Thomas is sitting amongst the disciples. He came to this meeting in a state of unbelief, doubts and fears of what is happening. Are we coming with all our doubts and unbeliefs? The Lord confronts him in that state. Isn't that what happens. Maybe there are doubts and fears in our heart tonight. The Lord comes to where we are, confronts us with all those doubts and fears in our heart. On the resurrection day the disciples met together - verse 19 - and the Lord met with them. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst." The Lord presenced himsef with them. In verse 24 we are specifically told that Thomas was not at that meeting. Not told why not. The disciples didn't leave him out of their thinking. They went and told him all that had happened on that resurrection night. They wanted to share with him. Are we sharing with others what is happening in the meetings? What the Lod can do for us? Sharing that he has risen from the dead? Seated with his father in heaven right now. This is the greatest message we could ever share. They came to him and said "Thomas we have seen the Lord." Notice Thomas' reaction - verse 25 "Except I shall see in those hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe." Verse 26 "And after 8 days again his disciples were within and Thomas with them." He didn't miss out. We miss a lot by not being in a meeting where God is present - "there am I in the midst." The recovery of Thomas.
Notice that Thomas is challenged by the word. I can see the disciples gathered there. Verse 26. Thomas brought all his fear and doubts with him. Jesus said to Thomas in verse 27 "reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing." He didn't condemn Thomas for his unbelief. He wanted to prove who he really was. Challenged him by the word of God. That is what we find tonight. The Lord challenges us through his word. On the Day of Pentecost in Acts Peter stands up and preaches of the Lord - how he came into the world, how he died on Calvary, how he was buried and rose again the third day. As the people listened the people were pricked in their hearts and cried "what shall we do?" Paul told Timothy when he was going out into the work of God "preach the word". It is the word of God that bringeth men and women to faith. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Think of David in the Old Testament who committed sin with Bathsheba. He plotted for Uriah her husband to be right in the heart of the battle. He knew he would be killed. David had Bathsheba for himself. It displeased the Lord in what he had done. The Lord sent Nathan the prophet, gave him the word to say to David. He told him a parable. A rich man who had lots of flocks and herds, wealthy in his position. One day a stranger came to his house. He wanted to prepare a meal for him. Instead of going to his own flock he went down to a neighbour who owned only one little lamb. The rich man took that lamb to feed the stranger that came to his door. David was in a rage and said "that man that did this shall surely die." Nathan told him "thou art the man." David felt the conviction in his heart and cried "I have sinned against the Lord." David was challenged by the word of God. Do you feel the challenge from God's word tonight? Are you saved by God's grace tonight? Have you ever taken the Lord as Saviour?
Confirmation by the wounds. Thomas looked at his hands and side. He realised these were the wounds of our Saviour. He cried out "My Lord and my Saviour." He needed to see the work of the cross in the Lord. It is the Saviour you need tonight, to see those hands punctured for your sin. He didn't come into the world as a miracle worker, a teacher, a preacher but he came to save to the uttermost all who come unto God through him. When he stood in that room he pointed Thomas not to some great miracle or healing he had done, just his hands and side. Charles Wesley "Five bleeding wounds he bears, received on Calvary, they pour effectual prayer, they strongly speak for me, forgive him O forgive they cry, nor let that ransomed sinner die." The hymn writer wrote "Wounded for me, wounded for me, wounded for me, he was wounded for me, gone my transgressions and now I am free, all because Jesus was wounded for me." He needed to see the worst man could do to heavens best. Thomas was able to say "he was wounded for me."
The confessing of his wrongs. He was challenged by the word of God and it is confirmed by the wounds. Now see Thomas owning up, confessing to the wrongs he had done. He was confessing he was wrong in the thoughts he had. It is a big thing to own up. Maybe he stayed away previously on purpose. He would not believe what they told him. Now he is openly confessing that. One day every knee shall bow in the presence of God. You will acknowledge that he is Lord. Wouldn't it be awful to do that in your sin and realise you will be dismissed for all eternity. You can acknowledge you have done wrong and allow him to come into your life. He was prepared to confess he was wrong. There is a narrow way tonight. The way in is by a straight gate and few there be that find it. The broad road is the way each of us have been born on. The entrance is wide. Many are on it at this particular time. Will it take a decision tonight? To get off it and go on to the narrow road. It will take a confession of your sin to do it. John 4 women at the well. She had arguments in her heart. This man was a Jew - Samaritans had no dealings with them. She held on to a religious argument. Jacob had given them this well. Maybe you are holding on to some religious argument that you don't need to be saved. You are all right, you have been brought up in a good home, you are a good person at heart. The bible says you have sinned. There has to be a confession of that. The relationship she was in was wrong. She had to acknowledge that and come to the Lord. A confession of the wrongs. The prodigal son went out from his father's house and into a foreign land. When all his money was gone and his friends too, he had nothing left. He had to go home to his father, had to acknowledge he was wrong. "I have sinned". David when Nathan the prophet came to him, had to acknowledge that he had sinned. The challenge, the confirmation of the wounds, the confession of his wrongs.
A correction of his will. This was a matter of the will. When the disciples came and told Thomas they had met the Lord he argued with them "I will not believe that." Now there was a complete turn around. He was now standing before the Lord. He said "My Lord and my God" when he saw the wounds. "Ye will not come to me that you might have life" Jesus said to the religious leaders one day. Is that what you have been saying all along "I will not come, I will go to the Lord in my own way, I will not openly confess to all and sundry I am not saved, that I am not on my way to heaven and home." Will you look to Calvary, to what he has done for you? Will you see the Lord bearing your sins on his body? He has died and risen again to suffice an angry God for you? Will you accept it for yourself tonight? Eternal life can be yours if you do.
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