SUNDAY 7 MARCH 2021 am
The setting for this passage was Babylon, the people were exiles from Jerusalem. They were paying the price for their rebellion, rejection and obedience. God allowed them to be carried away into Babylon. They were carried away in 3 separate stages. The first raid was in 606BC when Daniel would have been carried away. The second raid was 597BC when 10,000 people were taken captive and Ezekiel would have been included in that company Then in 586BC Jerusalem was completely destroyed. Ezekiel in chapter 37 is showing what God is going to do. The bones Ezekiel saw were picture of the great nation of Israel. They didn't look very inspiring, they were helpless. Ezekiel saw something very special coming together. The bones, sinews, flesh would stand as a mighty army. Great revival was to come on the nation of Israel.
There is a separation that is called for - verse 1 "the hand of the Lord was upon me and he carried me out in the spirit of the Lord and set me in the midst of the valley which was full of bones." Separated from the nation of Israel. Maybe God is separating you right now for a very special purpose. He wants you to do something that no-one else can do. You have been selected to do it. The Lord was separating Ezekiel into a different situation. Revival was to come through one man Jeremiah 5 verse 1 "run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth and I will pardon it." Jerusalem was told to look for one person to give his will over to God. Remember Abraham - he was called out of Ur of the Chaldees and he was told to surrender his all to God. Acts 8 shows how a door would be opened for the Gentile nation, all outside the Jewish nation to come to faith in Christ - it would all begin with one man, Cornelius. Peter took the gospel down to his home. All his friends gathered in and Peter began to preach the gospel to them. The Holy Spirit fell on them. That is what happens in salvation, as we hear the great story. That God sent his son down into the world to take on himself the form of a servant, born in a manger, placed in the place of poverty. He came into the world, grew amongst men and 33 years later was nailed on an old rugged cross. Why? For you and I, that we might have our sins forgiven. Have you given your life to God today? He has opened the door of salvation to you today. Think of the boy on the mountainside with his packed lunch. He gave his all to the Lord. He was separated from the crowd and gave everything to the Lord. From that lunch the Lord fed a multitude of people. Maybe God is waiting for you to step out for him.
Ezekiel saw the state the bones were in. He recognized that God placed him in a valley. We often think of a valley being a place of defeat and despair. David likened the valley to death in Psalm 23. Only in this valley did Ezekiel see the helpless and hopelessness of the situation all around him. Ezekiel saw nothing but bones stretching across the floor. The scope was vast. He saw the state of the nation in this vision. In verse 11 we read that the people were actually saying "our bones are dry" They were without hope, cut off. What a state was before Ezekiel. This has been a year like no other. God is calling us individually today. Ezekiel saw this people in despair, distraught. When we look back on the history of Israel, we can see how God has kept his hand on them. In Egypt Pharaoh tried to destroy the Israelites but God had his hand on them. Assyria tried to destroy Israel but couldn't do it. Nebuchadnezzar couldn't do it either. Haman thought he would destroy the Jewish nation but he ended up on his own gallows. In the book of Revelation and Daniel we see the coming prince, the antiChrist will try to destroy Israel as well but they will remain to the end - why - because they are God's nation. They would be a great nation again. Ezekiel didn't see the people destitute. Jeremiah 29 verse 11 "I know the thoughts I think towards you." God had his plans for this nation. When we open the word of God we can see God's calendar is coming together. The next great event on his calendar is the coming again of Jesus to the air. The bible calls this the blessed hope. The church in Revelation chapter 3 Laodicea couldn't see their state - God saw them as poor, wretched and blind.
The suggestion that comes - verse 3 "can these bones live?" The God of heaven takes this man and asks him. Will you step up to the challenge? God is putting in to the heart and mind of Ezekiel what would take place under the right conditions. God would gather them together again to their own land and they will be my people and I will be their God. "Is there anything too hard for me?" Maybe you have someone in your family and you see nothing happening despite all your prayers down through the years - remember God is in control and he is working all things out. The people's joy was gone. There was no way back. Ezekiel was being asked by God to step out. Have we lost out because we don't believe God could revive the people again? Philip on the mountainside could see that the people were tired and hungry. He asked the Lord to send the people home. The Lord looked at him and told him to feed the people. Philip knew that even 200 pence would never feed all this people. Maybe God has a task for you to do for him. These bones could live again. God started the work in Ezekiel's heart. Maybe God is challenging us with the work of revival to begin in our hearts. Remember the man who had a son that was demon possessed. Jesus challenged the father "do you believe that I can do this." The man replied "I believe, help my unbelief." Or the Roman Centurion who had a sick servant at home. Jesus said he would come with him but the Centurion told him no, just speak the word and he would be healed. Do we have that faith to believe today?
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