ACTS 13 VERSES 1 – 5
Consider this church at Antioch. It seems as if God lifts the lid and takes us
into the inner circle to the very prayer time.
Here we see some of the great exploits of the apostle Paul. A springboard. Prayer is where God’s work begins. Paul remembers back to when he was saved,
when he made his way into Damascus and was staying in a house there. God told Ananias to go and meet with Paul
specifically including the words “behold he prayeth”. God knew all about this young man. That encouraged me when I thought of that
phrase. Isn’t it wonderful how God hears
prayers? Hears the prayer of a young
convert just saved. God instilled into his
heart to pray. I wonder has the Lord known
about me praying this week? God was
concerned about this young convert praying.
As we come into the prayer time God lays it on our heart what he wants
us to pray for. Here in this chapter a group of people in Antioch were praying
for the work of God to go forth. The Holy
Spirit came and told them “separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto
I have called them.” As we pray God
might turn the tables on us. Maybe
praying about someone specifically and God turns it back on us, to actually do
something, to put feet to our prayers. Commentators
believe this was actually during a time of prayer.
The assembly that is meeting – “as they ministered to
the Lord”. Here they were in a prayer
meeting, ministering to the Lord, seeking God’s face. Praying for the work of God to go forth. The Lord’s heart was in this work. There were those who were prophets
ministering, practising their gifts, using that which God had given them. “And teachers” explaining the word of God to
one another. Practising their gifts. Are we doing the same? That talent God has given you to enhance the
work of God? The implication by many is
that they were praying together. Chapter
11 verse 19 “they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose
about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice and Cyprus and Antioch.” Verses 22 and 23 Barnabas was sent to Antioch
and he seen “the grace of God and was glad”.
What did he do as a result of that?
He “exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto
the Lord”. In other words - to go deeper
with the Lord. When God saves our souls
he gives us a hunger for the things of God.
It is important to go on with the Lord.
Important when people get saved who are maybe not used to coming to a
bible believing and teaching church, to make sure they are established in
such. If they don’t the danger is that
they can fall back again. It is important
to keep going on and through with God. Keep
short accounts with God. Notice in
chapter 11 verse 24 the description of Barnabas. In verse 25 we read “then departed Barnabas …
to seek Saul. And when he had found him
he brought him unto Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they
assembled themselves with the church and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians
first in Antioch.” Barnabas sought Saul out
and encouraged himself into the work of God.
That is part of our ministry today.
When we see some coming through for Christ we should be encouraging them
to get involved in the work of God.
Barnabas looked out for the things and people of God. He encouraged him in the work of God to get
involved, to become part of the prayer team in the church. This is what revival is. The writer to
Hebrews said “we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.”
(Hebrews 10 verse 25) Make sure we are
there. That is what this church
did. When they came together God
spoke. Imagine if Paul and Barnabas hadn’t
been there, missed the meeting and missed the calling of God on their
lives. “But exhorting one another and so
much the more as you see the day approaching.”
Are we encouraging one another today in the place of worship and
prayer? In Acts 12 we read that Peter is
in prison. In verse 5 we read “but
prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” As a result God moved in the church. In Acts 4 the people of God were beaten and
put in prison. When released they went
to their own company. Verse 23 what did
they do when they were let go “they went to their own company and reported all
that the chief priests and elders had said unto them.” Then in verse 29 we read they prayed “that with all boldness they may speak thy
word.” Precise in their prayers – verse 32
we are told they were of “one heart and of one soul.” An outpouring of the Holy Ghost came on them.” Verse 31 “and they spoke the word of God with
boldness”. Remember Hezekiah in the Old
Testament. When the enemy came to attack
the city he laid out the letter and was very precise in his prayers – 2 Kings 19
verse 15 – 19 “Lord … save us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the
earth may know that thou art the Lord God, even thou only”. Hannah 1 Samuel 1
verse 27 was very precise “for this child I prayed and the Lord hath given me
my petition which I asked of him.” Do we
pray for our children? Do we lift the names
of our families and pray specifically for them?
The access the Lord had. They were open to the word of God. For God to do something specifically. Acts 13 verse 2 “separate me Barnabas and
Saul”. A precious ministry. The Lord had plans for the work. It is important that the Lord can speak to
us. We need to come with some expectancy
that the Lord would separate for him one person. The Lord had access into the time of prayer. During the revival of Duncan Campbell’s time
there were two elderly ladies in the Hebrides not able to be out at church but
met with God in their own home. They prayed
before God and he specifically spoke to them.
We need to have our ears open to God.
When those 2 women prayed they could see a vision of the church being
filled with people. They sent for the
minister and elders to start praying for such a future. Think of the Laodicean church in Revelation,
too busy to hear God speaking to them.
Think of Samuel hearing God’s voice in the night. He ran to Eli who realised that it was God and
told him to say “speak Lord for thy servant heareth.” Think of Peter on the roof top and God had to
communicate with him about Cornelius.
Giving him the key into that family.
A Roman Centurion, a Gentile. The
Lord showed Peter what to do. Think of
Noah building the ark. God had told him
he would flood the earth but told him to build an ark. When the last nail was put in God gave him
specific instructions “come now into the ark.” Noah’s wife came, his sons came,
his sons wives came also. Tremendous God
had access to his life and the influence he bore on his family. What a responsibility to be a father. Remember Lot when he went into his family and
told them they had to leave as God was about to pass judgment on Sodom. They laughed at him. They sought his life. He had no influence on them. Noah was different, his wife and sons and
their wives followed him. Influence
because God had access.
The assurance of their calling. God had a work for them. He needed Saul and Barnabas to go. It is the same God and the same Holy Spirit who
speaks and convicts today. He shows us
our need of salvation. He breaks into our
lives. He wants to come into your life
today. He wants to save you, to take
away your sins and make you ready for heaven and home. Don’t depend on the thrill of something that happened
a few years back. Repent of your sin and
accept Christ as your Saviour today.
Think of Philip coming to Samaria.
He had preached Christ unto them.
God moved in a mighty way and people were saved and healed from all manner
of disease. (Acts 8 verse 7) God through
the Holy Spirit spoke to Philip and told him to leave that place and go toward
the south to the desert. There Philip
saw an Ethiopian in a chariot and he drew near to him. God spoke and Philip listened, then he
obeyed. Great blessing came as a result
through one man being saved that day.
Let God speak to you today. He
has something new and fresh for us to hear.
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