SUNDAY 16 AUGUST 2020 pm
37 – 39
The Lord in this passage is looking over Jerusalem. His heart is grieved for what was about to
take place on that city. The Lord is the
Lord of the second chance. Maybe tonight
someone is listening – you have rejected the Lord the first time, even the
second time and perhaps even now a third time.
The Lord is a God of grace and he comes afresh to you once more tonight.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest
them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together,
even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not!”
This verse reveals a great promise. “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast
out.” God is saying “I would have gathered
you from all danger, you would have found safety with me.” That is your promise tonight. That is why Jesus left heaven, left the praise
of the angels behind him, to come into this world to die for your sins and my
sins. In Genesis 3 when Adam sinned and
rebelled against God that sin came into every living person. If you are not saved you are still in that
condition. A broken relationship with
the Lord. That promise is for the young
and old, for the rich and the poor. When
I go back into the wilderness in the Old Testament and see how the children of
Israel were bitten by serpents and died as a result. Moses was instructed to make a brazen serpent
and everyone who looked to that serpent would cure them. Just one look. Think of the woman in the New Testament with
the ailment for 12 years. She had tried
every doctor. Just as Jesus passed by
she touched the hem and she was immediately healed. Have you heard the call of the Lord on your
soul? Have you sat under the gospel being
preached and when the invitation came you have turned your back and rejected
Christ? The Lord comes again and gives
you another opportunity to respond to his call.
Maybe the Lord is giving you your final opportunity.
There is a symbol here of patience. The text says “how often”. After 40 years of tending the sheep in the wilderness
Moses had that failure in the back of his mind but God comes again in the
burning bush. Maybe there is a failure
in your life. You have grown cold but
the Lord comes afresh tonight. In Mark 16
verse 7 when Jesus rose again he told the disciples to make sure Peter knew,
even after 3 rejections. In Mark 6 verse
3 after Jesus had taught in the synagogue, the people asked “Is not this the
carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and of Judah and Simon?
And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.” In Luke 4 verses 28 and 29 we read that the
people in the synagogue were filled with wrath when they heard Jesus, so much
so that they cast Jesus out of the city and led him to the brow of a hill to
cast him down. Jesus continued to
persevere, he wanted to win them for himself.
If the record is kept in heaven of how often the Lord has spoken to you,
every time you have heard the invitation coming afresh but you dug in. In Revelation 3 verse 20 the patience of the
Lord is evident. He is pleading, knocking
at your hearts door. He wants to come
in. Maybe the door is still firmly
closed. He waits for you to open it from
the inside and let him in. Would you acknowledge
you need the Saviour, the one who died for your sins. In Acts 9 we read of Saul of Tarsus and how the
Lord spoke to him as he travelled, brought him to his knees. Saul asked “who art thou Lord.” The Lord replied “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest,
it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.” He was using a farming illustration. It was the picture of a farmer out ploughing. The farmer had in his hand a stick with pins
on the end. It was used to prod the animals
to keep on ploughing. The animals would kick back every time they were
prodded. Just like that Saul had kicked
back every time God had spoken to him.
He refused to listen.
The text reveals the problem.
“I have given you every opportunity, what has stopped you listening
to me?” Your stubborn will has stopped
you. The rich young ruler wouldn’t come,
not that he couldn’t come. The thief on
the cross asked to be remembered when Jesus came into his kingdom. What stops you getting saved? It comes to a decision. Remember the rich man and the poor man
Lazarus in the gospels. When the poor
man Lazarus died he was carried into the heavens by the angels. He was saved by the grace of God. The rich man in hell opened up his eyes, lost
for eternity. Balaam said “let me die
the death of the righteous.” Paul said “it
is absent from the body and present with the Lord.”
This text reveals a great error.
Some 40 years later Jerusalem was overrun by the enemy and the temple
pulled apart. This is an opportunity God
has given to you. Rejection follows judgment. “It is appointed unto man once to die and
after this the judgment.” The Lord has
taken that judgment on himself. He offers
you a free pardon. It means repenting
and turning from your sin. Come and trust
the Lord with all your heart and believe in him.
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