Sunday, 29 August 2021

No man having put his hand to the plough ...




Text: "No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." verse 62

Why did Jesus end up making this statement?  Jesus often spoke in parables and picture form to help us understand what he was saying.  The plough Jesus was referring to here was probably pulled by oxen, horses, animals, an animal of some sort.  The person came holding onto the plough.  Jesus spoke to a large multitude of people at this time.  The parable states there were 5000 men, women and children. When the plough went deep into the earth you can see the determination and commitment that is required.  Spiritually Jesus is saying no-one who has sought the Lord as their personal Saviour putting their hand on the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.  Consider 10 w's in this chapter - why did Jesus make such a statement? 

The witness of this chapter - verses 1 and 2.  This chapter is taken over a number of days in the ministry of the Lord Jesus.  The first thing he gave them was power and then authority.  In the evangelical church have we lost the power and authority today?  A very challenging and sobering thought.

The welfare of this chapter - verses 13 - 17.  The account of the feeding of the 500 men but more likely women and children present there too.  Jesus told his disciples to give them something to eat.  The disciples wanted to send them away.  When he told them to give them something to eat they responded "we have no more than 5 loaves and  fishes".  Jesus responded by saying "make them sit down by fifties in a company".  The disciples were looking at the physical needs but Jesus' priority was their spiritual.  His disciples failed the test.  The little chorus comes to me "little is much when God is in it".  The 5 loaves and 2 fishes were all that was needed.  Jesus took the loaves and fishes, looked up to heaven, blessed the food and broke it and then gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.  The disciples failed to see that little is much when God is in something.  We often think we have little to give to the Lord and his work.

The whosoever of this chapter - verse 23 "if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."  This is not easy.  We all find this hard.  We are living in a very changing society today.  In the evangelical church a lot of Christians want the cross but they don't want the cost.  It is costly to follow Christ.  Not just Sunday taking up the cross but daily. The cross is symbolic of salvation and forgiveness, getting a right relationship with God and being on the road to heaven.  We want that, desire it but along with that comes the cost.  We are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Christ.  Whe have lost the desire of the cost of the cross.

The wonder of this chapter - verse 28.  The account of the transfiguration.  We have moved forward 8 more days in Jesus' ministry.  Put yourself in the disciples shoes.  Often we can be critical of them.  Maybe though we might not have done anything different.  Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus was transformed. Moses and Elijah came into their midst.  What an amazing experience.  Do we witness the wonder of God coming down in our midst or have we lost it?  Verse 28 "went up into a mountain to pray".  the greatest and most powerful weapon we have as Christians is prayer yet we neglect it.  The least attended meeting is the prayer meeting.  No church is different.  Is it any reason we are not seeing the wonder of God coming down in our midst?  We are not where we ought to be in the place of prayer.

The weariness of this chapter - verses 32 and 35.  Peter and James and John were heavy with sleep  Not experiencing anything of this transfiguration.  Peter when we woke up decided they needed tabernacles for each of these men.  In verse 35 we read that a voice came from heaven "this is my beloved son hear him."  Here we see Peter, James and John who should have experienced the full wonder of the transfiguration but missed it through weariness, lack of enthusiasm and dedication.  That is why the church is not seeing the moving of God as they ought to - because we are half sleeping.  Weary.  Not really where we ought to be.  Galatians 6 verse 9 "let us not be weary in well doing if we faint not."

The weakness of this chapter - verse 40 and 41.  Now we have stepped into the account of a father who brought his son to Jesus.  The son was demon possessed, it was destroying his life up to this point.  This man had heard of Jesus, he came to the right place for help but the disciples were not able to help.  In the first verses of this chapter we read that Jesus called his 12 disciples and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure all diseases.  However with this son they were not able to deliver him from his demons.  The church today has lost its power and authority.  Why - because they always are looking back.  Good to do that but the present matters.

The wisdom of this chapter - verse 48.  Moving on a few days Jesus took a child and said "whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me for he that is least among you all the same shall be great."  A little child, just one.  A cup of water given in my name.  Have we the vision for one chil?.  We miss one generation we have a pagan nation.

The warning of this chapter - verses 49 and 50.  Earlier the disciples were not able to cast out demons themselves.  Now they met someone who was able to do it and they told this man to stop but what did Jesus say "forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us."  Spiritual sectarianism is what is happening in the church today.  Certain people will not go into a certain church if they are not belonging to their denomination.  If we are born again believers, washed in Jesus' blood we should not allow that to happen.  We need to check our hearts.  We all know what sectarianism is in our province - bitterness, hatred, anger, everything contrary to the word of God.  We put more effort into divisions today than bringing people together.

The willingness of this chapter - verses 57 and 58.  Someone said to Jesus "Lord I will follow thee withersoever thou goest"  Jesus gave a tremendous answer to this man "foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the son of man hath no where to lay his head."  What was the Lord trying to say to him - this world is not your home.  If you are going to follow me take up your cross and follow me.  You have to leave the world behind you.

The worst of this chapter - verses 59 - 62  "Then he said unto another Follow me" but he wanted to go and bury his father.  Verse 61 another person said he would follow Jesus but he waned to go back and say farewell to those at home.  A very reasonable request want to bury father or say farewell to friends at home.  Notice in verses 59 and 61 the words "let me first go."  Jesus was not put first - that is what we need to do - put Jesus first.  Jesus would not take second best.  Reasonable request but then Jesus told him "no man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God."  Paraphrase this phrase - no-one having put his hand on the plan and purpose on his life then looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.  Here we have everything we need to be born again but we are not exercising it.  Not committed, not dedicated, not putting what we need into it.  Recently in the Olympics  we witnesssed athletes putting there all into their chosen sport and as a result won the medals.  Let us be committed wholly and solely to the word of God, to the things of God, to the place of prayer that we might know the plan and purpose of God.  So that one day we might hear "well done thou good and faithful servant enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 25 verse 21.

Monday, 9 August 2021

The Mark of the Beast




Many say today that credit cards and bar codes are the mark of the beast.  In a sense we are living in that era where "the mystery of iniquity doth already work" (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7).  Paul qualifies it by saying "only he now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."  The spirit of the antichrist is at work.  There is a restraining power present today.  Only when God takes away the restraining power will we see the full venom of the antichrist.  When Paul had taught the church of Thessalonica in the things of God he warned them "let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (2 Thessalonians 2 verses 3 - 6)  People were deceiving the people of Thessonalica, they thought Christ's coming had already happened.  "Remember ye not that when I was yet with you, I told these things?"

First of all notice the scene for this mark - verse 1.  John says "I stand upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns and upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."  In Daniel 7 we see that this is Satan's man rising up.  One day the Lord will leave his father's side and come to the clouds with a voice and the shout of the archangel and the dead in Christ shall rise first." (2 Thessalonians 4)  Everyone that has been saved by the grace of God will rise.  The body will rise and the soul will be reunited together.  Then you and I if we are saved by the grace of God and are alive at that time shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.  At that point the devil will introduce this man. He is talked about in Revelation 13.  He wll take the throne and reign for 7 years.  During that period Christians will appear at the Judgement Seat and will receive rewards for service here on earth.  Here on earth there will be 7 years of the worst and terrible years.  For 3 and a half years there will be a time of peace when everything will be fine.  The antichrist will be reigning then but after that things will go downhill.  He will be asked to be worshipped in the temple of God.  Daniel 7 verses 1 - "Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters."   In verse 2 we read "I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea."  In Revelation 17 we read about "many waters" which is really a multitude of peoples - the nations of the world.  Daniel sees this great scene as winds striving across the sea.  Not just one wind but blowing from the north, south, east and west - agitations - this is the  kingdoms of the world.  Certain degree of agitation.  This man coming up from the sea no doubt will be accepted as having all the answers to all the problems of the world.  The devil's man.  This world is crying out for such a man right now.  The whole world will follow after him.  The church of Thessalonica bore a great testimony.  1 Thessalonians 1 verse 9 they "turned to God from their idols to serve the living and true God" - sincere and true repentance.  When we turn to God from our idols - sincere and true repentance, put our trust and and faith in Christ, we are saved by grace.  The Thessalonian church turned to God from idols.  They were going through with God.  This church repented of their sin and turned to God.  They were waiting for the day when Jesus would come again.  The devil steps in to deceive, to take the joy they had.  He wanted to bring confusion.  Daniel looking at the troubled seas and saw 4 beasts rising up.  First the lion, second like a bear, third a leopard and the fourth kingdom was so terrible and could not be described.   4 kingdoms arising out of the sea.  Fourth beast caught Daniel's imagination.  Sees the beast coming up.  Sees the 10 horns coming up and as he watched he saw a smaller horn "before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things." (verse 8) If we were to go to Revelation 13 the 10 kings form a confederacy of the nations.  In verse 16 the mark of the best is introduced.   The antiChrist has not come on the scene today, we have not the mark of the best.  The scene of the mark.

The subtlety of the mark.  John sees another beast in verse 11 coming up out of the earth.  The earth speaks of Israel.  This is of course is the devil's great plan.  He will place him into the place of prominence,  He will be a religious leader who is easy to listen to.  He will be promoting the first beast all the time.  The people are listening to him, they have nothing to fear because of his description - "a lamb."  A beast arising from the sea and another one from the land.  Verse 11 states this beast speaks as a dragon - now notice verse 2 "and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authoity".  this is the devil described as the dragon.  Now go to verse 12 "and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."  All the earth shall worship him - verse 9 but there are still people whose names are being written in the Lambs book of life.  There are people being saved during this terrible time and being added into the kingdom of God.  In verses 13 and 14 we see that the devil can do miracles - "And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live."  Remember when Moses went down into Egypt and confronted Pharoah to let the children of Israel go, he threw down his rod and it became a serpent.  Pharoah's own priests could do the same thing.  The devil gives power to this man.  He can cause fire from heaven because all will follow him.  In verse 14 we see they even make an image to the beast and in verse 15 the image speaks.  This will take place some time during this 3 and half years.  In Jesus day the religious leaders asked him to show them a sign that they might believe in him but no sign was given.  Jesus said that in this day they will have signs galore to deceive them into the whole world rising up to worship the beast and follow after him.  




The very next great event we are looking forward to is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One day the Lord will leave his father’s side once again, will leave the praise and glory of the angels and will come, not as baby nor will he go to the cross of Calvary. This time he is coming to the air as the King of kings and Lord of Lords.  In 1 Thessalonians 4 we read there will be a shout, a trump will sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who are saved through his precious blood will be caught up together with him in the air.  We will be with him forever – what a day that will be! 

This mark will be a mark that distinguishes those who show allegiance to the antichrist, who will follow him wholeheartedly.  During the 3 ½ years of his reign there will be still those who will come through for the Lord.  In Daniel 7 we read of 4 winds in verse 2, then of 4 great beasts who will arise in verse 3.  In Verses 4 – 6 there is a description given of the 4 beasts.  In verse 7 a further beast will arise.  The beasts represent nations.  This fourth beast was different than the others – it had 10 horns.  Daniel begins to consider these horns.  Out of them comes a smaller horn.  The 10 horns represent nations who give their authority to one man – they move aside and give him their problems.  The world is holding him in high anticipation as a great leader politically and militarily.  He wants this role.  Matthew 24 states “watch ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place.” (verse 15)  Everyone will have to look to the image that is created, to worship it.  We noticed the setting or the scene last week and the subtlety for the mark.

Now let’s look at the source for the mark.  Revelation 13 verse 16 ”And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.” The source of the mark is coming from the mind of this second beast.  2 men – one comes up from the nations and one from Israel itself – the antichrist and the false prophet.  The false prophet will get allegiance from Israel and give allegiance to the antichrist.  He will be like a lamb, politically a spin doctor, takes everything from the first beast and makes it plausible to the world.  This man exerciseth the power of the first man and causeth the earth to worship the first man.  In verses 12 and 13 we see this man has the power and authority to call down fire from heaven.  In verse 14 he claims great miracles to appeal to everyone.  In verse 15 we see that he can make the image speak.  Then in verse 16 “he causeth all … to receive a mark.”  This mark will not be given until the reign of the antichrist.  We are certainly moving into this realm of time but not yet there.

The scope of the mark – “and he causeth all”.  Some bible commentators suggest that this is actually what the people want.  To show allegiance to this great man, the most prominent man in all the world.  God has given a name to his people – Revelation 7 verse 1 – 4, Revelation 14 verse 1.  The antichrist gives a mark – Revelation 13 verse 16.  To whom will it be given?  To old and young, those in high society and those who are poor, to those who are free or in slavery. They are lining up to receive the mark.  All must submit to it.  The only choice available in that day is whether you receive it on your forehead or on your right hand.

The severity of the mark.  The mark will dictate every day activity of everyone on earth – Revelation 13 verse 12 “and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.”  Notice that last phrase “whose deadly wound was healed”.  Is there an actual attempt made on his life and he then was resurrected from the dead?  In Revelation 11 we read of 2 witnesses who were allowed to finish their testimony of preaching the word of God.  Nothing can happen tot hem until they have completed this (verse 7).  Then the antichrist puts them to death and as a result many gifts are sent.  In those days unless people have the mark no business contracts can be signed.  There will be no buying or selling without the mark.  This could happen at any time – are we ready for Jesus’ coming again today?  Are we getting our families ready for such a day?

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Separate unto me Saul and Barnabas for the work whereunto I have called them




ACTS 13 VERSES 1 – 5

Consider this church at Antioch.  It seems as if God lifts the lid and takes us into the inner circle to the very prayer time.  Here we see some of the great exploits of the apostle Paul.  A springboard.  Prayer is where God’s work begins.  Paul remembers back to when he was saved, when he made his way into Damascus and was staying in a house there.  God told Ananias to go and meet with Paul specifically including the words “behold he prayeth”.  God knew all about this young man.  That encouraged me when I thought of that phrase.  Isn’t it wonderful how God hears prayers?  Hears the prayer of a young convert just saved.  God instilled into his heart to pray.  I wonder has the Lord known about me praying this week?  God was concerned about this young convert praying.  As we come into the prayer time God lays it on our heart what he wants us to pray for. Here in this chapter a group of people in Antioch were praying for the work of God to go forth.  The Holy Spirit came and told them “separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.”  As we pray God might turn the tables on us.  Maybe praying about someone specifically and God turns it back on us, to actually do something, to put feet to our prayers.  Commentators believe this was actually during a time of prayer.

The assembly that is meeting – “as they ministered to the Lord”.  Here they were in a prayer meeting, ministering to the Lord, seeking God’s face.  Praying for the work of God to go forth.  The Lord’s heart was in this work.  There were those who were prophets ministering, practising their gifts, using that which God had given them.  “And teachers” explaining the word of God to one another.  Practising their gifts.  Are we doing the same?  That talent God has given you to enhance the work of God?  The implication by many is that they were praying together.  Chapter 11 verse 19 “they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice and Cyprus and Antioch.”  Verses 22 and 23 Barnabas was sent to Antioch and he seen “the grace of God and was glad”.  What did he do as a result of that?  He “exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord”.  In other words - to go deeper with the Lord.  When God saves our souls he gives us a hunger for the things of God.  It is important to go on with the Lord.  Important when people get saved who are maybe not used to coming to a bible believing and teaching church, to make sure they are established in such.  If they don’t the danger is that they can fall back again.  It is important to keep going on and through with God.  Keep short accounts with God.  Notice in chapter 11 verse 24 the description of Barnabas.  In verse 25 we read “then departed Barnabas … to seek Saul.  And when he had found him he brought him unto Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people.  And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”  Barnabas sought Saul out and encouraged himself into the work of God.  That is part of our ministry today.  When we see some coming through for Christ we should be encouraging them to get involved in the work of God.  Barnabas looked out for the things and people of God.  He encouraged him in the work of God to get involved, to become part of the prayer team in the church.  This is what revival is. The writer to Hebrews said “we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10 verse 25)  Make sure we are there.  That is what this church did.  When they came together God spoke.  Imagine if Paul and Barnabas hadn’t been there, missed the meeting and missed the calling of God on their lives.  “But exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching.”  Are we encouraging one another today in the place of worship and prayer?  In Acts 12 we read that Peter is in prison.  In verse 5 we read “but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.”  As a result God moved in the church.  In Acts 4 the people of God were beaten and put in prison.  When released they went to their own company.  Verse 23 what did they do when they were let go “they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them.”  Then in verse 29 we read they prayed  “that with all boldness they may speak thy word.”  Precise in their prayers – verse 32 we are told they were of “one heart and of one soul.”  An outpouring of the Holy Ghost came on them.”  Verse 31 “and they spoke the word of God with boldness”.  Remember Hezekiah in the Old Testament.  When the enemy came to attack the city he laid out the letter and was very precise in his prayers – 2 Kings 19 verse 15 – 19 “Lord … save us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord God, even thou only”. Hannah 1 Samuel 1 verse 27 was very precise “for this child I prayed and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him.”  Do we pray for our children?  Do we lift the names of our families and pray specifically for them?

The access the Lord had.  They were open to the word of God.  For God to do something specifically.  Acts 13 verse 2 “separate me Barnabas and Saul”.  A precious ministry.  The Lord had plans for the work.  It is important that the Lord can speak to us.  We need to come with some expectancy that the Lord would separate for him one person.  The Lord had access into the time of prayer.  During the revival of Duncan Campbell’s time there were two elderly ladies in the Hebrides not able to be out at church but met with God in their own home.  They prayed before God and he specifically spoke to them.  We need to have our ears open to God.  When those 2 women prayed they could see a vision of the church being filled with people.  They sent for the minister and elders to start praying for such a future.  Think of the Laodicean church in Revelation, too busy to hear God speaking to them.  Think of Samuel hearing God’s voice in the night.  He ran to Eli who realised that it was God and told him to say “speak Lord for thy servant heareth.”  Think of Peter on the roof top and God had to communicate with him about Cornelius.  Giving him the key into that family.  A Roman Centurion, a Gentile.  The Lord showed Peter what to do.  Think of Noah building the ark.  God had told him he would flood the earth but told him to build an ark.  When the last nail was put in God gave him specific instructions “come now into the ark.” Noah’s wife came, his sons came, his sons wives came also.  Tremendous God had access to his life and the influence he bore on his family.  What a responsibility to be a father.  Remember Lot when he went into his family and told them they had to leave as God was about to pass judgment on Sodom.  They laughed at him.  They sought his life.  He had no influence on them.  Noah was different, his wife and sons and their wives followed him.  Influence because God had access.

The assurance of their calling.  God had a work for them.  He needed Saul and Barnabas to go.  It is the same God and the same Holy Spirit who speaks and convicts today.  He shows us our need of salvation.  He breaks into our lives.  He wants to come into your life today.  He wants to save you, to take away your sins and make you ready for heaven and home.  Don’t depend on the thrill of something that happened a few years back.  Repent of your sin and accept Christ as your Saviour today.  Think of Philip coming to Samaria.  He had preached Christ unto them.  God moved in a mighty way and people were saved and healed from all manner of disease. (Acts 8 verse 7)  God through the Holy Spirit spoke to Philip and told him to leave that place and go toward the south to the desert.  There Philip saw an Ethiopian in a chariot and he drew near to him.  God spoke and Philip listened, then he obeyed.  Great blessing came as a result through one man being saved that day.  Let God speak to you today.  He has something new and fresh for us to hear.

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Revival in Naomi's heart




Revival comes when God revisits his people once again.  It is not a sensation we can have in a meeting.  God does it in response to our hunger for God.  During the period of Judges there was a low social and spiritual climate, one of the lowest points in the history of Israel.  A time when sin came into the people's lives and hearts.  A period of disappointment and time of turning backs on God.  God would then send captivity to the people and deliverance would come through a man or a woman.  This went on for 400 years.  The spirit of the age of that time was evident in the time of Ruth.  Judges 21 verse 25 "in those days there was no king in Israel, every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  Revival came to the heart of Naomi.  She made her way back to the land of blessing.  Elimelech and his wife Naomi sat down one night.  There was a famine in the land they were living in.  They hadn't much to eat, to keep their family together.  They began to hear about how there was plenty in the land of Moab.  They decided to pack up and go down into the land of Moab to stay there for a while.  What did that mean for Naomi and Elimelech and their 2 boys?  They left the place where God would have them to be in, where they knew the calling of God.  It is dangerous to go against that.  Bethlehem Judah was called the house of bread.  Here they were living in the house of bread and moving to a pagan land to be satisfied.  Some times that is what happens.  Some times we do thing to satisfy ourselves.  We feel that if we were in such a place we would be happy and glad.  We are willing to walk away from the people and promises of God, wiling to leave that all behind.  Her husband and 2 sons died and Naomi made a decision - verse 6 - she would return to Bethlehem.  What was she told?  Whenever she went back to Bethlehem the people didn't know her.  Similar to the prodigal in the New Testament who took his fathers money spent it on in riotous living then made a decision to go back to his fathers house.

Notice this witness was a faithful witness.  Someone said this was an angel who came from heaven to tell her directly to go back but we are not told that specifically.  Maybe it was a traveller who told here what was happening in Bethlehem.  This witness wanted to tell others - what a tremendous witness.  Rather than sitting back with this message he realises people needed to hear.  Maybe it was a family member.  He wanted to go down and tell the family in Moab what God was doing.  He wanted to share this blessing.  Isn't that revival - when God does something for us.  We want to tell others what he has saved us from.  Whenever we realise the love and mercy of God in sending his son into the world to die on the cross for our sin we want to tell that to our loved ones and family circle.  Remember the man who lived among the tombs cutting himself.  No-one would go near him.  One day the Lord met with him.  He wanted to follow Jesus wherever he went but Jesus told him to go home and tell his family, his neighbours and community of the great things God had done for him.  We read the story in the Old Testament of the city of Samaria being under seige.  4 lepers sat on the outside gate.  They gazed on the enemy camp every day.  They thought to themselves 'if we went down to the camp and they took pity on us and fed us that would be good.  If however we were put to death what would we lose?'  They decided to go down.  As they went down there was no enemy, but there were tables of food prepared.  They began to eat and ate their full.  2 Kings 7 verse 9 when their stomachs were full they turned to one another "we do not well: this day is a day of good tidings ... come that we may go and tell the king household."  They were faithful in their witness and it took 4 men to go down and tell what God had done.  4 other men carried their friend to Christ, let him down through the roof on a stretcher, set him down at Jesus' feet and as a result God healed that man.  We need to be faithful witnesses for Christ today.

A faceless witness - verse 6.  "For she had heard" not told who it was that told Naomi the message .  We don't know anything about it.  Those on the outside of the gates of  Samaria were faceless men but they proved what God could do.  They took news back to their own camp.  We are called to be faithful people Paul said writing to some of the churches he never visited.  The woman at the well told the local men "come see a man that told me all things whatsoever I have done, is this not the Messiah?"  The people flocked to her and saw who this man was.  A result of her faithful witness.  In the great revival movements we see some of the main characters - Whitfield, John and Charles Wesley, think of others like Duncan Campbell and Nicholson - named people but there are those others who are not named.  People who have prayed that God would move in a mighty way - Duncan Campbell told the story of one man, a butcher who he had prayed with in a back room.  This butcher explained God had laid it on his heart to pray for Greece.  'Why would God lay it on your heart to pray for Greece, do you even know where Greece is? Duncan Campbell asked.  The butcher replied 'No but God knows and God asked me to pray for them.'  2years later Duncan Campbell was in a meeting listening to a man preaching the word of God.  He paused to give an illustration on such a time when he was visiting Greece and was asked to preach.  God began to move in the assembly.  People got saved, committed their lives to Christ.  That man was asked to stay on for 2 years and teach the people.  Duncan Campbell sat down and counted it out, worked back to the day he spoke to the butcher praying for Greece.  A nameless man, a faceless witness.

A fearless witness.  Maybe this news came through a good friend.  What did it mean for the messenger - it meant that he would enter into a pagan land where God was not worshipped.   He spread this news of what God was doing back in Bethlehem.  Fear would be on him, he might be arrested and possibly put to death.  When this famine came this family made a bad decision but this witness was thinking about them.  Maybe he remembered the day when they said they were going to go to Moab.  When he heard the news of how God had visited his people again in Bethlehem he had wanted to rush off and tell others about this good news.  He didn't sit back.  He wanted to go, he was wiling to go, such devotion and desire to tell this family,  Is there a little family you could tell today?  Is there a man or woman you could tell about God and what he has done for you?  Is there someone today you could say 'I would love to see you saved.'  The way of the trangressors is hard.  They need encouragement.  CT Studd said 'some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell but I want to run a rescue ship within a yard of hell.'  Someone once asked a prison visitor what he did.  'I do a very dangerous work'.  They replied 'what do you mean you do a dangerous work.'  'Well I try to get as near the gates of hell as possible and turn as many back as I can.'  This was a fearless witness.  Naomi said "do not call me Naomi but Marah meaning bitterness."  She had been through so much and was now coming back to the land she loved.  God desired for her to hear.  God desires to hear from you the blessing you are enjoying.  He wants you to go that person and bring them back to the Lord. He didn't hold that against Peter when he had turned his back on the Lord and denied him 3 times.  The angel on the resurrection morning said to the woman"go and tell his disciples and Peter."  The onus is on us to tell.

It was a fruitful witness.  Whenever Naomi heard the news she arose and returned to Bethlehem.  This was a dangerous witness.  We are called to witness and it is a very dangerous task.  She became a hindrance to her own daughters-in-law.  The witness brought the message.  God had visited his people.  The message was welcomed and received.  It prompted her to come back to the Lord.  Is there someone you know still on the broad road today?  Maybe one day they did walk on the narrow way, enjoyed the things of God once but now they are waiting for the messenger to tell them the news of what God has done.  His word was heard and received.  The woman at the well left everything to follow the Lord.  There was only one thing on her mind - to tell the people of Samaria.  Lets not think of revival today.  Pray for it in our hearts that we might be soul winners, the witnesses for Christ today.