Listening to the news in these past days, reading local newspapers and listening to various broadcasts some of the restrictions might now be relaxed. When we think back to the past year, we can think of some closed doors - for instance our churches and our schools but now we can see these restrictions being lifted. These doors will be opened again. One door I want to turn your attention to. The door of grace was opened on the day when Christ died for us 2000 years ago. These are verses written to the church of Philadephia and they are all about service. I want to apply it to the gospel message. God is giving us a door of opportunity and will not close it. Jesus said "I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved." The Lord is calling each and every one of us.
A door of opportunity. God says to you and I "I have set before thee an open door". Will you be wise and take a step towards that door today? A door provided by God. It is no one else but God who sets before us this door. The door of salvation was opened for us by God himself. Only he could open it. Only God made the way for you and I. Remember the word of God "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in me shall not perish but have everlasting life." I think of the story of Abraham offering up his son Isaac in Genesis 22. God challenged him to take his only son and offer him on the altar. He rises early and takes Isaac with him. Isaac asks him "behold I see the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering." Isaac asked the question on that day. There had to be a lamb involved. Genesis 22 verse 8 Abraham replies "my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering." Abraham put his son on the altar and was about to kill him when God called from heaven. There was a lamb caught in the thicket which was offered in place of Isaac. Jesus was similarly placed on Calvary. He took our place. When I turn to Genesis 6 I read there "and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every imagination of the thougths of his heart was only evil continually." Judgment came on the people but not before a substitute was provided. God has provided a way of escape. In Genesis 3 after the fall of mankind the world was cut off from God. God provided a way. There is only one way. Which way are you travelling tonight? On way to heaven and home? This world is fast approaching judgment but God has provided the way. Galatians 4 verse 4 "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." God has set before you the way of salvation, an open door but it is up to you to come and enter through that door.
A door presented. God's word says "I have set before thee an open door." He didn't hide it from us. Remember when John the Baptist saw Christ he said "behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." He was telling the people to stop what they were doing as this was of the utmost importance. Remember when Jesus was baptised and he came out of the waters the heavens opened and God the Father spoke "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." God has provided a perfect salvation for us today. The Children of Israel were in Egypt for 400 years. God saw their afflictions and he did something about it. The plan he made to deliver them was presented to them. They were to take a little lamb on that particular night to be put to death. They were to apply the blood to the door lintels and door posts. The lamb had to be slain for their redemption. The plan is not hidden from us today. When Jesus spoke to his disciples about the way to heaven Thomas said to him "we don't know where you are going, how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him "I am the door by me if any man shall enter in he shall be saved." The Lord stands at your door. He is the answer to the life you want to live.
A door protected. This is a door that is provided, presented and protected. No man can shut that door for you. That door is to heaven. Will you come and trust Jesus as your personal Saviour? When he revealed his love for a guilty world, when his son bore our sin on his body that door was opened and never would be closed by anyone. That door has been opened for 2000 years but one day it will close when Christ will come again. That is the event we are waiting for right now. The Lord is not coming to bear the sins of the world again. He is coming again to the church of Jesus Christ first and foremost, those trusting in him as Saviour and Lord. Will you rise to meet him? That is the reality. The Bible tells of that great event in Matthew 25. It is the story of the 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom, 5 were wise and 5 were foolish. Five had oils for lamps and they burned bright. The other 5 had no oil to burn. The bridegroom comes. He is a picture of Jesus Christ himself. When the bridegroom comes the wise were ready and went in with him to the marriage. The 5 who were foolish knocked that door but they were too late. The door was closed and they were not ready. That door is the door of salvation and one day it will close The opportunity was given. In the days of Noah the door to the ark was shut by the Lord himself. The door of salvation is provided, presented and protected for you too. The only one who shuts the door is you through wilful neglect and stubbornness. What will you do with the Lord? Trust him as Saviour and Lord? Or reject him once more?