Sunday, 21 March 2021





Ezekiel is here in this valley of dry bones.  It is an image of Israel. At this moment in time they are not a great nation but one day God will take them up and revive them again, to bring them back into their own land.  If we read verses 21 and 22 we can see what God will do in the future.  In verse 16 God pictures them as 2 sticks, the north and the south.  What are the principles marked out for such an event?  They are the same as God looks on the church today.  We see a man separated for God "he took me out" (verse 1).  I pray that this is not just another Sunday morning to gather here today.  Here was a man separated for God  We are to be separated for God today.  We are to bring glory and honour to his name.  Here is a man settled by God - he was set here in the valley of dry bones.  We need to be where God would have us to be spiritual speaking.  A man summoned to God - "and he said unto me" (verse 3).  We are separated unto the gospel  Are we where God would have us to be? Are we asking God to speak to us today?

Ezekiel's consideration - verse 3 God says to Ezekiel "He said unto me."  As far as he could see there was nothing but dry bones on the earth everywhere.  Then God speaks to him "can these bones live?"  Now at this point he is listening to the word of God.  Just as Isaiah the prophet came into the temple on that day, he realised he lived in the midst of a people of unclean lips and he was one too.  That day he saw the Lord high and lifted up.  I wonder how do we visualise God today?  Ezekiel said "thou knowest all things."  He knows God has the answer.  No matter what the problem may be today God has the answer if only you will allow him to come into your life.  In Mark 4 we read of a man who was dependent on his 4 friends.  He was robbed of his mobility.  He had no strength in his arms or legs.  Those friends placed him on a stretcher and carried him to Jesus.  On the way the people asked them where they were going.  They would have replied "we are taking him to Jesus."  Why?  Because the 4 men believed that Jesus can help him, raise him from the sickness.  Their eyes are on the Lord.  They considered the situation.  They considered what Jesus could do.  It was in the hands of the Lord.  Let's trust the Lord today, trust him for what he can do.  Is there someone in your home, or a difficulty in your life, a problem you have to face today.  Bring it to the Lord.  George Whitefield was preaching on one occasion.  One man was running down the footpath to where Whitefield was preaching when another man approached him and asked him "you don't believe what Whitefield preaches do you?"  The man replied "no but Whitefield does."  Do we consider that the Lord can breath into our lives, bring spiritual breath into your family, your community, your province again?   

The challenge Ezekiel receives.  Ezekiel replies in verse 3 "thou knowest".  That was a great answer.  God had asked him "can these bones live?"  Ezekiel replied "thou knowest."  We read in verse 4 "again he said unto me prophesy upon these bones."  In other words 'prove what you believe to be true.'  God was telling Ezekiel to stand in front of the bones and prophesy unto them - verse 4 "and say unto them."  The word of God alone was what he had to preach.  What a responsibility on the preacher.  There is a challenge to step up to the mark.  You have seen this, you know what I can do, now preach to these bones, give them my word.  Ezekiel must have felt silly standing at the mouth of that valley and started to preach unto those bones.  Maybe God is asking you to do something today that seems silly. God is separating you, settling you to do it, summoning you to do it.  We might have all the correct spiritual language and pray to God saying "I have faith in you to do this" but maybe he is asking us to do something about it.  Maybe we are afraid of this challenge. God is asking and challenging us.  In Mark 4 the 4 friends saw their friend, knew Jesus was in the house in Capernaum and they knew he had the power to heal that friend.  The challenge was there for them to arise and place him on the stretcher and carry him to the Lord.  They could believe all they liked but they had to do something about it.  They had to carry him to Jesus.  Remember the little boy in the crowd one day.  All he had was his lunch of loaves and fishes.  He was listening to the Lord.  He saw the Lord healing men and women.  The day was far spent and the people had no food to eat.  Even Andrew when he brought the lunch to the Lord said "this is all we have, what is that among so many?  Jesus tells Andrew "you tell the people to sit down."  He had to step up to the mark.  They were to sit down in expectation of what was going to happen.  The disciples went back to the Lord who broke the bread and fishes.  He asked the disciples to give it to the crowd.  They believed the Lord could provide for the people but now they had to do something.  Jairus was a man with a daughter of 12 years of age.  She was at the point of death.  If only he could find the Lord, get him to come to his house.  The Lord could raise his daughter again.  He believed the Lord could do it.  He pleaded with the Lord to come to his house.  He only wanted him to come and touch her.  He believed she would be raised up again.  Can you imagine the joy in his heart as Jesus comes with him.  As they get near the door, within just a few feet that door opens and a man tells Jairus that his daughter has died.  I am sure his heart sank to his boots.  Jesus said "she is not dead but is sleeping."  Jairus had to prove his faith where he stood.  Maybe this was a prominent man who told him this news, perhaps a doctor.  Maybe when he came out Jairus put weight into his words.  Jesus was asking Jairus "are you going to believe him or me?"  The Lord asks us that same question.  "Step up, surrender our life to the Lord without any excuse."  Evan Roberts, the great Welsh Revivalist emphasized the honouring of the Holy Spirit, to give God the Holy Spirit his way in the peoples lives.  Just like in Acts 2 when the disciples waited in the Upper Room.  The Holy Spirit filled them from heaven.  We need to surrender our lives to him who can fill us to the utter most.  Maybe you are still in your sin today, you need to come ot the cross where Jesus suffered and bled and died for your sins.  Or maybe you have neglected the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel complies - verse 4 prophesy, verse 5 "I will cause breath to enter", verse 7 "so I prophesied as I was commanded."  Notice the progression until the point he did as instructed.  Evan Roberts once attended a meeting where Rev Seth Joshua was the preacher.  Seth Joshua had been praying, asking the Lord to raise up a young man to lead a mighty revival in wales.  Before the meeting began that night when Evan was present, Seth asked the congregation to pray in their hearts, to ask the Lord to bend them, not the preacher but the congregation.  We need to get back to this praying again.  We can pray for souls, for foreign lands, for missionaries, for Israel and for all sorts of things but we need to get back to praying "Lord take a dealing with me."  Evan Roberts prayed that night "Lord bend me, not the person beside me or in front of me."  Isaiah in the temple prayed "Lord here am I send me."  That is what God is looking for today - for you and I to be bent of the Holy Spirit, to surrender our lives to him.  Are you prepared to surrender?  Will you comply as Ezekiel did?  Am I ready to say "yes Lord."  Maybe there is a situation in your heart and your resolve needs to be made, maybe a debt needs to be paid or someone needs to be spoken to.  Maybe God wants you to bring someone from your family to the gospel today.  Ezekiel saw a great change in verse 7.  The vision was symbolic of what would begin to start.  He heard a noise, a shaking of the bones, flesh coming into the bones and then breath.  They were able to stand up as a great and mighty army.  Are we ready to obey and follow the Lord, to say "revive me."

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