Monday, 9 August 2021

The Mark of the Beast




Many say today that credit cards and bar codes are the mark of the beast.  In a sense we are living in that era where "the mystery of iniquity doth already work" (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7).  Paul qualifies it by saying "only he now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."  The spirit of the antichrist is at work.  There is a restraining power present today.  Only when God takes away the restraining power will we see the full venom of the antichrist.  When Paul had taught the church of Thessalonica in the things of God he warned them "let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (2 Thessalonians 2 verses 3 - 6)  People were deceiving the people of Thessonalica, they thought Christ's coming had already happened.  "Remember ye not that when I was yet with you, I told these things?"

First of all notice the scene for this mark - verse 1.  John says "I stand upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns and upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."  In Daniel 7 we see that this is Satan's man rising up.  One day the Lord will leave his father's side and come to the clouds with a voice and the shout of the archangel and the dead in Christ shall rise first." (2 Thessalonians 4)  Everyone that has been saved by the grace of God will rise.  The body will rise and the soul will be reunited together.  Then you and I if we are saved by the grace of God and are alive at that time shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.  At that point the devil will introduce this man. He is talked about in Revelation 13.  He wll take the throne and reign for 7 years.  During that period Christians will appear at the Judgement Seat and will receive rewards for service here on earth.  Here on earth there will be 7 years of the worst and terrible years.  For 3 and a half years there will be a time of peace when everything will be fine.  The antichrist will be reigning then but after that things will go downhill.  He will be asked to be worshipped in the temple of God.  Daniel 7 verses 1 - "Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters."   In verse 2 we read "I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea."  In Revelation 17 we read about "many waters" which is really a multitude of peoples - the nations of the world.  Daniel sees this great scene as winds striving across the sea.  Not just one wind but blowing from the north, south, east and west - agitations - this is the  kingdoms of the world.  Certain degree of agitation.  This man coming up from the sea no doubt will be accepted as having all the answers to all the problems of the world.  The devil's man.  This world is crying out for such a man right now.  The whole world will follow after him.  The church of Thessalonica bore a great testimony.  1 Thessalonians 1 verse 9 they "turned to God from their idols to serve the living and true God" - sincere and true repentance.  When we turn to God from our idols - sincere and true repentance, put our trust and and faith in Christ, we are saved by grace.  The Thessalonian church turned to God from idols.  They were going through with God.  This church repented of their sin and turned to God.  They were waiting for the day when Jesus would come again.  The devil steps in to deceive, to take the joy they had.  He wanted to bring confusion.  Daniel looking at the troubled seas and saw 4 beasts rising up.  First the lion, second like a bear, third a leopard and the fourth kingdom was so terrible and could not be described.   4 kingdoms arising out of the sea.  Fourth beast caught Daniel's imagination.  Sees the beast coming up.  Sees the 10 horns coming up and as he watched he saw a smaller horn "before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things." (verse 8) If we were to go to Revelation 13 the 10 kings form a confederacy of the nations.  In verse 16 the mark of the best is introduced.   The antiChrist has not come on the scene today, we have not the mark of the best.  The scene of the mark.

The subtlety of the mark.  John sees another beast in verse 11 coming up out of the earth.  The earth speaks of Israel.  This is of course is the devil's great plan.  He will place him into the place of prominence,  He will be a religious leader who is easy to listen to.  He will be promoting the first beast all the time.  The people are listening to him, they have nothing to fear because of his description - "a lamb."  A beast arising from the sea and another one from the land.  Verse 11 states this beast speaks as a dragon - now notice verse 2 "and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authoity".  this is the devil described as the dragon.  Now go to verse 12 "and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."  All the earth shall worship him - verse 9 but there are still people whose names are being written in the Lambs book of life.  There are people being saved during this terrible time and being added into the kingdom of God.  In verses 13 and 14 we see that the devil can do miracles - "And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live."  Remember when Moses went down into Egypt and confronted Pharoah to let the children of Israel go, he threw down his rod and it became a serpent.  Pharoah's own priests could do the same thing.  The devil gives power to this man.  He can cause fire from heaven because all will follow him.  In verse 14 we see they even make an image to the beast and in verse 15 the image speaks.  This will take place some time during this 3 and half years.  In Jesus day the religious leaders asked him to show them a sign that they might believe in him but no sign was given.  Jesus said that in this day they will have signs galore to deceive them into the whole world rising up to worship the beast and follow after him.  




The very next great event we are looking forward to is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One day the Lord will leave his father’s side once again, will leave the praise and glory of the angels and will come, not as baby nor will he go to the cross of Calvary. This time he is coming to the air as the King of kings and Lord of Lords.  In 1 Thessalonians 4 we read there will be a shout, a trump will sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who are saved through his precious blood will be caught up together with him in the air.  We will be with him forever – what a day that will be! 

This mark will be a mark that distinguishes those who show allegiance to the antichrist, who will follow him wholeheartedly.  During the 3 ½ years of his reign there will be still those who will come through for the Lord.  In Daniel 7 we read of 4 winds in verse 2, then of 4 great beasts who will arise in verse 3.  In Verses 4 – 6 there is a description given of the 4 beasts.  In verse 7 a further beast will arise.  The beasts represent nations.  This fourth beast was different than the others – it had 10 horns.  Daniel begins to consider these horns.  Out of them comes a smaller horn.  The 10 horns represent nations who give their authority to one man – they move aside and give him their problems.  The world is holding him in high anticipation as a great leader politically and militarily.  He wants this role.  Matthew 24 states “watch ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place.” (verse 15)  Everyone will have to look to the image that is created, to worship it.  We noticed the setting or the scene last week and the subtlety for the mark.

Now let’s look at the source for the mark.  Revelation 13 verse 16 ”And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.” The source of the mark is coming from the mind of this second beast.  2 men – one comes up from the nations and one from Israel itself – the antichrist and the false prophet.  The false prophet will get allegiance from Israel and give allegiance to the antichrist.  He will be like a lamb, politically a spin doctor, takes everything from the first beast and makes it plausible to the world.  This man exerciseth the power of the first man and causeth the earth to worship the first man.  In verses 12 and 13 we see this man has the power and authority to call down fire from heaven.  In verse 14 he claims great miracles to appeal to everyone.  In verse 15 we see that he can make the image speak.  Then in verse 16 “he causeth all … to receive a mark.”  This mark will not be given until the reign of the antichrist.  We are certainly moving into this realm of time but not yet there.

The scope of the mark – “and he causeth all”.  Some bible commentators suggest that this is actually what the people want.  To show allegiance to this great man, the most prominent man in all the world.  God has given a name to his people – Revelation 7 verse 1 – 4, Revelation 14 verse 1.  The antichrist gives a mark – Revelation 13 verse 16.  To whom will it be given?  To old and young, those in high society and those who are poor, to those who are free or in slavery. They are lining up to receive the mark.  All must submit to it.  The only choice available in that day is whether you receive it on your forehead or on your right hand.

The severity of the mark.  The mark will dictate every day activity of everyone on earth – Revelation 13 verse 12 “and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.”  Notice that last phrase “whose deadly wound was healed”.  Is there an actual attempt made on his life and he then was resurrected from the dead?  In Revelation 11 we read of 2 witnesses who were allowed to finish their testimony of preaching the word of God.  Nothing can happen tot hem until they have completed this (verse 7).  Then the antichrist puts them to death and as a result many gifts are sent.  In those days unless people have the mark no business contracts can be signed.  There will be no buying or selling without the mark.  This could happen at any time – are we ready for Jesus’ coming again today?  Are we getting our families ready for such a day?

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