh and a reality tonight.  Can you imagine loved ones gone in the twinkling of an eye? Maybe standing speaking to someone.  Just imagine the chaos.

The confusion.  Where has everyone gone?  Can you imagine the news headlines too.  Trying to explain the great phenomena happening around the world.  Beds emptied, vast numbers disappearing in a second from this world.  Let me take you back to the Old Testament scriptures.  2 Kings 2 Elisha and Elijah were out walking together and as they walked together Elijah is taken up into the clouds in a whirlwind.  Elisha saw it and cried out "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more."  Walking side by side, one was taken.  The young prophets were confused.  They came to find their master and asked where he had gone.  "We need to search for him in case the Holy Spirit has taken him up then cast him down on some mountain."  For 3 days they searched for him.  The thought of being taken.  They searched to no avail.  In Genesis we read of Enoch.  He died just like Elijah, he was taken up into heaven.  Hebrews tells us "by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found."  A man taken from the streets of the village in which he lived, from his neighbours, his loved ones.  They didn't know where he was gone.  Hebrews tells us they searched for him.  Is it possible that moments after the rapture that confusion will settle in? Trying to find people.  God has taken them.  We are not talking about religious denominations.  As God looks down on this world he sees 2 groups of people, those saved and those lost.  Over 100 years ago the Titanic sank into the icy waters.  There were 2 lists put up - one with those who had been saved and one with those who were lost.  Only 2 lists.  There was the upper class, the middle and lower classes when they set off but now there are only 2 lists, one saved and one lost.  In God's eyes there are only 2 classes of people - those trusting in Jesus and those not.  If you haven't taken your place at that banqueting table why not do so tonight.  Jesus talked of this world like a field  A man sowed his seed.  They noticed tares in it and the servants asked if he wanted to pull them out.  The man told them to wait until the harvest and they could separate them then.  There are plenty of people going through the motions today.  They go to church, say their prayers, read their bibles but when Jesus comes again what happens - they are left behind.  Why are there some Christians left?  Some might be so confused.  There is a profession without a possession.  Jesus spoke of those who came to the door at the hour when Christ came again.  "We have eaten and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets." (Luke 13 verse 26) Jesus says "I never knew you."  Don't make that mistake tonight.  Will you be left or go to meet him in the air?  It all depends on your trust in Christ.  It matters if you have been to the cross tonight .  Churches will be open and the minister is there behind his desk with the congregation gathering together.  Some of the choir will be taking their places.  The minister is not saved by the grace of God.  He has a form of religion.  He reads the bible, calls out the hymns, reads the liturgy but is not saved.

The conspiracies.  They will come fast, we are entering a state of lawlessness.  Satan can deceive the nations of the world.  1 John 4 verse 3 "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come and even now already is it in the world.".  This spirit was already at work in Paul's day.  When the church goes home we will see this man arise and the false prophet will rise to the fore.  All the theories will be made and people will listen to them.  The Holy Spirit is gone.  The spirit of truth has been set aside.  There will be those saved through the tribulation.  Evolutionists will come, they will say we have moved on to another period.  There will be many theories - many will say aliens have come down and taken all the people away.  The theories will abound.

The crime.  Can you imagine the crime rate of those days when the Holy Spirit is removed.  No restraining power.  Today our world is wicked but even in all that God has still a say in it.  When the church is removed from this earth that restraining power is set aside for the mystery of iniquity doth already work - 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."  These 7 years - never was a time like it before nor again.  The appearance of the antichrist will appear on this earth.  He is the devils advocate, seen as one with all the answers, solving all the worlds problems.  He is waiting to come to the fore.

Sunday, 19 March 2023

The Shunammite woman



2 Kings 4 verses 8 - 17

This woman's motherhood came later on in life.  When we look at her in light of scripture there are certain characteristics we can notice and apply them to our lives today.  

The Shunammite woman - notice her spiritual description.  As the Holy Spirit looks into this home he sees a husband and wife.  She is described as "a great woman" verse 8.  In the New Testament scriptures Barnabas is referred to as "a good man".  God has his own men and women and describes them in this way.  This woman made acquaintance with Elisha on his way to Shunem.  Of all the travellers going that way this one man stands out to the woman.  In the early church the Pharisees criticised and condemned the early disciples but they could not deny "they had been with Jesus."  In the eyes of God this was a great woman.  It could have been maybe because of her wealth, riches, standing in the community.  Some times you find that attachment.  Job for instance was called the greatest of all because of his flocks and herds.  Mabe it was because of her generosity, care, love, compassion, nature, big heart and love for others.  Maybe known for hospitality, made people feel welcome in her company.  Tabitha or Dorcas in Acts died and the widows standing around her bedside were broken hearted.  This woman had been so good to them.  They held the garments she had made for them. She cared for others.  Isn't God wonderful that he could look on this woman and describe her as great because of the hospitality she showed.  Maybe for us it is the welcome we give to others as they come into the house of God.  Barnabas was sent to Antioch to see how the work progressed.  The church in Jerusalem knew Barnabas could give them the report they needed.  Why?  Because he was "a good man".  Verse 8 "she constrained him to eat bread."  She did everything in her power to get him to come into her home, just to sit down and eat a meal.  Maybe at first he was reluctant but she kept inviting, kept asking.  In Acts 16 Lydia was in the city of Philippi selling her wares.  When it came to the Sabbath day she went outside the city to a prayer meeting and heard Paul preach.  Someone came and told her about that meeting.  It is one thing to sit and pray for people to come into church but we need to have a vision to encourage people to actually come in.  Lydia went out to the riverside.  Today we are living in the last days when Jesus could come again.  We need to invite people to hear the gospel of Christ.  Luke 14 verse 23 "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled."  He wanted his servant to persuade the people to come in.  The Hebrew translation of "great" indicates she was a religious woman.  She was living a godly life, turning people to God.  What a testimony to have.

She had a spiritual discernment.  This is another spiritual quality.  She was walking in the ways of God.  She had the ability of discernment.  She could see this man walking past her house.  Something strikes a chord in her heart, she realises this is a holy man of God.  Verse 9 :she said to her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually."  Remember Eli when Samuel was in bed and God spoke to him.  Samuel ran to Eli 3 times and it was then that Eli perceived it was the Lord.  This woman perceived in her heart that this was a man of God.  She was able to identify this man's spiritual condition.  We do not have to turn ourselves into judges but we need discernment.  We need to see the spiritual need all around us.  The Christian man can be darkened.  We do not see the spiritual need all around us.  Paul in Athens looking all around him could see the many wonderful places architecturally but he was more concerned with the spiritual darkness in the hearts of the people.  They were steeped in religious ideas, worshipped the gods of wood and hay.  His heart was stirred within him.  When was the last time my heart was stirred at the thought of unsaved men and women?  People going out into a lost eternity.  Thinking of men or women closing their eyes for the final time, stepping out into God's eternity for the final time.  When was the last time our hearts were stirred to the coldness and apathy of people around us?  Paul was grieved when he saw the whole city given to idolatry.  We have lost that urgency, we are just going through the motions, attending church today.  Maybe this woman's husband never gave a second thought to Elisha's passing each day.

The spiritual development of this woman.  This woman is growing in the grace of God.  We should never stop growing in the things of God.  On each visit this woman restrained Elisha, she didn't give up.  There are people who will restrain us but we should never give up.  This woman wanted to see this man come into her home.  Don't give up on your loved ones.  Keep trusting, praying and inviting.  In verse 8 we see that Elisha was now coming into her home.  A friendship was developing.  Verse 10 "Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table and a stool, and a candlestick."   She felt there was more she could be doing.  She is developing spiritually, doing what she could.  Opening up her home to him, giving hospitality.  She felt there is more she could do.  We might invite people but maybe there is more we could do.  This woman wanted to make every effort for the Lord.  She wanted to do more. We should never get to the stage where we feel that is it, we become content.  Philippians 3 verse 13 "I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  This woman was willing to share everything she had, everything she had belonged to God.  All we have is God's.  It is only loaned to us.  Some day I will leave it all behind.  Are we striving for more?  Is God putting a finger on your life and mine that something more could be done for God to do.

A spiritual desire - verse 13.  The man of God realises what she has done.  He is so thankful.  Elisha asked if she wanted a word put to the king for her but she wanted none of that.  She was happy and contented with what she had.  Paul told us in Colossians 3 verse 17 "whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him."  If we are only looking for a clap on the back it is no use.  We want to see men and women coming into church and changed as a result of what they hear. It was said of Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 31 verse 21 "And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God and in the law and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart and prospered."  Everything should be laid on the altar for God today.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

The Wise and the Foolish Builder




I am sure many of you will look back at the foundation of this church.  From humbling beginnings and hopeful expectations that God would do great and mighty things.  No doubt you will also have seen the progression of the work and I am sure you can say "the Lord has done great things for us."  The necessity of building for time and for eternity - what are you building your life on?  For time or for eternity?  The Lord here brings us face to face with 2 builders.  Both had the desire to build a house.  From the outside it looked good.  From the outside they made many difference choices.  When the storm came it put the 2 builders and the 2 buildings to the test.  One could not stand the force and collapsed, the other stood through the storm.  Why did this happen?  Nothing to do with the external looks.  The difference was in the foundation.  One was very wise and made wise choices, he made sure his house was built on the rock.  A sure foundation.  He knew his house would last.  He had to have a sure foundation so that when floods came it would stand.  The other was foolish.  The decisions he made resulted in the downfall of his house.  Jesus told many stories in his ministry.  Some listened and others did not.  He likened those who listened to the wise builder and those who didn't to the builder whose house collapsed.  Is my life like one of those builders?  Am I listening?  Am I building for time and for eternity?

The wise builder.  Before he did anything he thought very carefully of the consequence of his actions.  He wanted his building to stand the test of time.  He made a decision to have a firm base to rest on.  The foundation would be unseen but he thought of the very essence and substance of his home.  He had to have a firm foundation to endure the elements of nature.  He did everything possible to stop it being washed or blown away.  When the wind did come and blew against his home it stood because it had a good foundation.  Verse 25.  This wise building is a picture of the wise man who builds his life upon God.  A good foundation.  He is not shunning good advice.  What about you?  Have you been wise?  Have you thought hard about future days?  The brevity of life?  Wise preparation must be made for the great eternity.  James 4 verse 14.  One day we will die. If we die having laid a good foundation in this life it will be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  If you want to live for all eternity in heaven we must make sure our life is based on a good foundation.  What are you building your life on today?  Are you building on the affairs of your life or a solid foundation?  There is a solid rock where people can stand on, for those who have put their faith and trust in Christ.  Are we standing on a solid foundation in everything?  It is possible that your faith will stand?  The redeemer has opened the way to a lasting foundation at the place called Calvary.  Have you put your trust upon the cross?  Jesus the creator of all things has laid the only foundation that will last for time and eternity.  You must ask yourself "am I standing on this foundation?"  You might have great respect for the things of God, are an attender in the house of God but are still not standing on the firm foundation.  No works of righteousness will save us.  It is only the mercy of God.  Titus 3 verse 5.  You cannot reject the rock Christ Jesus and expect to get into heaven.  The only thing that will matter when your life is over is that you have placed your whole life on the true foundation.  Have you done that?  Are you saved?  Are you standing on the rock Christ Jesus?  Could you say "my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness ... all other ground is sinking sand"?  The man built his house on the rock.  Be wise, come to the rock Christ Jesus.

The foolish builder.  How foolish.  He never stopped to think of the consequences of his actions.  Why was he not wise like the builder who built so near to him?  Why did he not take a look at the decisions of the wise builder?  He was foolish in his actions.  He was full of his own ideas.  He thought his house was untouchable,  If you are building on a sinking foundation so near an individual that is building on the sure foundation.  As you live your life for the temporal you are watching someone living that life for the eternal.  You see them witnessing for the Lord, see yourself without hope.  You see that person singing the hymns with joy, for you it does not touch you, you are unmoved.  Through the preaching of God's word the unwise watch the wise make the right decisions but they continue to make the wrong decisions.  Think on that as you observe the life of that saved person with that life of yours.  Would that not compel you to make the right decision?  How tragic to be so near for time and yet so far for eternity.  How awful to be an observer of everything that is lovely but end up in a lost eternity.  Don't continue to be an observer.  Go through the familiarity, come to the rock Christ Jesus.  Experience his salvation for yourself.  As far as the world was concerned he was wise in all he did.  The foolish man lives for the present and self.  There is a big bad world out there that would encourage you to live for self and for the here and now.  The world will never encourage you to stop building for self and start building for eternity but don't heed the voice of the world, don't go with the flow.  I wonder are you just living for the here and now?  Are you going with the flow?  Listening to the world's voice?  How foolish to be so engrossed in the present that you make no preparation for the future.  They had the same opportunity.  Nothing stopping him from counting the cost or building in the right place.  The foolish man made the choice to build on sinking sand.  He made a choice with regard for the rest of his life.  How many are doing the same tonight.  Many are given many occasions to put their trust in the rock Christ Jesus, refusing to do so.  Could it be that you are one of them?  You have been given opportunity after opportunity to come to the Lord but you are refusing.  There is nothing stopping you from receiving the Lord.  All obstacles have been removed but still you are not saved.  You are rejecting the only foundation, the only Saviour who could save you from a lost eternity.  The decision was irreversible.  He crossed a line.  He could not change the bad choice he made.  A bad foundation was in place.  His house was built.  He could now hear the wind.  He could now see the rain.  He could see the rising floods but it was too late.  There was nothing he could do to prevent the downfall of the house when it came.  Verse 27.  What a tragedy.  It could have been different.  He could have been in the comfort of his house listening to the wind, watching the rain.  Sadly he had to watch the outcome.  It was away out of his control.  How tragic it would be if you crossed the line and were taken from this scene of time, out into the great eternity and it was irreversible.  On that great day will you be standing on a good foundation, with your faith and trust in Christ Jesus?  If you are taken out into eternity will you have anything to stand on when the wind of judgment blows on you?  You will crumble and fall into a lost eternity.  To avoid such a prospect will you not come to the rock Christ Jesus and be sure you are standing on a firm foundation?  Will you make the hymn writer's words your prayer "rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee. Let the water and the blood from thy riven side which flowed, oh be of sin the double cure, cleanse me from its guilt and power."  The Saviour made mention of the fact that the fall of this foolish man's house was great - verse 27.  How great will be the fall of those who die without the rock of ages.  They will be sinking for ever in the ark of eternity - "for whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20 verse 15)  Great will be the fall of those who do not heed the fall of those who do not build on the rock Christ Jesus.  Having looked at the wise and foolish builders what are you going to do?  Are you going to be wise and come to the rock Christ Jesus?  Or are you going to continue to be foolish?  I trust you will be wise.  Jesus Christ loves you and has died for you.  He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven but he is coming again.  When he comes will you be standing on a good foundation?

Going Forward with the Lord - Anniversary Services 12 March 2023



EXODUS 14 VERSES 10 - 18

As the children of Israel marched from the land of Egypt, affliction and terror was behind them but the Lord was with them.  God intervened and raised up Moses to lead his people on the right way.  There was clear guidance from the Lord in the darkness of the night and in the light of day.   The Children of Israel had a great leader and clear guidance from God to take them forward.  On their heels where the chariots of Pharaoh.  When the Children of Israel raised their eyes and saw them coming towards them it cast a spirit of defeatism.  As far as they were concerned it was all over.  It would be better to turn back, better to be under the slavery of the Egyptians.  God was leading them forward.  God spoke and told them to move forward because he would be with them.  The Christian life is full of twists and trials, difficulties.  It is crucial to take our eyes off the circumstances and continue to go forward with God.  There are a number of truths to point out.

We need to go forward despite the problems that defeat us.  This was on another level.  The present circumstances gave no opportunity for the future.  Verse 10.  The strong enemy was coming behind them.  They stood unarmed, defenceless.  A great army was behind and the sea was before them.  They looked and saw all the obstacles but they failed to look at the pillar of fire.  As long as they fixed their eyes on the Lord they were safe but the moment they took their eyes off the Lord and looked back at the enemy they became greatly afraid.  The Lord wants us to make spiritual progress and it will never happen if we keep our eyes on the problems.  We will stop making advances but on the Lord we will make progress.  What problems are we facing today?  Problems focus on the enemy.  They found difficulty in turning their eyes with the Egyptians coming behind them.  Focus on the Lord totally.  You might find it hard to fix your eyes on what is ahead but you must look to the Lord.  There may be no hope for the future but looking to God will give a clear direction for the future.  They thought their past was more promising that their future.  Verse 11.  In the midst of the great trouble the people of God had a great change of heart and mind.  They complained about the present circumstances.  They were doubting the Lord to do great and mighty things.  All of a sudden the Lord's arm was not shortened that he was unable to work miracles.  They doubted the almighty power.  How could thy doubt it?  The goodness of God could never be false.  It is easy to put full confidence in the Lord when all is going well.  However, the moment opposition and trouble arise our faith is turned to fear.  Total dependence on the Lord is turned to doubt.  Does our faith in Lord remain strong when difficulties comes?  Do we continue to depend completely on the Lord or like the Children of Israel do we start complaining to the servant of God about the way of God?  They complained to Moses and asked to go back to Egypt.  That was more promising and convincing than their present state.  How much disappointment does it take us to make us unhappy with the Lord's will?  The people of God were thinking of their present with no prospects for the future.  The past was more promising than the future.  Is this not the word of God?  Verse 12 The people were convinced the enemy would catch up with them and thy would die in the wilderness.  They challenged Moses, they should have been left down in Egypt.  They thought they had it better in Egypt.  As far as the people were concerned Moses was to blame.  When the hand of God is forgotten people start to imagine the worst scenario.  The people of God thought it best to stay in Egypt - if we had remained in Egypt we would not be experiencing this now.  They were living in the moment of regret.  No need to regret because if we are following the will of God we have no need to fear God.  The will of God will not lead you where the grace of God cannot lead you.

Go forward depending on the power that holds.  Moses listened to the people, gave them a word of encouragement, assured them of God's intervention.  God is able to work in the midst of hopeless situations.  When the child of God goes forward in God's strength there is no need to fear.  Verse 13.  What a word of calmness for those captivated by the enemy.  They had no need to despair.  Matthew Henry said "we need not look on those enemies we fear who God looks on with contempt."  Is there something in your life that causes you to fear?  Are you fearful of those things which are behind you or of those things in front of you?  God takes care of our past, present and future.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever therefore we need not fear.  "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee; year I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah 41 verse 10 )  It is worth noting that there are 365 "fear nots" throughout the word of God, one for every day of the year.  Take hold of them.  There is no need to fear when we depend on the one who holds us  Just as the people were about to flee in every direction Moses told them to stand still and wait on the Lord.  They had just marched out of Egypt in the will of God and now they were commanded to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.  We feel an obligation to be active when things seem so fatal.  Standing still may be the most difficult thing to do but it may be the most effective way to solve our problems.  The people could have thought it was mad to stand still but it was the best course of action.  Standing still when facing difficulties is not what we want to do but it is the best thing we can do.  Quite often we go through circumstances that are out of our control.  We are powerless to do anything, therefore it is right to stand still and allow the Lord to have his way.  Psalm 46 verse 10 "be still and know that I am God."  When we depend on the power that holds us there is no need to fear or to fight.  Verse 14 "the Lord shall fight for you."  Moses was confident that all the chariots of Pharaoh would be brought to nought and he imparted that to the people.  He directed them to bring their fears to the Lord.  What is burdening your heart right now?  Are you grappling with something that is way beyond your ability, out of your control?  Don't fight it.  Take your burden to the Lord in prayer and leave it with him.  "Cast thy burden with the Lord and he shall sustain thee." (Psalm 55 verse 22)  The Lord will fight for you and he will sort it.  "Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there" the hymnwriter said.  When we depend on the power that holds us there is nothing that we need fear or fight.

Go forward deploying the plan that helps us.  God has plans to deliver the Children of Israel, to defeat the enemy.  It was personal - verse 16.  The way forward was through the sea.  God needed the obedience of one mere man to fulfil his plan.  The Lord is still looking for willing and obedient servants to accomplish his plans.  The Lord wants to perform wonders through you and your life but you must be obedient to his commands.  You might say "what can I do for the Lord, what can the Lord do through me? I have nothing to give."  All the Lord asked was for Moses to be obedient, to stretch out his hands over the sea.  The way of escape for the people would be made.  The Lord takes the small insignificant things we have and shows wonders for his glory but we must be obedient.  God can use us and our resources - 1 Corinthians 1 verse 27.  The plan was powerful - verse 17.  Observe the language of the Lord "I will harden ... I will get me honour."  The people of God could see it all unfolding around them.  God was doing a work in the heart of the enemy.  God is sovereign and he rules over all the affairs of man.  He will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, lead them into destruction.  Unknown to them they were marching to ruination.  Their hearts became so hardened they followed the Israelites into the Red Sea.  When they arrived at the other side Moses stretched out his hand again and the sea closed over.  God delighted to bring deliverance to his people.  He would bring an end to their enemies.  We can say that God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.  God has the power to deliver in any situation and to perform wonders beyond our imagination.  Ephesians 3 verse 20.  The plan was also purposeful - verse 18.  God could have delivered his people any other way but there was a purpose in delivering them this way - the Egyptians would know that there was a God in heaven looking over and fighting for his people.  "and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord."  God works wonderfully to show forth his majesty and mastery.  May we see the Lord in our day and generation doing reckless things for us so that all those who seek to stand against God's will will know that there is a God in heaven.  God wants to take us forward with him both individually and collectively. 

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Barnabas - a good man, full of faith and the Holy Ghost




ACTS 4 VERSES 32 – 37

Over the past 4 Sundays we have been considering the thoughts of church membership.  What it means, what we can give and receive.  How important church membership is.  It is important to every one of us.  We read in this passage of a man called Barnabas.  Think of him as a member of the local fellowship.  He is highlighted here for certain qualities he possessed and the many activities he was involved in.  He was given a name by the apostles – Barnabas – which means one who consoles.  He was an exhorter.  Isn’t that what we need in these days? Someone who is there to encourage, exhort, to build up? The bible says of him that he was “a good man, full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost and much people were added to the Lord.”  That is the qualification of a church member – a man or woman who is good, full of faith and the Holy Ghost.  Proverbs 22 verse 1 says “a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.”  This man was simply an encourager.  He stepped forward when others stepped back.  He was there when people slipped into the background.  He was there to lift up the morale of the church.  The church at this time was going through persecution.  They needed encouragement and Barnabas gave it.

A distinguished man.  The disciples called him the son of consolation.  He stood out to them.  A man who brought comfort.  When he walked into the room something happened.  There is no doubt he was one of the multitude that believed, were set apart.  Why?  Because he was born again of the Spirit of God.  We know people who are “good” people but they are not born again, have a personal relationship with God.  This man was saved by the grace of God.  He came under the convicting hand of God, he closed in with God’s offer of mercy.  The distinguishing feature of this man was the presence of God within him.  That is what we strive for.  Not that we have any goodness of ourselves but that God is within us, the hope of glory.  When we look at Joseph and his life we see he had his ups and downs.  At 17 years of age he was rejected by his brothers, thrown into a pit and sold to traders going to Egypt.  Then in Egypt he was sold again into Potiphar’s house.  He was bought into a good home.  Potiphar knew there was something different about him.  Then when things went wrong again Joseph was marched off to prison.  He had hit rock bottom again but there was something about him that the prison keeper recognised.  The Lord was with him. (Genesis 39 verse 21) Think of the prophet Elisha and the testimony he bore.  As he walked past the woman’ house she said “I perceive that this is a holy man of God.” (2 Kings 4 verse 9) What a testimony to have.  Thank of Daniel.  He was carried away into Babylon at 12/13 years of age.  In Babylon he made his stand.  He told them he could not eat the kings food nor drink the wine.  Why?  Because it had been offered to idols.  He asked to be tested with different food.  Daniel and his 3 friends proved themselves to be men of God.  We see him much later when Belshazzar ate and a hand started to write on the wall. Belshazzar brought in the scribes and wise men but no-one could interpret the writing.  Belshazzar’s grandmother remembered a young man.  She referred to him in this way “I know a man in whom the Holy Spirit of God rests.” (Daniel 5 verse 11)  What a testimony.  Distinguished by a testimony.  You and I need that same experience just as Barnabas had.  He was a Levite, living among the Gentile nation.  He came from that family which handled the things of God, could have thought himself to be someone but he cast it all aside.  Thomas Watson, Puritan Preacher of the 1600’s said “the right manner of growth is to grow less in ones own eyes.”  Yes it is good to grow in grace as a Christian but we can get puffed up too.

A dependable man.  Think of Jonah, one of the minor prophets.  He wasn’t very dependable - when asked to go and preach in Nineveh he went out and fled from the presence of the Lord.  But previously we read that God used him in the days of Jeroboam.  We read of Dorcas in Acts – she was very dependable.  When she died the widow woman came carrying the garments she had made for them.  In Acts 18 we read of a man and woman who had to flee because of persecution.  They gave up their homes and livelihood.  They were the couple who took Paul under their wing when he came to Corinth.  When things happen sometimes it means God is going to use us in a mighty way (Acts 18 verses 1 to 3).  That same couple heard a man in the synagogue one day preaching the word of God.  They realised something was missing in his preaching.  They didn’t ridicule him but rather took him to one side and explained the gospel to him more fully.  Think of Joshua and Caleb, 2 of the spies sent to Canaan.  They could be depended upon and sure enough they brought back a good report.  Moses was told by God to tell the people to teach their children the things of God.  We are to be dependable in the home but also in the work place too.  In Acts 13 we see a little fellowship in Antioch to whom God told them to “separate unto him Paul and Barnabas for the work whereunto I have called them”.  God had a work specifically for Barnabas to do and only he could do it.  God has a work plan only you are asked to do.  Can he depend on you?  Every member of the church has to be like that – dependable.  Samuel was a little boy but he got up every day to open up the doors of the temple and then closed them at night.

A discerning man.  In Acts 11 we see a door to the Gentiles was being opened.  The believers in Jerusalem needed someone to go down to Antioch.  They chose Barnabas to go.  When Barnabas arrived he could see the grace of God.  He took back a great report.  He had worked with them, comforted and encouraged them.  Then he went and found Paul because he knew they needed to be taught the word of God.  He didn’t judge people.  He recognised a work of God.  In 2 Timothy 1 verse 17 we read of a man called Onesiphorus.  He went and sought Paul out very diligently even when he was in prison.

A man of devotion.  Verse 37 – “having land sold it, brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet.”  He was devoted to the work of God, to the people of God.  He was willing to give up everything just to meet their needs.  He wanted the money from the sale of this land to be used as the need arose.  The cost that came as a result of being a follower of Jesus.  It should cost us something to be a disciple.